/[PAMELA software]/yoda/event
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Index of /yoda/event

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File (rev) Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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TrkInitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrkInitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrkAlarmEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrkAlarmEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrgInitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrgInitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrgAlarmEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TrgAlarmEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TofInitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TofInitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TofAlarmEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
TofAlarmEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
SubPacket.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
SubPacket.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
SubDetector.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
SubDetector.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
S4InitEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
S4InitEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
S4AlarmEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
S4AlarmEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
RunTrailerEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
RunTrailerEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
RunInfo.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
RunInfo.cpp  6.1  19 years  kusanagi   Update: add the -o option to allow the bypass of the YODA_DATA environment varia…
RunHeaderEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
RunHeaderEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
PscuHeader.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
PscuHeader.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
PscuEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
PscuEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
PamelaRun.h  6.1  19 years  kusanagi   Update: add the -o option to allow the bypass of the YODA_DATA environment varia…
PamelaRun.cpp  6.8  18 years  pam-rm2   YODA6_3/005 + S4/ND upgrade
PacketType.h  6.3  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
PacketType.cpp  6.4  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
NullAlgorithm.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
NdInitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
NdInitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Makefile.am  6.6  18 years  kusanagi   *** empty log message ***
LinkDef.h  6.5  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
InitTrailerEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
InitTrailerEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
InitHeaderEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
InitHeaderEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
HB_HKBuffer_INFN.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
ForcedFECmdEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
ForcedFECmdEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Exception.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
EventTrkEvent.h  6.2  19 years  kusanagi   Update the EventTrkReader and EventTrk structure according to the EventTracker o…
EventTrkEvent.cpp  6.1  19 years  kusanagi   Update. Because of misunderstanding the EventTrk packet had been removed from th…
EventHeader.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
EventHeader.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
EventCounter.h  6.3  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
EventCounter.cpp  6.3  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
DirectoryStructure.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
DirectoryStructure.c  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibTrkBothEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibTrkBothEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibTrk2Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibTrk2Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibTrk1Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibTrk1Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibTrailerEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibTrailerEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibTofEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibTofEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibS4Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibS4Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibHeaderEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibHeaderEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibCalPulse2Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibCalPulse2Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibCalPulse1Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibCalPulse1Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibCalPedEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibCalPedEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalibCalEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
CalibCalEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
Calib2_Ac2Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Calib2_Ac2Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Calib2_Ac1Event.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Calib2_Ac1Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Calib1_Ac2Event.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
Calib1_Ac2Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Calib1_Ac1Event.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
Calib1_Ac1Event.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalInitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalInitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalAlarmEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CalAlarmEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CRC.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
CRC.c  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
AlgorithmInfo.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
AlgorithmInfo.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Algorithm.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Algorithm.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Ac2InitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Ac2InitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Ac2AlarmEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
Ac2AlarmEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
Ac1InitEvent.h  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Ac1InitEvent.cpp  6.0  19 years  kusanagi   Several new features in this revision: a) all the packets are conform to the Mas…
Ac1AlarmEvent.h  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…
Ac1AlarmEvent.cpp  6.2  18 years  kusanagi   Major update. All the packet officially produced by PAMELA are implemented and u…

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