/[PAMELA software]/yoda/techmodel/EventReader.cpp
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Contents of /yoda/techmodel/EventReader.cpp

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Fri Mar 4 10:34:27 2005 UTC (19 years, 11 months ago) by kusanagi
Changes since 2.9: +5 -3 lines
Added reference to TsbTReader and TsbBReader

1 /** @file
2 * $Author: kusanagi $
3 * $Date: 2005/01/13 08:20:26 $
4 * $Revision: 2.9 $
5 *
6 * Implementation of the functions of a sample Algorithm class.
7 * This file can be used as a templace to develop your own algorithm.
8 */
10 #include <log4cxx/logger.h>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include "EventReader.h"
13 #include "ReaderAlgorithms.h"
16 extern "C" {
17 #include "CRC.h"
18 }
20 using namespace pamela;
21 using namespace pamela::techmodel;
23 static log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(_T("pamela.techmodel.EventReader"));
25 unsigned int EventReader::maxPackets = 0;
26 unsigned int EventReader::prevPckCounter = 0;
27 unsigned int EventReader::prevPckOBT = 0;
30 /**
31 * Constructor.
32 */
33 EventReader::EventReader(int packetsLimit = -1):
34 TechmodelAlgorithm(0, "TechmodelEventReader"){
35 EventReader::maxPackets = packetsLimit;
36 logger->debug(_T("Constructor"));
37 Header = new EventHeader();
39 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::PhysEndRun, new PhysEndRunReader));
40 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibCalPulse1, new CalibCalPulse1Reader));
41 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibCalPulse2, new CalibCalPulse2Reader));
42 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Physics, new PhysicsReader));
43 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibTrkBoth, new CalibTrkBothReader));
44 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibTrk1, new CalibTrk1Reader));
45 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibTrk2, new CalibTrk2Reader));
46 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibTrd, new CalibTrdReader));
47 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibTof, new CalibTofReader));
48 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibS4, new CalibS4Reader));
49 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibCalPed, new CalibCalPedReader));
50 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Calib1_Ac1, new Calib1_Ac1Reader));
51 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Calib2_Ac1, new Calib2_Ac1Reader));
52 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Calib1_Ac2, new Calib1_Ac2Reader));
53 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Calib2_Ac2, new Calib2_Ac2Reader));
54 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::RunHeader, new RunHeaderReader));
55 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::RunTrailer, new RunTrailerReader));
56 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibHeader, new CalibHeaderReader));
57 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalibTrailer, new CalibTrailerReader));
58 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::InitHeader, new InitHeaderReader));
59 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::InitTrailer, new InitTrailerReader));
60 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::EventTrk, new EventTrkReader));
61 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TestTrk, new TestTrkReader));
62 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TestTof, new TestTofReader));
63 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Log, new LogReader));
64 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::VarDump, new VarDumpReader));
65 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::ArrDump, new ArrDumpReader));
66 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TabDump, new TabDumpReader));
67 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Tmtc, new TmtcReader));
68 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Mcmd, new McmdReader));
69 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::ForcedFECmd, new ForcedFECmdReader));
70 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Ac1Init, new Ac1InitReader));
71 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalInit, new CalInitReader));
72 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TrkInit, new TrkInitReader));
73 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TofInit, new TofInitReader));
74 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TrgInit, new TrgInitReader));
75 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::NdInit, new NdInitReader));
76 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::S4Init, new S4InitReader));
77 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::Ac2Init, new Ac2InitReader));
78 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::CalAlarm, new CalAlarmReader));
79 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::AcAlarm, new AcAlarmReader));
80 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TrkAlarm, new TrkAlarmReader));
81 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TrgAlarm, new TrgAlarmReader));
82 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TofAlarm, new TofAlarmReader));
83 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::S4Alarm, new S4AlarmReader));
84 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TsbT, new TsbTReader));
85 TechmodelAlgorithmMap.insert(AlgorithmMap::value_type(PacketType::TsbB, new TsbBReader));
86 }
88 /**
89 * Get a string with the version info of the algorithm.
90 */
91 std::string EventReader::GetVersionInfo(void) const {
92 return
93 "$Header: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/techmodel/EventReader.cpp,v 2.9 2005/01/13 08:20:26 kusanagi Exp $\n";
94 }
96 /**
97 * Initialize the algorithm with a special run. This will initialize the
98 * event reader routines for all packet types.
99 */
100 void EventReader::Init(PamelaRun *run) {
101 SetInputStream(run);
103 //Create the structure of directories and create xxx.Header.root files
104 run->WriteHeaders(this, &Header);
106 //Create the xxx.root in it's specific directory
107 for (AlgorithmMap::iterator i = TechmodelAlgorithmMap.begin();
108 i != TechmodelAlgorithmMap.end(); i++) {
109 oss.str("");
110 oss << "Initializing algo " << i->second->GetAlgorithmName();
111 logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
112 i->second->Init(run);
113 }
114 Run = dynamic_cast<TechmodelPamelaRun*>(run);
115 }
117 static void SkipToNextHeader(ifstream *);
119 /**
120 * Read the next event header, call the reader algorithms that
121 * correspond to its packet type, and read the event trailer.
122 */
124 // 15 June 2004 ---note------------------
125 // A nice refacoring would require to not read again the packet data (which is
126 // read in the UnpackPscuHeader() and put directly in the
127 // EventAlgorithm->RunEvent(....) directly the data inside the packet.... will see later....
128 // 15 June 2004 ---note------------------
129 void EventReader::RunEvent(int EventNumber) {
130 //for now i'll suppose that the raw file starts immediately with the right bytes
131 //to insert a GetPacketStart()
132 stringstream oss;
133 int step = 0;
134 const PacketType* type;
135 while (!InputFile->eof() && ((step++ < maxPackets) || (maxPackets == 0))){
136 try {
137 if (FindStart()) {
138 UnpackPscuHeader();
139 type = Header->GetPscuHeader()->GetPacketType();
140 AlgorithmMap::iterator i = TechmodelAlgorithmMap.find(type);
141 if (i != TechmodelAlgorithmMap.end()) {
142 TechmodelAlgorithm *EventAlgorithm(i->second);
143 EventAlgorithm->RunEvent(EventNumber, Header->GetPscuHeader()->GetPacketLenght());
144 Run->FillTrees(type);
145 Header->GetCounter()->Increment(type);
146 logger->info(Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print());
147 } else {
148 oss.str("");
149 oss << "\n No way to read events of type " << type->GetName().c_str() << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
150 throw NotExistingAlgorithmException(oss.str().c_str()); //to exctract to an higher level and delete the logger!
151 }
152 }
153 // In case of exception have to save the packet in a specific root file??
154 } catch (NotExistingAlgorithmException exc) {
155 oss.str("");
156 oss << exc.print() << " " << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
157 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
158 } catch (WrongCRCHeaderException exc) {
159 oss.str("");
160 oss << exc.print();
161 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
162 } catch (WrongCRCException exc) {
163 oss.str("");
164 oss << exc.print() << " " << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
165 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
166 } catch (UnidentifiedPacketException exc) {
167 oss.str("");
168 oss << exc.print() << " " << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
169 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
170 } catch (NotExistingCounterException exc) {
171 oss.str("");
172 oss << exc.print() << " " << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
173 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
174 } catch (LengthException exc) {
175 oss.str("");
176 oss << exc.print() << " " << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
177 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
178 } catch (...) {
179 logger->error("Couldn't read the event. Skipping to the next header. \n");
180 }
181 if ((step%1000) == 0) std::cout << step/1000 << "K \n";
182 }
183 Header->GetCounter()->PrintCounters();
184 }
186 static void SkipToNextHeader(ifstream* TechmodelFile) {
187 // yeah.
188 }
192 /**
193 * Unpack the PSCU header from a file into the structure.
194 */
195 void EventReader::UnpackPscuHeader(void) throw (WrongCRCHeaderException, LengthException) {
196 stringstream oss;
197 int response = false;
198 char buff[16];
199 InputFile->read(buff, sizeof(buff));
202 unsigned char PacketId1 = buff[3];
203 unsigned char PacketId2 = buff[4];
204 unsigned int Counter = (((UINT32)buff[5]<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UINT32)buff[6]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT32)buff[7])&0x000000FF);
205 unsigned int OrbitalTime = (((UINT32)buff[8]<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((UINT32)buff[9]<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UINT32)buff[10]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT32)buff[11])&0x000000FF);
206 unsigned int PacketLenght = (((UINT32)buff[12]<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UINT32)buff[13]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT32)buff[14])&0x000000FF);
207 unsigned char CRC = buff[15];
208 unsigned char FileOffset = buff[15];
210 if (Counter < prevPckCounter){
211 oss.str("");
212 oss << "Packet counter is less than before of " << (prevPckCounter - Counter);
213 logger->warn(oss.str().c_str());
214 }
216 if (OrbitalTime < prevPckOBT){
217 oss.str("");
218 oss << " Onboard Time is less than before of " << (prevPckOBT - OrbitalTime);
219 logger->warn(oss.str().c_str());
220 }
222 if (((BYTE)CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (BYTE*)&buff, 15) == (BYTE)buff[15]) && (PacketId1 == PacketId2)){
223 prevPckCounter = Counter;
224 prevPckOBT = OrbitalTime;
225 long int initPos = InputFile->tellg();
226 long int finalPos;
227 Header->GetPscuHeader()->SetPacketId(PacketId1, PacketId2);
228 Header->GetPscuHeader()->SetCounter(Counter);
229 Header->GetPscuHeader()->SetOrbitalTime(OrbitalTime);
230 //PacketLength is the length of the whole DATApacket starting from the first byte after the header
231 //plus the CRC legth (which varies for each type of packet)
232 Header->GetPscuHeader()->SetPacketLenght(PacketLenght);
233 Header->GetPscuHeader()->SetCRC(CRC);
234 Header->GetPscuHeader()->SetFileOffset(((long int)(InputFile->tellg()) - 16));
236 //commented out because of the above test code
237 InputFile->seekg(Header->GetPscuHeader()->GetPacketLenght(), std::ios::cur);
238 if (FindStart()) {
239 finalPos = (long int)InputFile->tellg() - (initPos + (long int)(Header->GetPscuHeader()->GetPacketLenght()));
240 if(finalPos == 0){
241 logger->debug(_T(" Correct packet length"));
242 }
243 if (finalPos > 0 && finalPos < 64) {
244 oss.str("");
245 oss << "\n Correct packet length: Padded of " << finalPos << " bytes";
246 logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
247 }
248 if (finalPos > 64){
249 oss.str("");
250 oss << "\n The begin of the next packet is far more than 64 byte from the end of the previous."
251 << Header->GetPscuHeader()->Print();
252 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
253 //throw LengthException("The begin of the next packet is far more than 64 byte from the end of the previous.");
254 }
255 }
256 else {
257 logger->debug(_T(" END OF FILE"));
258 }
260 InputFile->seekg(initPos, std::ios::beg);
261 } else {
262 /*Here i should extract the block of Data for later analysis */
263 InputFile->seekg(-(13), std::ios::cur);
264 oss.str("");
265 oss << "CRC Header Error on packet:" << PscuHeader::Print(buff);
266 throw WrongCRCHeaderException(oss.str().c_str());
267 }
269 /* char tmpId1[4];
270 char tmpId2[4];
271 char tmpLength[12];
272 char tmpStart[100];
273 char tmpCRC[4];
274 sprintf(tmpId1, "%02X", PacketId1);
275 sprintf(tmpId2, "%02X", PacketId2);
276 sprintf(tmpLength, "%06X", Header->GetPscuHeader()->GetPacketLenght());
277 sprintf(tmpStart, "%X", Header->GetPscuHeader()->GetFileOffset());
278 sprintf(tmpCRC, "%02X", CRC);
279 oss.flush();
280 oss << "\n Packet Counter (decimal) : " << Counter
281 << "\n Id1 - Id2 : " << tmpId1 << " - " << tmpId2
282 << "\n Orbital Time (decimal) : " << OrbitalTime
283 << "\n Lenght : " << tmpLength
284 << "\n CRC : " << tmpCRC
285 << "\n Header Start Position : " << tmpStart;
286 logger->info(oss.str().c_str());
287 */
288 }
290 /**
291 * Unpack the trailer of a PSCU event into the structure.
292 */
293 void EventReader::UnpackPscuTrailer(void) throw (std::exception) {
295 }
297 /**
298 * Find the next starting poin for the PSCU event looking for a {0xFA, 0xFE, 0xDE} sequence
299 */
300 bool EventReader::FindStart(void) throw (std::exception) {
301 //search an hexadecimal sequence in a file
302 //subSign ------> pointer to the sequence buffer
303 //subSignDim ------> dimension of the buffer
304 // at exit
305 // return true if founds a match (else false)
306 // subF point rigth after the match, if found. Else EOF.
307 //Maurizio 15/11/2002-----------------------
308 const int subSignDim = 3;
309 const unsigned char subSign[subSignDim]={0xFA, 0xFE, 0xDE};
310 //------------------------------------------
311 int subIndex = 0;
312 char dataByte;
314 int buffSize = 100;
315 int index = 0;
316 int loop = -1;
317 char buffer[buffSize];
319 while (!InputFile->eof()) {
320 InputFile->read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
321 index = 0;
322 loop++;
323 while (index < buffSize){
324 dataByte = buffer[index++];
325 if (dataByte == (char)(*(subSign+subIndex))){
326 if (subIndex++ == (subSignDim-1)) {
327 InputFile->seekg( (index - (subIndex + buffSize)), std::ios::cur);
328 return true;
329 }
330 } else {
331 index = index - (subIndex);
332 subIndex = 0;
333 }
334 }
335 //Needs to guarantee the overap of the buffer(s) in several loop
336 InputFile->seekg( (-1)*(subSignDim + 1) , std::ios::cur);
337 }
338 return false;
339 }
341 ClassImp(EventReader)

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