/[PAMELA software]/yoda/event/EventTrkEvent.h
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Contents of /yoda/event/EventTrkEvent.h

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Revision 6.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Mar 8 10:49:50 2006 UTC (19 years ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: yodaPreTermistors2_1/00, YODA6_2/01, YODA6_2/00, YODA6_3/19, YODA6_3/18, YODA6_3/13, YODA6_3/12, YODA6_3/11, YODA6_3/10, YODA6_3/17, YODA6_3/16, YODA6_3/15, YODA6_3/14, YODA6_3/06, YODA6_1/00, YODA6_3/04, YODA6_3/05, YODA6_3/20, YODA6_3/07, YODA6_3/00, YODA6_3/01, YODA6_3/02, YODA6_3/03, YODA6_3/08, YODA6_3/09, HEAD
Changes since 6.1: +10 -7 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Update the EventTrkReader and EventTrk structure according to the EventTracker one.

4 #include "SubPacket.h"
5 #include <TArrayI.h>
6 namespace pamela {
7 /**
8 * Information events about the EventTrk.
9 */
10 class EventTrkEvent: public pamela::SubPacket {
11 private:
13 public:
14 EventTrkEvent(void);
16 int good0;
17 int DAQmode[12];
18 int DSPnumber[12];
19 int DATAlength[12];
20 int eventn[12];
21 int nclust[12];
22 int cutc[12];
23 int cutcl[12];
24 int addrcluster[12][3];
25 int signcluster[12][3];
26 int fc[12];
27 int compressiontime[12];
28 int fl5[12];
29 int fl4[12];
30 int fl3[12];
31 int fl2[12];
32 int fl1[12];
33 int fl6[12];
34 int checksum[12];
35 int crc[12];
36 int TOTDATAlength;
37 TArrayI TrackerData;
38 int pnum[12];
39 int cmdnum[12];
40 int bid[12];
41 int alarm[12];
42 int aswr[12];
43 /*
44 * unpackError =
45 *
46 */
47 unsigned short unpackError;
48 ClassDef(EventTrkEvent, 3)
49 };
50 }
52 #endif /* EVENTTRK_EVENT_H */

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