/[PAMELA software]/yodaUtility/yodaUtility.cpp
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Contents of /yodaUtility/yodaUtility.cpp

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Jun 14 07:21:35 2006 UTC (18 years, 9 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: yodaUtility2_2/00, yodaUtility2_1/00, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +12 -0 lines
Added static functions:

endian_swap(UShort_t& x)
endian_swap(UInt_t& x)

for swap between little-endian and big-endian representation.

1 #include <yodaUtility.h>
2 #include <TObject.h>
3 #include <TKey.h>
5 using namespace std;
6 /**
7 * digForFile(TTree& out, TSystemDirectory* tsd, string defin)
8 * author Nagni
9 * version 1.0 - 1 September 2004
10 *
11 * version 1.1 - 27 December 2004
12 * Checks on TFiles/TList existance
13 *
14 * Retrieves and store into a TList according to the root directory and
15 * a string contained into the filename.
16 *
17 * Parameters:
18 * out - the output Tlist of files
19 * tsd - the root directory
20 * defin - the filename substring
21 *
22 */
23 void Utility::digForFiles(TList& out, TSystemDirectory *tsd, string defin){
24 //char *initialDir = gSystem->pwd();
25 TList *lnk = tsd->GetListOfFiles();
26 if (lnk==0) return;
28 TSystemFile *file = (TSystemFile*)lnk->First();
30 if (file->IsZombie()) {
31 //gSystem->cd(initialDir);
32 return;
33 }
35 string *fileDes = new string(file->GetName());
36 unsigned int loc = 0;
38 while(file){
39 fileDes = new string(file->GetName());
40 if(!((fileDes->compare(".") == 0) || (fileDes->compare("..") == 0))){
41 if (file->IsDirectory()){
42 Utility::digForFiles(out, (TSystemDirectory*)file, defin);
43 } else {
44 loc = fileDes->find(defin.c_str(), 0);
45 if (loc != string::npos){
46 out.AddLast((TObject*)file);
47 // printf("%s file name \n", file->GetName());
48 } else {
50 }
51 }
53 }
54 file = (TSystemFile*)lnk->After(file);
55 }
56 //gSystem->cd(initialDir);
57 //printf("%d this is the actual size \n", out.GetSize());
58 }
61 /**
62 * makeAllFriend(TTree& out, TList* input)
63 * author Nagni
64 * version 1.0 - 1 September 2004
65 *
66 * version 1.1 - 27 December 2004
67 * Checks on TFiles/TList existance
68 *
69 * Create a TTree promoting to friend all the files into the "input" parameter
70 * returning a TTree
71 *
72 * Parameters:
73 * input - the input Tlist of files
74 * out - the returned TTree
75 *
76 */
77 void Utility::makeAllFriend(TTree& out, TList* input){
78 TList *keys;
79 TKey *key;
80 TList *resList;
81 TTree *tr;
82 TFriendElement *tfe;
83 string *base;
84 string *target;
85 string *className;
86 unsigned int loc;
87 bool cont = false;
89 TSystemFile *tsf = (TSystemFile*)input->First();
90 if (tsf->IsZombie()) return;
92 while(tsf){
93 base = new string(tsf->GetTitle());
94 base->append("/");
95 base->append(tsf->GetName());
96 //printf("baseAppend %s \n", base->c_str());
98 TFile *tf = new TFile(base->c_str());
99 if (tf->IsZombie()) {
100 tsf = (TSystemFile*)input->After(tsf);
101 continue;
102 }
104 keys = tf->GetListOfKeys();
105 key = (TKey*)keys->First();
106 while(key){
107 className = new string(key->GetClassName());
108 loc = className->find("Tree", 0);
109 // printf("%s className \n", className->c_str());
110 if(loc != string::npos){
111 tr = (TTree*)key->ReadObj();
112 if (tr->GetEntries() > 0){
113 if(cont){
114 tr = (TTree*)key->ReadObj();
115 // printf("%s TreeName \n", tr->GetName());
116 out.AddFriend(tr->GetName(), tf);
117 } else {
118 //out = (TTree*)key->ReadObj();
119 out.CopyAddresses((TTree*)key->ReadObj());
120 cont = true;
121 }
122 }
123 }
124 key = (TKey*)keys->After(key);
125 }
126 tsf = (TSystemFile*)input->After(tsf);
127 }
128 }
130 /**
131 * makeAllChained(TChain& out, TList* input)
132 * author Nagni
133 * version 1.0 - 1 September 2004
134 *
135 * version 1.1 - 27 December 2004
136 * Checks on TFiles/TList existance
137 *
138 * Create a chain with all the files into the "input" parameter
139 * returning a TChain
140 *
141 * Parameters:
142 * input - the input Tlist of files
143 * out - the returned TChain
144 *
145 */
146 void Utility::makeAllChained(TChain& out, TList* input){
147 TList *keys;
148 TKey *key;
149 TList *resList;
150 TTree *tr;
151 TFriendElement *tfe;
152 string *base;
153 string *target;
154 string *className;
155 unsigned int loc;
157 TSystemFile *tsf = (TSystemFile*)input->First();
158 if (tsf->IsZombie()) return;
160 while(tsf){
161 base = new string(tsf->GetTitle());
162 base->append("/");
163 base->append(tsf->GetName());
164 //printf("baseAppend %s \n", base->c_str());
166 TFile *tf = new TFile(base->c_str());
167 if (tf->IsZombie()) {
168 tsf = (TSystemFile*)input->After(tsf);
169 continue;
170 }
172 keys = tf->GetListOfKeys();
173 key = (TKey*)keys->First();
174 while(key){
175 className = new string(key->GetClassName());
176 loc = className->find("Tree", 0);
177 //printf("%s className \n", className->c_str());
178 if(loc != string::npos){
179 tr = (TTree*)key->ReadObj();
180 if (tr->GetEntries() > 0){
181 out.Add(base->c_str());
182 }
183 }
184 key = (TKey*)keys->After(key);
185 }
186 tsf = (TSystemFile*)input->After(tsf);
187 }
188 }
190 // check to see if the Event class is in the dictionary
191 // if it is not load the definition in the libXXX.so
192 /*void Configurator::checkLib(){
193 if (!TClassTable::GetDict("pamela::TmtcEvent")){
194 // Load YODA/PAMELA class Library
195 gSystem->Load(Configurator::libYoda);
196 }
197 }*/
199 /**
200 * getFile (TString base, TString packetType, TString subType = "Event")
201 * author Nagni
202 * version 1.0 - 1 September 2004
203 *
204 * version 1.1 - 27 December 2004
205 * Checks on TFiles/TList existance
206 *
207 * Taking advantage of the define structure of YODA created directory
208 * this function retrieve a specific file from the specified directory.
209 * Parameters:
210 * base - the path to the root directory for the specific
211 * Pamela unpack session
212 * packetType - one of the Pamela PacketTypes (see in the end)
213 * subType - can have value: "Event" (default) or "Header"
214 *
215 */
216 TFile* Utility::getFile(TString base, TString packetType, TString subType = "Event"){
218 TSystemDirectory *targetDir = new TSystemDirectory("", base);
220 TList *filesList = new TList;
221 TFile *reportFile;
222 TSystemFile *tsf;
223 string *tmpString;
225 /*
226 It's an oversized use to find files but in future could be a usefulle generalization;
227 up to now it's usefull just to make friends a Physics device.ROOT with it's direct Header.ROOT file
228 because (for now) there is no sense to make friends such couples because of no guarantee
229 on OBT and packetCounter beetween different downlinks.
230 */
231 tmpString = new string(".");
232 tmpString->append(packetType);
233 tmpString->append(".");
234 tmpString->append(subType);
235 tmpString->append(".");
237 digForFiles(*filesList, targetDir, tmpString->c_str());
238 if (filesList->IsEmpty()) return 0;
240 targetDir = new TSystemDirectory("", base);
242 //Takes the physic header file
243 tsf = (TSystemFile*)filesList->First();
244 // printf("Title: %s ----------------- Name: %s \n", tsf->GetTitle(), tsf->GetName());
245 tmpString = new string(tsf->GetTitle());
246 tmpString->append("/");
247 tmpString->append(tsf->GetName());
248 return new TFile(tmpString->c_str());
249 }
251 /**
252 * int getLastNotZeroBin (TH1 *histo)
253 * author Nagni
254 * version 1.0 - 22 February 2005
255 *
256 * Returns the histogram smaller bin not equal to zero.
257 * Parameters:
258 * histo - the histogram object
259 *
260 * Return:
261 * int - the value of the bin
262 *
263 */
264 Int_t Utility::getLastNotZeroBin(TH1 *histo){
265 Int_t lastBin = 0;
266 Int_t tempBin = 0;
267 Stat_t minVal = 0;
268 Stat_t tempVal = 0;
269 Int_t range = histo->GetNbinsX();
271 tempBin = histo->GetMaximumBin();
272 tempVal = histo->GetBinContent(tempBin);
273 minVal = tempVal;
274 lastBin = tempBin;
276 for (Int_t i = histo->GetMaximumBin() + 1; i < range; i++){
277 tempVal = histo->GetBinContent(i);
278 if ((tempVal != 0) && (tempVal < minVal)) {
279 minVal = tempVal;
280 lastBin = i;
281 }
282 }
283 //In the end I add 10% to the retrieved value
284 return (Int_t)(lastBin*1.10);
285 }
287 /**
288 * int getFirstNotZeroBin (TH1 *histo)
289 * author Nagni
290 * version 1.0 - 22 February 2005
291 *
292 * Returns the histogram greater bin not equal to zero.
293 * Parameters:
294 * histo - the histogram object
295 *
296 * Return:
297 * int - the value of the bin
298 *
299 */
300 Int_t Utility::getFirstNotZeroBin(TH1 *histo){
301 Int_t lastBin = 0;
302 Int_t tempBin = 0;
303 Stat_t minVal = 0;
304 Stat_t tempVal = 0;
306 tempBin = histo->GetMaximumBin();
307 tempVal = histo->GetBinContent(tempBin);
308 minVal = tempVal;
309 lastBin = tempBin;
311 for (Int_t i = histo->GetMaximumBin() - 1; i > 0; i--){
312 tempVal = histo->GetBinContent(i);
313 if ((tempVal != 0) && (tempVal < minVal)) {
314 minVal = tempVal;
315 lastBin = i;
316 }
317 }
318 //In the end I subtract 10% to the retrieved value
319 return (Int_t)(lastBin*0.90);
320 }
322 void Utility::endian_swap(UShort_t& x) {
323 x = (x>>8) |
324 (x<<8);
325 }
327 void Utility::endian_swap(UInt_t& x){
328 x = (x>>24) |
329 ((x<<8) & 0x00FF0000) |
330 ((x>>8) & 0x0000FF00) |
331 (x<<24);
332 }

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