1 |
************************************************************************* |
2 |
* |
3 |
* Subroutine read_B_outer.f |
4 |
* |
5 |
* it reads from rz files the two magnetic field maps taken inside the |
6 |
* spectrometer cavity and fills the variables in common_B_inner.f |
7 |
* |
8 |
* needs: |
9 |
* - ../common/common_B_outer.f common file for the outer magnetic field map |
10 |
* - .rz map files in ./ containing coordinates of measured points, Bx, By |
11 |
* and Bz components + errors |
12 |
* |
13 |
* output variables: (see common_B_outer.f) |
14 |
* - pxo(nx,3) |
15 |
* - pyo(ny,3) |
16 |
* - pzo(nz,3) |
17 |
* - bo(nx,ny,nz,3) |
18 |
* |
19 |
************************************************************************* |
20 |
21 |
subroutine read_B_outer |
22 |
23 |
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) |
24 |
include '../common/common_B_outer.f' |
25 |
26 |
27 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
28 |
c |
29 |
c local variables |
30 |
c |
31 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
32 |
33 |
character*64 Bmap_file !magnetic field file name |
34 |
parameter (lun_Bmap_file=66) !magnetic field map file id number |
35 |
36 |
parameter (ntpl_Bmap=20) !ntuple identifier |
37 |
38 |
REAL PFX(3),FX,DFX, !Bx field component coordinates in m, value and error in T |
39 |
$ PFY(3),FY,DFY |
40 |
$ ,PFZ(3),FZ,DFZ |
41 |
INTEGER INDEX(3) !point index |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
47 |
c |
48 |
c *** FIRST MAP *** |
49 |
c |
50 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
51 |
52 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
53 |
c |
54 |
c initialization and map file opening |
55 |
c |
56 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
57 |
58 |
c print*,' ' |
59 |
c print*,' ' |
60 |
61 |
Bmap_file='External_top_map_n4_150402.rz' |
62 |
63 |
c opens magnetic field map first file |
64 |
print *,'Opening file: ',Bmap_file |
65 |
call HROPEN |
66 |
$ (lun_Bmap_file,'Bmap','./bin-aux/'//Bmap_file,'P',1024,istat) |
67 |
if(istat.ne.0) goto 21 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
call HRIN(ntpl_Bmap,9999,0) !puts B map ntuple in memory |
71 |
72 |
c call HPRNTU(ntpl_Bmap) |
73 |
call HBNAME(ntpl_Bmap,' ',0,'$CLEAR') |
74 |
call HBNAME(ntpl_Bmap,'INDEX',index,'$SET') |
75 |
call HBNAME(ntpl_Bmap,'BX',pfx,'$SET') |
76 |
call HBNAME(ntpl_Bmap,'BY',pfy,'$SET') |
77 |
call HBNAME(ntpl_Bmap,'BZ',pfz,'$SET') |
78 |
79 |
80 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
81 |
c |
82 |
c reads events and fills variables |
83 |
c |
84 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
85 |
86 |
call HNOENT(ntpl_Bmap,iemax) !number of events |
87 |
88 |
c initializes measurement grid edges |
89 |
do ic=1,3 |
90 |
poxmax(ic)=0. |
91 |
poxmin(ic)=0. |
92 |
poymax(ic)=0. |
93 |
poymin(ic)=0. |
94 |
pozmax(ic)=0. |
95 |
pozmin(ic)=0. |
96 |
enddo |
97 |
98 |
99 |
do iev=1,iemax !event loop |
100 |
101 |
call HGNT(ntpl_Bmap,iev,ierr) !reads event |
102 |
if(ierr.ne.0) goto 22 |
103 |
104 |
c the output consists of matrices for coordinates, B components values |
105 |
c and errors: |
106 |
c e.g. px1(4,2) = X coordinate of the point with index = 4 along X, |
107 |
c in which By (=2) component has been measured |
108 |
c e.g. b1(3,23,4,1) = Bx (=1) component value, measured in the point with |
109 |
c indexes = 3,23,4 along X, Y and Z |
110 |
111 |
c Bx component |
112 |
pox(index(1),1) = pfx(1) |
113 |
if(pox(index(1),1).lt.poxmin(1)) poxmin(1)=pox(index(1),1) |
114 |
if(pox(index(1),1).gt.poxmax(1)) poxmax(1)=pox(index(1),1) |
115 |
poy(index(2),1) = pfx(2) |
116 |
if(poy(index(2),1).lt.poymin(1)) poymin(1)=poy(index(2),1) |
117 |
if(poy(index(2),1).gt.poymax(1)) poymax(1)=poy(index(2),1) |
118 |
poz(index(3),1) = pfx(3) |
119 |
if(poz(index(3),1).lt.pozmin(1)) pozmin(1)=poz(index(3),1) |
120 |
if(poz(index(3),1).gt.pozmax(1)) pozmax(1)=poz(index(3),1) |
121 |
122 |
bo(index(1),index(2),index(3),1) = fx |
123 |
124 |
125 |
c By component |
126 |
pox(index(1),2) = pfy(1) |
127 |
if(pox(index(1),2).lt.poxmin(2)) poxmin(2)=pox(index(1),2) |
128 |
if(pox(index(1),2).gt.poxmax(2)) poxmax(2)=pox(index(1),2) |
129 |
poy(index(2),2) = pfy(2) |
130 |
if(poy(index(2),2).lt.poymin(2)) poymin(2)=poy(index(2),2) |
131 |
if(poy(index(2),2).gt.poymax(2)) poymax(2)=poy(index(2),2) |
132 |
poz(index(3),2) = pfy(3) |
133 |
if(poz(index(3),2).lt.pozmin(2)) pozmin(2)=poz(index(3),2) |
134 |
if(poz(index(3),2).gt.pozmax(2)) pozmax(2)=poz(index(3),2) |
135 |
136 |
bo(index(1),index(2),index(3),2) = fy |
137 |
138 |
139 |
c Bz component |
140 |
pox(index(1),3) = pfz(1) |
141 |
if(pox(index(1),3).lt.poxmin(3)) poxmin(3)=pox(index(1),3) |
142 |
if(pox(index(1),3).gt.poxmax(3)) poxmax(3)=pox(index(1),3) |
143 |
poy(index(2),3) = pfz(2) |
144 |
if(poy(index(2),3).lt.poymin(3)) poymin(3)=poy(index(2),3) |
145 |
if(poy(index(2),3).gt.poymax(3)) poymax(3)=poy(index(2),3) |
146 |
poz(index(3),3) = pfz(3) |
147 |
if(poz(index(3),3).lt.pozmin(3)) pozmin(3)=poz(index(3),3) |
148 |
if(poz(index(3),3).gt.pozmax(3)) pozmax(3)=poz(index(3),3) |
149 |
150 |
bo(index(1),index(2),index(3),3) = fz |
151 |
152 |
enddo |
153 |
154 |
155 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
156 |
c |
157 |
c closes files |
158 |
c |
159 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
160 |
161 |
call HREND('Bmap') |
162 |
close(lun_Bmap_file) |
163 |
164 |
165 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
166 |
c |
167 |
c no error exit |
168 |
c |
169 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
170 |
171 |
c$$$ print*,' ' |
172 |
173 |
c$$$ print*,' ' |
174 |
c$$$ print*,' ' |
175 |
176 |
goto 9000 !happy ending |
177 |
178 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
179 |
c |
180 |
c magnetic field map file opening error |
181 |
c |
182 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
183 |
184 |
21 continue |
185 |
186 |
print*,' ' |
187 |
188 |
$ ,Bmap_file |
189 |
print*,' ' |
190 |
print*,' ' |
191 |
192 |
goto 9000 !the end |
193 |
194 |
195 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
196 |
c |
197 |
c ntuple event reading error |
198 |
c |
199 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
200 |
201 |
22 continue |
202 |
203 |
print*,' ' |
204 |
205 |
$ : ',iev |
206 |
print*,' ' |
207 |
print*,' ' |
208 |
209 |
goto 9000 !the end |
210 |
211 |
212 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
213 |
c |
214 |
c exit |
215 |
c |
216 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
217 |
218 |
9000 continue |
219 |
220 |
return |
221 |
end |