1) Create a working directory and add to your .bashrc file the lines: export TRK_BIN=/home/your-user/.../your-working-dir/ export TRK_GRND=/home/your-user/.../trk-software-ground/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TRK_GRND/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH then update the .bashrc file: # cd /home/your-user/ # source .bashrc 2) Create the executables: # cd /home/your-user/.../trk-software-ground # make all (the Makefile is not very sophisticated, to make it run might require some adjustments... sorry) 3) Install the programs in your working directory by executing: # make install The following files and directory will be created: bin-aux/ - (auxiliary files) level0.exe - program to go from RAW to LEVEL0 level1.exe - " " " " LEVEL0 to LEVEL1 level2.exe - " " " " LEVEL1 to LEVEL2 The same structure is created in the directory run-test/. Here you can find an example (run-test.sh) on how to use these programs (follow the instructions in WHAT-TO-DO). 4) IN case you don't need to reduce tracker files, but you need only to use LEVEL2 nt-uples to get track information and calculate the particle trajectory, you can follow the example in the directory "utilities/template/". This is an example on how to access LEVEL2 nt-uples and how to link the tracker library ("libtrk.a"; see "doc/libtrk.txt" for more info) in a fortran program (template.f).