/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/TmtcReader.cpp
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/TmtcReader.cpp

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Revision 6.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue May 30 19:10:03 2006 UTC (18 years, 9 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: YODA6_3/10, YODA6_3/06, YODA6_3/04, YODA6_3/05, YODA6_3/07, YODA6_3/00, YODA6_3/01, YODA6_3/02, YODA6_3/03, YODA6_3/08, YODA6_3/09
Changes since 6.2: +2 -2 lines
Major update.
All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and unpacked.
The RegistryEvent Packet has been removed and put into another library.
New version, releasd by D.Campana, of tofunpack.

1 /** @file
2 * $Source: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/techmodel/TmtcReader.cpp,v $
3 * $Id: TmtcReader.cpp,v 6.2 2006/05/30 19:10:02 kusanagi Exp $
4 * $Author: kusanagi $
5 *
6 * Implementation of the TmtcReader class.
7 * ToBeDone:
8 * Control the CRC for the entire data Packet not just for single records
9 */
11 extern "C" {
12 #include "CRC.h"
13 }
14 #include "ReaderAlgorithms.h"
15 using namespace pamela::techmodel;
17 static log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(_T("pamela.techmodel.TmtcReader"));
19 /**
20 * Constructor.
21 */
22 TmtcReader::TmtcReader(void):
23 TechmodelAlgorithm(PacketType::Tmtc, "TechmodelTmtcReader") {
24 logger->debug(_T("Constructor"));
25 Tmtc = new TmtcEvent();
26 }
28 /**
29 * Get a string with the version info of the algorithm.
30 */
31 std::string TmtcReader::GetVersionInfo(void) const {
32 return
33 "$Header: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/techmodel/TmtcReader.cpp,v 6.2 2006/05/30 19:10:02 kusanagi Exp $\n";
34 }
36 /**
37 * Initialize the algorithm with a special run. This will initialize the
38 * event reader routines for all packet types.
39 */
40 void TmtcReader::Init(PamelaRun *run) {
41 SetInputStream(run);
42 run->WriteSubPacket(this, &Tmtc, Tmtc->Class());
43 }
45 /**
46 * Unpack the Tmtc event from an input file.
47 */
48 void TmtcReader::RunEvent(int EventNumber, long int length) throw (WrongCRCException){
50 int i, j, k;
51 /* The ' k ' indexs the number of recs.
52 * It is needed to be indipendent from ' i ' because in case of CRC error the single record is skipped and ' i ' increase by one, but correct records to be stored are still ' i '.
53 */
54 k = 0;
55 char subData[TMTC_SUB_LENGTH];
57 char eventCRC[TMTC_CRC_LENGTH];
58 int numRecords = (length-TMTC_CRC_LENGTH)/(TMTC_SUB_LENGTH + TMTC_SUBCRC_LENGTH); //subtract the last two bytes because are the final CRC
59 long int start;
61 TmtcRecord* rec;
62 Tmtc->Records->Clear();
63 TClonesArray &recs = *(Tmtc->Records);
65 UINT16 partialCRC = 0; //partial CRC updated as mcmd packet is read (to compare with the last two bytes of this event)
66 UINT16 readCRC = 0; //partial CRC updated as mcmd packet is read (to compare with the last two bytes of this event)
67 for(int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
68 start = InputFile->tellg();
69 InputFile->read(subData, sizeof(subData));
70 InputFile->read(CRCbuff, sizeof(CRCbuff));
72 partialCRC = CM_Compute_CRC16(partialCRC, (UINT8*)&subData, TMTC_SUB_LENGTH);
73 partialCRC = CM_Compute_CRC16(partialCRC, (UINT8*)&CRCbuff, TMTC_SUBCRC_LENGTH);
75 //This == CRCBuff is not really parametric take care if have to change the static lengths
76 if((UINT8)(CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (UINT8*)&subData, TMTC_SUB_LENGTH)) == (UINT8)CRCbuff[0]){
77 rec = new(recs[k++]) TmtcRecord(); //add a new TmtcRecord
78 rec->TM_RECORD_OBT = (((UINT32)subData[0]<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((UINT32)subData[1]<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UINT32)subData[2]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT32)subData[3])&0x000000FF);
79 rec->TM_DIAG_AND_BILEVEL_ACQ = (((UINT16)subData[4]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT16)subData[5])&0x000000FF);
81 for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
82 rec->TM_TH_ANA[j] = ((((UINT16)subData[6 + 2*j]<<8)&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)subData[7 + 2*j])&0x00FF)); //20 is the size of TM_DEA_ANA(16) + OBT(4)
83 }
85 for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
86 rec->TM_DEA_ANA[j] = subData[38+j];
87 }
89 } else {
90 stringstream oss;
91 oss.str("");
92 oss << "Wrong CRC on Subpacket int TMTC Packet starting at position"
93 << start;
94 logger->warn(oss.str().c_str());
95 }
96 }
97 InputFile->read(eventCRC, sizeof(eventCRC));
98 readCRC = (((UINT16)(eventCRC[0]<<8))&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)eventCRC[1])&0x00FF);
99 if(partialCRC != readCRC) throw WrongCRCException(" Wrong Global CRC for TMTC Packet ");
100 }
102 /*
103 float TmtcReader::convert_th(int TH) {
104 float a,q,deltax,deltay;
105 static int chiama_fun=0;
106 float gradi[22],grado=-1;
107 int adc[22]={4095, 4036,2976,2213,1662,1259,983,742,576,450,
108 354, 281,224,179,145, 117 ,95, 77, 64, 52,
109 43, 35};
110 int maxpos=-1,minpos=-1,i;
112 chiama_fun++;
113 for (i=0;i<22;i++)
114 {
115 gradi[i]=-35+(i*5);
116 }
117 if (TH==4095)
118 {
119 grado=-35.;
120 }
121 else
122 {
124 for (i=0;i<22;i++)
125 {
126 if (TH>=adc[i])
127 {
128 minpos=i;
129 maxpos=i-1;
130 break;
131 }
132 }
133 // grado=gradi[maxpos]-1./(adc[maxpos]-adc[minpos])*((float)TH-(float)adc[maxpos]) ;
135 deltax=adc[maxpos]-adc[minpos];
136 deltay=gradi[maxpos]-gradi[minpos];
137 a=deltay/deltax;
138 q=gradi[maxpos]-a*adc[maxpos];
139 grado=a*TH+q;
140 }
141 return (grado);
142 }
143 */

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