/** @file * $Source: /home/cvspamela/yoda/event/EventCounter.h,v $ * $Id: EventCounter.h,v 1.7 2004/04/22 15:51:03 nagni Exp $ * $Author: nagni $ * * Header file for the EventCounter class. */ #ifndef EVENTCOUNTER_H #define EVENTCOUNTER_H #include <map> //#include <root/TObject.h> #include <TObject.h> //Substituted by Maurizio 05 Feb 2004 #include "PscuHeader.h" namespace pamela { /** * Event counter. Contains the event numbers of the last read event of * each event type. */ class EventCounter : public TObject { private: int RunNumber; /**< Run number */ // New Packets. int Pscu; int Physics; int Forced_Pkt; int Calib_Trk; int Calib_Trg; int Calib_Cal; int Calib_Trd; int Calib_Tof; int Calib_S4; int Run_Header; int Run_Trailer; int Alarm; int Khb; int Log; int VarDump; int ArrDump; int TabDump; int Tmtc; int Mcmd; int HA_Header_E5; typedef std::map<const pamela::PacketType *, int *> CounterMap; CounterMap CMap; //! public: EventCounter(int = 0); /** Get the run number for the last read event of this type. */ int Get(pamela::PacketType const *) const; /** Get the run number for the next event of this type. */ int Next(pamela::PacketType const *) const; int GetRunNumber(void) const { return RunNumber; } void Increment(pamela::PacketType const *); void PrintCounters() const ; ClassDef(EventCounter, 1) }; } #endif /* EVENTCOUNTER_H */