/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/techmodelreader.cpp
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/techmodelreader.cpp

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Revision 1.6 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Aug 26 08:21:31 2004 UTC (20 years, 6 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +26 -12 lines
Modified the Data filed from "UINT32*" to "TArrayI*" because the previous doesn't
stored the data (unable to manage UINT32* stream?)

2 #include "log4cpp/Category.hh"
3 #include "log4cpp/PropertyConfigurator.hh"
4 #include "log4cpp/RollingFileAppender.hh"
5 #include "log4cpp/PatternLayout.hh"
7 #include "TROOT.h"
9 #include "TechmodelPamelaRun.h"
10 #include "EventReader.h"
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <cstdlib>
13 #include <stream.h>
14 #include <time.h>
15 extern "C" {
16 //#include "DirectoryStructure.h"
17 #include <dirent.h>
18 }
21 using namespace pamela;
22 using namespace pamela::techmodel;
24 static log4cpp::Category& cat = log4cpp::Category::getInstance("pamela.techmodel.TechmodelReader");
26 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
28 // Check file name
29 if (argc != 2){
30 cat.info("You have forgotten the file name");
31 exit(1);
32 }
34 std::ifstream from (argv[1]);
35 if (!from) cat.info("The file does not exist");
38 /*try {
39 log4cpp::PropertyConfigurator::configure("/home/kusanagi/yoda/techmodel/YodaLog.conf");
40 } catch (log4cpp::ConfigureFailure& f) {
41 std::cerr << "Logging Configure Problem " << f.what() << std::endl;
42 }*/
45 //--------------------------------------------------
46 //This is the configuration for the Yoda Logger
47 //The parameters in the RollingFileAppender means
48 // default ------------>the selected category
49 // YodaLog.txt ------------>the LogFile name
50 // 1000 ------------>The max size (in Kb) of the LogFile
51 // 5 ------------>How many times the file will be backup
52 char nomeFileLog[L_tmpnam];
53 tmpnam(nomeFileLog);
55 DIR *dirp;
56 std::string pathDir((char*)getenv("YODA_DATA"));
57 std::string pathLog = nomeFileLog;
58 log4cpp::Category& root = log4cpp::Category::getRoot();
59 try{
60 std::string initFileName = pathDir + "/log4cpp.conf";
61 log4cpp::PropertyConfigurator::configure(initFileName);
62 } catch (log4cpp::ConfigureFailure& f) {
63 std::cerr << "Could not load log configuration from file: " << f.what() << std::endl
64 << "Using default setup (all msgs to stdout)" << std::endl;
65 log4cpp::Appender* appender;
66 appender = new log4cpp::FileAppender("default", pathLog.c_str(), false);
67 // set a nice layout
68 log4cpp::PatternLayout * pl = new log4cpp::PatternLayout();
69 pl->setConversionPattern("%d{%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%l} %p %c - %m");
70 appender->setLayout(pl);
71 //log4cpp::Category& cat = log4cpp::Category::getInstance("cat");
72 // remove default appender
73 cat.removeAllAppenders();
74 // use this appender for all categories
75 cat.addAppender(appender);
77 // log messages from all levels.
78 //cat.setPriority(log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG);
79 //cat.setPriority(log4cpp::Priority::WARN);
80 cat.setPriority(log4cpp::Priority::INFO);
81 }
83 time_t rawtime;
84 struct tm * timeinfo;
86 time ( &rawtime );
87 timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
88 //--------------------------------------------------
89 cat.log(log4cpp::Priority::INFO,"Importance depends on context");
90 cat << log4cpp::Priority::INFO
91 << "<-------------------------------START UNPACKING------------------------------->\n"
92 << " Starting the program at: " << asctime (timeinfo) << " Opening file: " << argv[1]
93 << "\n \n" << log4cpp::CategoryStream::ENDLINE;
94 gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE);
96 EventReader Reader;
98 int num = 0;
99 TechmodelPamelaRun Run(argv[1]);
100 Reader.Init(&Run);
101 cat << log4cpp::Priority::INFO
102 << "Init successul ok" << asctime (timeinfo) << log4cpp::CategoryStream::ENDLINE;
103 Reader.RunEvent(num); //TBD --- eliminate the runNumber
104 Reader.Finish();
105 Run.WriteFiles();
106 cat << log4cpp::Priority::INFO
107 << "<-------------------------------END UNPACKING------------------------------->"
108 << "\n " << log4cpp::CategoryStream::ENDLINE;
109 log4cpp::Category::shutdown();
110 std::string command;
111 //command = "mv " + pathLog + " " + pathDir + "/" + Run.GetRun() + "/YodaLog.txt";
112 command = "mv " + pathLog + " " + pathDir + "/" + Run.GetRun() + "/YodaLog.txt";
113 cat.info(command);
114 system(command.c_str());
115 }

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