/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/forroutines/trigger/triggerunpack.for
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/forroutines/trigger/triggerunpack.for

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Revision 3.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Mar 4 15:54:11 2005 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Error proof version.
Implemented all detectors packets plus all the main telemetries packets.
Missing all the Init and Alarm packets.
Disabled CRC control on VarDump, ArrDump, TabDump for CPU debugging needs
(the data formats seems correct even if CRC get wrong)

1 C--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 C D.Campana, Dec. 04
5 C---------------------------------------------------------------------
8 C
9 integer lung
10 integer*1 vecta(lung)
11 integer me
12 integer*2 check, crctrig
13 integer ic0,sup,inf
14 integer i, ic, bit, bi
15 integer pmtpl(3), trigrate(6), dltime(2), s4calcount(2)
16 integer pmtcount1(24), pmtcount2(24)
17 integer*4 patternbusy(3)
18 integer patterntrig(6), trigconf
19 integer*4 evcount
20 real ratepmt(3),ratetrig(6),dltimems(2)
21 C
22 C
23 COMMON / trig / evcount, pmtpl, trigrate, dltime,
24 & s4calcount, pmtcount1, pmtcount2,
25 & patternbusy, patterntrig, trigconf
26 save / trig /
27 C
28 C Begin !
29 C
31 ic = 1
32 c print *,'************* Trigger Unpack ******************'
33 ic0 = ic
34 do i = 1, 3
35 pmtpl(i) = 0
36 do bit = 0, 7
37 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
38 if (bi.eq.1) pmtpl(i) = ibset(pmtpl(i),7-bit)
40 if (bit.ge.4) then
41 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
42 if (bi.eq.1) pmtpl(i) = ibset(pmtpl(i),15-bit)
43 endif
44 enddo
45 ratepmt(i) = pmtpl(i)/0.06 ! rate di piano in Hz
46 ic = ic + 2
47 enddo
48 c print *,'----------> 1crc: ',ic
49 c print *,'pmtpl(i,(i=1,3))'
50 c print *,pmtpl(1),pmtpl(2),pmtpl(3)
51 c print *,'ratepmt(i,(i=1,3))'
52 c print *,ratepmt(1),ratepmt(2),ratepmt(3)
53 c
54 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
55 c Check consistency of CRC.
56 c
57 if (vecta(ic).lt.0) vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
58 check = 0
59 inf = ic0
60 sup = ic - 1
61 do i = inf,sup
62 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
63 enddo
64 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
65 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
66 me = 1
67 else
68 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
69 endif
70 c
71 ic = ic + 1
72 ic0 = ic
73 evcount = 0
74 do bit=0, 7
75 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
76 if (bi.eq.1) evcount = ibset(evcount,7-bit)
77 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
78 if (bi.eq.1) evcount = ibset(evcount,15-bit)
79 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
80 if (bi.eq.1) evcount = ibset(evcount,23-bit)
81 enddo
82 ic = ic + 3
84 c print *,'----------> 2crc: ',ic
85 c print *,'evcount',evcount
86 c
87 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
88 c Check consistency of CRC.
89 c
90 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
91 check = 0
92 inf = ic0
93 sup = ic - 1
94 do i = inf,sup
95 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
96 enddo
97 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
98 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
99 me = 1
100 else
101 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
102 endif
103 c
104 c
105 ic = ic + 1
106 ic0 = ic
107 do i = 1, 6
108 trigrate(i) = 0
109 do bit = 0, 7
110 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
111 if (bi.eq.1) trigrate(i) = ibset(trigrate(i),7-bit)
113 if (bit.ge.4) then
114 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
115 if (bi.eq.1) trigrate(i) = ibset(trigrate(i),15-bit)
116 endif
117 enddo
118 ratetrig(i) = trigrate(i)/0.06 ! rate di trigger in Hz
119 ic = ic + 2
120 enddo
122 c print *,'----------> 3crc: ',ic
123 c print *,'trigrate(i,(i=1,6))'
124 c print *,trigrate(1),trigrate(2),trigrate(3)
125 c print *,trigrate(4),trigrate(5),trigrate(6)
126 c print *,'ratetrig(i,(i=1,6))'
127 c print *,ratetrig(1),ratetrig(2),ratetrig(3)
128 c print *,ratetrig(4),ratetrig(5),ratetrig(6)
129 c
130 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
131 c Check consistency of CRC.
132 c
133 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
134 check = 0
135 inf = ic0
136 sup = ic - 1
137 do i = inf,sup
138 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
139 enddo
140 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
141 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
142 me = 1
143 else
144 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
145 endif
146 c
147 c
148 ic = ic + 1
149 ic0 = ic
150 do i = 1, 2
151 dltime(i) = 0
152 do bit = 0, 7
153 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
154 if (bi.eq.1) dltime(i) = ibset(dltime(i),7-bit)
155 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
156 if (bi.eq.1) dltime(i) = ibset(dltime(i),15-bit)
157 enddo
158 ic = ic + 2
159 enddo
160 dltimems(1) = dltime(1) * 0.16 ! dltime in msec
161 dltimems(2) = dltime(2) * 0.01 ! dltime in msec
163 c print *,'----------> 4crc: ',ic
164 c print *,'dltime(i,(i=1,2))'
165 c print *,dltime(1),dltime(2)
166 c print *,'dltimems(i,(i=1,2))'
167 c print *,dltimems(1),dltimems(2)
168 c
169 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
170 c Check consistency of CRC.
171 c
172 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
173 check = 0
174 inf = ic0
175 sup = ic - 1
176 do i = inf,sup
177 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
178 enddo
179 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
180 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
181 me = 1
182 else
183 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
184 endif
185 c
186 c
187 ic = ic + 1
188 ic0 = ic
189 do i = 1, 2
190 s4calcount(i) = 0
191 do bit = 0, 7
192 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
193 if (bi.eq.1) s4calcount(i) = ibset(s4calcount(i),7-bit)
195 if (bit.ge.4) then
196 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
197 if (bi.eq.1) s4calcount(i) = ibset(s4calcount(i),15-bit)
198 endif
199 enddo
200 ic = ic + 2
201 enddo
203 c print *,'----------> 5crc: ',ic
204 c print *,'s4calcount(i,(i=1,2))'
205 c print *,s4calcount(1),s4calcount(2)
206 c
207 c
208 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
209 c Check consistency of CRC.
210 c
211 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
212 check = 0
213 inf = ic0
214 sup = ic - 1
215 do i = inf,sup
216 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
217 enddo
218 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
219 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
220 me = 1
221 else
222 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
223 endif
224 c
225 C
226 ic = ic + 1
227 ic0 = ic
228 do i = 1, 24
229 pmtcount1(i) = 0
230 do bit = 0, 7
231 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
232 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount1(i) = ibset(pmtcount1(i),7-bit)
234 if (bit.ge.4) then
235 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
236 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount1(i) = ibset(pmtcount1(i),15-bit)
237 endif
238 enddo
239 ic = ic + 2
240 enddo
242 c print *,'----------> 6crc: ',ic
243 c print *,'pmtcount1(i,(i=1,24))'
244 c print *,pmtcount1(1) ,pmtcount1(2) ,pmtcount1(3) ,pmtcount1(4)
245 c print *,pmtcount1(5) ,pmtcount1(6) ,pmtcount1(7) ,pmtcount1(8)
246 c print *,pmtcount1(9) ,pmtcount1(10),pmtcount1(11),pmtcount1(12)
247 c print *,pmtcount1(13),pmtcount1(14),pmtcount1(15),pmtcount1(16)
248 c print *,pmtcount1(17),pmtcount1(18),pmtcount1(19),pmtcount1(20)
249 c print *,pmtcount1(21),pmtcount1(22),pmtcount1(23),pmtcount1(24)
250 c
251 c
252 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
253 c Check consistency of CRC.
254 c
255 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
256 check = 0
257 inf = ic0
258 sup = ic - 1
259 do i = inf,sup
260 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
261 enddo
262 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
263 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
264 me = 1
265 else
266 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
267 endif
268 c
269 c
270 ic = ic + 1
271 ic0 = ic
272 do i = 1, 24
273 pmtcount2(i) = 0
274 do bit = 0, 7
275 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
276 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount2(i) = ibset(pmtcount2(i),7-bit)
277 if (bit.ge.4) then
278 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
279 if (bi.eq.1) pmtcount2(i) = ibset(pmtcount2(i),15-bit)
280 endif
281 enddo
282 ic = ic + 2
283 enddo
284 c print *,'----------> 7crc: ',ic
285 c print *,'pmtcount2(i,(i=1,24))'
286 c print *,pmtcount2(1) ,pmtcount2(2) ,pmtcount2(3) ,pmtcount2(4)
287 c print *,pmtcount2(5) ,pmtcount2(6) ,pmtcount2(7) ,pmtcount2(8)
288 c print *,pmtcount2(9) ,pmtcount2(10),pmtcount2(11),pmtcount2(12)
289 c print *,pmtcount2(13),pmtcount2(14),pmtcount2(15),pmtcount2(16)
290 c print *,pmtcount2(17),pmtcount2(18),pmtcount2(19),pmtcount2(20)
291 c print *,pmtcount2(21),pmtcount2(22),pmtcount2(23),pmtcount2(24)
292 c
293 c
294 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
295 c Check consistency of CRC.
296 c
297 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
298 check = 0
299 inf = ic0
300 sup = ic - 1
301 do i = inf,sup
302 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
303 enddo
304 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
305 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
306 me = 1
307 else
308 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
309 endif
310 c
311 c
313 ic = ic + 1
314 ic0 = ic
315 do i = 1, 3
316 patternbusy(i) = 0
317 if(i.eq.1)then
318 do bit = 0, 7
319 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
320 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),11+bit)
321 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
322 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),3+bit)
324 if (bit.ge.5) then
325 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
326 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),bit-5)
327 endif
328 enddo
329 endif
330 if(i.eq.2)then
331 do bit = 0, 7
332 if (bit.lt.5) then
333 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
334 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),14+bit)
335 endif
336 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
337 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),6+bit)
339 if (bit.ge.2) then
340 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
341 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),bit-2)
342 endif
343 enddo
344 endif
346 if(i.eq.3)then
347 do bit = 0, 7
348 if (bit.lt.2) then
349 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
350 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),17+bit)
351 endif
352 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
353 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),9+bit)
354 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
355 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),bit+1)
357 if (bit.eq.7) then
358 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+3),bit,1)
359 if (bi.eq.1) patternbusy(i) = ibset(patternbusy(i),0)
360 endif
361 enddo
362 endif
364 ic = ic + 2
365 enddo
366 ic = ic + 2
368 c print *,'----------> 8crc: ',ic
369 c print *,'patternbusy(i,(i=1,3))'
370 c print *, patternbusy(1) ,patternbusy(2) ,patternbusy(3)
371 c
372 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
373 c Check consistency of CRC.
374 c
375 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
376 check = 0
377 inf = ic0
378 sup = ic - 1
379 do i = inf,sup
380 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
381 enddo
382 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
383 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
384 me = 1
385 else
386 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
387 endif
388 c
389 c
390 ic = ic + 1
391 ic0 = ic
392 do i = 1, 6
393 patterntrig(i) = 0
394 enddo
395 do i = 1, 7
396 if(i.eq.1)then
397 do bit = 0, 7
398 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
399 if (bi.eq.1)then
400 if(bit.ge.4)patterntrig(i) = ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-4)
401 if(bit.lt.4.and.bit.gt.0)
402 + patterntrig(i+1) = ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit-1)
404 if(bit.eq.0)patterntrig(i+2)=ibset(patterntrig(i+2),11)
405 endif
406 enddo
407 endif
409 if(i.eq.2)then
410 do bit = 0, 7
411 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
412 if (bi.eq.1)
413 + patterntrig(i+1) = ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+3)
414 enddo
415 endif
417 if(i.eq.3)then
418 do bit = 0, 7
419 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
420 if (bi.eq.1)then
421 if(bit.ge.5)then
422 patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-5)
423 else
424 patterntrig(i+1)=ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+3)
425 endif
426 endif
427 enddo
428 endif
430 if(i.eq.4)then
431 do bit = 0, 7
432 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
433 if (bi.eq.1)then
434 if(bit.ge.5)then
435 patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-5)
436 else
437 patterntrig(i+1)=ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+7)
438 endif
439 endif
440 enddo
441 endif
443 if(i.eq.5)then
444 do bit = 0, 7
445 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
446 if (bi.eq.1)then
447 if(bit.gt.0)then
448 patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit-1)
449 else
450 patterntrig(i+1)=ibset(patterntrig(i+1),bit+15)
451 endif
452 endif
453 enddo
454 endif
456 if(i.eq.6)then
457 do bit = 0, 7
458 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
459 if (bi.eq.1)patterntrig(i)=ibset(patterntrig(i),bit+7)
460 enddo
461 endif
463 if(i.eq.7)then
464 do bit = 0, 7
465 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
466 if (bi.eq.1)then
467 if(bit.gt.0)patterntrig(i-1)=ibset(patterntrig(i-1),bit-1)
468 endif
469 enddo
470 endif
471 ic = ic + 1
472 enddo
474 c print *,'----------> 9crc: ',ic
475 c print *,'patterntrig(i,(i=1,6))'
476 c print *, patterntrig(1) ,patterntrig(2) ,patterntrig(3)
477 c print *, patterntrig(4) ,patterntrig(5) ,patterntrig(6)
478 c
479 c
480 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
481 c Check consistency of CRC.
482 c
483 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
484 check = 0
485 inf = ic0
486 sup = ic - 1
487 do i = inf,sup
488 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
489 enddo
490 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
491 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
492 me = 1
493 else
494 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
495 endif
496 c
497 c
498 ic = ic + 1
499 ic0 = ic
500 trigconf = 0
501 do i = 1, 2
502 do bit = 0, 7
503 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
504 if (bi.eq.1) then
505 if(i.eq.1) trigconf = ibset(trigconf,bit+2)
506 if(i.eq.2) then
507 if(bit.ge.6)trigconf = ibset(trigconf,bit-6)
508 endif
509 endif
510 enddo
511 ic = ic + 1
512 enddo
513 c print *,'----------> 10crc: ',ic
514 c print *,'ic here is ',ic
515 c print *,'trigconf'
516 c print *, trigconf
517 c
518 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
519 c Check consistency of CRC.
520 c
521 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
522 check = 0
523 inf = ic0
524 sup = ic - 1
525 do i = inf,sup
526 check=crctrig(check,vecta(i))
527 enddo
528 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
529 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
530 me = 1
531 else
532 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
533 endif
534 c
537 END

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