/[PAMELA software]/yoda/event/EventCounter.h
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Contents of /yoda/event/EventCounter.h

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Jul 6 14:07:24 2004 UTC (20 years, 8 months ago) by kusanagi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +2 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
*** empty log message ***

1 /** @file
2 * $Source: /home/cvsmanager/yoda/event/EventCounter.h,v $
3 * $Id: EventCounter.h,v 1.2 2004/07/06 13:31:14 kusanagi Exp $
4 * $Author: kusanagi $
5 *
6 * Header file for the EventCounter class.
7 */
11 #include <map>
12 //#include <root/TObject.h>
13 #include <TObject.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004
15 #include "PscuHeader.h"
17 namespace pamela {
18 /**
19 * Event counter. Contains the event numbers of the last read event of
20 * each event type.
21 */
22 class EventCounter : public TObject {
23 private:
24 int RunNumber; /**< Run number */
26 // New Packets.
27 int Pscu;
28 int Physics;
29 int Forced_Pkt;
30 int Calib_Trk1;
31 int Calib_Trk2;
32 int Calib_Cal;
33 int Calib_CalPed;
34 int Calib_Trd;
35 int Calib_Tof;
36 int Calib_S4;
37 int Run_Header;
38 int Run_Trailer;
39 int Alarm;
40 int Khb;
41 int Log;
42 int VarDump;
43 int ArrDump;
44 int TabDump;
45 int Tmtc;
46 int Mcmd;
47 int HA_Header_E5;
49 typedef std::map<const pamela::PacketType *, int *> CounterMap;
50 CounterMap CMap; //!
51 public:
52 EventCounter(int = 0);
53 /** Get the run number for the last read event of this type. */
54 int Get(pamela::PacketType const *) const;
55 /** Get the run number for the next event of this type. */
56 int Next(pamela::PacketType const *) const;
57 int GetRunNumber(void) const { return RunNumber; }
58 void Increment(pamela::PacketType const *);
59 void PrintCounters() const ;
60 ClassDef(EventCounter, 1)
61 };
62 }
64 #endif /* EVENTCOUNTER_H */

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