                           Tracker Ground Software

The trk-soft_Release-x.xx.tar contains a main directory "trk-software-ground/" 
that contains the following files and directories:
Makefile                 -- 
README                   -- instructions to create the executables
doc/                     -- documentation 
run-test/                -- example of working directory, which includes usefull
                            shell scripts 
source/                  -- source code
utilities/               -- eg. tracking routine

                            Software environment

This software has been successfully compiled and tested within the 
following environments:

- cernlib 2003

- GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)
- GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.4.3 20050227 (Red Hat 3.4.3-22.fc3)
- GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux 10.1 3.4.1-4mdk)

                            Notes to Release 1.00

 This is the first official version of the tracker ground software. 
 The software has been adapted in order to process downlink files and produce an
 output similar to the YODA threes. Each event has been tagged with the 
 CPU-header variables, as agreed during the last (April 28-29) software meeting 
 in Trieste. 
 LEVEL0 and LEVEL1 are in a stable version, while LEVEL2 (track parameters) 
 is still under development; both the track fitting routine and the output data 
 format are preliminary. In particular, significant improvements of the LEVEL2 
 output are foreseen for the next releases.
                            Notes to Release 2.00
 The tracking routine has been added to this version. Both source files and
 libraries (libtrk.a and libtrk.so) have been included. An example on how to use
 the routine is give in utilities/template. 
 The LEVEL2 output has been modified in order to store both the images of the
 track, in case the ambiguity is not solved (that is when the track is contained
 in a sensor column)
 The level2.exe program has been modified in order to choose the 
 position-finding algorythm from input. Implemented PFAs up to now: 
 COG2 and ETA2. 

                            Notes to Release 3.00

The LEVEL0 LEVEL1 LEVEL2 outputs have been modified to add some general
variables (crc, software version ...).

The LEVEL2 has been completed, adding spatial information of single clusters
(clusters not associated with any track) and the integral of BxdL along the
tracks. Moreover the dE/dX information of clusters along the tracks has been
splitted in X and Y values. 

The alignment parameters used in this version are those from beam-test 2003
(only columns), associated with the new mechanical positions (new evaluated
dimentions of carbon stiffners and glue).


                            Notes to Release 3.01

Some bugs in the previous release has been corrected.

This version uses NEW alignment parameters: colums have been realigned with
muon tracks corrected for deflection offset.  


                            Notes to Release 3.02

This release include the implementation of the full eta PFA (Postion Finding
The track fitting algorythm now takes into account of the variable spatial 
resolution as a function of the PFA and the inclination angle.

The cluster dE/dx is given in MIP units.