/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/forroutines/tof/tofunpack.for
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/forroutines/tof/tofunpack.for

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Revision 3.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Mar 4 15:54:11 2005 UTC (19 years, 9 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Error proof version.
Implemented all detectors packets plus all the main telemetries packets.
Missing all the Init and Alarm packets.
Disabled CRC control on VarDump, ArrDump, TabDump for CPU debugging needs
(the data formats seems correct even if CRC get wrong)

1 C--------------------------------------------------------------------
3 C D.Campana, Dec. 04
4 C---------------------------------------------------------------------
8 C
9 C Normal variables definition
10 C
11 integer lung
12 integer*1 vecta(lung)
13 integer me
14 integer check, crctof
15 integer ic0,sup,inf
16 integer i, ic, bit, bi,j
17 integer start,ntdc
18 integer tdcid(12),evcount(12)
19 integer tdcmask(12),adc(4,12),tdc(4,12)
20 integer rawadc(4,12),rawtdc(4,12),grayadc(4,12),graytdc(4,12)
21 integer temp1(12),temp2(12)
22 C
23 c data start,ntdc /150,12/ ! to read data before Christmas 2004
24 data start,ntdc /153,12/ ! to read data after Christmas 2004
26 COMMON / tofvar /tdcid,evcount,tdcmask,adc,tdc,temp1,temp2
27 save / tofvar /
29 C
30 C Begin !
31 C
33 C
34 C AAA : Bisogna definire un pattern per il tof
35 C
37 ic = start
38 C
39 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack ++++++++++++++++'
41 do j = 1,ntdc
42 ic0 = ic ! primo indice per il calcolo del CRC
43 tdcid(j) = 0
44 evcount(j) = 0
45 do bit = 0, 7
46 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
47 if (bi.eq.1) tdcid(j) = ibset(tdcid(j),bit)
48 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
49 if (bi.eq.1) evcount(j) = ibset(evcount(j),bit)
50 enddo
51 c print *,'tdcid(',j,')', 'evcount(',j,')'
52 c print *,tdcid(j), evcount(j)
53 c
54 ic=ic+2
55 tdcmask(j) = 0
56 do bit = 0, 7
57 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
58 if (bi.eq.1) tdcmask(j) = ibset(tdcmask(j),bit+8)
59 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
60 if (bi.eq.1) tdcmask(j) = ibset(tdcmask(j),bit)
61 enddo
62 c print *,'tdcmask(',j,')'
63 c print *,tdcmask(j)
65 ic=ic+2
66 do i=1,4
67 rawadc(i,j) = 0
68 rawtdc(i,j) = 0
69 grayadc(i,j) = 0
70 graytdc(i,j) = 0
71 do bit = 0, 7
72 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
73 if (bi.eq.1) rawadc(i,j) = ibset(rawadc(i,j),bit+8)
74 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
75 if (bi.eq.1) rawadc(i,j) = ibset(rawadc(i,j),bit)
76 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
77 if (bi.eq.1) rawtdc(i,j) = ibset(rawtdc(i,j),bit+8)
78 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+3),bit,1)
79 if (bi.eq.1) rawtdc(i,j) = ibset(rawtdc(i,j),bit)
80 enddo
81 c print *,'rawadc(',i,',',j,')','rawtdc(',i,',',j,')'
82 c print *, rawadc(i,j),rawtdc(i,j)
83 c
84 c adc e tdc data have to be translated from Gray code to binary (bit 0-11)
85 c bit 12 is added after conversion (control bit)
86 c bit 13 is 1(0) for charge(time) information
87 c bits 14-15 give the channel 1-4 on the board.
88 c
89 grayadc(i,j)=ibits(rawadc(i,j),0,12)
90 graytdc(i,j)=ibits(rawtdc(i,j),0,12)
91 c
92 call graytobin(grayadc(i,j),adc(i,j),12)
93 call graytobin(graytdc(i,j),tdc(i,j),12)
94 c print *,'grayadc(',i,',',j,')','graytdc(',i,',',j,')'
95 c print *, grayadc(i,j),graytdc(i,j)
96 c print *,'adc(',i,',',j,')','tdc(',i,',',j,')','prima del bit 12'
97 c print *, adc(i,j),tdc(i,j)
98 c
99 bi = ibits(rawtdc(i,j),12,1)
100 if (bi.eq.1) tdc(i,j) = ibset(tdc(i,j),12)
101 bi = ibits(rawadc(i,j),12,1)
102 if (bi.eq.1) adc(i,j) = ibset(adc(i,j),12)
103 c
104 c print *,'adc(',i,',',j,')','tdc(',i,',',j,')'
105 c print *, adc(i,j),tdc(i,j)
106 c
107 ic=ic+4
108 enddo
109 c
110 temp1(j) = 0
111 temp2(j) = 0
112 do bit = 0, 7
113 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
114 if (bi.eq.1) temp1(j) = ibset(temp1(j),bit)
115 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
116 if (bi.eq.1) temp2(j) = ibset(temp2(j),bit)
117 enddo
118 c print *,'temp1(',j,')', 'temp2(',j,')'
119 c print *,temp1(j), temp2(j)
121 ic=ic+2
123 c
124 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
125 c Check consistency of CRC.
126 c
127 if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
128 check = 0
129 inf = ic0
130 sup = ic - 1
131 do i = inf,sup
132 check=crctof(check,vecta(i))
133 enddo
134 if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
135 c print *,'crc sbagliato ',vecta(ic), check
136 me = 1
137 else
138 c print *,'crc corretto ',vecta(ic)
139 endif
141 c
142 c print *,'---------> ic, j' ,ic,j
143 ic=ic+1
145 enddo ! j = 1,ntdc
149 END

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