/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/forroutines/trigger/triggerunpack.for
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/forroutines/trigger/triggerunpack.for

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Revision 6.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Feb 7 17:11:11 2006 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: YODA6_0/00
Changes since 5.0: +0 -0 lines
Several new features in this revision:
a) all the packets are conform to the Mass Memory Format specifications (http://people.roma2.infn.it/~cpu/Mass_Memory_Format.html)
b) unpacking either using the old files structure OR the new one file unpacking.
c) parametrized root files compression factor
d) deleting of the following packet: TofTest, TrkTest, TrkEvent.
e) the Tracker routines now work without the use of temp files.

The point a) allow Yoda to unpack in the root file all the packets generated by the CPU. According to the MassMemoryFormat; that is three possible data are available:

1) almost explicit structure of the packet (like for Log, Tracker, Mcmd, etc....);
2) dummy data collection structure (InitHeader, InitTrailer, CalibHeader, CalibTrailer);
3) just the data of the packet (almost all Alarm and Init procedures). The class regarding this packets have only one parameters, a TArrayC class, which contain the data-block included in the packet (tat is the data below the packet Header).

The point b) has been implemented as a consequence of an agreement about a more compact structure of the unpacked data. Up to now the structure of each unpacked data consisted of a folder, named after the packet type, and three files: xxx.Header.root, xxx.NamePacket.root, xxx.Registry.root.
Starting from this release YODA, by default will unpack the data in a unique root file. The structure of this file will consist of:
- several TTree(s) named after the packet type;
- into each TTree are foreseen three TBranche(s):
    - 'Header'  (the old xxx.Header.root file)
    - 'NameOfThePacket' (the old xxx.Event.root file or the xxx.Event.DETECTOR.root)
    - 'Registry' (the old xxx.Registry.root file)

Anyway is still possible, but deprecated, to unpack using the old structure, passing to the "yoda" command the optional parameter "-multifile"

The point c) has been implemented because is well know that writing time in a TTree is as much fast as much lower is the compression factor for the root file; anyway for a PAMELA dat file, a compression equal to 0 will generate a root file which will be more than two times the original size. To modify the compression parameter just add the optional parameter "-c [0-9]" to the yoda command line.

1 C--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 C D.Campana, Dec. 04
5 C---------------------------------------------------------------------
8 C
9 integer lung
10 integer*1 vecta(lung)
11 integer*2 ibuf
12 integer me
13 integer*2 check, crctrig
14 integer ic0,sup,inf
15 integer i, ic, bit, bi
16 integer pmtpl(3), trigrate(6), dltime(2), s4calcount(2)
17 integer pmtcount1(24), pmtcount2(24)
18 integer*4 patternbusy(3)
19 integer patterntrig(6), trigconf
20 integer*4 evcount
21 real ratepmt(3),ratetrig(6),dltimems(2)
22 C
23 C
24 COMMON / trig / evcount, pmtpl, trigrate, dltime,
25 & s4calcount, pmtcount1, pmtcount2,
26 & patternbusy, patterntrig, trigconf
27 save / trig /
28 C
29 C Begin !
30 C
32 ic = 1
33 c print *,'************* Trigger Unpack ******************'
34 ic0 = ic
35 do i = 1, 3
36 pmtpl(i) = 0
37 do bit = 0, 7
38 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
39 if (bi.eq.1) pmtpl(i) = ibset(pmtpl(i),7-bit)
41 if (bit.ge.4) then
42 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
43 if (bi.eq.1) pmtpl(i) = ibset(pmtpl(i),15-bit)
44 endif
45 enddo
46 ratepmt(i) = pmtpl(i)/0.06 ! rate di piano in Hz
47 ic = ic + 2
48 enddo
49 c print *,'----------> 1crc: ',ic
50 c print *,'pmtpl(i,(i=1,3))'
51 c print *,pmtpl(1),pmtpl(2),pmtpl(3)
52 c print *,'ratepmt(i,(i=1,3))'
53 c print *,ratepmt(1),ratepmt(2),ratepmt(3)
54 c
55 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
56 c Check consistency of CRC.
57 c
58 ibuf=0
59 do bit = 0, 7
60 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
61 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
62 enddo
63 c
64 check = 0
65 inf = ic0
66 sup = ic - 1
67 do i = inf,sup
68 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
69 enddo
70 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
71 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
72 me = 1
73 endif
74 c
75 ic = ic + 1
76 ic0 = ic
77 evcount = 0
78 do bit=0, 7
79 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
80 if (bi.eq.1) evcount = ibset(evcount,7-bit)
81 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
82 if (bi.eq.1) evcount = ibset(evcount,15-bit)
83 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
84 if (bi.eq.1) evcount = ibset(evcount,23-bit)
85 enddo
86 ic = ic + 3
88 c print *,'----------> 2crc: ',ic
89 c print *,'evcount',evcount
90 c
91 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
92 c Check consistency of CRC.
93 c
94 ibuf=0
95 do bit = 0, 7
96 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
97 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
98 enddo
99 c
100 check = 0
101 inf = ic0
102 sup = ic - 1
103 do i = inf,sup
104 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
105 enddo
106 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
107 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
108 me = 1
109 endif
110 c
111 c
112 ic = ic + 1
113 ic0 = ic
114 do i = 1, 6
115 trigrate(i) = 0
116 do bit = 0, 7
117 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
118 if (bi.eq.1) trigrate(i) = ibset(trigrate(i),7-bit)
120 if (bit.ge.4) then
121 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
122 if (bi.eq.1) trigrate(i) = ibset(trigrate(i),15-bit)
123 endif
124 enddo
125 ratetrig(i) = trigrate(i)/0.06 ! rate di trigger in Hz
126 ic = ic + 2
127 enddo
129 c print *,'----------> 3crc: ',ic
130 c print *,'trigrate(i,(i=1,6))'
131 c print *,trigrate(1),trigrate(2),trigrate(3)
132 c print *,trigrate(4),trigrate(5),trigrate(6)
133 c print *,'ratetrig(i,(i=1,6))'
134 c print *,ratetrig(1),ratetrig(2),ratetrig(3)
135 c print *,ratetrig(4),ratetrig(5),ratetrig(6)
136 c
137 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
138 c Check consistency of CRC.
139 c
140 ibuf=0
141 do bit = 0, 7
142 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
143 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
144 enddo
145 c
146 check = 0
147 inf = ic0
148 sup = ic - 1
149 do i = inf,sup
150 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
151 enddo
152 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
153 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
154 me = 1
155 endif
156 c
157 c
158 ic = ic + 1
159 ic0 = ic
160 do i = 1, 2
161 dltime(i) = 0
162 do bit = 0, 7
163 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
164 if (bi.eq.1) dltime(i) = ibset(dltime(i),7-bit)
165 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
166 if (bi.eq.1) dltime(i) = ibset(dltime(i),15-bit)
167 enddo
168 ic = ic + 2
169 enddo
170 dltimems(1) = dltime(1) * 0.16 ! dltime in msec
171 dltimems(2) = dltime(2) * 0.01 ! dltime in msec
173 c print *,'----------> 4crc: ',ic
174 c print *,'dltime(i,(i=1,2))'
175 c print *,dltime(1),dltime(2)
176 c print *,'dltimems(i,(i=1,2))'
177 c print *,dltimems(1),dltimems(2)
178 c
179 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
180 c Check consistency of CRC.
181 c
182 ibuf=0
183 do bit = 0, 7
184 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
185 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
186 enddo
187 c
188 check = 0
189 inf = ic0
190 sup = ic - 1
191 do i = inf,sup
192 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
193 enddo
194 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
195 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
196 me = 1
197 endif
198 c
199 c
200 ic = ic + 1
201 ic0 = ic
202 do i = 1, 2
203 s4calcount(i) = 0
204 do bit = 0, 7
205 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
206 if (bi.eq.1) s4calcount(i) = ibset(s4calcount(i),7-bit)
208 if (bit.ge.4) then
209 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
210 if (bi.eq.1) s4calcount(i) = ibset(s4calcount(i),15-bit)
211 endif
212 enddo
213 ic = ic + 2
214 enddo
216 c print *,'----------> 5crc: ',ic
217 c print *,'s4calcount(i,(i=1,2))'
218 c print *,s4calcount(1),s4calcount(2)
219 c
220 c
221 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
222 c Check consistency of CRC.
223 c
224 ibuf=0
225 do bit = 0, 7
226 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
227 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
228 enddo
229 c
230 check = 0
231 inf = ic0
232 sup = ic - 1
233 do i = inf,sup
234 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
235 enddo
236 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
237 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
238 me = 1
239 endif
240 C
241 ic = ic + 1
242 ic0 = ic
243 do i = 1, 24
244 pmtcount1(i) = 0
245 do bit = 0, 7
246 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
247 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount1(i) = ibset(pmtcount1(i),7-bit)
249 if (bit.ge.4) then
250 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
251 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount1(i) = ibset(pmtcount1(i),15-bit)
252 endif
253 enddo
254 ic = ic + 2
255 enddo
257 c print *,'----------> 6crc: ',ic
258 c print *,'pmtcount1(i,(i=1,24))'
259 c print *,pmtcount1(1) ,pmtcount1(2) ,pmtcount1(3) ,pmtcount1(4)
260 c print *,pmtcount1(5) ,pmtcount1(6) ,pmtcount1(7) ,pmtcount1(8)
261 c print *,pmtcount1(9) ,pmtcount1(10),pmtcount1(11),pmtcount1(12)
262 c print *,pmtcount1(13),pmtcount1(14),pmtcount1(15),pmtcount1(16)
263 c print *,pmtcount1(17),pmtcount1(18),pmtcount1(19),pmtcount1(20)
264 c print *,pmtcount1(21),pmtcount1(22),pmtcount1(23),pmtcount1(24)
265 c
266 c
267 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
268 c Check consistency of CRC.
269 c
270 ibuf=0
271 do bit = 0, 7
272 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
273 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
274 enddo
275 c
276 check = 0
277 inf = ic0
278 sup = ic - 1
279 do i = inf,sup
280 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
281 enddo
282 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
283 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
284 me = 1
285 endif
286 c
287 c
288 ic = ic + 1
289 ic0 = ic
290 do i = 1, 24
291 pmtcount2(i) = 0
292 do bit = 0, 7
293 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
294 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount2(i) = ibset(pmtcount2(i),7-bit)
295 if (bit.ge.4) then
296 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
297 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount2(i) = ibset(pmtcount2(i),15-bit)
298 endif
299 enddo
300 ic = ic + 2
301 enddo
302 c print *,'----------> 7crc: ',ic
303 c print *,'pmtcount2(i,(i=1,24))'
304 c print *,pmtcount2(1) ,pmtcount2(2) ,pmtcount2(3) ,pmtcount2(4)
305 c print *,pmtcount2(5) ,pmtcount2(6) ,pmtcount2(7) ,pmtcount2(8)
306 c print *,pmtcount2(9) ,pmtcount2(10),pmtcount2(11),pmtcount2(12)
307 c print *,pmtcount2(13),pmtcount2(14),pmtcount2(15),pmtcount2(16)
308 c print *,pmtcount2(17),pmtcount2(18),pmtcount2(19),pmtcount2(20)
309 c print *,pmtcount2(21),pmtcount2(22),pmtcount2(23),pmtcount2(24)
311 c
312 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
313 c Check consistency of CRC.
314 c
315 ibuf=0
316 do bit = 0, 7
317 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
318 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
319 enddo
320 c
321 check = 0
322 inf = ic0
323 sup = ic - 1
324 do i = inf,sup
325 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
326 enddo
327 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
328 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
329 me = 1
330 endif
331 c
333 ic = ic + 1
334 ic0 = ic
335 do i = 1, 3
336 patternbusy(i) = 0
337 if(i.eq.1)then
338 do bit = 0, 7
339 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
340 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),11+bit)
341 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
342 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),3+bit)
344 if (bit.ge.5) then
345 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
346 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),bit-5)
347 endif
348 enddo
349 endif
350 if(i.eq.2)then
351 do bit = 0, 7
352 if (bit.lt.5) then
353 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
354 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),14+bit)
355 endif
356 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
357 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),6+bit)
359 if (bit.ge.2) then
360 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
361 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),bit-2)
362 endif
363 enddo
364 endif
366 if(i.eq.3)then
367 do bit = 0, 7
368 if (bit.lt.2) then
369 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
370 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),17+bit)
371 endif
372 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
373 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),9+bit)
374 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
375 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),bit+1)
377 if (bit.eq.7) then
378 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+3),bit,1)
379 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),0)
380 endif
381 enddo
382 endif
384 ic = ic + 2
385 enddo
386 ic = ic + 2
388 c print *,'----------> 8crc: ',ic
389 c print *,'patternbusy(i,(i=1,3))'
390 c print *, patternbusy(1) ,patternbusy(2) ,patternbusy(3)
391 c
392 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
393 c Check consistency of CRC.
394 c
395 ibuf=0
396 do bit = 0, 7
397 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
398 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
399 enddo
400 c
401 check = 0
402 inf = ic0
403 sup = ic - 1
404 do i = inf,sup
405 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
406 enddo
407 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
408 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
409 me = 1
410 endif
411 c
412 c
413 ic = ic + 1
414 ic0 = ic
415 do i = 1, 6
416 patterntrig(i) = 0
417 enddo
418 do i = 1, 7
419 if(i.eq.1)then
420 do bit = 0, 7
421 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
422 if (bi.eq.1)then
423 if(bit.ge.4)patterntrig(i) = ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-4)
424 if(bit.lt.4.and.bit.gt.0)
425 + patterntrig(i+1) = ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit-1)
427 if(bit.eq.0)patterntrig(i+2)=ibset(patterntrig(i+2),11)
428 endif
429 enddo
430 endif
432 if(i.eq.2)then
433 do bit = 0, 7
434 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
435 if (bi.eq.1)
436 + patterntrig(i+1) = ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+3)
437 enddo
438 endif
440 if(i.eq.3)then
441 do bit = 0, 7
442 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
443 if (bi.eq.1)then
444 if(bit.ge.5)then
445 patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-5)
446 else
447 patterntrig(i+1)=ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+3)
448 endif
449 endif
450 enddo
451 endif
453 if(i.eq.4)then
454 do bit = 0, 7
455 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
456 if (bi.eq.1)then
457 if(bit.ge.5)then
458 patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-5)
459 else
460 patterntrig(i+1)=ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+7)
461 endif
462 endif
463 enddo
464 endif
466 if(i.eq.5)then
467 do bit = 0, 7
468 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
469 if (bi.eq.1)then
470 if(bit.gt.0)then
471 patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-1)
472 else
473 patterntrig(i+1)=ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+15)
474 endif
475 endif
476 enddo
477 endif
479 if(i.eq.6)then
480 do bit = 0, 7
481 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
482 if (bi.eq.1)patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit+7)
483 enddo
484 endif
486 if(i.eq.7)then
487 do bit = 0, 7
488 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
489 if (bi.eq.1)then
490 if(bit.gt.0)patterntrig(i-1)=ibset(patterntrig(i-1),bit-1)
491 endif
492 enddo
493 endif
494 ic = ic + 1
495 enddo
497 c print *,'----------> 9crc: ',ic
498 c print *,'patterntrig(i,(i=1,6))'
499 c print *, patterntrig(1) ,patterntrig(2) ,patterntrig(3)
500 c print *, patterntrig(4) ,patterntrig(5) ,patterntrig(6)
501 c
502 c
503 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
504 c Check consistency of CRC.
505 c
506 ibuf=0
507 do bit = 0, 7
508 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
509 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
510 enddo
511 c
512 check = 0
513 inf = ic0
514 sup = ic - 1
515 do i = inf,sup
516 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
517 enddo
518 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
519 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
520 me = 1
521 endif
522 c
523 c
524 ic = ic + 1
525 ic0 = ic
526 trigconf = 0
527 do i = 1, 2
528 do bit = 0, 7
529 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
530 if (bi.eq.1) then
531 if(i.eq.1) trigconf = ibset(trigconf,bit+2)
532 if(i.eq.2) then
533 if(bit.ge.6)trigconf = ibset(trigconf,bit-6)
534 endif
535 endif
536 enddo
537 ic = ic + 1
538 enddo
539 c print *,'----------> 10crc: ',ic
540 c print *,'ic here is ',ic
541 c print *,'trigconf'
542 c print *, trigconf
543 c
544 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
545 c Check consistency of CRC.
546 c
547 ibuf=0
548 do bit = 0, 7
549 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
550 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
551 enddo
552 c
553 check = 0
554 inf = ic0
555 sup = ic - 1
556 do i = inf,sup
557 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
558 enddo
559 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
560 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
561 me = 1
562 endif
563 c
565 END

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