/[PAMELA software]/tracker/ground/source/parameters/align_param-COLONNE-RIALIGN/parameters_l2s1.dat
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Contents of /tracker/ground/source/parameters/align_param-COLONNE-RIALIGN/parameters_l2s1.dat

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Wed Mar 8 15:00:40 2006 UTC (19 years ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN, trk-ground
CVS Tags: R3v02, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
First CVS release of tracker ground software (R3v02) 

1 2014.57212
2 728.761639
3 2997.61561
4 -284.191108
5 -1873.99852
6 458.518725
7 1793.07862
8 0.
9 0.
10 0.
11 0.
12 0.
13 1613.05036
14 1765.98815
15 -1214.31544
16 -34.2842466
17 -553.129001
18 -21.5695153
19 1413.55901
20 -597.65735
21 1834.38075
22 129.160201
23 572.002603
24 64.6323651
25 -625.231138
26 -426.448245
27 3533.87973
28 158.671845
29 616.377231
30 -40.3581444
31 0.
32 0.
33 0.
34 0.
35 0.
36 0.

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