/[PAMELA software]/tracker/ground/source/reduction/cutcn.f
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Contents of /tracker/ground/source/reduction/cutcn.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Wed Mar 8 15:00:39 2006 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN, trk-ground
CVS Tags: R3v02, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
First CVS release of tracker ground software (R3v02) 

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Subroutine cutcn.f!DA COMMENTARE!???
4 *
5 * excludes strips with particle signals and/or noisy strips from common
6 * noise calculation, marking their clstr(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1)
7 * flag:
8 * clstr=0 ---> not to be used in CN computation
9 * clstr=1 ---> to be used in CN computation
10 *
11 * needs:
12 * - ./common_calib.f
13 *
14 * to be called inside ./cncomp.f
15 *
16 *************************************************************************
18 subroutine cutcn(i,j) !(view, VA1)
20 include '../common/commontracker.f'
21 include '../common/common_reduction.f'
22 include '../common/calib.f'
25 integer skip !used to skip strips (see later...)
27 integer kr, kl !position indexes to check signal affected
28 ! strips on right and left side of cluster
29 ! seed
30 integer ir, il !flags to exit loop on reaching VA1 extremes
32 real value !cluster seed signal
33 real cut,stripcut !cluster seed cut
35 real valuel, valuer !left and right strips signal
36 real stripcnincut !strip include cut
38 skip = 0 !initializes skip
40 do k=1,nstrips_va1 !loops on strips searching for cluster seeds
42 if(k.le.skip) goto 20 !continues only if k strip has not been
43 ! checked yet
45 clstr(i,j,k)=1 !reinitializes strip to be used in CN!???
46 ! computation, in order to be able to exclude
47 ! different strips at every CN computation loop
49 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 c
51 c selects cut according to view
52 c
53 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 if(mod(i,2).eq.1) then !odd strip ---> Y view
55 value= - (DBLE(adc(i,j,k))-cn(i,j)-pedestal(i,j,k)) !negative signal
56 cut=clcuty !sets Y cut to find cluster seeds
57 else !even strip ---> X view
58 value= DBLE(adc(i,j,k))-cn(i,j)-pedestal(i,j,k) !positive signal
59 cut=clcutx !sets X cut to find cluster seeds
60 endif
63 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 c
65 c seeks clusters
66 c
67 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 stripcut=cut*sigma(i,j,k) !cluster seed cut
70 c if(ABS(value).gt.stripcut) then !checks if signal exceeds threshold!???
71 if(value.gt.stripcut) then !checks if signal exceeds threshold
73 c$$$ print*,'cut',i,j,k,value,stripcut,adc(i,j,k),cn(i,j)
74 c$$$ $ ,pedestal(i,j,k) !???
76 clstr(i,j,k)=0 !if so, marks this strip as part of a
77 ! cluster
79 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 c after finding a cluster seed, checks also adiacent strips, and marks
81 c the ones exceeding cnincut
82 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 kr=k !initializes position indexes to be equal to
84 kl=k ! cluster seed position
86 ir=0 !initialize flags used to exit from
87 il=0 ! inclusion loop
89 do while (il.eq.0.or.ir.eq.0) !shifts left and right from
90 ! cluster seed till it finds a strip below
91 ! the threshold, or till it reaches first or
92 ! last VA1 strip
93 kr=kr+1 !position index for strips on right side of
94 ! cluster seed
95 kl=kl-1 !and for left side
97 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 c checks for last or first strip
99 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 if(kr.gt.nstrips_va1.and.ir.eq.0) then !when index goes
101 ir=1 ! beyond last VA1 strip, change ir flag in
102 ! order to "help" exiting from loop
103 skip=nstrips_va1+1 !sets skip beyond last strip: all
104 ! strips on the right have been included in
105 ! the cluster, so skips all next strips
106 ! (goto 20 condition is now always true)
107 endif
109 if(kl.lt.1.and.il.eq.0) then !idem when index goes beyond
110 il=1 ! first strip
111 endif
113 c P.S.: the "....and.i#.eq.0" term in above conditions is needed. In
114 c fact, even if I reach a under-cut strip on the right (so I get ir=1),
115 c the "do while loop" continues till such strip will be found on the
116 c left too.
117 c Thus kl and kr (! too) keep increasing, and it can happen kr gets
118 c greater than nstrips_va1 before kl reaches a under-cut strip. In this
119 c case it would pass this "if condition", so setting skip=nstrips_va1+1
120 c and skipping right strips never checked, if the "....and.i#.eq.0" term
121 c weren't the: instead, including this part it won't pass it
122 c because when I found reach the last VA1 strip on the right I set ir=1.
123 c (AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!)
125 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 c marks strips exceeding inclusion cut
127 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 c for right strips (kr index)
129 if(ir.eq.0) then !if last strip or last over-cut strip has
130 ! not been reached
132 if(mod(i,2).eq.1) then !Y view
133 valuer= - (DBLE(adc(i,j,kr))-cn(i,j) !puts in valuer
134 $ -pedestal(i,j,kr)) ! right strip value
135 else !X view
136 valuer=DBLE(adc(i,j,kr))-cn(i,j)-pedestal(i,j,kr)
137 endif
139 stripcnincut=cnincut*sigma(i,j,kr) !defines include cut
140 c if(ABS(valuer).gt.stripcnincut) then !marks right strip if it !???
141 if(valuer.gt.stripcnincut) then !marks right strip if it
142 clstr(i,j,kr)=0 !exceedes include cut
143 c$$$ print*,'inclcut_r',i,j,kr,valuer,stripcnincut
144 c$$$ $ ,adc(i,j,kr),cn(i,j),pedestal(i,j,kr) !???
145 else
146 ir=1 !otherwise cluster ends and ir flag =1
147 ! signals it
148 skip=kr !putting skip=kr, next k to be checked is
149 ! k=kr
150 endif
152 endif
154 c for left strips (kl index)
155 if(il.eq.0) then !if first strip or last over-cut strip has
156 ! not been reached
158 if (mod(i,2).eq.1) then !Y view
159 valuel= - (DBLE(adc(i,j,kl))-cn(i,j) !puts in valuel
160 $ -pedestal(i,j,kl)) ! left strip value
161 else !X view
162 valuel=DBLE(adc(i,j,kl))-cn(i,j)-pedestal(i,j,kl)
163 endif
165 stripcnincut=cnincut*sigma(i,j,kl) !defines include cut
166 c if(ABS(valuel).gt.stripcnincut) then !marks left strip if it!???
167 if(valuel.gt.stripcnincut) then !marks left strip if it
168 clstr(i,j,kl)=0 !exceedes include cut
169 c$$$ print*,'inclcut_l',i,j,kl,valuel,stripcnincut
170 c$$$ $ ,adc(i,j,kl),cn(i,j),pedestal(i,j,kl) !???
171 else
172 il=1 !otherwise cluster ends and il flag =1
173 ! signals it
174 endif
176 endif
178 enddo !ends lateral strips loop
180 endif !ends cluster seed condition
182 20 continue !comes here if next strip on the right has
183 ! already been included in a cluster
185 enddo !ends principal strip loop
187 return
188 end

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