/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/forroutines/tof/graytobin.for
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/forroutines/tof/graytobin.for

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Revision 3.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Mar 4 15:54:11 2005 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Error proof version.
Implemented all detectors packets plus all the main telemetries packets.
Missing all the Init and Alarm packets.
Disabled CRC control on VarDump, ArrDump, TabDump for CPU debugging needs
(the data formats seems correct even if CRC get wrong)

1 C----------------------------------------------------------
2 subroutine graytobin(cg,cb,n)
4 c convert word of length n
5 c from Gray code Cg[0...n-1]
6 c to binary code Cb[0...n-1]
7 c 4 bits per time
8 c D.Campana - Jan. 2005
9 C----------------------------------------------------------
12 integer n, bit, bi
13 integer cg,cb
14 integer*1 a,b
15 integer*1 i,j,n4
16 integer nby4,cgby4(8),cbby4(8)
17 c
18 c devo separare la parola nelle sue componenti da 4 bit
19 c ossia (0-3, 4-7, 8-11, 12-15)
20 c
22 cb=0
23 do i=1,8
24 cgby4(i)=0 ! componenti da 4 bit in Gray
25 cbby4(i)=0 ! componenti da 4 bit in binario
26 enddo
27 nby4 = n/4
29 do i=1,nby4
30 do j=1,4
31 n4= (i-1)*4+j
32 bi = ibits(cg,n4-1,1)
33 if(bi.eq.1)cgby4(i)=ibset(cgby4(i),j-1)
34 enddo
35 enddo
36 c
37 do i=1,nby4
38 bi = ibits(cgby4(i),3,1)
39 if(bi.eq.1) cbby4(i) = ibset(cbby4(i),3)
40 c
41 do bit=2,0,-1
42 bi=0
43 a=ibits(cgby4(i),bit,1)
44 b=ibits(cbby4(i),bit+1,1)
45 if(((a.eq.1).and.(b.eq.0)).or.((a.eq.0).and.(b.eq.1)))bi=1
46 if(bi.eq.1)cbby4(i)=ibset(cbby4(i),bit)
47 enddo
48 enddo
49 c
50 do i=1,nby4
51 do j=1,4
52 n4= (i-1)*4+j
53 bi=ibits(cbby4(i),j-1,1)
54 if(bi.eq.1)cb=ibset(cb,n4-1)
55 enddo
56 enddo
57 c
58 return
59 end

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