#ifndef PAMVMCCUTCONTMGR_H #define PAMVMCCUTCONTMGR_H #include #include "TString.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TVirtualMC.h" #include "pCutControl.h" class PamVMCCutContMgr: public TObject { private: static PamVMCCutContMgr * fcutcont; TMap fcutcontmap; protected: ~PamVMCCutContMgr() {fcutcontmap.DeleteAll();}; public: static PamVMCCutContMgr * Instance(); pCutControl * GetCutCont(const char *medname){ return (pCutControl*)fcutcontmap(medname); } void SetCutCont(const char *medname, pCutControl * pCC){ fcutcontmap.Add(new TObjString(medname),pCC); } void SetCuts(){ TMapIter *n= (TMapIter *)fcutcontmap.MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while( o=(TObject *) n->Next()) { ((pCutControl*)fcutcontmap.GetValue(o))->SetCuts(); } } void Print(const Option_t* ="") const{ std::cout<<"LIST OF CUTS AND CONTROLS FOR REGISTERED MEDIA"<Next()) { TString medname =(*(TObjString*)o).GetString(); std::cout<<"MEDIA: "<Print(); } } }; #endif