/[PAMELA software]/tracker/ground/source/readraw/trkunpack.f
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Contents of /tracker/ground/source/readraw/trkunpack.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Wed Mar 8 15:00:40 2006 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN, trk-ground
CVS Tags: R3v02, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
First CVS release of tracker ground software (R3v02) 

1 *************************************************************************
2 * 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele to read buffer-data
3 * instead raw-data-file
4 * 29/11/2005 modified by david fedele to include crc control
5 *************************************************************************
7 c*****************************************************
8 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
9 c subroutine trkeventpkt(YODAflag,event_file_name)
10 subroutine trkeventpkt(YODAflag,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
11 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
12 c*****************************************************
14 include '../common/commontracker.f'
15 include '../common/common_readraw.f'
16 include '../common/level0.f'
19 * ---------------------------------------------------
20 * the general flag YODAflag contains information
21 * about the integrity of the packet.
22 *
23 * It is coded in bits:
24 * x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
25 * | |||| |||| |||| ||||
26 * | |||| |||| |||| |||- integrity flag of 1 st DSP packet
27 * | |||| |||| |||| ||-- " " " 2 nd " "
28 * | |||| |||| |||| |--- " " " 3 rd " "
29 * | |||| ..............
30 * | |..................
31 * | ------------------- integrity flag of 12 th DSP packet
32 * |
33 * --------------------- flag that indicates if more than 12
34 * packets have been found
35 *
36 * EXAMPLE 1.
37 * If the event packet is truncated and only three DSP packets
38 * are present in the fragment, the last being TRUNCATED,
39 * the YODAflag will be:
40 *
41 * YODAflag = b#00000000000000100 = 4
42 *
43 * and only the two integer packets will be stored.
44 *
45 * EXAMPLE 2.
46 * If instead the corruption of a packet results from
47 * checksum or crc, the YODAflag will be asserted as explained,
48 * but the packet will be stored.
49 * ---------------------------------------------------
50 integer YODAflag
52 logical DEBUG,ALARMs
53 common/DEBUGflag/DEBUG,ALARMS
56 integer runerror !readevent error flag
58 c*****************************************************
59 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
60 c* integer ffd_pkt !pkt file descriptor
61 c* (file temporaneo)
62 c* character*60 event_file_name !nome file
63 c* integer lun_pkt
64 c* data lun_pkt/20/
65 parameter (MAXBUFFLEN=z'172c8')
66 integer*4 length_buffer
67 integer*1 buffer(MAXBUFFLEN)
68 integer curpos !current position in buffer
69 integer startcrc
70 integer stopcrc
71 integer*1 crctemp
72 c****************************************************
74 integer last_trigger(nviews)
75 common/trigger_counter/last_trigger
78 YODAflag=0
80 c*****************************************************
81 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
82 c open(unit=lun_pkt,
83 c $ name=EVENT_FILE_NAME(1:lnblnk(EVENT_FILE_NAME)),
84 c $ status='old',
85 c $ form='unformatted'
86 c $ )
87 c ffd_pkt = FNum(lun_pkt) !reads unix file descriptor
88 c*****************************************************
90 call initlevel0
92 TOTDATAlength = 0. !total length of data buffer
93 do iview=1,nviews!ndummy !loop on views
94 c*****************************************************
95 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
96 c call searchtrkheader(runerror,ffd_pkt)
97 call searchtrkheader(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
98 $ startcrc)
99 c*****************************************************
100 if(runerror.eq.1.or.runerror.eq.-1) then
101 * --------------------------------------------------
102 * no further DSP packet has been found ==> go to end
103 * --------------------------------------------------
104 goto 2222 !go to end
105 endif
107 if(checkheader.ne.2) then
108 print*,'>>>> ERROR <<<< (trkeventpkt)'
109 print*,'>>>> CPU packet type ',!pkt_type,
110 $ ' does not match DSP packet type ',checkheader
111 DAQmode_temp = ishft(iand(header(1),z'03f0'),-4)
112 DSPnumber_temp = iand(header(1),z'000f')
113 print*,' -----------------------------------'
114 $ ,iview
115 print*,' DSP number-----',int(DSPnumber_temp)
116 print*,' DAQ mode-------',int(DAQmode_temp)
117 print*,' -----------------------------------'
118 goto 2525 !next view (==> search another DSP header)
119 endif
121 c*****************************************************
122 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
123 c call unpackdata(runerror,ffd_pkt)
124 call unpackdata(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
125 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
126 c write(*,100),crctemp,crc_dat
127 c 100 format('calc',z2,' dat',z2)
128 c******************************************************
129 if(runerror.eq.-1.or.runerror.eq.1)then
130 * -----------------------------------------------
131 * an error occurred while reading the packet data
132 * ===> assert packet error bit ===> go to end
133 * -----------------------------------------------
134 YODAflag=ior(YODAflag,int(2**(iview-1)))
135 goto 2222 !end
136 endif
138 if(ALARMs)then
139 print*,' '
140 print*,' -----------------------------------',iview
141 print*,' DSP number-----',DSPnumber_dat
142 print*,' DAQ mode-------',DAQmode_dat
143 print*,' event number ',eventn_dat
144 print*,' datalength (13-bit w) ---- ',datalength_dat
145 print*,' L-1 addr---',addrcluster_dat(1)
146 print*,' signal-',signcluster_dat(1)
147 print*,' L-2 addr---',addrcluster_dat(2)
148 print*,' signal-',signcluster_dat(2)
149 print*,' L-3 addr---',addrcluster_dat(3)
150 print*,' signal-',signcluster_dat(3)
151 print*,' FC------',fc_dat
152 print*,' compression time ',compressiontime_dat
153 print*,' FL1--',fl1_dat
154 print*,' FL2--',fl2_dat
155 print*,' FL3--',fl3_dat
156 print*,' FL4--',fl4_dat
157 print*,' FL5--',fl5_dat
158 print*,' FL6--',fl6_dat
160 print*,'*-*-*-*-*-*-TRAILER-*-*-*-*-*-*'
161 print*,'* PNUM (periferal num) ',pnum_dat
162 print*,'* CMDNUM (command) ',cmdnum_dat
163 print*,'* BID (board id) ',bid_dat
164 print*,'* ALARM ',alarm_dat
165 print*,'*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
167 DEBUG = .true.
168 endif
170 trk_DSP_ok(DSPnumber_dat)=1
172 call fillview(iview,crctemp)
174 2525 continue
175 enddo !end loop on views
177 2222 continue
179 c*****************************************************
180 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
181 c close (lun_pkt)
182 c*****************************************************
183 return
184 end
186 * **********************************************
188 c*****************************************************
189 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
190 c subroutine trkcalibpkt(runerror,event_file_name)
191 subroutine trkcalibpkt(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
192 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
193 c*****************************************************
194 include '../common/commontracker.f'
195 include '../common/common_readraw.f'
197 integer runerror !readevent error flag
198 c******************************************************
199 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
200 c integer ffd_pkt !pkt file descriptor
201 c !(file temporaneo)
202 c character*60 event_file_name !nome file
203 c integer lun_pkt
204 c data lun_pkt/10/
205 parameter (MAXBUFFLEN=z'172c8')
206 integer*4 length_buffer
207 integer*1 buffer(MAXBUFFLEN)
208 integer curpos !current position in buffer
209 integer startcrc
210 integer stopcrc
211 integer*1 crctemp
212 c******************************************************
213 logical DEBUG,ALARMs
214 common/DEBUGflag/DEBUG,ALARMs
215 data DEBUG/.false./
218 integer ndummy
219 data ndummy/10/
222 c******************************************************
223 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
224 c open(unit=lun_pkt,
225 c $ name=EVENT_FILE_NAME(1:lnblnk(EVENT_FILE_NAME)),
226 c $ status='old',
227 c $ form='unformatted'
228 c $ )
229 c ffd_pkt = FNum(lun_pkt) !reads unix file descriptor
230 c******************************************************
232 npa=0 !packet counter
233 do iview=1,ndummy !loop on views (DSP pkt)
235 ALARMS=.false.
237 c******************************************************
238 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
239 c call searchtrkheader(runerror,ffd_pkt)
240 call searchtrkheader(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
241 $ startcrc)
242 c******************************************************
245 if(runerror.eq.-1) goto 2222
246 if(runerror.eq.1) then
247 goto 2222 !end loop on views (DSP pkt)
248 endif
249 if(checkheader.ne.3) then
250 print*,'>>>> ERROR <<<< (trkcalibpkt)'
251 print*,'>>>> CPU packet type ',!pkt_type,
252 $ ' does not match DSP type ',checkheader
253 DAQmode_temp = ishft(iand(header(1),z'03f0'),-4)
254 DSPnumber_temp = iand(header(1),z'000f')
255 print*,' -----------------------------------'
256 $ ,iview
257 print*,' DSP number-----',int(DSPnumber_temp)
258 print*,' DAQ mode-------',int(DAQmode_temp)
259 print*,' -----------------------------------'
260 goto 2424 !next view (==> search another DSP header)
261 endif
263 c******************************************************
264 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
265 c call unpackcalibration(runerror,ffd_pkt)
266 call unpackcalibration(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
267 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
268 c******************************************************
269 if(runerror.eq.-1) goto 2222
270 if(runerror.eq.1) goto 2222
272 if(nused_event.ne.0.or.ff.ne.0)then
273 print*,'*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'
274 print*,'* !!! CALIBRATION FAILURE !!! *'
275 print*,'*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'
276 c ALARMS=.true.
277 endif
278 if(ALARMS)then
280 print*,'Calibration packet ==> ',iview
282 print*,'---- Calibration packet ',iview,' ----'
283 print*,' DSP number ',DSPnumber_cal
284 print*,' DAQ mode ',DAQmode_cal
285 print*,' calibration run ',calibrationnumber
286 print*,' n. event used ',nused_event
287 print*,' <PED> ladder 1 ',ped_1
288 print*,' <PED> ladder 2 ',ped_2
289 print*,' <PED> ladder 3 ',ped_3
290 print*,' <SIG> ladder 1 ',sig_1
291 print*,' <SIG> ladder 2 ',sig_2
292 print*,' <SIG> ladder 3 ',sig_3
293 print*,' n.BAD ladder 1 ',nbad_1
294 print*,' n.BAD ladder 2 ',nbad_2
295 print*,' n.BAD ladder 3 ',nbad_3
296 print*,' error flag ',ff
297 endif
298 c
299 npa=npa+1
300 trk_DSP_ok(DSPnumber_cal)=1
301 2424 continue
302 enddo ! end loop on views (calibration pkt)
303 2222 continue
305 if(npa.ne.6)print*,'**** READRAW: WARNING (in trkcalibpkt) '
306 $ //'- Found only ',npa,' calibration pkts!'
307 c*****************************************************
308 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
309 c close (lun_pkt)
310 c*****************************************************
311 return
312 end
314 ***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***
315 *
316 *
317 *
318 *
319 *
320 *
321 *
322 *
323 ***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***
325 c*****************************************************
326 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
327 c subroutine searchtrkheader(runerror,ffd)
328 subroutine searchtrkheader(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,
329 + curpos,startcrc)
330 c*****************************************************
331 C.............................................................
332 C Search for a valid tracker DSP header (=>one view)
333 C and return the type of header
334 C.............................................................
336 include '../common/commontracker.f'
337 include '../common/common_readraw.f'
339 c*****************************************************
340 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
341 c integer ffd !input file descriptor
342 parameter (MAXBUFFLEN=z'172c8')
343 integer*4 length_buffer
344 integer*1 buffer(MAXBUFFLEN)
345 integer curpos !current position in buffer
346 integer startcrc
347 c*****************************************************
349 integer runerror !readevent error flag
351 c--------------------------------------------------
352 c N.B.13 bit packing is done for each DSP header+datablock,
353 C so each DSP 13 bit
354 c first word starts at the beginnig of a 16 bit word
355 c--------------------------------------------------
357 9100 continue
358 runerror=0 !error flag initialization
359 checkheader=0
361 c--------------------------------------------------
362 c looks for a DSP header beginning
363 C (a word beginning with 1110)
364 c--------------------------------------------------
366 c*****************************************************
367 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
368 c call findstart(runerror,ffd)
369 call findstart(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos)
370 c*****************************************************
373 if(runerror.eq.1) goto 200 !end
374 if(runerror.eq.-1)goto 200 !end
375 c--------------------------------------------------
376 c the first word could be a DSP header first word:
377 C reads 13 8-bit words and
378 c writes them in 16 13-bit words to check for all
379 C DSP header features
380 c--------------------------------------------------
382 c*****************************************************
383 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
384 c call hunpacker(header,runerror,ffd)
385 call hunpacker(header,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
386 + startcrc)
387 c*****************************************************
389 if(runerror.eq.1) goto 200 !end
390 if(runerror.eq.-1)goto 200 !end
391 c--------------------------------------------------
392 c extracts and controls header:
393 c--------------------------------------------------
394 C last header word must be:
395 c |0001|1100|0000|0000| for acquisition
396 c |0001|1111|1111|1111| for calibration
397 c--------------------------------------------------
398 if(iand(header(16),z'ffff').eq.z'1c00') then
399 checkheader=2 ! event packet
400 elseif(iand(header(16),z'ffff').eq.z'1fff') then
401 checkheader=3 ! calibration packet
402 else
403 checkheader=1 ! not a valid DSP header
404 endif
405 c--------------------------------------------------
406 c first header word must be:
407 c |0001|110x|xxxx|xxxx|
408 c--------------------------------------------------
409 if(iand(header(1),z'fe00').ne.z'1c00')
410 $ checkheader=1 !not a valid DSP header
411 c--------------------------------------------------
412 c intermediate header words must be:
413 c |0001|010x|xxxx|xxxx|
414 c--------------------------------------------------
415 do i=2,15
416 if(iand(header(i),z'fc00').ne.z'1400')
417 $ checkheader=1 !not a valid DSP header
418 enddo
419 c--------------------------------------------------
420 c if checkheader = 1
421 c then this is not a DSP header (or some
422 c noise lurks around) so go a word ahead and
423 c try again
424 c--------------------------------------------------
425 if(checkheader.eq.1) then
427 c*****************************************************
428 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
429 c call skipbyte(ffd) !new search
430 curpos=curpos-(13*2)+1 !goes back 13 words, then half 16 bit word ahead
431 c*****************************************************
432 goto 9100
433 endif
435 200 continue
436 end
438 *.............................................................
441 *.............................................................
442 c*****************************************************
443 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
444 c subroutine unpackcalibration(runerror,ffd)
445 subroutine unpackcalibration(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
446 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
447 c*****************************************************
449 *.............................................................
450 * decode calibration data
451 * header + data(PED SIG BAD) + trailer
452 *............................................................
453 include '../common/commontracker.f'
454 include '../common/common_readraw.f'
457 c*****************************************************
458 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
459 c integer ffd !input file descriptor
460 parameter (MAXBUFFLEN=z'172c8')
461 integer*4 length_buffer
462 integer*1 buffer(MAXBUFFLEN)
463 integer curpos !current position in buffer
464 integer startcrc
465 integer stopcrc
466 integer*1 crctemp
467 integer*1 crc_trail
468 c*****************************************************
470 integer runerror !readevent error flag
471 c buffer temporanei
472 integer*2 templ(nstrips_ladder)
473 real*4 tempf(nstrips_ladder)
476 12 format(z4)
478 *-----------------------------------------------------------
479 * HEADER
480 * (N.B. during test 2003 the header of calibration packets
481 * was only partially filled)
482 *
483 * the following is the final calibration header
484 *-----------------------------------------------------------
485 DAQmode_cal = ishft(iand(header(1),z'03f0'),-4)
486 DSPnumber_cal = iand(header(1),z'000f')
487 dataword = ior(ishft(iand(header(2),z'03ff')
488 $ ,10),iand(header(3),z'03ff'))
489 calibrationnumber = iand(header(4),z'03ff')
490 nused_event = iand(header(5),z'03ff')
491 ped_1 = iand(header(6),z'03ff')
492 ped_2 = iand(header(7),z'03ff')
493 ped_3 = iand(header(8),z'03ff')
494 ped_1 = ped_1 * 4
495 ped_2 = ped_2 * 4
496 ped_3 = ped_3 * 4
497 sig_1 = iand(header(9),z'03ff')
498 sig_2 = iand(header(10),z'03ff')
499 sig_3 = iand(header(11),z'03ff')
500 nbad_1 = iand(header(12),z'03ff')
501 nbad_2 = iand(header(13),z'03ff')
502 nbad_3 = iand(header(14),z'03ff')
503 ff = ishft(iand(header(15),z'0300'),-8)
504 checksum_cal = iand(header(15),z'00ff')
505 c-----------------------------------------------------------
506 c the checksum is a 8-bit word calculated as the
507 c XOR of the 16-bit data words,
508 c hence the XOR between the two halfs
509 C----------------------------------------------------------
511 runerror=0
513 c*****************************************************
514 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
515 c call readtrailer(trailer,runerror,ffd)
516 call readtrailer(trailer,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
517 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
519 crc_trail=iand(trailer(3),z'00ff')
521 if (crctemp.eq. crc_trail)then
522 crc_hcalib=.true.
523 else
524 crc_hcalib=.false.
525 print*,'**** READRAW: WARNING crc_hcalib=.false.'
526 write(*,102),il,crctemp,iand(trailer(3),z'00ff')
527 102 format(' crctemp=',z2
528 $ ,' crc-trailer=',z2)
529 endif
530 c*****************************************************
532 do il=1,3 !loop on ladders
533 c*****************************************************
534 cccccc 30/11/2005 modified by david fedele
535 startcrc=curpos
536 c*****************************************************
537 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
538 c call readped(tempf,runerror,ffd)
539 call readped(tempf,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos)
540 c*****************************************************
541 do is=1,nstrips_ladder
542 iss=is+nstrips_ladder*(il-1)
543 DSPped_o(DSPnumber_cal,iss)=tempf(is)
544 enddo
547 c*****************************************************
548 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
549 c call readsig(tempf,runerror,ffd)
550 call readsig(tempf,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos)
551 c*****************************************************
552 do is=1,nstrips_ladder
553 iss=is+nstrips_ladder*(il-1)
554 DSPsig_o(DSPnumber_cal,iss)=tempf(is)
555 enddo
558 c*****************************************************
559 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
560 c call readbad(templ,runerror,ffd)
561 call readbad(templ,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos)
562 c*****************************************************
563 do is=1,nstrips_ladder
564 iss=is+nstrips_ladder*(il-1)
565 DSPbad_o(DSPnumber_cal,iss)=templ(is)
566 enddo
568 11 format(i1,' ',z4)
570 c*****************************************************
571 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
572 c call readtrailer(trailer,runerror,ffd)
573 call readtrailer(trailer,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
574 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
576 crc_trail=iand(trailer(3),z'00ff')
578 if (crctemp.eq. crc_trail)then
579 crc_calib(il)=.true.
580 else
581 crc_calib(il)=.false.
582 print*,'**** READRAW: WARNING crc_cal(',il,')=.false. '
583 write(*,101),il,crctemp,iand(trailer(3),z'00ff')
584 101 format('ladder ',i2,' crctemp=',z2
585 $ ,' crc-trailer=',z2)
586 endif
587 c*****************************************************
589 enddo !end loop on ladders
591 return
592 end
593 *.............................................................
596 c*****************************************************
597 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
598 c subroutine unpackdata(runerror,ffd)
599 subroutine unpackdata(runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
600 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
601 c*****************************************************
603 *.............................................................
604 * decode event data
605 * header + data + trailer
606 *............................................................
608 include '../common/commontracker.f'
609 include '../common/common_readraw.f'
610 include '../common/level0.f'
612 c*****************************************************
613 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
614 c integer ffd !input file descriptor
615 parameter (MAXBUFFLEN=z'172c8')
616 integer*4 length_buffer
617 integer*1 buffer(MAXBUFFLEN)
618 integer curpos !current position in buffer
619 integer startcrc
620 integer stopcrc
621 integer*1 crctemp
622 c*****************************************************
624 integer runerror !readevent error flag
625 integer l_tra
627 integer bid1_dat,bid2_dat,bid3_dat,bid4_dat,bid5_dat,bid6_dat
628 $ ,bid7_dat,bid_dat_sum
630 logical DEBUG,ALARMs
631 common/DEBUGflag/DEBUG,ALARMs
632 c data ALARMs/.false./
635 ALARMs = .false.
637 12 format(z4)
639 *-----------------------------------------------------------
640 * HEADER
641 *-----------------------------------------------------------
643 DAQmode_dat = ishft(iand(header(1),z'03f0'),-4)
644 DSPnumber_dat = iand(header(1),z'000f')
645 C ------------------------------------------------------
646 c words 2 and 3 give the number of transmitted 16-bit
647 c words ( 13 header words + data )
648 c NB: data are packed from 13-bit to 16-bit words,
649 c so the stream is complited with zeros in order to have
650 c a number of bits multiple of 16
651 C ------------------------------------------------------
652 l_tra = ior(ishft(iand(header(2),z'03ff')
653 $ ,10),iand(header(3),z'03ff'))
654 l_tra=l_tra-13
655 C ------------------------------------------------------
656 eventn_dat = ior(ishft(iand(header(4),z'03ff')
657 $ ,10),iand(header(5),z'03ff'))
658 nclust_dat = ishft(iand(header(6),z'0380'),-7)
659 cutc_dat = ishft(iand(header(6),z'0070'),-4)
660 cutcl_dat = iand(header(6),z'000f')
661 addrcluster_dat(1) = iand(header(7),z'03ff')
662 signcluster_dat(1) = iand(header(8),z'03ff')
663 addrcluster_dat(2) = iand(header(9),z'03ff')
664 signcluster_dat(2) = iand(header(10),z'03ff')
665 addrcluster_dat(3) = iand(header(11),z'03ff')
666 signcluster_dat(3) = iand(header(12),z'03ff')
667 fc_dat = ishft(iand(header(13),z'0300'),-8)
668 compressiontime_dat = iand(header(13),z'00ff')
669 fl5_dat = ishft(iand(header(14),z'0300'),-8)
670 fl4_dat = ishft(iand(header(14),z'0300'),-6)
671 fl3_dat = ishft(iand(header(14),z'0300'),-4)
672 fl2_dat = ishft(iand(header(14),z'0300'),-2)
673 fl1_dat = iand(header(14),z'0300')
674 fl6_dat = ishft(iand(header(15),z'0300'),-8)
675 checksum_dat = iand(header(15),z'00ff')
677 if(
678 $ fc_dat.ne.0.or.
679 $ fl1_dat.ne.0.or.
680 $ fl2_dat.ne.0.or.
681 $ fl3_dat.ne.0.or.
682 $ fl4_dat.ne.0.or.
683 $ fl5_dat.ne.0.or.
684 $ fl6_dat.ne.0.or.
685 $ .false.)ALARMs=.true.
686 c-----------------------------------------------------------
687 c the cheacksum is a 8-bit word calculated as the
688 c XOR of the 16-bit data words,
689 c hence the XOR between the two halfs
690 C----------------------------------------------------------
691 runerror=0
692 nqualcosa=0
693 if(l_tra.eq.0)then
694 ALARMs=.true.
695 goto 18 !empty buffer
696 endif
698 c*****************************************************
699 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
700 c call dunpacker(l_tra,b_tra,runerror,ffd)
701 call dunpacker(l_tra,b_tra,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos)
702 c*****************************************************
703 if(runerror.eq.1.or.runerror.eq.-1) then
704 goto 50 !go to end
705 endif
707 nqualcosa = (real(l_tra))/13*16
708 xx = b_tra(nqualcosa)
709 if (xx.eq.0) nqualcosa=nqualcosa -1
711 18 datalength_dat= nqualcosa
712 11 format(i1,' ',z4)
714 c*****************************************************
715 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
716 c call readtrailer(trailer,runerror,ffd)
717 call readtrailer(trailer,runerror,buffer,length_buffer,curpos,
718 $ startcrc,stopcrc,crctemp)
719 c*****************************************************
721 ***************************************************************
722 * TRAILER *
723 ***************************************************************
725 pnum_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(1),z'f000'),-12)
726 cmdnum_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(1),z'0f00'),-8)
727 bid1_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(1),z'00c0'),-6)
728 bid2_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(1),z'0030'),-4)
729 bid3_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(1),z'000c'),-2)
730 bid4_dat=iand(trailer(1),z'0003')
731 bid5_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(2),z'c000'),-14)
732 bid6_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(2),z'3000'),-12)
733 bid7_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(2),z'0c00'),-10)
734 alarm_dat=ishft(iand(trailer(2),z'0300'),-8)
735 aswr_dat=ior(ishft(iand(trailer(2),z'00ff'),8)
736 $ ,ishft(iand(trailer(3),z'ff00'),-8))
737 crc_dat=iand(trailer(3),z'00ff')
739 bid_dat_sum = (bid1_dat + bid2_dat + bid3_dat + bid4_dat +
740 & bid5_dat + bid6_dat + bid7_dat)
742 bid_dat = bid_dat_sum/7
744 if ((bid_dat.ne.1.and.bid_dat.ne.2).or.
745 $ (mod(bid_dat_sum,7).ne.0).or.
746 $ .false.) then
747 write(*,*) '*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***'
748 write(*,*) 'unpack_data: TRAILER PACKET CORRUPTED - <BID> '
749 $ ,bid_dat
750 write(*,*) '*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***'
751 ALARMs=.true.
752 endif
755 if (alarm_dat.eq.3) then
756 write(*,*) '--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---'
757 write(*,*) 'unpack_data: TRAILER --- AQUISITION ALARM!!!'
758 write(*,*) '--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---'
759 write(*,*) alarm_dat
760 ALARMs=.true.
762 endif
764 if (alarm_dat.ne.3.and.alarm_dat.ne.0) then
765 write(*,*) '*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **'
766 write(*,*) 'unpack_data: TRAILER PACKET CORRUPTED - ALARM '
767 $ ,alarm_dat
768 write(*,*) '*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **'
769 ALARMs=.true.
770 endif
773 50 return
774 end
777 *.............................................................................
778 subroutine initlevel0
780 include '../common/commontracker.f'
781 include '../common/level0.f'
783 do i=1, nviews
785 DAQmode(i) = 0
786 DSPnumber(i) = 0
787 eventn(i) = 0
788 nclust(i) = 0
789 cutc(i) = 0
790 cutcl(i) = 0
791 addrcluster(i,1) = 0
792 signcluster(i,1) = 0
793 addrcluster(i,2) = 0
794 signcluster(i,2) = 0
795 addrcluster(i,3) = 0
796 signcluster(i,3) = 0
797 fc(i) = 0
798 compressiontime(i) = 0
799 fl5(i) = 0
800 fl4(i) = 0
801 fl3(i) = 0
802 fl2(i) = 0
803 fl1(i) = 0
804 fl6(i) = 0
805 checksum(i) = 0
806 DATAlength(i) = 0
807 pnum(i)= 0
808 cmdnum(i)= 0
809 bid(i) = 1
810 alarm(i)= 0
811 aswr(i) = 0
812 c*****************************************************
813 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele
814 crc(i)=.true.
815 c*****************************************************
816 enddo
818 TOTDATAlength = 0
819 good0=.true.
821 return
822 end
825 * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
826 *
827 *
828 *
829 *
830 *
831 *
832 * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
833 subroutine fillview(i,crctemp)
834 c -----------------------------------------------------
835 c fill variables related to view i
836 c which will be stored in the level0 nt-ple
837 c at the end of loop on views
838 c ----------------------------------------------------
840 include '../common/commontracker.f'
841 include '../common/level0.f'
842 include '../common/common_readraw.f'
844 integer*1 crctemp
846 DAQmode(i) = DAQmode_dat
847 DSPnumber(i) = DSPnumber_dat
848 eventn(i) = eventn_dat
849 nclust(i) = nclust_dat
850 cutc(i) = cutc_dat
851 cutcl(i) = cutcl_dat
852 addrcluster(i,1) = addrcluster_dat(1)
853 signcluster(i,1) = signcluster_dat(1)
854 addrcluster(i,2) = addrcluster_dat(2)
855 signcluster(i,2) = signcluster_dat(2)
856 addrcluster(i,3) = addrcluster_dat(3)
857 signcluster(i,3) = signcluster_dat(3)
858 fc(i) = fc_dat
859 compressiontime(i) = compressiontime_dat
860 fl5(i) = fl5_dat
861 fl4(i) = fl4_dat
862 fl3(i) = fl3_dat
863 fl2(i) = fl2_dat
864 fl1(i) = fl1_dat
865 fl6(i) = fl6_dat
866 checksum(i) = checksum_dat
867 DATAlength(i) = datalength_dat
868 c*****************************************************
869 cccccc 1/12/2005 modified by david fedele
870 if(crctemp.eq.crc_dat)then
871 crc(i)=.true.
872 else
873 print*,'**** READRAW: WARNING crc(',i,')=.false. '
874 write(*,100),crctemp,crc_dat
875 100 format('crctemp=',z2,' crc_dat=',z6)
876 crc(i)=.false.
877 endif
878 c*****************************************************
880 c -----------------------------------------------------------------------
881 c filling TRAILER variables
882 c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
884 pnum(i)= pnum_dat
885 cmdnum(i)= cmdnum_dat
886 bid(i) = bid_dat
887 alarm(i)= alarm_dat
888 aswr(i) = aswr_dat
890 do idat=1,datalength_dat
891 id = TOTDATAlength + idat
892 datatracker(id) = b_tra(idat)
893 enddo
894 TOTDATAlength = TOTDATAlength + datalength_dat
896 return
897 end

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