/** @file * $Source: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/event/RegistryEvent.h,v $ * $Id: RegistryEvent.h,v 6.1 2006/03/27 08:42:15 kusanagi Exp $ * $Author: kusanagi $ * * Header file for the RegistryEvent class. */ #ifndef YMAGN_GEO_H #define YMAGN_GEO_H #include "TObject.h" #include "TString.h" namespace pamela { class YMagnGeo: public TObject { private: float m_bnorth; // Magnetic field north component float m_beast; // Magnetic field east component float m_bdown; // Magnetic field down component float m_babs; // Magnetic field down component float m_L; // L value float m_BvsB0; // Ratio beetwen B and B0 (the field at magnetic equator) public: float getBNorth() {return m_bnorth;} float setBNorth(float val) {m_bnorth = val;} float getBEast() {return m_beast;} float setBEast(float val) {m_beast = val;} float getBDown() {return m_bdown;} float setBDown(float val) {m_bdown = val;} float getBAbs() {return m_babs;} float setBAbs(float val) {m_babs = val;} float getL() {return m_L;} float setL(float val) {m_L = val;} float getBvsB0() {return m_BvsB0;} float setBvsB0(float val) {m_BvsB0 = val;} YMagnGeo(); ~YMagnGeo(void) {}; ClassDef(YMagnGeo, 1) }; } #endif /* YMAGN_GEO_H */