#include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * First charge-vs-beta parameterization provided by wolfgang */ Double_t charge_tracker_beta_wolfgang(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){ Float_t C0[9] = {0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 90 }; Float_t B0[9] = {0 , 5.21108 , 8.53345 , 7.00253 , 8.34315 , 11.9997 , 11.6236 , 2.59707 , 2000 }; Float_t B1[9] = {0 , -9.6716 , 9.79003 , 38.0199 , 42.6475 , 29.6548 , 43.2637 , 107.077 , 0 }; Float_t B2[9] = {0 , 5.70349 , -36.0582 , -73.3067 , -69.9404 , -38.9489 , -60.9272 , -152.77 , 0 }; Float_t B3[9] = {0 , -0.311956 , 21.7421 , 37.4468 , 33.7097 , 17.7431 , 31.2389 , 75.0796 , 0 }; Float_t x1[9],y1[9]; Int_t n1 = 9; Float_t charge = 1000.; Float_t beta = (Float_t) x[0]; Float_t dedxtrk = (Float_t) x[1]; dedxtrk = dedxtrk/1.3; if( beta>2. || dedxtrk <=0 )return 0.;// it makes no sense to allow beta>2 Float_t betahelp = pow(beta, 0.8); Float_t ym = dedxtrk*betahelp; Float_t xb = beta; for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){ x1[jj] = B0[jj]+B1[jj]*xb+B2[jj]*xb*xb+B3[jj]*xb*xb*xb; y1[jj] = C0[jj]*C0[jj] ; } TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(n1,x1,y1); TSpline3 *spl1 = new TSpline3("grs",gr1); // use a cubic spline Float_t chelp = spl1->Eval(ym); charge = TMath::Sqrt(chelp); if(gr1)gr1->Delete(); if(spl1)spl1->Delete(); return (Double_t)charge ; } /* * First charge-vs-rigidity parameterization provided by wolfgang * (adpted from charge-vs-deflection parameterization) */ Double_t charge_tracker_rigidity_wolfgang(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){ Float_t C0[9] = {0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 90 }; Float_t B0[9] = {0 , 0.867439 , 4.04174 , 9.10558 , 15.3956 , 20.6338 , 25.5426 , 32.1287 , 1000 }; Float_t B1[9] = {0 , -0.128483 , -3.18795 , -3.38137 , -9.61749 , -6.44302 , -8.23092 , -7.30003 , 0 }; Float_t B2[9] = {0 , 0.764514 , 19.7088 , 38.8391 , 58.1051 , 58.8905 , 55.1826 , 58.9612 , 0 }; Float_t B3[9] = {0 , 0.00176465 , -9.23937 , -28.0735 , -50.4548 , -54.3154 , -50.3964 , -82.3765 , 0 }; Float_t B4[9] = {0 , -0.016259 , 1.32851 , 6.68077 , 14.3786 , 16.3259 , 15.835 , 54.1588 , 0 }; Float_t yl,yh,m,b,chelp; // Float_t x1[9],y1[9]; // Int_t n1 = 9; Float_t charge = 1000.; Float_t def = 1./((Float_t)x[0]); Float_t dedxtrk = (Float_t) x[1]; dedxtrk = dedxtrk/1.3; Float_t ym = dedxtrk; Float_t xb = def; for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<8; jj++ ){ yl = B0[jj] + B1[jj]*xb + B2[jj]*xb*xb + B3[jj]*xb*xb*xb + B4[jj]*xb*xb*xb*xb; yh = B0[jj+1] + B1[jj+1]*xb + B2[jj+1]*xb*xb + B3[jj+1]*xb*xb*xb + B4[jj+1]*xb*xb*xb*xb; if ((ylDelete(); if(charge_vs_rig)charge_vs_rig->Delete(); _parameters=NULL; } /** * Set external parameters to default values */ void TrkNuclei_parameters::SetDefault(){ cout < SET DEFAULT PARAMETERS" << endl; cout << "---------------------------------------------"<> Wolfgang <<"<> Wolfgang <<"< Setting new charge-vs-beta parameterization"<Delete(); charge_vs_beta = f; return true; }; /* * Set new charge-vs-beta parameterization. * Input function should be a 2D function: the first variable is beta, the second one the dedx. */ bool TrkNuclei_parameters::SetZ_Beta( const char* formula ){ TF2 *f = new TF2("fch_vs_beta",formula,0.,1.1,0.,100.); return SetZ_Beta(f); }; /* * Set new charge-vs-rigidity parameterization. * Input function should be a 2D function: the first variable is the rigidity (GV), the second one the dedx. */ bool TrkNuclei_parameters::SetZ_Rigidity(TF2* f){ if(!f)return false; cout << "TrkNuclei --> Setting new charge-vs-rigidity parameterization"<Delete(); charge_vs_rig = f; return true; }; /* * Set new charge-vs-rigidity parameterization. * Input function should be a 2D function: the first variable is the rigidity (GV), the second one the dedx. */ bool TrkNuclei_parameters::SetZ_Rigidity( const char* formula ){ TF2 *f = new TF2("fch_vs_rig",formula,0.,1.1,0.,100.); return SetZ_Rigidity(f); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CLASS IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set event */ bool TrkNuclei::Set(TrkTrack* trk){ if(!trk)return false; if(!nutrk)nutrk = new TrkTrack(); *nutrk = *trk; // for(int i=0; i<6; i++){ // dedx_x[i]=trk->dedx_x[i]; // dedx_y[i]=trk->dedx_y[i]; // maxs_x[i]=trk->GetClusterX_MaxStrip(i); // maxs_y[i]=trk->GetClusterY_MaxStrip(i); // } return true; }; bool TrkNuclei::Set(PamTrack* trk){ if(!trk)return false; return Set(trk->GetTrkTrack()); }; bool TrkNuclei::Set(PamLevel2* l2,int ntr){ if(!l2)return false; if(!l2->GetTrkLevel2())return false; if(ntr>l2->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks()||ntr<0)return false; return Set(l2->GetTrack(ntr)->GetTrkTrack()); }; /** * Reset event */ void TrkNuclei::Reset(){ if(nutrk)nutrk->Clear(); // for(int i=0; i<6; i++){ // dedx_x[i]=0.; // dedx_y[i]=0.; // maxs_x[i]=-1; // maxs_y[i]=-1; // } } /** * Method to evaluate the particle charge in each view, as a function of the particle velocity. * @param ip plane (0-5) * @param iv view (0=x 1=y) * @param beta particle velocity */ Float_t TrkNuclei::GetZ_Beta(int ip, int iv, float beta){ if( !TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Beta() )return 0.; return TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Beta()->Eval(beta,nutrk->GetDEDX(ip,iv)); } /** * Method to evaluate the particle charge in each view, as a function of the particle velocity. * @param ip plane (0-5) * @param beta particle velocity */ Float_t TrkNuclei::GetZ_Beta(int ip, float beta){ if( !TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Beta() )return 0.; return TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Beta()->Eval(beta,nutrk->GetDEDX(ip)); } /** * Method to evaluate the average particle charge, as a function of the particle velocity. * @param beta particle velocity */ Float_t TrkNuclei::GetZ_Beta(float beta){ if( !TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Beta() )return 0.; return TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Beta()->Eval(beta,nutrk->GetDEDX()); } /** * Method to evaluate the particle charge in each view, as a function of the particle rigidity. * @param ip plane (0-5) * @param iv view (0=x 1=y) * @param rig particle rigidity */ Float_t TrkNuclei::GetZ_Rigidity(int ip, int iv, float rig){ if( !TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Rigidity() )return 0.; return TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Rigidity()->Eval(rig,nutrk->GetDEDX(ip,iv)); } /** * Method to evaluate the particle charge in each view, as a function of the particle rigidity. * @param ip plane (0-5) * @param rig particle rigidity */ Float_t TrkNuclei::GetZ_Rigidity(int ip, float rig){ if( !TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Rigidity() )return 0.; return TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Rigidity()->Eval(rig,nutrk->GetDEDX(ip)); } /** * Method to evaluate the particle charge in each view, as a function of the particle rigidity. * @param rig particle rigidity */ Float_t TrkNuclei::GetZ_Rigidity(float rig){ if( !TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Rigidity() )return 0.; return TrkNuclei_parameters::Get()->GetZ_Rigidity()->Eval(rig,nutrk->GetDEDX()); } ClassImp(TrkNuclei);