/[PAMELA software]/yodaUtility/igrf/00README.TXT
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Sat Jun 10 06:33:31 2006 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by kusanagi
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Software for geomagnetic field calculation. The validity time interval is 2000-2010.

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2 National Space Science Data Center Data set MG-14G
3 =========================================================================
5 NAME: International Geomagnetic Reference Field - 10th Generation
9 Susan Macmillan
10 British Geological Survey
11 West Mains Road
12 Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK
13 Tel: +44 131 650 0228
14 Fax: +44 131 668 4368
15 email: smac@bgs.ac.uk
17 Stefan Maus
18 Colorado Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences
19 National Geophysical Data Center
20 325 Broadway
21 Boulder, CO 80305-3328 USA
22 Tel: +1 303 497 6522
23 Fax: +1 303 497 6513
26 D. Bilitza,
28 code 633/Raytheon,
29 Greenbelt, MD 20771,
30 Fax. (301) 286-1771
31 bilitza@mail630.gsfc.nasa.gov
34 this file AAREADME.DOC
35 FORTRAN source code:
36 main program (interactive driver) BILCAL.FOR
37 subroutines, functions SHELLIG.FOR
38 BILCAL user manual with examples BILCAL.LOG
39 All in one subroutine igrf_sub.for
40 This file includes SHELLIG.FOR and also a subroutine
41 igrf_sub that computes IGRF parameters.
43 geomagnetic field model coefficients:
44 for 1945 DGRF45.DAT
45 for 1950 DGRF50.DAT
46 for 1955 DGRF55.DAT
47 for 1960 DGRF60.DAT
48 for 1965 DGRF65.DAT
49 for 1970 DGRF70.DAT
50 for 1975 DGRF75.DAT
51 for 1980 DGRF80.DAT
52 for 1985 DGRF85.DAT
53 for 1990 DGRF90.DAT
54 for 1995 DGRF95.DAT
55 for 2000 DGRF00.DAT+
56 for 2005 IGRF05.DAT+
57 extrapol. coeff. for 2005-2010 IGRF05S.DAT
59 + The original IGRF files include coefficients up to order 13. We only use
60 coefficients up to order 10 like in the earlier model generations. The full
61 set of coeffients is in files IGRF00full.DAT and DGRF05full.DAT. Use of the
62 full set requires changes to the software.
66 The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model is the
67 empirical representation of the Earth's magnetic field recommended for
68 scientific use by the International Association of Geomagnetism and
69 Aeronomy (IAGA). The IGRF model represents the main (core) field without
70 external sources. They employ the usual spherical harmonics expansion
71 of the scalar potential in geocentric coordinates. The IGRF model
72 coefficients are based on all available data sources including geomagnetic
73 measurements from observatories, ships, aircrafts and satellites.
75 The model consists of coefficient sets from epoch 1945 onward in steps
76 of 5 years and the first time derivatives of the coefficients for a 5-year
77 extrapolation into the future. During the 5-year intervals between consecutive
78 models, linear interpolation is recommended. The IGRF homepage provides access
79 to coefficient files back to 1900. The files up to 1995 provide coefficients
80 up to order 10, for 2000 and 2005 coefficients up to order 13 are provided.
81 Our calculations are limited to using coefficients up to order 10 for all
82 files.
84 In combination with the IGRF coefficient sets different subroutines have
85 been used to determine the components of the magnetic field vector and the
86 L-value at a given location. The NSSDC version uses the subroutines FELDG
87 (magnetic field vector) and SHELLG (L shell) developed by G. Kluge at the
88 European Space Operations Center (ESOC). His use of inverse cartesian co-
89 ordinates simplifies the computation. The IGRF subroutines were developed
90 by A. Zunde of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
92 The program BILCAL produces tables of the geomagnetic field strength, vector
93 components (B-abs., B-north, B-east, B-down, declination, inclination),
94 equatorial/minimum field strength (B0), dipole moment, and L-value in
95 latitude, longitude (geodetic), altitude, or year (decimal).
97 Before using the IGRF please read the 'Health Warning' at
98 http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/wg8/igrfhw.html
101 (1) FORTRAN source code from this directory.
102 (2) Model parameters can be computed and plotted online on IGRFWeb at http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/model/ .
103 (3) Model homepage at http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/wg8/wg8.html .
107 Peddie, N. W., International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the third
108 generation, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr. 34, 309-326, 1982.
110 Kluge, G., Direct computation of the magnetic shell parameter,
111 Computer Phys. Communications 3, 31-35, 1972.
113 International Geomagnetic Reference Field Revision 1987, J. Geomag.
114 Geoelectr. 39, 773-779, 1987 and EOS Trans. 69, 559, 1988
116 Langel, R. A., D. R. Barraclough, D. J. Kerridge, V. P. Golovkov,
117 T. J. Sabaka, and R. H. Estes, Definitive IGRF models for 1945,
118 1950, 1955, and 1960, J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 40, 645-702, 1988
120 Langel, R. A., International Geomagnetic Reference Field, 1991
121 Revision, J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 43, 1007-1012, 1991
123 Barton, C.E., Revision of International Geomagnetic Reference Field
124 Released, EOS Trans. 77, #16, April 16, 1996.
126 Barton, C.E., International Geomagnetic Reference Field: The Seventh
127 Generation, J. Geom. Geoelectr. 49, 123-148, 1997.
129 Earth, Planets, and Space Journal, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 1117-1233, 2000
131 M. Mandea et al., International Geomagnetic Reference Field - Epoch 2000
132 Revision Of The IGRF for 2000 - 2005, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/wg8/igrf.html,
133 26 May 2000.
135 International Geomagentic Reference Field - 2000, AGU EOS Transactions,
136 pp. 347, Aug 3, 2001
139 =========================================================================
140 National Space Science Data Center Data set MG-14G
141 =========================================================================

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