/[PAMELA software]/yoda/event/PamelaRun.h
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Contents of /yoda/event/PamelaRun.h

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Revision 5.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Aug 29 09:45:48 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: YODA5_0/00, YODA5_0/01, YODA5_0/02
Changes since 4.4: +1 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Starting form this version:
1) includes are defined with relative (not absolute) path respect to the YODA aplication
2) RegistryEvent class is foreseen to contain post-unpack data.

1 /** @file
2 * $Source: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/event/PamelaRun.h,v $
3 * $Id: PamelaRun.h,v 4.4 2005/05/28 10:44:09 kusanagi Exp $
4 * $Author: kusanagi $
5 *
6 * Header file for the PamelaRun class.
7 */
8 /*! \mainpage Yoda
9 * <H1> Yet anOther Data Analysis package</H1>
10 * YODA is the proposed data processing and analysis package for
11 * <A HREF="http://wizard.roma2.infn.it/pamela/fram_des.htm">Pamela</A>.
12 * Aditionally to the automatically generated information, there is a short
13 * tutorial available:
14 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda1.html">Installation</A></H2>
15 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda2.html">General terminology</A></H2>
16 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda3.html">Directory and file structure</A></H2>
17 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda4.html">Code organization</A></H2>
18 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda5.html">Interactive analysis</A></H2>
19 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda6.html">Existing subpackets</A></H2>
20 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda7.html">Writing new subpackets</A></H2>
21 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda8.html">Writing Algorithms</A></H2>
22 * <H2> <A HREF="yoda9.html">Bibliography</A></H2>
23 *
24 */
25 #ifndef PAMELA_RUN_H
26 #define PAMELA_RUN_H
28 //#include <string>
29 //#include <map>
30 //#include <list>
32 //#include <root/TFile.h>
33 //#include <root/TTree.h>
34 //#include <root/TChain.h>
35 #include <TFile.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
36 #include <TTree.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
37 #include <TChain.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
40 #include "PacketType.h"
41 #include "SubPacket.h"
42 #include "Algorithm.h"
43 #include "EventHeader.h"
44 #include "RunInfo.h"
45 #include <sstream>
48 /**
49 * pamela is the base namespace of this package.
50 */
51 namespace pamela {
52 class Algorithm;
53 /**
54 * Base class for a "Run", that is used for reading and writing
55 * data to the ROOT files in pamela.
56 */
57 class PamelaRun {
58 private:
59 std::stringstream oss;
60 /**
61 * The path to the bases of the ROOT repository.
62 */
63 std::string Path;
64 /**
65 * The run name;
66 */
67 std::string Run;
68 /**
69 * The run number.
70 */
71 int RunNumber;
72 /**
73 * The information about the run to be stored in the ROOT files
74 */
75 pamela::RunInfo info;
76 void RunExists(std::string) throw (std::exception);
77 std::string GetDirName(const pamela::PacketType*) const;
78 std::string GetFileName(const pamela::SubPacket*, std::string) ;
79 std::string GetFileName(const pamela::SubPacket*) ;
80 TChain* ReadHeaderTree(const pamela::PacketType*) throw (std::exception);
81 TTree* CreateTTree(pamela::Algorithm*, const pamela::SubPacket*, std::string name)
82 throw (std::exception);
84 protected:
85 /**
86 * A map used to store ROOT trees distinguished by the packet type.
87 */
88 typedef std::map<const pamela::PacketType*, TTree*> RootTreeMap;
89 /**
90 * A map of all opened header ROOT trees, sorted by the
91 * PacketType. The trees will have mounted all other trees of the
92 * same package type as friends.
93 */
94 RootTreeMap TTreeMap; //!
95 /**
96 * A list of ROOT TFiles.
97 */
98 typedef std::list<TFile *> TFileList;
99 /**
100 * A list of ROOT TTrees.
101 */
102 typedef std::list<TTree *> TTreeList;
103 /**
104 * A map of Root Tree lists, with their packet type as key.
105 */
106 typedef std::map<const pamela::PacketType*, TTreeList> TTreeListMap;
107 /**
108 * The map of lists of all ROOT TTrees, sorted by the packet type.
109 */
110 TTreeListMap WritingRootTrees; //!
111 /**
112 * A map that contains subpacket objects sorted by their names.
113 */
114 typedef std::map<std::string, pamela::SubPacket*> SubPacketMap;
115 /**
116 * The map of all subpackets that are currently read from the trees.
117 */
118 SubPacketMap SubPacketAddresses;
122 public:
123 PamelaRun(std::string, std::string);
124 static std::string GetRunName(int run);
125 //static int RunExists(int = 1) throw (std::exception);
127 /**
128 * Get the run number.
129 */
130 int GetRunNumber(void) const { return RunNumber; }
131 TTree* ReadTTree(pamela::PacketType const *);
132 void ReadSubPacket(void *);
133 void ReadSubPacket(void *, std::string);
134 void ReadSubPacket(const pamela::Algorithm*, void*);
135 void ReadSubPacket(const pamela::Algorithm*, void*, std::string);
136 void WriteSubPacket(pamela::Algorithm*, void*, const TClass*);
137 void WriteSubPacket(pamela::Algorithm*, void*, const TClass*, std::string);
138 void WriteHeaders(pamela::Algorithm*, pamela::EventHeader **);
139 void WriteHeader(pamela::Algorithm*, pamela::EventHeader**, const pamela::PacketType*); // 23/11/2002 maurizio mede it from private to public
140 void WriteFiles(void);
141 void FillTrees(const pamela::PacketType*);
142 std::string GetRun(){ return Run; }
143 ClassDef(PamelaRun, 2)
144 };
145 }
147 #endif /* PAMELA_RUN_H */

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