This directory contains all the parameters needed for tracker data reduction. During the compilation of "level2.exe" program, these auxiliary files are moved in the directory "bin-aux", which is created together with the executable. The "official" files (that is those that are copied in "bin-aux") for 2005 data are the following: align_param/parameters_l*s*.dat align_param/mech_pos.dat eta_param/eta*_binning.dat eta_param/eta*_bin*_l*.dat charge_param/charge-l*.dat field_meas/*.rz (NB! The program "level2-2003.exe" is associated with different parameters sets, labelled with "2003") All the other files and directory are different versions of the same parameters, that are kept in some case just for historical reasons. It follows a short description of the data. ============================================================================== - align_param-COLONNE Alignment parameters for the coloumns, from CERN beam test 2003 - align_param-2003 Same alignment parameters as align_param-COLONNE, associated with the new mechanical positions - align_param-OTTICI Alignment parameters for the whole tracker, using the optical measurements to fix the relative positions of sensors in the two reference plane. The procedure was applied to test 2003 data, and compared with the previous. The result seems not good. It may be due to a variation of the sensor position after inserting the planes in the tower. - align_param-MUONI First set of alignment parameters obtained with muon, from Rome 2005 runs. The idea is to correct the parameters for the columns, from test 2003, by varying the relative positions of the column (by means of tarcks that cross the columns). The result is not satisfactory. The reason is that meanwhile we realized that from 2003 to 2005 the planes moved... becouse of the vibration test. - align_param-SHIFTS-then-MUONI We then tried to apply the procedure above, after having corrected the relative positions of the planes for x and y translations, evaluated from the residual distributions. - align_param-COLONNE-shift2 Since also the procedure above does not convince, we first corrected the parameters from the shifts only (better evaluated) and see what happens. However, even after the correction, the residual distributions are not centered. - align_param-COLONNE-shift3 The correction above was iterated. - align_param-COLONNE-RIALIGN The column have been realigned, by using the measured muon momentum corrected for the estimated deflection offset. - align_param-COLONNE-RIALIGN2 The column have been realigned, by using the measured muon momentum corrected for the estimated deflection offset. The alignment was repeated to get correct error estimates for all the columns. Now residuals and charge ratio seems to be ok and the offset in eta is removed. - align_param-COSMIC Alignment of the whole spectrometer using cosmic muons, strarting from the align_param-COLONNE-RIALIGN2 for the single columns ============================================================================== - mech_pos.dat-old - mech_pos.dat-new Mechanical position of the sensors. In the old version the tickness of the carbon stiffners was wrong. NB!! To each set of allignment parameters must be associated the proper mechanical positions (old-old new-new ... but for some exceptions) ============================================================================== - charge_param-2003 - eta_param-2003 Charge correlation parameters and eta2 correction functions, evaluated from test 2003 data. In this set of parameters not all the angular bins are populated. ============================================================================== - data-card.dat This file is needed for charge correlation calibration.