/[PAMELA software]/tracker/ground/source/reduction/cnoise.f
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Contents of /tracker/ground/source/reduction/cnoise.f

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Wed Mar 8 15:00:39 2006 UTC (19 years ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN, trk-ground
CVS Tags: R3v02, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
First CVS release of tracker ground software (R3v02) 

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Subroutine cnoise.f!DA COMMENTARE!???
4 *
5 * uses adc(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1) and
6 * pedestal(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1) variables to compute common noise,
7 * and fills cn(nviews,nva1_view) variable. in the computation only
8 * not-bad and not-signal-affected strips are used
9 * (bad(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1) and
10 * clstr(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1) flags)
11 *
12 * needs:
13 * - ./common_calib.f
14 *
15 * to be called inside ./cncomp.f
16 *
17 *************************************************************************
19 subroutine cnoise(i,j,gulp) !(view, VA1)
21 include '../common/commontracker.f'
22 include '../common/common_reduction.f'
23 include '../common/calib.f'
26 integer gulp !error flag
28 ncn=0 !number of strips in cn computation
29 cn(i,j)=0 !initializes cn variable
32 do k=1,nstrips_va1 !loops on strips
33 iok=strange(i,j,k)*bad(i,j,k)*clstr(i,j,k) !flag to mark strange, bad
34 ! or signal affected strips
35 c print*,i,j,k,strange(i,j,k),bad(i,j,k),clstr(i,j,k),iok !???
37 cn(i,j)=cn(i,j) + (DBLE(adc(i,j,k)) - pedestal(i,j,k))*iok !sums ADC-PED
38 ! values to compute common noise
39 ncn=ncn+iok !counts number of strips in cn computation
40 enddo
42 if(ncn.eq.0) then !no signal free strips on this VA1...
43 print*,'cnoise: WARNING, NO SIGNAL FREE STRIPS ON VA1 ',j,
44 $ ', VIEW ',i
45 gulp=1
46 else
47 cn(i,j)=cn(i,j)/DBLE(ncn) !computes common noise
48 gulp=0 !resets error flag
49 endif
51 return
52 end

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