/[PAMELA software]/yoda/event/SubPacket.h
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Contents of /yoda/event/SubPacket.h

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Revision 4.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Mar 6 04:33:01 2005 UTC (20 years ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: yodaPreTermistors2_1/00, YODA4_1/00, YODA4_0/04, YODA4_0/03, YODA4_0/02, YODA4_0/01, YODA4_3/02, YODA4_3/00, YODA4_3/01, YODA4_2/01, YODA4_2/00, YODA4_2/03, yodaPreTermistores2_0/00
Branch point for: PreThermistores2
Changes since 3.0: +1 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Stable version 4.0 - 6 March 2005 - Maurizio Nagni

1 /** @file
2 * $Source: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/event/SubPacket.h,v $
3 * $Id: SubPacket.h,v 3.0 2005/03/04 15:54:11 kusanagi Exp $
4 * $Author: kusanagi $
5 *
6 * Header file for the SubPacket class.
7 */
8 #ifndef SUB_PACKET_H
9 #define SUB_PACKET_H
11 #define UINT32 unsigned int
12 #define UINT16 unsigned short
13 #define UINT8 unsigned char
14 #include "PacketType.h"
15 #include "SubDetector.h"
16 #include "TObject.h"
18 namespace pamela {
19 /**
20 * A SubPacket is the basic structure of all event data in the ROOT storage.
21 * Every ROOT tree is built on top of one SubPacket. An analys step
22 * which wants to save data needs to create a SubPacket.
23 */
24 class SubPacket: public TObject {
25 private:
26 /**
27 * The packet type of the sub packet.
28 */
29 const pamela::PacketType* Type; //!
30 /**
31 * The subdetector this packet belongs to, or 0 if it is not specific to
32 * any subdetector.
33 */
34 const pamela::SubDetector* Detector; //!
35 /**
36 * The name of the subpacket.
37 */
38 std::string SubPacketName; //!
39 protected:
40 SubPacket(std::string, const pamela::PacketType* = 0, const pamela::SubDetector* = 0);
41 virtual const char* Print(){ return "SubType"; }
42 std::stringstream oss; //!
43 public:
44 SubPacket(void);
45 /**
46 * Get the name of the SubPacket.
47 */
48 virtual std::string GetSubPacketName(void) const { return SubPacketName; }
49 /**
50 * Return TRUE if the SubPacket belongs to a certain subdetector.
51 */
52 bool IsDetectorSpecific(void) const { return (Detector != 0); }
53 /**
54 * Get the subdetector if the SubPacket is detector specific.
55 */
56 const pamela::SubDetector* GetSubDetector(void) const { return Detector; }
57 /**
58 * Get the packet type (physics, orbital etc.) the SubPacket belongs to.
59 */
60 const pamela::PacketType* GetPacketType(void) const { return Type; }
62 ClassDef(SubPacket, 1)
63 };
64 }
66 #endif /* SUB_PACKET_H */

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