subroutine filladc !??? AGGIUSTARE TUTTO include '../common/commontracker.f' include '../common/level0.f' external nvk external nst real errflag integer*2 flag,tipo,info,prec_ind,word integer*2 newVAL,oldVAL data oldval/0/ integer DSPn c real tempadc(nstrips_view) !??? per inversione vista 11 c controllo DAQmode per capire se i dati sono compressi (=2) o full (=1) c se sono sia full che compressi (=3) prima vengono riempite le variabili c adc con la versione compressa, poi con quella full, che quindi e' c quella che viene poi effettivamente usata idata=0 !indice dell'array datatracker!??? do iv=1,nviews DSPn=DSPnumber(iv) if(iand(DAQmode(DSPn),z'0002').eq.z'0002') then ! compressed mode is = 0 il = 0 prec_ind = 0 222 continue idata = idata+1 word=datatracker(idata) call compdecode(word,flag,tipo,info,errflag) !routine per scomprimere if( then print*,'ERROR on compdecode' return endif if(flag.eq.1) then ! flag: fine messaggio if( then print*,'ERROR on end of ladder',info,tipo endif il = info do js=is+1,1024*il newVAL=oldVAL-pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is)) $ +pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js)) newVAL=max(0,newVAL) newVAL=min(4095,newVAL) c print*,'comp1',nev0,iv,jss,idata !??? adc(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))=newVAL enddo if(info.eq.3) goto 1000 is=1024*il prec_ind=0 !il precedente non e' un indirizzo endif if(flag.eq.0) then ! flag: dato o indirizzo if(tipo.eq.1) then ! tipo: indirizzo iaddr = info + il*1024 if( then do js = is+1,iaddr-1 newVAL=oldVAL-pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is)) $ +pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js)) newVAL=max(0,newVAL) newVAL=min(4095,newVAL) c print*,'comp2',nev0,iv,jss,idata !??? adc(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))=newVAL enddo is = iaddr prec_ind = 1 else print*,'ERROR address $ out of range - iaddr,is',iaddr,is endif endif if(tipo.eq.0) then ! tipo: dato if(prec_ind.eq.0) is=is+1 if( then if( $ print*, $ 'ERROR strip out of range - DSPn,is',DSPn,is newVAL=info c print*,'comp3',nev0,iv,iss,idata !??? adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))=newVAL oldVAL=newVAL else print*,'ERROR datum out of range - info',info endif prec_ind=0 endif endif goto 222 endif 1000 continue c$$$ print*,' ' c$$$ do ik=1,nva1_view c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_va1 c$$$ print*,iv,adc(iv,ik,is) !??? c$$$ enddo c$$$ enddo c$$$ if(iand(DAQmode(DSPn),z'0001').eq.z'0001') then ! full mode do i=1,3 do j=1,1024 idata = idata+1 is=j+1024*(i-1) c print*,'full',nev0,iv,is,idata !??? adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is)) = datatracker(idata) c print*,iv,DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is),is,datatracker(idata) !??? enddo idata = idata+1 if(datatracker(idata).ne.ior(z'1800',i+3)) then print*,'ERROR on ladder label end',datatracker(idata), $ ior(z'1800',i+3) endif enddo endif c$$$ print*,' ' !??? c$$$ do ik=1,nva1_view c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_va1 c$$$ c print*,iv,ik,is,adc(iv,ik,is),adc1(iv,ik,is) !??? c$$$ print*,iv,ik,is,adc(iv,ik,is),adc1(iv,ik,is) c$$$ $ ,(adc(iv,ik,is)-adc1(iv,ik,is))/sigma_t !??? c$$$ enddo c$$$ enddo enddo c$$$C c$$$C inversione vista 11 !??? c$$$C c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view c$$$ tempadc(is) = adc(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) c$$$ enddo c$$$ c$$$ c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view c$$$ offset=5121 c$$$ if(is.le.2048) offset=3073 c$$$ if(is.le.1024) offset=1025 c$$$ iss=offset-is c$$$ c$$$ adc(11,nvk(iss),nst(iss)) = tempadc(is) c$$$ enddo C C fine inversione vista 11 !??? C return end c qui o nelle functions.f??? SUBROUTINE COMPDECODE(word,flag,tipo,info,errflag) INTEGER*2 word,flag,tipo,info errflag=0. flag=iand(word,z'f000') flag=ishft(flag,-12) if( then print*,'error on decompression: flag=',flag errflag=1. endif if(flag.eq.0) then ! valore ADC tipo=0 info=iand(word,z'0fff') endif if(flag.eq.1) then ! indirizzo OR fine vista info=iand(word,z'03ff') tipo=iand(word,z'0c00') if('0800') then print*,'error on decompression: tipo=',tipo errflag=1. endif if(tipo.eq.0) then ! indirizzo flag=0 tipo=1 info=info+1 endif if(tipo.eq.z'0800') then ! fine vista flag=1 if( then tipo=1 else tipo=0 endif endif endif return end