============ LIBTRK (R-1.01) ============ LIBTRK is a library containing fortran subroutines of general utility. The library is stored in the directory trk-software-ground/bin. Both a static (.a) and dynamic (.so) libraries have been created. List of subroutines ------------------- - TRACK - READ_B - INTER_B Usage: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL READ_B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the magnetic field maps (rz files) and fill related common blocks. ===> To be called once, before using TRACK and INTER_B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TRACK(*NPTOF,*ZIN,XOUT*,YOUT*,*AL_P,IFAIL*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPTOF (INTEGER) Num. points ZIN(NPTOF) (DOUBLE) Input z-coordinates (in cm) XOUT(NPTOF) (DOUBLE) Output x-coordinates (in cm) YOUT(NPTOF) (DOUBLE) Output y-coordinates (in cm) AL_P(6) (DOUBLE) Track state vector IFAIL (INTEGER) Error flag (ok if IFLAG=0) Calculate particle-trajectory coordinates, for the state vector AL_P, at z-coordinates set by the user. (Make use of GRKUTA, routine to solve kinematic equations in a magnetic field using Runge-Kutta method, adapted from GEANT3 library) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL INTER_B(*X,*Y,*Z,B*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X,Y,Z (DOUBLE) Coordinates (in m) B(3) (DOUBLE) Magnetic field (in T) Evaluate the three components of the magnetic field, by interpolating the measured magnetic field map. (Used by TRACK)