/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/techmodelreader.cpp
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Annotation of /yoda/techmodel/techmodelreader.cpp

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Revision 6.4 - (hide annotations) (download)
Wed Aug 16 13:22:00 2006 UTC (18 years, 7 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: YODA6_3/06
Changes since 6.3: +2 -2 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 kusanagi 1.1
2 kusanagi 1.7 #include <log4cxx/logger.h>
3     #include <log4cxx/propertyconfigurator.h>
4 kusanagi 1.1 #include "EventReader.h"
5     #include <time.h>
6 kusanagi 2.2
7 kusanagi 1.1 extern "C" {
8 kusanagi 5.1 #include <dirent.h>
9 kusanagi 1.1 }
12 kusanagi 2.1
13 kusanagi 1.1 using namespace pamela;
14 kusanagi 1.7 using namespace log4cxx;
15     using namespace std;
16 kusanagi 1.1 using namespace pamela::techmodel;
18 kusanagi 1.7 static LoggerPtr logger = Logger::getLogger(_T("pamela.techmodel.TechmodelReader"));
19 kusanagi 1.1
20     int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
21 kusanagi 1.7
22     stringstream oss;
23     int maxPackets = 0;
24 kusanagi 5.1 bool multiFile = 0;
25     short compression = 3;
26 kusanagi 1.7 char nomeFileLog[L_tmpnam];
27 kusanagi 6.3 mkstemp(nomeFileLog);
28 kusanagi 1.7 DIR *dirp;
29 kusanagi 6.1 char *outDir = "";
31 kusanagi 1.7 //---------------- Log4cxx configuration-----------------------------------------------
32     //BasicConfigurator::configure();
33     //Retrieve the rootLogger and append to it a default FileAppender.
34     //Note that the priority level of the rootLogger (defined in log4cxx.conf) is unmodified
35     //LoggerPtr rootLogger = Logger::getRootLogger();
37     //FileAppender *fileAppender = new FileAppender();
38     //fileAppender->setFile(pathLog);
39     //fileAppender->setAppend(false);
40     //fileAppender->setBufferedIO(true); //the default size is 8k
41     //fileAppender->setBufferSize(1000000);
42     //fileAppender->activateOptions();
43     //fileAppender->setLayout(new PatternLayout());
45     //FileAppender *fileAppender = new FileAppender(new PatternLayout(), pathLog, false, true, 10000);
46     //rootLogger->addAppender(fileAppender);
47     //rootLogger->removeAppender('A1');
48     //---------------- Log4cxx configuration-----------------------------------------------
49 kusanagi 6.1
50 kusanagi 1.1 // Check file name
51 kusanagi 1.7
52     if (argc < 2){
53     //logger->info(_T("You have forgotten the file name."));
54     cout << "You have forgotten the file name. \n";
55 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
56 kusanagi 1.7 exit(1);
57     }
59 kusanagi 6.2 if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-help")){
60 kusanagi 1.7 cout << "Usage: yoda FILE [OPTION] \n";
61 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "\t -help print this help and exit \n";
62     cout << "\t -version print version number \n";
63 kusanagi 1.7 cout << "\t -p maximum number of packets to process [default all] \n";
64 kusanagi 6.1 cout << "\t -multi generate multiple root files \n";
65     cout << "\t -c set the compression level for the generated root file(s). Values: [0,9] [default = 3]\n";
66     cout << "\t -o set the output directory for the generated root file(s). [default = $YODA_DATA]. Notice that in the same directory have to be prensent a log4cxx configuration file called \"log4cxx.conf\" \n";
67 kusanagi 1.7 exit(1);
68     }
70 kusanagi 6.2 if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-version")){
71 kusanagi 6.4 cout << "$Name: $ $Revision: 6.3 $" << "\n";
72 kusanagi 6.2 exit(1);
73     }
75 kusanagi 1.7 ifstream from (argv[1]);
76     if (!from) {
77     //logger->info(_T("The file does not exist."));
78     cout << "The file does not exist. \n";
79 kusanagi 1.1 exit(1);
80     }
82 kusanagi 1.7 for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++){
83     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p")){
84     if (++i >= argc){
85     cerr << "-p needs arguments. \n";
86 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
87 kusanagi 1.7 exit(1);
88     }
89 kusanagi 5.1 if (isdigit(*argv[i]) && (atoi(argv[i]) > 0)) {
90 kusanagi 1.7 maxPackets = atoi(argv[i]);
91     } else {
92     //logger->info(_T("The file does not exist."));
93     cerr << "-p needs a integer value. \n";
94 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
95 kusanagi 1.7 exit(1);
96     }
97 kusanagi 5.1 continue;
98 kusanagi 1.7 }
100 kusanagi 6.1 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-multi")) multiFile = 1;
101 kusanagi 5.1
102     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")){
103     if (++i >= argc){
104     cerr << "-c needs arguments. \n";
105 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
106 kusanagi 5.1 exit(1);
107     }
108     if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) && (atoi(argv[i]) <= 9))) {
109     compression = atoi(argv[i]);
110     } else {
111     //logger->info(_T("The file does not exist."));
112     cerr << "-c needs a integer value beetween 0 and 9. \n";
113 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
114 kusanagi 5.1 exit(1);
115     }
116     continue;
117 kusanagi 1.7 }
118 kusanagi 6.1
119     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")){
120     if (++i >= argc){
121     cerr << "-o needs arguments. \n";
122 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
123 kusanagi 6.1 exit(1);
124     }
125     DIR* tempdir;
126     if ((tempdir = opendir(argv[i])) != 0) {
127     outDir = argv[i];
128     closedir(tempdir);
129     } else {
130     //logger->info(_T("The file does not exist."));
131     cerr << "-o needs an existing/accessable directory. \n";
132 kusanagi 6.2 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
133 kusanagi 6.1 exit(1);
134     }
135     continue;
136     }
138 kusanagi 1.7 }
139 kusanagi 1.6
140 kusanagi 6.1 if (outDir == ""){
141     try {
142     outDir = getenv("YODA_DATA");
143     if (getenv("YODA_DATA") == NULL) throw NotFoundEnvironmentVarException("The variable YODA_DATA has not been found.");
144     } catch (NotFoundEnvironmentVarException exc) {
145     cout << "The variable YODA_DATA has not been found. \n";
146     cout << "Please check your environment variables \n";
147     oss.str("");
148     oss << exc.print();
149     logger->fatal(oss.str().c_str());
150     exit(1);
151     }
152     }
154     string pathDir(outDir);
155     string pathLog = nomeFileLog;
156     //Define the configuration file to be used on log4cxx
157     PropertyConfigurator::configure(pathDir + "/log4cxx.conf");
159 kusanagi 1.1 time_t rawtime;
160     struct tm * timeinfo;
161     time ( &rawtime );
162     timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
163 kusanagi 1.7
164 kusanagi 2.1 oss.str("");
165 kusanagi 1.7 oss << "<-------------------------------START UNPACKING------------------------------->\n"
166     << " Starting the program at: " << asctime (timeinfo) << " Opening file: " << argv[1];
167     logger->info(oss.str().c_str());
170 kusanagi 1.1 gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE);
171 kusanagi 1.7 EventReader *reader = new EventReader(maxPackets);
172 kusanagi 1.1
173     int num = 0;
174 kusanagi 5.1 TechmodelPamelaRun Run(argv[1], outDir, multiFile, compression);
175 kusanagi 1.7 reader->Init(&Run);
177 kusanagi 2.1 oss.str("");
178 kusanagi 1.7 oss << "Init successul ok" << asctime (timeinfo);
179     logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
181     reader->RunEvent(num); //TBD --- eliminate the runNumber
182     reader->Finish();
183 kusanagi 1.1 Run.WriteFiles();
184 kusanagi 1.7
185     logger->info("<-------------------------------END UNPACKING------------------------------->\n");
186 kusanagi 6.4 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
187 kusanagi 1.7 //Momentarly suspended the save
188     //system(command.c_str());
189 kusanagi 1.1 }
190 kusanagi 6.2

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