/[PAMELA software]/yoda/event/PamelaRun.cpp
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Contents of /yoda/event/PamelaRun.cpp

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Revision 5.0 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Aug 29 09:45:48 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: YODA5_0/00, YODA5_0/01, YODA5_0/02
Changes since 4.4: +2 -2 lines
Starting form this version:
1) includes are defined with relative (not absolute) path respect to the YODA aplication
2) RegistryEvent class is foreseen to contain post-unpack data.

1 /** @file
2 * $Author: kusanagi $
3 * $Date: 2005/05/28 10:44:09 $
4 * $Revision: 4.4 $
5 *
6 * Implementation of the PamelaRun class.
7 */
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <iomanip>
10 #include <list>
11 #include <exception>
12 //#include <string>
13 #include <log4cxx/logger.h>
15 #include <TFile.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
16 #include <TTree.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
17 #include <TChain.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
18 #include <TKey.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
19 #include <TList.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
22 #include "PamelaRun.h"
23 #include "EventHeader.h"
24 #include "Algorithm.h"
25 #include "AlgorithmInfo.h"
26 #include "Exception.h"
27 #include <sys/stat.h>
29 extern "C" {
30 #include <dirent.h>
31 #include "DirectoryStructure.h"
32 }
34 using namespace pamela;
36 static log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(_T("pamela.PamelaRun"));
38 /**
39 * Get the run name according to a certain run number.
40 * @param run Run number.
41 * @return a string with the run name.
42 */
43 std::string PamelaRun::GetRunName(int run) {
44 std::stringstream temp;
45 temp.str("");
46 temp << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << run;
47 return "Run" + temp.str();
48 }
50 /**
51 * Check if the run number is already assigned
52 * @param int run - Number of the run to check
53 * @return int
54 */
55 /*int PamelaRun::RunExists(int run) throw (std::exception){
56 int res;
57 DIR *dirp;
58 std::string pathDir((char*)getenv("YODA_DATA"));
59 pathDir = pathDir + "/";
60 pathDir = pathDir + GetRunName(run);
61 // Open the directory
62 if ((dirp = opendir(pathDir.c_str())) == NULL) {
63 res = 0;
64 } else {
65 closedir(dirp);
66 res = 1;
67 }
68 return res;
69 }*/
72 /**
73 * Check if the run number is already assigned
74 * @param int run - Number of the run to check
75 * @return int
76 */
77 void PamelaRun::RunExists(std::string input) throw (std::exception){
78 int res;
79 DIR *dirp;
80 std::string fileName;
81 std::string pathDir((char*)getenv("YODA_DATA"));
82 std::string tempName;
83 std::string::size_type pos;
85 pos = input.find_last_of("/");
86 //if ((pos == std::string::npos) && !input.empty()) ;//throw Exception("Directories not allowed....");
87 fileName = input.substr(pos+1);
88 pos = fileName.find_last_of(".");
89 fileName = fileName.substr(0,pos);
90 pathDir = pathDir + "/";
91 tempName = pathDir + fileName + "00";
92 //oss << pathDir << fileName << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
93 oss.str(tempName.c_str());
94 int i = 0;
95 while (res){
96 //if ((dirp = opendir(tempName.c_str())) == NULL) {
97 if ((dirp = opendir(oss.str().c_str())) == NULL) {
98 res = 0;
99 } else {
100 closedir(dirp);
101 oss.str("");
102 oss << pathDir << fileName << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << ++i;
103 res = 1;
104 }
105 }
106 oss.str("");
107 oss << Path << "/" << fileName << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << i;
108 Path = oss.str();
109 oss.str("");
110 oss << fileName << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << i;
111 Run = oss.str();
112 //return (oss.str());
113 }
115 /**
116 * Create a new Pamela run.
117 * @param run Run number
118 * @param path Base path name to the data
119 */
120 PamelaRun::PamelaRun(std::string fileName, std::string path):
121 Path(path),
122 Run(fileName),
123 RunNumber(1){ //veirificare se รจ possibilie eliminare questa variabile
124 logger->debug(_T("Constructor"));
125 //Run = RunExists(fileName);
126 RunExists(fileName);
127 info = RunInfo(this);
128 }
130 /**
131 * Get the directory name that contains the files of a certain event
132 * type for this run.
133 * @param type the packet type.
134 * @return the complete path for this event type.
135 */
136 std::string PamelaRun::GetDirName(PacketType const * type) const {
137 //std::stringstream oss;
138 //std::string name = type->GetName();
139 //oss.str("");
140 //oss << Path << "/" << Run << "/" << "pippo";
141 //return oss.str();
142 //return "pippo";
143 //std::string EventType = type->GetName();
144 return Path + "/" + Run + "/" + type->GetName();
145 }
147 /**
148 * Get the file name for a certain event type.
149 * @param type subpacket type.
150 * @param name subpacket name.
151 * @return the complete path and file name.
152 */
153 std::string PamelaRun::GetFileName(const SubPacket* type, std::string name) {
154 if (type->IsDetectorSpecific()) {
155 return Path + "/" + type->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "/"
156 + Run + "." + type->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "."
157 + type->GetSubDetector()->GetName() + "."
158 + name + ".root";
159 } else {
160 return Path + "/" + type->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "/"
161 + Run + "." + type->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "."
162 + name + ".root";
163 /*
164 return Path + "/" + type->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "/"
165 + Run + "." + type->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "."
166 + name + ".root"; */
167 }
168 }
170 /**
171 * Get the file name for a certain event type.
172 * @param type subpacket type.
173 * @return the complete path and file name.
174 */
175 std::string PamelaRun::GetFileName(const SubPacket* type) {
176 //return GetFileName(type, type->GetSubPacketName());
177 return GetFileName(type, "pippo");
178 }
180 /**
181 * Get the branch name that corresponds to a certain
182 * subpacket. Usually, this is the name of the subpacket.
183 * @param type subpacket type.
184 * @return the corresponding branch name.
185 */
186 static std::string GetDefaultBranchName(const SubPacket* type) {
187 return type->GetSubPacketName();
188 }
190 /**
191 * Get the tree name for a certain subpacket. This is the name of the
192 * subdetector for detector specific subpackets, and the packet name
193 * ("Physics" etc.) for common packets.
194 * @param type the packet type.
195 * @return the corresponding tree name.
196 */
197 static std::string GetTreeName(const SubPacket* type) {
198 if (type->IsDetectorSpecific()) {
199 return type->GetSubDetector()->GetName();
200 } else {
201 return type->GetPacketType()->GetName();
202 }
203 }
205 /**
206 * Get a list of all root files from a certain path.
207 * @param path Path name to start the search.
208 * @return A list of all file names.
209 */
210 static std::list<std::string> GetRootFiles(std::string path) throw (std::exception) {
211 std::list<std::string> files;
212 DIR *dir = opendir(path.c_str());
213 if (dir == 0) {
214 logger->debug("Could not open " + path);
215 //throw Exception("Could not open " + path);
216 }
218 for (struct dirent *d = readdir(dir); d != NULL; d = readdir(dir)) {
219 if ((strcmp(".",d->d_name) == 0) || (strcmp("..",d->d_name) == 0))
220 continue;
221 std::string filename = path + "/" + d->d_name;
222 struct stat buf;
223 stat(filename.c_str(), &buf);
224 if S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) {
225 std::list<std::string>toAdd = GetRootFiles(filename);
226 files.insert(files.end(), toAdd.begin(), toAdd.end());
227 } else if ((filename.substr(filename.size()-5, filename.size())
228 == ".root") // correct suffix
229 && (!isdigit(filename[filename.size()-6]))) { // base file
230 std::string nextfilename = filename;
231 nextfilename.insert(filename.size()-5, "_1");
232 if (stat(nextfilename.c_str(), &buf) == 0) {
233 filename.insert(filename.size()-5, "*");
234 }
235 logger->debug("Using " + filename);
236 files.push_back(filename);
237 }
238 }
239 return files;
240 }
242 /**
243 * Helper function to open the ROOT TTree of the header within the run
244 * framework.
245 * @param type The packet type.
246 * @return the ROOT TTree.
247 */
248 TChain* PamelaRun::ReadHeaderTree(const PacketType *type)
249 throw (std::exception) {
250 EventHeader header(type);
251 std::string FileName = GetFileName(&header);
252 std::string TreeName = GetTreeName(&header);
253 TChain *tree = new TChain(TreeName.c_str());
254 tree->Add(FileName.c_str());
255 return tree;
256 }
258 /**
259 * All add trees of a file as friend to a given tree. The tree name of
260 * each tree found in the file is used as the name of the friend alias.
261 * @param tree The base tree to add all other as friends.
262 * @param FileName The name of the file with other trees.
263 */
264 static void AddAllAsFriend(TChain* tree, std::string FileName) {
265 std::string BaseFileName = FileName;
266 bool HaveChain = false;
267 if (BaseFileName[BaseFileName.size()-6] == '*') {
268 BaseFileName.erase(BaseFileName.size()-6, 1);
269 HaveChain = true;
270 }
271 TFile* File = new TFile(BaseFileName.c_str(), "read");
272 if (!File->IsOpen()) {
273 logger->error("Could not open file " + BaseFileName + " for reading.");
274 return;
275 }
276 TList* list = File->GetListOfKeys();
277 if (HaveChain) {
278 for (TIter i(list); TKey* k = (TKey*)i();) {
279 if (std::string(TTree::Class()->GetName()) == k->GetClassName()) {
280 std::string TreeName = k->GetName();
281 TChain* FriendChain = new TChain(TreeName.c_str());
282 FriendChain->Add(FileName.c_str());
283 tree->AddFriend(FriendChain, TreeName.c_str());
284 //logger->warn("Adding chain " + TreeName + " with " + FriendChain->GetEntries() + " entries as Friend");
285 }
286 }
287 File->Close();
288 } else {
289 for (TIter i(list); TKey* k = (TKey*)i();) {
290 if (std::string(TTree::Class()->GetName()) == k->GetClassName()) {
291 std::string TreeName = k->GetName();
292 TTree* FriendTree = (TTree *)File->Get(TreeName.c_str());
293 tree->AddFriend(FriendTree, TreeName.c_str());
294 //logger->debug("Adding tree " + TreeName + " with " + FriendTree->GetEntries() + " entries as Friend");
295 }
296 }
297 }
298 }
300 /**
301 * Read all Root TTrees which belong to a certain event type and mount them
302 * together as "friends".
303 * @param type The packet type.
304 * @return The root trees with the friends.
305 */
306 TTree* PamelaRun::ReadTTree(const PacketType* type) {
307 oss.str("");
308 oss << "Getting root files of " << type->GetName();
309 logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
310 RootTreeMap::iterator t = TTreeMap.find(type);
311 if (t != TTreeMap.end()) {
312 return t->second;
313 } else {
314 oss.str("");
315 oss << "Reading root files of " << type->GetName();
316 logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
317 EventHeader header(type);
318 std::string HeaderFileName = GetFileName(&header);
319 TChain* HeaderTree = ReadHeaderTree(type);
320 std::list<std::string> rootfiles = GetRootFiles(GetDirName(type));
321 for (std::list<std::string>::iterator i = rootfiles.begin();
322 i != rootfiles.end(); i++){
323 if (*i == HeaderFileName)
324 continue; // dont add the header tree itself.
325 AddAllAsFriend(HeaderTree, *i);
326 }
327 TTreeMap.insert(RootTreeMap::value_type(type, HeaderTree));
328 return HeaderTree;
329 }
330 }
332 /**
333 * Register a certain SubPacket, identified by its name, to be read
334 * from the repository. This function is made for interactive work.
335 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the packet.
336 * @param name The name of the subpacket
337 */
338 void PamelaRun::ReadSubPacket(void* subpacket, std::string name) {
339 SubPacket *packet = *(SubPacket**)subpacket;
341 // look into the map of subpackets if we already read it.
342 std::string FullName = packet->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "." + name;
343 SubPacketMap::iterator i = SubPacketAddresses.find(FullName);
344 if (i != SubPacketAddresses.end()) { // it is in the map
345 *(SubPacket**)subpacket = i->second;
346 return;
347 } else { // not found in the map of used subpackets
348 TTree* tree = ReadTTree(packet->GetPacketType());
349 TBranch* branch = tree->GetBranch(name.c_str());
350 if (branch != 0) {
351 branch->SetAddress(subpacket);
352 SubPacketAddresses.insert(SubPacketMap::value_type(FullName, packet));
353 } else {
354 oss.str("");
355 oss << "Could not find data for " << packet->GetPacketType()->GetName() << "/" << name ;
356 logger->error(oss.str().c_str());
357 }
358 }
359 }
361 /**
362 * Register a certain SubPacket, identified by its default name, to be
363 * read from the repository. This function is made for
364 * interactive work.
365 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the packet.
366 */
367 void PamelaRun::ReadSubPacket(void* subpacket) {
368 SubPacket *packet = *(SubPacket**)subpacket;
369 ReadSubPacket(subpacket, GetDefaultBranchName(packet));
370 }
372 /**
373 * Register a certain SubPacket with its default name, to be read from
374 * the repository. This functions is for use from the algorithm.
375 * @param algo Algorithm that needs this SubPacket.
376 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the packet.
377 */
378 void PamelaRun::ReadSubPacket(const Algorithm* algo, void* subpacket) {
379 //:TODO: store the request of the algorithm here.
380 ReadSubPacket(subpacket);
381 }
383 /**
384 * Register a certain SubPacket, with a custom name, to
385 * be read from the repository. This functions is for use from
386 * the algorithm.
387 * @param algo Algorithm that needs this SubPacket.
388 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the packet.
389 * @param name The name of the subpacket
390 */
391 void PamelaRun::ReadSubPacket(const Algorithm* algo, void* subpacket,
392 std::string name) {
393 //:TODO: store the request of the algorithm here.
394 ReadSubPacket(subpacket, name);
395 }
397 /**
398 * Helper function to create a ROOT TTree within the run framework.
399 * @param algo Algorithm that creates this SubPacket.
400 * @param packet subpacket type
401 * @param name the name of the subpacket
402 * @return the ROOT TTree.
403 */
404 TTree* PamelaRun::CreateTTree(Algorithm* algo, const SubPacket* packet,
405 std::string name)
406 throw (std::exception) {
407 std::string FileName = GetFileName(packet, name);
408 std::string EventType = packet->GetPacketType()->GetName();
409 CreateDirectoryStructure(FileName.c_str());
410 TFile* File = new TFile(FileName.c_str(), "create");
411 File->SetCompressionLevel(5);
412 if (!File->IsOpen()) {
413 logger->error("Could not open file " + FileName);
414 //throw Exception("Could not open file " + FileName);
415 }
416 std::string TreeName = GetTreeName(packet);
417 TTree *tree = new TTree(TreeName.c_str(), algo->GetAlgorithmName().c_str());
418 WritingRootTrees[packet->GetPacketType()].push_back(tree);
419 tree->GetCurrentFile()->cd();
420 AlgorithmInfo ai(algo);
421 ai.Write();
422 info.Write();
423 logger->debug("Creating file " + FileName + " with Tree " + TreeName);
424 return tree;
425 }
428 /**
429 * Register a certain SubPacket to be written to the repository. A
430 * usual call sequence for this function ist
431 * MyEvent *event = new MyEvent();
432 * run->WriteSubPacket(this, &event, event->Class()
433 * @param algo Algorithm that produces this SubPacket.
434 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the subpacket.
435 * @param c The class the subpacket belongs to.
436 * @param name The name of the packet.
437 */
438 void PamelaRun::WriteSubPacket(Algorithm *algo, void* subpacket,
439 const TClass *c, std::string name) {
440 SubPacket *packet = *(SubPacket **)subpacket;
441 oss.str("");
442 oss << "Register: " << name << " for " << algo->GetAlgorithmName() << " (writing)";
443 logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
444 TTree* HeaderTree = ReadTTree(packet->GetPacketType());
445 TTree* tree = CreateTTree(algo, packet, name);
446 oss.str("");
447 oss << "Branch: " << name << " Class: " << c->GetName();
448 logger->debug(oss.str().c_str());
449 tree->Branch(name.c_str(), c->GetName(), subpacket);
450 HeaderTree->AddFriend(tree, tree->GetName());
452 std::string FullName = packet->GetPacketType()->GetName() + "." + name;
453 SubPacketAddresses.insert(SubPacketMap::value_type(FullName, packet));
454 }
456 /**
457 * Register a certain SubPacket with its default name to be written to
458 * the repository. A usual call sequence for this function ist
459 * MyEvent *event = new MyEvent();
460 * run->WriteSubPacket(this, &event, event->Class()
461 * @param algo Algorithm that produces this SubPacket.
462 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the subpacket.
463 * @param c The class the subpacket belongs to.
464 */
465 void PamelaRun::WriteSubPacket(Algorithm *algo, void* subpacket,
466 const TClass *c) {
467 SubPacket *packet = *(SubPacket **)subpacket;
468 WriteSubPacket(algo, subpacket, c, GetDefaultBranchName(packet));
469 }
471 /**
472 * Write the header packet of a specified packet type. This is mainly used
473 * for the raw reader to create the base for the event structure.
474 * @param algo Algorithm that produces this SubPacket.
475 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the packet.
476 * @param type The packet type.
477 */
478 void PamelaRun::WriteHeader(Algorithm* algo, EventHeader** subpacket,
479 const PacketType* type) {
480 EventHeader header(type);
481 std::string FileName = GetFileName(&header, GetDefaultBranchName(&header));
482 std::string EventType = (&header)->GetPacketType()->GetName();
483 CreateDirectoryStructure(FileName.c_str());
484 TFile* File = new TFile(FileName.c_str(), "create");
485 if (!File->IsOpen()) {
486 logger->error("Could not open file " + FileName);
487 //throw Exception("Could not open file " + FileName);
488 }
489 //std::string TreeName = GetTreeName(packet);
490 TTree *tree = new TTree("Pscu", algo->GetAlgorithmName().c_str());
491 WritingRootTrees[(&header)->GetPacketType()].push_back(tree);
492 tree->GetCurrentFile()->cd();
493 AlgorithmInfo ai(algo);
494 ai.Write();
495 info.Write();
496 std::stringstream temp;
497 //temp.str("");
498 //temp << "Created file" << FileName.c_str() << " with Tree Pscu" ;
499 //logger->debug(temp.str());
500 tree->Branch(GetDefaultBranchName(&header).c_str(),
501 (*subpacket)->Class()->GetName(), subpacket);
502 TTreeMap.insert(RootTreeMap::value_type(type, tree));
503 }
506 /**
507 * Write the header packet to all ROOT files in the tree. Intended to
508 * be used for raw data readers that create the initial event structure.
509 * @param algo Algorithm that produces this SubPacket.
510 * @param subpacket A pointer to the pointer of the header packet.
511 */
512 void PamelaRun::WriteHeaders(Algorithm* algo, EventHeader** subpacket) {
514 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::PhysEndRun);
515 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibCalPulse1);
516 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibCalPulse2);
517 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Physics);
518 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibTrk1);
519 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibTrk2);
520 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibTof);
521 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibS4);
522 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibCalPed);
523 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Calib1_Ac1);
524 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Calib1_Ac2);
525 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Calib2_Ac1);
526 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Calib2_Ac2);
527 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::RunHeader);
528 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::RunTrailer);
529 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibHeader);
530 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalibTrailer);
531 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::InitHeader);
532 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::InitTrailer);
533 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::EventTrk);
534 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TestTrk);
535 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TestTof);
536 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Log);
537 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::VarDump);
538 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::ArrDump);
539 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TabDump);
540 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Tmtc);
541 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Mcmd);
542 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::ForcedFECmd);
543 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Ac1Init);
544 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalInit);
545 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TrkInit);
546 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TofInit);
547 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TrgInit);
548 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::NdInit);
549 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::S4Init);
550 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::Ac2Init);
551 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::CalAlarm);
552 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::AcAlarm);
553 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TrkAlarm);
554 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TrgAlarm);
555 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TofAlarm);
556 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::S4Alarm);
557 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TsbT);
558 WriteHeader(algo, subpacket, PacketType::TsbB);
559 }
561 /**
562 * Write the ROOT files to disk.
563 */
564 void PamelaRun::WriteFiles(void) {
565 // Workaround: unlink all friend trees first top avoid to store
566 // the links in the header tree file.
567 for (RootTreeMap::iterator i = TTreeMap.begin(); i != TTreeMap.end(); i++) {
568 if (i->second->GetListOfFriends() != 0) {
569 i->second->GetListOfFriends()->Delete();
570 }
571 }
573 for (TTreeListMap::iterator i = WritingRootTrees.begin();
574 i != WritingRootTrees.end(); i++) {
575 for (TTreeList::iterator j = i->second.begin();
576 j != i->second.end(); j++) {
577 (*j)->GetCurrentFile()->Write();
578 }
579 }
580 }
582 /**
583 * Fill all ROOT trees of a certain type that were opened for writing.
584 * @param type the package type of the trees to fill.
585 */
586 void PamelaRun::FillTrees(const PacketType* type) {
587 try{
588 for (TTreeList::iterator j = WritingRootTrees[type].begin();
589 j != WritingRootTrees[type].end(); j++) {
590 (*j)->Fill();
591 }
592 } catch(Exception exc){
593 logger->fatal("ORRORE!!!");
594 }
595 }

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