/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/Makefile.am
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/Makefile.am

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Revision 1.6 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jul 29 16:19:11 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +1 -1 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign no-dependencies no-installinfo
2 INCLUDES = -I@top_srcdir@ -I@top_srcdir@/event @ROOT_INCLUDES@
3 LDFLAGS = @ROOT_LDFLAGS@ -llog4cpp
4 SUBDIRS = forroutines physics
6 bin_PROGRAMS = techmodelreader
7 techmodelreader_SOURCES = techmodelreader.cpp
8 techmodelreader_LDADD = libyodatechmodel.la @top_srcdir@/event/libyoda.la -llog4cpp
10 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libyodatechmodel.la
12 #LinkDef.h MUST be the last one of the list!!!!!
13 libyodatechmodel_la_SOURCES = TechmodelPamelaRun.cpp TechmodelPamelaRun.h \
14 TechmodelAlgorithm.cpp TechmodelAlgorithm.h \
15 EventReader.cpp EventReader.h ReaderAlgorithms.h \
16 \
17 VarDumpReader.cpp ArrDumpReader.cpp TabDumpReader.cpp \
18 TmtcReader.cpp McmdReader.cpp LogReader.cpp \
19 CalibCalReader.cpp CalibCalPedReader.cpp \
20 CalibTrk1Reader.cpp CalibTrk2Reader.cpp \
21 CalibTrdReader.cpp CalibTofReader.cpp CalibS4Reader.cpp \
22 RunHeaderReader.cpp RunTrailerReader.cpp \
23 PhysicsReader.cpp CalibAcReader.cpp \
24 TechmodelDict.cpp TechmodelDict.h \
25 LinkDef.h
28 libyodatechmodel_la_LIBADD = \
29 @top_srcdir@/event/libyoda.la \
30 @top_srcdir@/event/physics/tracker/libtrackerevent.la \
31 @top_srcdir@/event/physics/anticounter/libanticounterevent.la \
32 @top_srcdir@/event/physics/calorimeter/libcalorimeterevent.la \
33 @top_srcdir@/event/tmtc/libtmtcevent.la \
34 @top_srcdir@/event/mcmd/libmcmdevent.la \
35 @top_srcdir@/event/log/liblogevent.la \
36 @top_srcdir@/event/arrDump/libarrdumpevent.la \
37 @top_srcdir@/event/tabDump/libtabdumpevent.la \
38 @top_srcdir@/event/varDump/libvardumpevent.la \
39 forroutines/libforrou.la \
40 physics/libdevreaders.la
42 BUILT_SOURCES = TechmodelDict.cpp TechmodelDict.h
44 TechmodelDict.cpp: TechmodelAlgorithm.h EventReader.h LinkDef.h
45 rootcint -f $@ -c ${INCLUDES} $^

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