/[PAMELA software]/yodaUtility/sgp4/cNoradSDP4.cpp
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Contents of /yodaUtility/sgp4/cNoradSDP4.cpp

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Apr 30 11:08:15 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch point for: MAIN
Initial revision

1 //
2 // cNoradSDP4.cpp
3 //
4 // NORAD SDP4 implementation. See historical note in cNoradBase.cpp
5 // Copyright (c) 2003 Michael F. Henry
6 //
7 // mfh 12/07/2003
8 //
9 #include "stdafx.h"
10 #include "cNoradSDP4.h"
11 #include "cTle.h"
12 #include "coord.h"
13 #include "cOrbit.h"
14 #include "cVector.h"
16 const double zns = 1.19459E-5; const double c1ss = 2.9864797E-6;
17 const double zes = 0.01675; const double znl = 1.5835218E-4;
18 const double c1l = 4.7968065E-7; const double zel = 0.05490;
19 const double zcosis = 0.91744867; const double zsinis = 0.39785416;
20 const double zsings = -0.98088458; const double zcosgs = 0.1945905;
21 const double q22 = 1.7891679E-6; const double q31 = 2.1460748E-6;
22 const double q33 = 2.2123015E-7; const double g22 = 5.7686396;
23 const double g32 = 0.95240898; const double g44 = 1.8014998;
24 const double g52 = 1.0508330; const double g54 = 4.4108898;
25 const double root22 = 1.7891679E-6; const double root32 = 3.7393792E-7;
26 const double root44 = 7.3636953E-9; const double root52 = 1.1428639E-7;
27 const double root54 = 2.1765803E-9; const double thdt = 4.3752691E-3;
29 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 cNoradSDP4::cNoradSDP4(const cOrbit &orbit) :
31 cNoradBase(orbit)
32 {
33 m_sing = sin(m_Orbit.ArgPerigee());
34 m_cosg = cos(m_Orbit.ArgPerigee());
36 dp_savtsn = 0.0;
37 dp_zmos = 0.0;
38 dp_se2 = 0.0;
39 dp_se3 = 0.0;
40 dp_si2 = 0.0;
41 dp_si3 = 0.0;
42 dp_sl2 = 0.0;
43 dp_sl3 = 0.0;
44 dp_sl4 = 0.0;
45 dp_sghs = 0.0;
46 dp_sgh2 = 0.0;
47 dp_sgh3 = 0.0;
48 dp_sgh4 = 0.0;
49 dp_sh2 = 0.0;
50 dp_sh3 = 0.0;
51 dp_zmol = 0.0;
52 dp_ee2 = 0.0;
53 dp_e3 = 0.0;
54 dp_xi2 = 0.0;
55 dp_xi3 = 0.0;
56 dp_xl2 = 0.0;
57 dp_xl3 = 0.0;
58 dp_xl4 = 0.0;
59 dp_xgh2 = 0.0;
60 dp_xgh3 = 0.0;
61 dp_xgh4 = 0.0;
62 dp_xh2 = 0.0;
63 dp_xh3 = 0.0;
64 dp_xqncl = 0.0;
66 dp_thgr = 0.0;
67 dp_omegaq = 0.0;
68 dp_sse = 0.0;
69 dp_ssi = 0.0;
70 dp_ssl = 0.0;
71 dp_ssh = 0.0;
72 dp_ssg = 0.0;
73 dp_d2201 = 0.0;
74 dp_d2211 = 0.0;
75 dp_d3210 = 0.0;
76 dp_d3222 = 0.0;
77 dp_d4410 = 0.0;
78 dp_d4422 = 0.0;
79 dp_d5220 = 0.0;
80 dp_d5232 = 0.0;
81 dp_d5421 = 0.0;
82 dp_d5433 = 0.0;
83 dp_xlamo = 0.0;
84 dp_del1 = 0.0;
85 dp_del2 = 0.0;
86 dp_del3 = 0.0;
87 dp_fasx2 = 0.0;
88 dp_fasx4 = 0.0;
89 dp_fasx6 = 0.0;
90 dp_xfact = 0.0;
91 dp_xli = 0.0;
92 dp_xni = 0.0;
93 dp_atime = 0.0;
94 dp_stepp = 0.0;
95 dp_stepn = 0.0;
96 dp_step2 = 0.0;
98 dp_iresfl = false;
99 dp_isynfl = false;
101 }
103 cNoradSDP4::~cNoradSDP4(void)
104 {
105 }
107 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 bool cNoradSDP4::DeepInit(double *eosq, double *sinio, double *cosio,
109 double *betao, double *aodp, double *theta2,
110 double *sing, double *cosg, double *betao2,
111 double *xmdot, double *omgdot, double *xnodott)
112 {
113 eqsq = *eosq;
114 siniq = *sinio;
115 cosiq = *cosio;
116 rteqsq = *betao;
117 ao = *aodp;
118 cosq2 = *theta2;
119 sinomo = *sing;
120 cosomo = *cosg;
121 bsq = *betao2;
122 xlldot = *xmdot;
123 omgdt = *omgdot;
124 xnodot = *xnodott;
126 // Deep space initialization
127 cJulian jd = m_Orbit.Epoch();
129 dp_thgr = jd.toGMST();
131 double eq = m_Orbit.Eccentricity();
132 double aqnv = 1.0 / ao;
134 dp_xqncl = m_Orbit.Inclination();
136 double xmao = m_Orbit.mnAnomaly();
137 double xpidot = omgdt + xnodot;
138 double sinq = sin(m_Orbit.RAAN());
139 double cosq = cos(m_Orbit.RAAN());
141 dp_omegaq = m_Orbit.ArgPerigee();
143 // Initialize lunar solar terms
144 double day = jd.FromJan1_12h_1900();
146 if (day != dpi_day)
147 {
148 dpi_day = day;
149 dpi_xnodce = 4.5236020 - 9.2422029E-4 * day;
150 dpi_stem = sin(dpi_xnodce);
151 dpi_ctem = cos(dpi_xnodce);
152 dpi_zcosil = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 * dpi_ctem;
153 dpi_zsinil = sqrt(1.0 - dpi_zcosil * dpi_zcosil);
154 dpi_zsinhl = 0.089683511 *dpi_stem / dpi_zsinil;
155 dpi_zcoshl = sqrt(1.0 - dpi_zsinhl * dpi_zsinhl);
156 dpi_c = 4.7199672 + 0.22997150 * day;
157 dpi_gam = 5.8351514 + 0.0019443680 * day;
158 dp_zmol = Fmod2p(dpi_c - dpi_gam);
159 dpi_zx = 0.39785416 * dpi_stem / dpi_zsinil;
160 dpi_zy = dpi_zcoshl * dpi_ctem + 0.91744867 * dpi_zsinhl * dpi_stem;
161 dpi_zx = AcTan(dpi_zx,dpi_zy) + dpi_gam - dpi_xnodce;
162 dpi_zcosgl = cos(dpi_zx);
163 dpi_zsingl = sin(dpi_zx);
164 dp_zmos = 6.2565837 + 0.017201977 * day;
165 dp_zmos = Fmod2p(dp_zmos);
166 }
168 dp_savtsn = 1.0e20;
170 double zcosg = zcosgs;
171 double zsing = zsings;
172 double zcosi = zcosis;
173 double zsini = zsinis;
174 double zcosh = cosq;
175 double zsinh = sinq;
176 double cc = c1ss;
177 double zn = zns;
178 double ze = zes;
179 double zmo = dp_zmos;
180 double xnoi = 1.0 / m_xnodp;
182 double a1; double a3; double a7; double a8; double a9; double a10;
183 double a2; double a4; double a5; double a6; double x1; double x2;
184 double x3; double x4; double x5; double x6; double x7; double x8;
185 double z31; double z32; double z33; double z1; double z2; double z3;
186 double z11; double z12; double z13; double z21; double z22; double z23;
187 double s3; double s2; double s4; double s1; double s5; double s6;
188 double s7;
189 double se = 0.0; double si = 0.0; double sl = 0.0;
190 double sgh = 0.0; double sh = 0.0;
192 // Apply the solar and lunar terms on the first pass, then re-apply the
193 // solar terms again on the second pass.
195 for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
196 {
197 // Do solar terms
198 a1 = zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh;
199 a3 = -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh;
200 a7 = -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh;
201 a8 = zsing * zsini;
202 a9 = zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh;
203 a10 = zcosg * zsini;
204 a2 = cosiq * a7 + siniq * a8;
205 a4 = cosiq * a9 + siniq * a10;
206 a5 = -siniq * a7 + cosiq * a8;
207 a6 = -siniq * a9 + cosiq * a10;
208 x1 = a1 * cosomo + a2 * sinomo;
209 x2 = a3 * cosomo + a4 * sinomo;
210 x3 = -a1 * sinomo + a2 * cosomo;
211 x4 = -a3 * sinomo + a4 * cosomo;
212 x5 = a5 * sinomo;
213 x6 = a6 * sinomo;
214 x7 = a5 * cosomo;
215 x8 = a6 * cosomo;
216 z31 = 12.0 * x1 * x1 - 3.0 * x3 * x3;
217 z32 = 24.0 * x1 * x2 - 6.0 * x3 * x4;
218 z33 = 12.0 * x2 * x2 - 3.0 * x4 * x4;
219 z1 = 3.0 * (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) + z31 * eqsq;
220 z2 = 6.0 * (a1 * a3 + a2 * a4) + z32 * eqsq;
221 z3 = 3.0 * (a3 * a3 + a4 * a4) + z33 * eqsq;
222 z11 = -6.0 * a1 * a5 + eqsq*(-24.0 * x1 * x7 - 6.0 * x3 * x5);
223 z12 = -6.0 * (a1 * a6 + a3 * a5) +
224 eqsq * (-24.0 * (x2 * x7 + x1 * x8) - 6.0 * (x3 * x6 + x4 * x5));
225 z13 = -6.0 * a3 * a6 + eqsq * (-24.0 * x2 * x8 - 6.0 * x4 * x6);
226 z21 = 6.0 * a2 * a5 + eqsq * (24.0 * x1 * x5 - 6.0 * x3 * x7);
227 z22 = 6.0*(a4 * a5 + a2 * a6) +
228 eqsq * (24.0 * (x2 * x5 + x1 * x6) - 6.0 * (x4 * x7 + x3 * x8));
229 z23 = 6.0 * a4 * a6 + eqsq*(24.0 * x2 * x6 - 6.0 * x4 * x8);
230 z1 = z1 + z1 + bsq * z31;
231 z2 = z2 + z2 + bsq * z32;
232 z3 = z3 + z3 + bsq * z33;
233 s3 = cc * xnoi;
234 s2 = -0.5 * s3/rteqsq;
235 s4 = s3 * rteqsq;
236 s1 = -15.0 * eq * s4;
237 s5 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4;
238 s6 = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4;
239 s7 = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3;
240 se = s1 * zn * s5;
241 si = s2 * zn * (z11 + z13);
242 sl = -zn * s3 * (z1 + z3 - 14.0 - 6.0 * eqsq);
243 sgh = s4 * zn * (z31 + z33 - 6.0);
244 sh = -zn * s2 * (z21 + z23);
246 if (dp_xqncl < 5.2359877E-2)
247 sh = 0.0;
249 dp_ee2 = 2.0 * s1 * s6;
250 dp_e3 = 2.0 * s1 * s7;
251 dp_xi2 = 2.0 * s2 * z12;
252 dp_xi3 = 2.0 * s2 * (z13 - z11);
253 dp_xl2 = -2.0 * s3 * z2;
254 dp_xl3 = -2.0 * s3 * (z3 - z1);
255 dp_xl4 = -2.0 * s3 * (-21.0 - 9.0 * eqsq) * ze;
256 dp_xgh2 = 2.0 * s4 * z32;
257 dp_xgh3 = 2.0 * s4 * (z33 - z31);
258 dp_xgh4 = -18.0 * s4 * ze;
259 dp_xh2 = -2.0 * s2 * z22;
260 dp_xh3 = -2.0 * s2 * (z23 - z21);
262 if (pass == 1)
263 {
264 // Do lunar terms
265 dp_sse = se;
266 dp_ssi = si;
267 dp_ssl = sl;
268 dp_ssh = sh / siniq;
269 dp_ssg = sgh - cosiq * dp_ssh;
270 dp_se2 = dp_ee2;
271 dp_si2 = dp_xi2;
272 dp_sl2 = dp_xl2;
273 dp_sgh2 = dp_xgh2;
274 dp_sh2 = dp_xh2;
275 dp_se3 = dp_e3;
276 dp_si3 = dp_xi3;
277 dp_sl3 = dp_xl3;
278 dp_sgh3 = dp_xgh3;
279 dp_sh3 = dp_xh3;
280 dp_sl4 = dp_xl4;
281 dp_sgh4 = dp_xgh4;
282 zcosg = dpi_zcosgl;
283 zsing = dpi_zsingl;
284 zcosi = dpi_zcosil;
285 zsini = dpi_zsinil;
286 zcosh = dpi_zcoshl * cosq + dpi_zsinhl * sinq;
287 zsinh = sinq * dpi_zcoshl - cosq * dpi_zsinhl;
288 zn = znl;
289 cc = c1l;
290 ze = zel;
291 zmo = dp_zmol;
292 }
293 }
295 dp_sse = dp_sse + se;
296 dp_ssi = dp_ssi + si;
297 dp_ssl = dp_ssl + sl;
298 dp_ssg = dp_ssg + sgh - cosiq / siniq * sh;
299 dp_ssh = dp_ssh + sh / siniq;
301 // Geopotential resonance initialization for 12 hour orbits
302 dp_iresfl = false;
303 dp_isynfl = false;
305 bool bInitOnExit = true;
306 double g310;
307 double f220;
308 double bfact = 0.0;
310 if ((m_xnodp >= 0.0052359877) || (m_xnodp <= 0.0034906585))
311 {
312 if ((m_xnodp < 8.26E-3) || (m_xnodp > 9.24E-3) || (eq < 0.5))
313 {
314 bInitOnExit = false;
315 }
316 else
317 {
318 dp_iresfl = true;
320 double eoc = eq * eqsq;
321 double g201 = -0.306 - (eq - 0.64) * 0.440;
323 double g211; double g322;
324 double g410; double g422;
325 double g520;
327 if (eq <= 0.65)
328 {
329 g211 = 3.616 - 13.247 * eq + 16.290 * eqsq;
330 g310 = -19.302 + 117.390 * eq - 228.419 * eqsq + 156.591 * eoc;
331 g322 = -18.9068 + 109.7927 * eq - 214.6334 * eqsq + 146.5816 * eoc;
332 g410 = -41.122 + 242.694 * eq - 471.094 * eqsq + 313.953 * eoc;
333 g422 = -146.407 + 841.880 * eq - 1629.014 * eqsq + 1083.435 * eoc;
334 g520 = -532.114 + 3017.977 * eq - 5740.0 * eqsq + 3708.276 * eoc;
335 }
336 else
337 {
338 g211 = -72.099 + 331.819 * eq - 508.738 * eqsq + 266.724 * eoc;
339 g310 = -346.844 + 1582.851 * eq - 2415.925 * eqsq + 1246.113 * eoc;
340 g322 = -342.585 + 1554.908 * eq - 2366.899 * eqsq + 1215.972 * eoc;
341 g410 = -1052.797 + 4758.686 * eq - 7193.992 * eqsq + 3651.957 * eoc;
342 g422 = -3581.69 + 16178.11 * eq - 24462.77 * eqsq + 12422.52 * eoc;
344 if (eq <= 0.715)
345 g520 = 1464.74 - 4664.75 * eq + 3763.64 * eqsq;
346 else
347 g520 = -5149.66 + 29936.92 * eq - 54087.36 * eqsq + 31324.56 * eoc;
348 }
350 double g533;
351 double g521;
352 double g532;
354 if (eq < 0.7)
355 {
356 g533 = -919.2277 + 4988.61 * eq - 9064.77 * eqsq + 5542.21 * eoc;
357 g521 = -822.71072 + 4568.6173 * eq - 8491.4146 * eqsq + 5337.524 * eoc;
358 g532 = -853.666 + 4690.25 * eq - 8624.77 * eqsq + 5341.4 * eoc;
359 }
360 else
361 {
362 g533 = -37995.78 + 161616.52 * eq - 229838.2 * eqsq + 109377.94 * eoc;
363 g521 = -51752.104 + 218913.95 * eq - 309468.16 * eqsq + 146349.42 * eoc;
364 g532 = -40023.88 + 170470.89 * eq - 242699.48 * eqsq + 115605.82 * eoc;
365 }
367 double sini2 = siniq * siniq;
368 f220 = 0.75*(1.0 + 2.0 * cosiq + cosq2);
369 double f221 = 1.5 * sini2;
370 double f321 = 1.875 * siniq*(1.0 - 2.0 * cosiq - 3.0 * cosq2);
371 double f322 = -1.875 * siniq*(1.0 + 2.0 * cosiq - 3.0 * cosq2);
372 double f441 = 35.0 * sini2 * f220;
373 double f442 = 39.3750 * sini2 * sini2;
374 double f522 = 9.84375 * siniq*(sini2*(1.0 - 2.0 * cosiq - 5.0 * cosq2) +
375 0.33333333*(-2.0 + 4.0 * cosiq + 6.0 * cosq2));
376 double f523 = siniq*(4.92187512 * sini2*(-2.0 - 4.0 * cosiq + 10.0 * cosq2) +
377 6.56250012 * (1.0 + 2.0 * cosiq - 3.0 * cosq2));
378 double f542 = 29.53125 * siniq*(2.0 - 8.0 * cosiq + cosq2 * (-12.0 + 8.0 * cosiq + 10.0 * cosq2));
379 double f543 = 29.53125 * siniq*(-2.0 - 8.0 * cosiq + cosq2 * (12.0 + 8.0 * cosiq - 10.0 * cosq2));
380 double xno2 = m_xnodp * m_xnodp;
381 double ainv2 = aqnv * aqnv;
382 double temp1 = 3.0 * xno2 * ainv2;
383 double temp = temp1 * root22;
385 dp_d2201 = temp * f220 * g201;
386 dp_d2211 = temp * f221 * g211;
387 temp1 = temp1 * aqnv;
388 temp = temp1 * root32;
389 dp_d3210 = temp * f321 * g310;
390 dp_d3222 = temp * f322 * g322;
391 temp1 = temp1 * aqnv;
392 temp = 2.0 * temp1 * root44;
393 dp_d4410 = temp * f441 * g410;
394 dp_d4422 = temp * f442 * g422;
395 temp1 = temp1 * aqnv;
396 temp = temp1 * root52;
397 dp_d5220 = temp * f522 * g520;
398 dp_d5232 = temp * f523 * g532;
399 temp = 2.0 * temp1 * root54;
400 dp_d5421 = temp * f542 * g521;
401 dp_d5433 = temp * f543 * g533;
402 dp_xlamo = xmao + m_Orbit.RAAN() + m_Orbit.RAAN() - dp_thgr - dp_thgr;
403 bfact = xlldot + xnodot + xnodot - thdt - thdt;
404 bfact = bfact + dp_ssl + dp_ssh + dp_ssh;
405 }
406 }
407 else
408 {
409 // Synchronous resonance terms initialization
410 dp_iresfl = true;
411 dp_isynfl = true;
412 double g200 = 1.0 + eqsq * (-2.5 + 0.8125 * eqsq);
413 g310 = 1.0 + 2.0 * eqsq;
414 double g300 = 1.0 + eqsq * (-6.0 + 6.60937 * eqsq);
415 f220 = 0.75 * (1.0 + cosiq) * (1.0 + cosiq);
416 double f311 = 0.9375 * siniq * siniq * (1.0 + 3 * cosiq) - 0.75 * (1.0 + cosiq);
417 double f330 = 1.0 + cosiq;
418 f330 = 1.875 * f330 * f330 * f330;
419 dp_del1 = 3.0 * m_xnodp * m_xnodp * aqnv * aqnv;
420 dp_del2 = 2.0 * dp_del1 * f220 * g200 * q22;
421 dp_del3 = 3.0 * dp_del1 * f330 * g300 * q33 * aqnv;
422 dp_del1 = dp_del1 * f311 * g310 * q31 * aqnv;
423 dp_fasx2 = 0.13130908;
424 dp_fasx4 = 2.8843198;
425 dp_fasx6 = 0.37448087;
426 dp_xlamo = xmao + m_Orbit.RAAN() + m_Orbit.ArgPerigee() - dp_thgr;
427 bfact = xlldot + xpidot - thdt;
428 bfact = bfact + dp_ssl + dp_ssg + dp_ssh;
429 }
431 if (bInitOnExit)
432 {
433 dp_xfact = bfact - m_xnodp;
435 // Initialize integrator
436 dp_xli = dp_xlamo;
437 dp_xni = m_xnodp;
438 dp_atime = 0.0;
439 dp_stepp = 720.0;
440 dp_stepn = -720.0;
441 dp_step2 = 259200.0;
442 }
444 *eosq = eqsq;
445 *sinio = siniq;
446 *cosio = cosiq;
447 *betao = rteqsq;
448 *aodp = ao;
449 *theta2 = cosq2;
450 *sing = sinomo;
451 *cosg = cosomo;
452 *betao2 = bsq;
453 *xmdot = xlldot;
454 *omgdot = omgdt;
455 *xnodott = xnodot;
457 return true;
458 }
460 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
461 bool cNoradSDP4::DeepCalcDotTerms(double *pxndot, double *pxnddt, double *pxldot)
462 {
463 // Dot terms calculated
464 if (dp_isynfl)
465 {
466 *pxndot = dp_del1 * sin(dp_xli - dp_fasx2) +
467 dp_del2 * sin(2.0 * (dp_xli - dp_fasx4)) +
468 dp_del3 * sin(3.0 * (dp_xli - dp_fasx6));
469 *pxnddt = dp_del1 * cos(dp_xli - dp_fasx2) +
470 2.0 * dp_del2 * cos(2.0 * (dp_xli - dp_fasx4)) +
471 3.0 * dp_del3 * cos(3.0 * (dp_xli - dp_fasx6));
472 }
473 else
474 {
475 double xomi = dp_omegaq + omgdt * dp_atime;
476 double x2omi = xomi + xomi;
477 double x2li = dp_xli + dp_xli;
479 *pxndot = dp_d2201 * sin(x2omi + dp_xli - g22) +
480 dp_d2211 * sin(dp_xli - g22) +
481 dp_d3210 * sin(xomi + dp_xli - g32) +
482 dp_d3222 * sin(-xomi + dp_xli - g32) +
483 dp_d4410 * sin(x2omi + x2li - g44) +
484 dp_d4422 * sin(x2li - g44) +
485 dp_d5220 * sin(xomi + dp_xli - g52) +
486 dp_d5232 * sin(-xomi + dp_xli - g52) +
487 dp_d5421 * sin(xomi + x2li - g54) +
488 dp_d5433 * sin(-xomi + x2li - g54);
490 *pxnddt = dp_d2201 * cos(x2omi + dp_xli - g22) +
491 dp_d2211 * cos(dp_xli - g22) +
492 dp_d3210 * cos(xomi + dp_xli - g32) +
493 dp_d3222 * cos(-xomi + dp_xli - g32) +
494 dp_d5220 * cos(xomi + dp_xli - g52) +
495 dp_d5232 * cos(-xomi + dp_xli - g52) +
496 2.0 * (dp_d4410 * cos(x2omi + x2li - g44) +
497 dp_d4422 * cos(x2li - g44) +
498 dp_d5421 * cos(xomi + x2li - g54) +
499 dp_d5433 * cos(-xomi + x2li - g54));
500 }
502 *pxldot = dp_xni + dp_xfact;
503 *pxnddt = (*pxnddt) * (*pxldot);
505 return true;
506 }
508 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
509 void cNoradSDP4::DeepCalcIntegrator(double *pxndot, double *pxnddt,
510 double *pxldot, const double &delt)
511 {
512 DeepCalcDotTerms(pxndot, pxnddt, pxldot);
514 dp_xli = dp_xli + (*pxldot) * delt + (*pxndot) * dp_step2;
515 dp_xni = dp_xni + (*pxndot) * delt + (*pxnddt) * dp_step2;
516 dp_atime = dp_atime + delt;
517 }
519 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
520 bool cNoradSDP4::DeepSecular(double *xmdf, double *omgadf, double *xnode,
521 double *emm, double *xincc, double *xnn,
522 double *tsince)
523 {
524 xll = *xmdf;
525 omgasm = *omgadf;
526 xnodes = *xnode;
527 xn = *xnn;
528 t = *tsince;
530 // Deep space secular effects
531 xll = xll + dp_ssl * t;
532 omgasm = omgasm + dp_ssg * t;
533 xnodes = xnodes + dp_ssh * t;
534 _em = m_Orbit.Eccentricity() + dp_sse * t;
535 xinc = m_Orbit.Inclination() + dp_ssi * t;
537 if (xinc < 0.0)
538 {
539 xinc = -xinc;
540 xnodes = xnodes + PI;
541 omgasm = omgasm - PI;
542 }
544 double xnddt = 0.0;
545 double xndot = 0.0;
546 double xldot = 0.0;
547 double ft = 0.0;
548 double delt = 0.0;
550 bool fDone = false;
552 if (dp_iresfl)
553 {
554 while (!fDone)
555 {
556 if ((dp_atime == 0.0) ||
557 ((t >= 0.0) && (dp_atime < 0.0)) ||
558 ((t < 0.0) && (dp_atime >= 0.0)))
559 {
560 if (t < 0)
561 delt = dp_stepn;
562 else
563 delt = dp_stepp;
565 // Epoch restart
566 dp_atime = 0.0;
567 dp_xni = m_xnodp;
568 dp_xli = dp_xlamo;
570 fDone = true;
571 }
572 else
573 {
574 if (fabs(t) < fabs(dp_atime))
575 {
576 delt = dp_stepp;
578 if (t >= 0.0)
579 delt = dp_stepn;
581 DeepCalcIntegrator(&xndot, &xnddt, &xldot, delt);
582 }
583 else
584 {
585 delt = dp_stepn;
587 if (t > 0.0)
588 delt = dp_stepp;
590 fDone = true;
591 }
592 }
593 }
595 while (fabs(t - dp_atime) >= dp_stepp)
596 {
597 DeepCalcIntegrator(&xndot, &xnddt, &xldot, delt);
598 }
600 ft = t - dp_atime;
602 DeepCalcDotTerms(&xndot, &xnddt, &xldot);
604 xn = dp_xni + xndot * ft + xnddt * ft * ft * 0.5;
606 double xl = dp_xli + xldot * ft + xndot * ft * ft * 0.5;
607 double temp = -xnodes + dp_thgr + t * thdt;
609 xll = xl - omgasm + temp;
611 if (!dp_isynfl)
612 xll = xl + temp + temp;
613 }
615 *xmdf = xll;
616 *omgadf = omgasm;
617 *xnode = xnodes;
618 *emm = _em;
619 *xincc = xinc;
620 *xnn = xn;
621 *tsince = t;
623 return true;
624 }
626 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
627 bool cNoradSDP4::DeepPeriodics(double *e, double *xincc,
628 double *omgadf, double *xnode,
629 double *xmam)
630 {
631 _em = *e;
632 xinc = *xincc;
633 omgasm = *omgadf;
634 xnodes = *xnode;
635 xll = *xmam;
637 // Lunar-solar periodics
638 double sinis = sin(xinc);
639 double cosis = cos(xinc);
641 double sghs = 0.0;
642 double shs = 0.0;
643 double sh1 = 0.0;
644 double pe = 0.0;
645 double pinc = 0.0;
646 double pl = 0.0;
647 double sghl = 0.0;
649 if (fabs(dp_savtsn - t) >= 30.0)
650 {
651 dp_savtsn = t;
653 double zm = dp_zmos + zns * t;
654 double zf = zm + 2.0 * zes * sin(zm);
655 double sinzf = sin(zf);
656 double f2 = 0.5 * sinzf * sinzf - 0.25;
657 double f3 = -0.5 * sinzf * cos(zf);
658 double ses = dp_se2 * f2 + dp_se3 * f3;
659 double sis = dp_si2 * f2 + dp_si3 * f3;
660 double sls = dp_sl2 * f2 + dp_sl3 * f3 + dp_sl4 * sinzf;
662 sghs = dp_sgh2 * f2 + dp_sgh3 * f3 + dp_sgh4 * sinzf;
663 shs = dp_sh2 * f2 + dp_sh3 * f3;
664 zm = dp_zmol + znl * t;
665 zf = zm + 2.0 * zel * sin(zm);
666 sinzf = sin(zf);
667 f2 = 0.5 * sinzf * sinzf - 0.25;
668 f3 = -0.5 * sinzf * cos(zf);
670 double sel = dp_ee2 * f2 + dp_e3 * f3;
671 double sil = dp_xi2 * f2 + dp_xi3 * f3;
672 double sll = dp_xl2 * f2 + dp_xl3 * f3 + dp_xl4 * sinzf;
674 sghl = dp_xgh2 * f2 + dp_xgh3 * f3 + dp_xgh4 * sinzf;
675 sh1 = dp_xh2 * f2 + dp_xh3 * f3;
676 pe = ses + sel;
677 pinc = sis + sil;
678 pl = sls + sll;
679 }
681 double pgh = sghs + sghl;
682 double ph = shs + sh1;
683 xinc = xinc + pinc;
684 _em = _em + pe;
686 if (dp_xqncl >= 0.2)
687 {
688 // Apply periodics directly
689 ph = ph / siniq;
690 pgh = pgh - cosiq * ph;
691 omgasm = omgasm + pgh;
692 xnodes = xnodes + ph;
693 xll = xll + pl;
694 }
695 else
696 {
697 // Apply periodics with Lyddane modification
698 double sinok = sin(xnodes);
699 double cosok = cos(xnodes);
700 double alfdp = sinis * sinok;
701 double betdp = sinis * cosok;
702 double dalf = ph * cosok + pinc * cosis * sinok;
703 double dbet = -ph * sinok + pinc * cosis * cosok;
705 alfdp = alfdp + dalf;
706 betdp = betdp + dbet;
708 double xls = xll + omgasm + cosis * xnodes;
709 double dls = pl + pgh - pinc * xnodes * sinis;
711 xls = xls + dls;
712 xnodes = AcTan(alfdp, betdp);
713 xll = xll + pl;
714 omgasm = xls - xll - cos(xinc) * xnodes;
715 }
717 *e = _em;
718 *xincc = xinc;
719 *omgadf = omgasm;
720 *xnode = xnodes;
721 *xmam = xll;
723 return true;
724 }
726 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
727 // getPosition()
728 // This procedure returns the ECI position and velocity for the satellite
729 // in the orbit at the given number of minutes since the TLE epoch time
730 // using the NORAD Simplified General Perturbation 4, "deep space" orbit
731 // model.
732 //
733 // tsince - Time in minutes since the TLE epoch (GMT).
734 // pECI - pointer to location to store the ECI data.
735 // To convert the returned ECI position vector to km,
736 // multiply each component by:
737 // (XKMPER_WGS72 / AE).
738 // To convert the returned ECI velocity vector to km/sec,
739 // multiply each component by:
740 // (XKMPER_WGS72 / AE) * (MIN_PER_DAY / 86400).
741 bool cNoradSDP4::getPosition(double tsince, cEci &eci)
742 {
743 DeepInit(&m_eosq, &m_sinio, &m_cosio, &m_betao, &m_aodp, &m_theta2,
744 &m_sing, &m_cosg, &m_betao2, &m_xmdot, &m_omgdot, &m_xnodot);
746 // Update for secular gravity and atmospheric drag
747 double xmdf = m_Orbit.mnAnomaly() + m_xmdot * tsince;
748 double omgadf = m_Orbit.ArgPerigee() + m_omgdot * tsince;
749 double xnoddf = m_Orbit.RAAN() + m_xnodot * tsince;
750 double tsq = tsince * tsince;
751 double xnode = xnoddf + m_xnodcf * tsq;
752 double tempa = 1.0 - m_c1 * tsince;
753 double tempe = m_Orbit.BStar() * m_c4 * tsince;
754 double templ = m_t2cof * tsq;
755 double xn = m_xnodp;
756 double em;
757 double xinc;
759 DeepSecular(&xmdf, &omgadf, &xnode, &em, &xinc, &xn, &tsince);
761 double a = pow(XKE / xn, TWOTHRD) * sqr(tempa);
762 double e = em - tempe;
763 double xmam = xmdf + m_xnodp * templ;
765 DeepPeriodics(&e, &xinc, &omgadf, &xnode, &xmam);
767 double xl = xmam + omgadf + xnode;
769 xn = XKE / pow(a, 1.5);
771 return FinalPosition(xinc, omgadf, e, a, xl, xnode, xn, tsince, eci);
772 }

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