=========== LEVEL2 data * (R-0.01) =========== LEVEL2 nt-uple structure: ****************************************************************** * Ntuple ID = 22 Entries = 4993 LEVEL2 ****************************************************************** * Var numb * Type * Packing * Range * Block * Name * ****************************************************************** * 1 * L*4 * 1 * * EVENT * GOOD2 * 2 * I*4 * * * EVENT * NEV2 * 1 * I*4 * * * CPU * PKT_TYPE * 2 * I*4 * * * CPU * PKT_NUM * 3 * I*4 * * * CPU * OBT * 4 * I*4 * * * CPU * WHICH_CALIB * 1 * I*4 * * [0,50] * TRACKS * NTRK * 2 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * XM(6,NTRK) * 3 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * YM(6,NTRK) * 4 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * ZM(6,NTRK) * 5 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * RESX(6,NTRK) * 6 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * RESY(6,NTRK) * 7 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * AL(5,NTRK) * 8 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * CHI2(NTRK) * 9 * I*4 * * * TRACKS * XGOOD(6,NTRK) * 10 * I*4 * * * TRACKS * YGOOD(6,NTRK) * 11 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * XV(6,NTRK) * 12 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * YV(6,NTRK) * 13 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * ZV(6,NTRK) * 14 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * AXV(6,NTRK) * 15 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * AYV(6,NTRK) * 1 * I*4 * * * SINGLETS * NCLSX(6) * 2 * I*4 * * * SINGLETS * NCLSY(6) ****************************************************************** * Block * Entries * Unpacked * Packed * Packing Factor * ****************************************************************** * EVENT * 4993 * 8 * 5 * 1.600 * * CPU * 4993 * 16 * 16 * 1.000 * * TRACKS * 4993 * 15604 * Var. * Variable * * SINGLETS * 4993 * 48 * 48 * 1.000 * * Total * --- * 15676 * Var. * Variable * ****************************************************************** * Blocks = 4 Variables = 23 Max. Columns = 3919 * ****************************************************************** The EVENT block stores the global event flag GOOD2 and the event counter NEV2. The CPU block stores the event tag extracted from the physics-packet CPU-header (PKT_TYPE, PKT_NUM, OBT) and a variable that relates each event to the calibration parameters (WHICH_CALIB). (If WHICH_CALIB=0 (missing calibration) then GOOD2=.FALSE.) The TRACKS block stores track information: NTRK - number of identified tracks XM(6,NTRK) - measured coordinates associated to the track YM(6,NTRK) ' ZM(6,NTRK) ' RESX(6,NTRK) - spatial resolution associated to each coordinate RESY(6,NTRK) ' AL(5,NTRK) - TRACK PARAMETERS: X0,Y0,sin(THETA0),PHI0,DEFLECTION CHI2(NTRK) - reduced chi^2 of the track XGOOD(6,NTRK) - flag indicating if a plane was included in the track fitting YGOOD(6,NTRK) ' XV(6,NTRK) - calculated coordinates YV(6,NTRK) ' ZV(6,NTRK) ' AXV(6,NTRK) - calculated angles AYV(6,NTRK) ' The SINGLETS block stores information about those clusters not associated with any track: NCLSX(6) - number of singlets in each plane NCLSY(6) '