/** @file * $Source: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/techmodel/CalibTrk2Reader.cpp,v $ * $Id: CalibTrk2Reader.cpp,v 1.3 2004/07/17 20:03:38 kusanagi Exp $ * $Author: kusanagi $ * * Implementation of the LogReader class. * ToBeDone: * Control the CRC for the entire data Packet not just for single records */ #define UINT unsigned int #define BYTE unsigned char #include #include extern "C" { #include "CRC.h" //Passo il path verso la il file temporaneo extern void trkcalibpkt_(int*, char*); //Struct per il passaggio di dati da e verso la chiamata fortran extern struct { int DAQmode[6]; int DSPnumber[6]; int calibnumber[6]; int ncalib_event[6]; int ped_l1[6]; int ped_l2[6]; int ped_l3[6]; int sig_l1[6]; int sig_l2[6]; int sig_l3[6]; int nbad_l1[6]; int nbad_l2[6]; int nbad_l3[6]; int cal_flag[6]; int checksum[6]; int DSPbad_par[6][3072]; float DSPped_par[6][3072]; float DSPsig_par[6][3072]; } trkcalib_; #include } #include #include "stdio.h" #include "ReaderAlgorithms.h" #include "event/CalibTrk2Event.h" using namespace pamela; using namespace pamela::techmodel; static log4cpp::Category& cat = log4cpp::Category::getInstance("pamela.techmodel.CalibTrk2Reader"); /** * Constructor. */ CalibTrk2Reader::CalibTrk2Reader(void): TechmodelAlgorithm(PacketType::CalibTrk2, "TechmodelCalibTrk2Reader") { cat << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "Constructor " << "\n " << log4cpp::CategoryStream::ENDLINE; calibTrk2 = new CalibTrk2Event(); } /** * Get a string with the version info of the algorithm. */ std::string CalibTrk2Reader::GetVersionInfo(void) const { return "$Header: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/techmodel/CalibTrk2Reader.cpp,v 1.3 2004/07/17 20:03:38 kusanagi Exp $\n"; } /** * Initialize the algorithm with a special run. This will initialize the * event reader routines for all packet types. */ void CalibTrk2Reader::Init(PamelaRun *run) { SetInputStream(run); run->WriteSubPacket(this, &calibTrk2, calibTrk2->Class()); } /** * Unpack the CalibTrk2 event from an input file. */ void CalibTrk2Reader::RunEvent(int EventNumber, long int length) { char *subData; char eventCRC[2]; UINT16 subCRC; //CRC of the data UINT16 readCRC; //CRC read from the end of the subpacket long int dataLength; //the 2 bytes subtracted belong to the final event CRC bytes dataLength = length - (long int)2; subData = new char[dataLength]; InputFile->read(subData, sizeof(unsigned char)*dataLength); subCRC = CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (BYTE*)subData, dataLength); //took the final CRC to compare it with the previous calculated CRC of the data InputFile->read(eventCRC, sizeof(eventCRC)); readCRC = (((UINT16)(eventCRC[0]<<8))&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)eventCRC[1])&0x00FF); if (subCRC == readCRC){ int ERROR; //Scrivo un file temporaneo per passarlo alla routine //Speriamo di cambiare la routine per passargli un buffer..... DIR *dirp; std::string pathDir((char*)getenv("YODA_DATA")); pathDir = pathDir + "/todatemp.dat"; FILE *pfile; pfile = fopen((char*)pathDir.c_str(), "wb"); fwrite(subData, 1, dataLength, pfile); fclose(pfile); //Call to the FORTRAN routin that unpack tracker events trkcalibpkt_(&ERROR, (char*)pathDir.c_str()); //delete the temporary file remove((char*)pathDir.c_str()); //Store the unpacked data memcpy(calibTrk2->DAQmode, trkcalib_.DAQmode, sizeof(calibTrk2->DAQmode)); memcpy(calibTrk2->DSPnumber, trkcalib_.DSPnumber, sizeof(calibTrk2->DSPnumber)); memcpy(calibTrk2->calibnumber, trkcalib_.calibnumber, sizeof(calibTrk2->calibnumber)); memcpy(calibTrk2->DSPnumber, trkcalib_.ncalib_event, sizeof(calibTrk2->ncalib_event)); memcpy(calibTrk2->ped_l1, trkcalib_.ped_l1, sizeof(calibTrk2->ped_l1)); memcpy(calibTrk2->ped_l2, trkcalib_.ped_l2, sizeof(calibTrk2->ped_l2)); memcpy(calibTrk2->ped_l3, trkcalib_.ped_l3, sizeof(calibTrk2->ped_l3)); memcpy(calibTrk2->sig_l1, trkcalib_.sig_l1, sizeof(calibTrk2->sig_l1)); memcpy(calibTrk2->sig_l2, trkcalib_.sig_l2, sizeof(calibTrk2->sig_l2)); memcpy(calibTrk2->sig_l3, trkcalib_.sig_l3, sizeof(calibTrk2->sig_l3)); memcpy(calibTrk2->nbad_l1, trkcalib_.nbad_l1, sizeof(calibTrk2->nbad_l1)); memcpy(calibTrk2->nbad_l2, trkcalib_.nbad_l2, sizeof(calibTrk2->nbad_l2)); memcpy(calibTrk2->nbad_l3, trkcalib_.nbad_l3, sizeof(calibTrk2->nbad_l3)); memcpy(calibTrk2->cal_flag, trkcalib_.cal_flag, sizeof(calibTrk2->cal_flag)); //--------have to invert array because of FORTRAN <-> C different management of the indexes int tempBad_par[3072][6]; int tempPed_par[3072][6]; int tempSig_par[3072][6]; memcpy(tempBad_par,trkcalib_.DSPbad_par, sizeof(tempBad_par)); memcpy(tempPed_par,trkcalib_.DSPped_par, sizeof(tempPed_par)); memcpy(tempSig_par,trkcalib_.DSPsig_par, sizeof(tempSig_par)); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 3072; j++){ calibTrk2->DSPbad_par[i][j] = tempBad_par[j][i]; calibTrk2->DSPped_par[i][j] = tempPed_par[j][i]; calibTrk2->DSPsig_par[i][j] = tempSig_par[j][i]; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Fortran77 function trkcalibpkt error code = " << ERROR << "\n " << log4cpp::CategoryStream::ENDLINE; free(subData); } else { cat << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Wrong CRC for CalibTrk2 Packet " << "\n " << log4cpp::CategoryStream::ENDLINE; } }