/** * \file TrkViewer.cpp * \author Elena Vannuccini */ #include // (mechanical) z-coordinate of the tracker planes // #define ZTRK6 -22.23 // #define ZTRK5 -13.32 // #define ZTRK4 -4.42 // #define ZTRK3 4.48 // #define ZTRK2 13.38 // #define ZTRK1 22.28 // (mechanical) x/y-coordinates of magnet cavity #define XTRKL -8.1 #define XTRKR 8.1 #define YTRKL -6.6 #define YTRKR 6.6 // (approximate) position of dead area among sensors #define DX1 -2.7 #define DX2 2.7 #define DY -0.2 #define VCOL 18//29 // volume color #define PCOL 1 // plane color #define CCOL 15 // column color #define HTCOL 2 // track-hit color #define HSCOL 11 // singlet-hit color #define TCCOL 40 // color of track-candidates /** * Tracker volume (x/y/top projections) constructor */ GTrkVolume::GTrkVolume(){ cavity_l = new TBox(XTRKL,ZTRK6,XTRKR,ZTRK1); cavity_l->SetFillColor(VCOL); plane_l[0] = new TLine(XTRKL,ZTRK1,XTRKR,ZTRK1); plane_l[1] = new TLine(XTRKL,ZTRK2,XTRKR,ZTRK2); plane_l[2] = new TLine(XTRKL,ZTRK3,XTRKR,ZTRK3); plane_l[3] = new TLine(XTRKL,ZTRK4,XTRKR,ZTRK4); plane_l[4] = new TLine(XTRKL,ZTRK5,XTRKR,ZTRK5); plane_l[5] = new TLine(XTRKL,ZTRK6,XTRKR,ZTRK6); for(Int_t ip=1; ip<=6;ip++)plane_l[ip-1]->SetLineColor(PCOL); cavity_r = new TBox(YTRKL,ZTRK6,YTRKR,ZTRK1); cavity_r->SetFillColor(VCOL); plane_r[0] = new TLine(YTRKL,ZTRK1,YTRKR,ZTRK1); plane_r[1] = new TLine(YTRKL,ZTRK2,YTRKR,ZTRK2); plane_r[2] = new TLine(YTRKL,ZTRK3,YTRKR,ZTRK3); plane_r[3] = new TLine(YTRKL,ZTRK4,YTRKR,ZTRK4); plane_r[4] = new TLine(YTRKL,ZTRK5,YTRKR,ZTRK5); plane_r[5] = new TLine(YTRKL,ZTRK6,YTRKR,ZTRK6); for(Int_t ip=1; ip<=6;ip++)plane_r[ip-1]->SetLineColor(PCOL); cavity_c = new TBox(XTRKL,YTRKL,XTRKR,YTRKR); cavity_c->SetFillColor(VCOL); column_l[0] = new TLine(DX1,ZTRK6,DX1,ZTRK1); column_l[1] = new TLine(DX2,ZTRK6,DX2,ZTRK1); column_l[0]->SetLineColor(CCOL); column_l[1]->SetLineColor(CCOL); column_l[0]->SetLineStyle(2); column_l[1]->SetLineStyle(2); column_r[0] = new TLine(DY,ZTRK6,DY,ZTRK1); column_r[0]->SetLineColor(CCOL); column_r[0]->SetLineStyle(2); column_c[0] = new TLine(DX1,YTRKL,DX1,YTRKR); column_c[1] = new TLine(DX2,YTRKL,DX2,YTRKR); column_c[2] = new TLine(XTRKL,DY,XTRKR,DY); column_c[0]->SetLineColor(CCOL); column_c[1]->SetLineColor(CCOL); column_c[2]->SetLineColor(CCOL); column_c[0]->SetLineStyle(2); column_c[1]->SetLineStyle(2); column_c[2]->SetLineStyle(2); } // /** *Draw x projection */ void GTrkVolume::DrawProjectionX(){ cavity_l->Draw(); for(Int_t ip=1; ip<=6;ip++)plane_l[ip-1]->Draw(); column_l[0]->Draw(); column_l[1]->Draw(); } // /** *Draw y projection */ void GTrkVolume::DrawProjectionY(){ cavity_r->Draw(); for(Int_t ip=1; ip<=6;ip++)plane_r[ip-1]->Draw(); column_r[0]->Draw(); } // /** *Draw top projection */ void GTrkVolume::DrawProjectionT(){ cavity_c->Draw(); column_c[0]->Draw(); column_c[1]->Draw(); column_c[2]->Draw(); } // void GTrkVolume::Delete(){ cavity_l->Delete(); cavity_r->Delete(); cavity_c->Delete(); for(Int_t ip=1; ip<=6;ip++){ plane_l[ip-1]->Delete(); plane_r[ip-1]->Delete(); }; column_l[0]->Delete(); column_l[1]->Delete(); column_r[0]->Delete(); column_c[0]->Delete(); column_c[1]->Delete(); column_c[2]->Delete(); }; //=============================================================== // // //=============================================================== GTrkLevel2::GTrkLevel2(){ Track = new TClonesArray("GTrkTrack"); Image = new TClonesArray("GTrkTrack"); SingletX = new TClonesArray("GTrkHit"); SingletY = new TClonesArray("GTrkHit"); DRAWIMAGE=false; } // //Int_t GTrkLevel2::Set(TrkLevel2* trk_event){ // return 0; //} // /** * Constructor */ GTrkLevel2::GTrkLevel2(TrkLevel2* trk_event){ // cout << "Tracker: view status "; for(Int_t iv=0; iv<12; iv++)cout << trk_event->good[iv]; cout << endl; // cout << "Tracker: n.tracks "<GetNTracks()<nclsx()<nclsy()<GetTrkLevel2(); // cout << "Tracker: view status "; // for(Int_t iv=0; iv<12; iv++)cout << trk_event->good[iv]; // cout << endl; // cout << "Tracker: n.tracks "<GetNTracks()<nclsx()<nclsy()<GetEntries(); Int_t isy = SingletY->GetEntries(); for(Int_t it=0; itGetNTracks(); it++){ TrkTrack *tk = trk_event->GetTrack(it); new(gt[it]) GTrkTrack(tk); for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if(tk->XGood(i)) new(gsx[isx++]) GTrkHit(tk->xm[i],tk->zm[i],tk->dedx_x[i]); if(tk->YGood(i)) new(gsy[isy++]) GTrkHit(tk->ym[i],tk->zm[i],tk->dedx_y[i]); } if( tk->HasImage() ){ TrkTrack *tk = trk_event->GetTrackImage(it); new(gi[it]) GTrkTrack(tk); } } } void GTrkLevel2::SetTracks(PamLevel2* pam_event){ TClonesArray > = *Track; TClonesArray &gi = *Image; TClonesArray &gsx = *SingletX; TClonesArray &gsy = *SingletY; Int_t isx = SingletX->GetEntries(); Int_t isy = SingletY->GetEntries(); // ==== NON FUNZIONA === // TClonesArray *sorted = pam_event->GetTracks(); // cout << "==== "<GetEntries()<GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks(); it++){ // TrkTrack *tk = (TrkTrack*)(*sorted)[it]; // new(gt[it]) GTrkTrack(tk); // for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ // if(tk->XGood(i)) new(gsx[isx++]) GTrkHit(tk->xm[i],tk->zm[i],tk->dedx_x[i]); // if(tk->YGood(i)) new(gsy[isy++]) GTrkHit(tk->ym[i],tk->zm[i],tk->dedx_y[i]); // } // } for(Int_t it=0; itGetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks(); it++){ TrkTrack *tk = pam_event->GetTrack(it)->GetTrkTrack(); new(gt[it]) GTrkTrack(tk); for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if(tk->XGood(i)) new(gsx[isx++]) GTrkHit(tk->xm[i],tk->zm[i],tk->dedx_x[i]); if(tk->YGood(i)) new(gsy[isy++]) GTrkHit(tk->ym[i],tk->zm[i],tk->dedx_y[i]); } if( tk->HasImage() ){ // cout << "*** HAS IMAGE ***"<GetTrackImage(it)->GetTrkTrack(); new(gi[it]) GTrkTrack(tk); } } } void GTrkLevel2::SetSinglets(TrkLevel2* trk_event){ TClonesArray &gsx = *SingletX; Int_t isx = SingletX->GetEntries(); for(Int_t is=0; isnclsx(); is++){ TrkSinglet *s = trk_event->GetSingletX(is); GTrkHit h = GTrkHit(s->coord[0],trk_event->GetZTrk(s->plane),s->sgnl); // h.SetCluster(s->GetCluster()); new(gsx[isx++]) GTrkHit(&h); } TClonesArray &gsy = *SingletY; Int_t isy = SingletY->GetEntries(); Int_t iss=0; for(Int_t is=0; isnclsy(); is++){ for(Int_t i=0; i<2; i++){ TrkSinglet *s = trk_event->GetSingletY(is); GTrkHit h = GTrkHit(s->coord[i],trk_event->GetZTrk(s->plane),s->sgnl); // h.SetCluster(s->GetCluster()); new(gsy[isy++]) GTrkHit(&h); iss++; } } } // void GTrkLevel2::DrawProjectionX(){ TClonesArray &s = *(SingletX); for(Int_t is=0; isGetEntries(); is++){ ((GTrkHit*)s[is])->Draw(); }; TClonesArray &t = *(Track); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->DrawProjectionX(); }; }; void GTrkLevel2::DrawProjectionY(){ TClonesArray &s = *(SingletY); for(Int_t is=0; isGetEntries(); is++){ ((GTrkHit*)s[is])->Draw(); }; TClonesArray &t = *(Track); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->DrawProjectionY(); }; if(DRAWIMAGE){ TClonesArray &i = *(Image); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ if( i[it] ){ ((GTrkTrack*)i[it])->GetProjectionY()->SetLineStyle(2); ((GTrkTrack*)i[it])->DrawProjectionY(); } }; } }; void GTrkLevel2::DrawProjectionT(){ TClonesArray &t = *(Track); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->DrawProjectionT(); }; if(DRAWIMAGE){ TClonesArray &i = *(Image); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ if( i[it] ){ ((GTrkTrack*)i[it])->GetProjectionT()->SetLineStyle(2); ((GTrkTrack*)i[it])->DrawProjectionT(); } }; } }; // void GTrkLevel2::Delete(){ Track->Delete(); Image->Delete(); SingletX->Delete(); SingletY->Delete(); } void GTrkLevel2::Clear(){ Track->Clear("C"); Image->Clear("C"); SingletX->Clear("C"); SingletY->Clear("C"); } //=============================================================== // // //=============================================================== GTrkTrack::GTrkTrack(){ tr_l = new TPolyLine(); tr_r = new TPolyLine(); tr_c = new TPolyLine(); for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ // m_l[i] = m_r[i] = m_c[i] = NULL; mt_l[i] = new TMarker(); mt_r[i] = new TMarker(); mt_c[i] = new TMarker(); } } GTrkTrack::~GTrkTrack(){ // delete tr_l; // delete tr_r; // delete tr_c; tr_l->Delete(); tr_r->Delete(); tr_c->Delete(); for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ // cout << " GTrkTrack::~GTrkTrack() ==> m_l[i] "<Delete(); // if( m_r[i] )m_r[i]->Delete(); // if( m_c[i] )m_c[i]->Delete(); if( mt_l[i] )mt_l[i]->Delete(); if( mt_r[i] )mt_r[i]->Delete(); if( mt_c[i] )mt_c[i]->Delete(); } }; // GTrkTrack::GTrkTrack(TrkTrack* tr){ // -------------------------------------------- // create trajectory in the tracker float pz[100]; float ztop = 55.; float zbot = -27.; float dz = (ztop-zbot)/100; for(int i=0; i<100; i++)pz[i]=ztop-dz*i; // Trajectory *tj = new Trajectory(100); Trajectory *tj = new Trajectory(100,pz); tr->DoTrack2(tj); // cout << tr->GetRigidity()<<" GV"<x[ii]<<" - "<y[ii]<<" - "<z[ii]<npoint; iwall++){ // if(tj->x[iwall] <= XTRKL || tj->x[iwall] >= XTRKR || tj->y[iwall]<= YTRKL || tj->y[iwall]>= YTRKR)break; // } // create track projections tr_l = new TPolyLine( iwall, tj->x, tj->z ); tr_r = new TPolyLine( iwall, tj->y, tj->z ); tr_c = new TPolyLine( iwall, tj->x, tj->y ); tr_l->SetLineColor(HTCOL); tr_r->SetLineColor(HTCOL); tr_c->SetLineColor(HTCOL); tj->Delete(); // -------------------------------------------- // create for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if(tr->XGood(i)){ mt_l[i] = new TMarker(tr->xm[i],tr->zm[i],20); mt_l[i]->SetMarkerSize(0.6); mt_l[i]->SetMarkerColor(HTCOL); // cout << "X-hit "<xm[i]<YGood(i)){ mt_r[i] = new TMarker(tr->ym[i],tr->zm[i],20); mt_r[i]->SetMarkerSize(0.6); mt_r[i]->SetMarkerColor(HTCOL); // cout << "Y-hit "<ym[i]<XGood(i) || tr->YGood(i)){ mt_c[i] = new TMarker(tr->xm[i],tr->ym[i],20); mt_c[i]->SetMarkerSize(0.9-i*0.1); mt_c[i]->SetMarkerColor(HTCOL); }else{ mt_c[i] = NULL; }; } } // GTrkTrack::GTrkTrack(GTrkTrack* gt){ tr_l = new TPolyLine( *(gt->tr_l) ); tr_r = new TPolyLine( *(gt->tr_r) ); tr_c = new TPolyLine( *(gt->tr_c) ); for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ // m_l[i] = m_r[i] = m_c[i] = NULL; // if( gt->m_l[i] ) m_l[i] = new GTrkHit( gt->m_l[i] ); // if( gt->m_r[i] ) m_r[i] = new GTrkHit( gt->m_r[i] ); // if( gt->m_c[i] ) m_c[i] = new GTrkHit( gt->m_c[i] ); mt_l[i] = new TMarker( *(gt->mt_l[i]) ); mt_r[i] = new TMarker( *(gt->mt_r[i]) ); mt_c[i] = new TMarker( *(gt->mt_c[i]) ); } } // void GTrkTrack::Delete(){ tr_l->Delete(); tr_r->Delete(); tr_c->Delete(); for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if( mt_l[i] )mt_l[i]->Delete(); if( mt_r[i] )mt_r[i]->Delete(); if( mt_c[i] )mt_c[i]->Delete(); } }; void GTrkTrack::Clear(){ }; void GTrkTrack::DrawProjectionX(){ // cout << "draw track x\n"; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if( mt_l[i] )mt_l[i]->Draw(); }; tr_l->Draw(); }; void GTrkTrack::DrawProjectionY(){ // cout << "draw track y\n"; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if( mt_r[i] )mt_r[i]->Draw(); }; tr_r->Draw(); }; void GTrkTrack::DrawProjectionT(){ // cout << "draw track t\n"; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++){ if( mt_c[i] )mt_c[i]->Draw(); }; tr_c->Draw(); }; //=============================================================== // // //=============================================================== GTrkHit::GTrkHit(){ m1 = new TMarker(); m2 = new TEllipse(); cl = 0; }; GTrkHit::GTrkHit(GTrkHit* h){ m1 = new TMarker(*(h->m1)); m2 = new TEllipse(*(h->m2)); cl = h->cl; }; // GTrkHit::GTrkHit(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t w){ m1 = new TMarker(x,y,20); // m2 = new TMarker(x,y,20); m2 = new TEllipse(x,y,0.,0.); cl = 0; // create a palette vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv // const Int_t colNum = 30;//12; // const Int_t colBase = 500; // // Int_t palette[colNum]; // TColor *color; // // for (Int_t i=0;iGetColor(colBase+i) ){ // // color = new TColor(colBase+i,R,G,B,""); // // // , pow(i/((colNum)*1.0),0.3) // // // , pow(i/((colNum)*1.0),0.3) // // // ,0.5*(i/((colNum)*1.0)),""); // // }else{ // // color = gROOT->GetColor(colBase+i); // // color->SetRGB(R,G,B); // // }; // // // palette[i] = 301+i; // // } // // // gStyle->SetPalette(colNum,palette); // // // create a palette ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // // Int_t col = colNum*(Int_t)sqrt(w)/8 + colBase; // m2->SetMarkerSize(w*0.2+1.1); // m2->SetMarkerSize(sqrt(w)*.9); // m2->SetMarkerColor(col); Int_t colo = 10; if ( w > 0.7 ) colo = 38; if ( w > 2. ) colo = 4; if ( w > 10. ) colo = 3; if ( w > 100. ) colo = 2; if ( w > 500. ) colo = 6; m1->SetMarkerSize(0.7); // m1->SetMarkerColor(HTCOL); m1->SetMarkerColor(colo); m2->SetR1(sqrt(w)*.8); m2->SetR2(m2->GetR1()); m2->SetLineColor(colo); m2->SetLineWidth(1); // cout << w << " "<< col << endl; // cout << "creato \n"; }; // void GTrkHit::Draw(){ m2->Draw(); m1->Draw(); // gPad->GetCanvas()->Connect("ProcessedEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,TObject*)", "GTrkHit", this, "ExecuteEvent(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,TObject*)"); }; void GTrkHit::Delete(){ if( m2 )m2->Delete(); if( m1 )m1->Delete(); // if( cl )cl->Delete(); }; void GTrkHit::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py, TObject* obj) { // Execute action corresponding to one event. // This member function is called when a marker is clicked with the locator // If Left button is clicked on a marker, the marker is moved to // a new position when the mouse button is released. if(obj != m1 && obj != m2) return; if(!cl) return; TCanvas *tempc = 0; TPad *tempp = 0; TCanvas *clc = 0; // TPad *clpx = 0; // TPad *clpy = 0; TPad *clp = 0; TPad *from = 0; TObject *tempo = 0; TIter nextcanv(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()); while ( (tempc = (TCanvas*) nextcanv()) ) { // cout << " canvas - "<GetName()<GetListOfPrimitives() ); while( (tempp = (TPad*) nextpad()) ){ // cout << " pad - "<GetName()<GetName(); // if( !name.CompareTo("clx") )clpx = tempp; // if( !name.CompareTo("cly") )clpy = tempp; if( !name.CompareTo("cl") )clp = tempp; TIter nextobj( tempp->GetListOfPrimitives() ); while( (tempo = nextobj()) ){ // cout << " pad - "<GetName()<cd(); // if( (from->GetName()).Contains("px") && !clpx) if(clp){ // clp->cd(); clp->Divide(1,2); clp->Update(); TString name = from->GetName(); // cout << "obj selected from: "<GetName()<cd(1)\n";clp->cd(1);} if( !name.CompareTo("py") ){cout<< "clp->cd(2)\n";clp->cd(2);} }else { cout << "cl pad not fownd -- create new canvas \n"; clc = new TCanvas("cl","Cluster"); clp = (TPad*) clc; clp->cd(); }; cout << "dove siamo: "<GetName()<SetTextColor(-1); // invalidate current text color (use xor mode) // TAttMarker::Modify(); //Change marker attributes only if necessary // No break !!! cout << "kButton1Down\n"; break; case kMouseMotion: // pxold = px; pyold = py; // gPad->SetCursor(kMove); cout << "kMouseMotion\n"; cl->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // clp->Update(); // cout << clp->GetName() << endl; break; case kButton1Motion: // p.fX = pxold; p.fY = pyold; // gVirtualX->DrawPolyMarker(1, &p); // p.fX = px; p.fY = py; // gVirtualX->DrawPolyMarker(1, &p); // pxold = px; pyold = py; cout << "kButton1Motion\n"; break; case kButton1Up: // Double_t dpx, dpy, xp1,yp1; // if (TestBit(kMarkerNDC)) { // dpx = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); // dpy = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); // xp1 = gPad->GetX1(); // yp1 = gPad->GetY1(); // fX = (gPad->AbsPixeltoX(pxold)-xp1)/dpx; // fY = (gPad->AbsPixeltoY(pyold)-yp1)/dpy; // } else { // fX = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px)); // fY = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py)); // } // gPad->Modified(kTRUE); // gVirtualX->SetTextColor(-1); cout << "kButton1Up\n"; break; } } //=============================================================== // // //=============================================================== GTrkCluster::GTrkCluster(){ sgnl = new TH1F(); cut = new TH1F(); seed = new TH1F(); sat = new TH1F(); maxs = new TLine(); zero = new TLine(); } // GTrkCluster::~GTrkCluster(){ if(sgnl) sgnl->Delete(); if(cut) cut->Delete(); if(seed) seed->Delete(); if(sat) sat->Delete(); if(maxs) maxs->Delete(); if(zero) zero->Delete(); } // GTrkCluster::GTrkCluster(GTrkCluster* gcl){ sgnl = gcl->sgnl; cut = gcl->cut; seed = gcl->seed; sat = gcl->sat; maxs = gcl->maxs; zero = gcl->zero; } // GTrkCluster::GTrkCluster(TrkCluster* cl){ maxs = new TLine(cl->maxs, 0, cl->maxs, cl->clsignal[cl->indmax]); Float_t min = cl->maxs - cl->indmax - 0.5; Float_t max = min + cl->CLlength; zero = new TLine(min,0.,max,0.); TString title = ""; title.Form("Cluster - view %i",cl->view); TString h = ""; h = ""; h.Form("sgnl-%i",cl->maxs); sgnl = new TH1F(h.Data(),title.Data(),cl->CLlength,min,max); h = ""; h.Form("cut-%i",cl->maxs); cut = new TH1F(h.Data(),title.Data(),cl->CLlength,min,max); h = ""; h.Form("seed-%i",cl->maxs); seed = new TH1F(h.Data(),title.Data(),cl->CLlength,min,max); h = ""; h.Form("sat-%i",cl->maxs); sat = new TH1F(h.Data(),title.Data(),cl->CLlength,min,max); for (Int_t is = 0; is < cl->CLlength; is++){ sgnl->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), cl->clsignal[is] ); cut->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), 4*cl->clsigma[is] ); if( (cl->view)%2 )seed->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), 6*cl->clsigma[is] ); else seed->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), 7*cl->clsigma[is] ); // if( (cl->view)%2 && cl->cladc[is] < 100 ) sat->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), cl->clsignal[is] ); // if( !((cl->view)%2) && cl->cladc[is] > 3100) sat->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), cl->clsignal[is] ); if( (cl->view)%2 )sat->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), -80+cl->clsignal[is]+cl->cladc[is] ); else sat->Fill( (Float_t)(min+is), 2980+cl->clsignal[is]-cl->cladc[is] ); // if( (cl->view)%2 )cout << -100+cl->clsignal[is]+cl->cladc[is] <clsignal[is]-cl->cladc[is]<GetMaximum(5000); sgnl->SetStats(0); sgnl->SetLineWidth(2); sgnl->SetFillColor(19); sgnl->SetMinimum(mi); sgnl->SetMaximum(ma); cut->SetStats(0); cut->SetLineStyle(2); cut->SetLineWidth(2); cut->SetLineColor(9); cut->SetMinimum(mi); cut->SetMaximum(ma); sat->SetStats(0); // sat->SetFillColor(18); // sat->SetLineWidth(0); // sat->SetLineColor(18); sat->SetLineWidth(2); sat->SetLineStyle(2); sat->SetLineColor(2); sat->SetMinimum(mi); sat->SetMaximum(ma); seed->SetStats(0); // seed->SetFillColor(19); seed->SetLineWidth(2); seed->SetLineStyle(2); seed->SetLineColor(3); seed->SetMinimum(mi); seed->SetMaximum(ma); maxs->SetLineStyle(2); maxs->SetLineWidth(2); maxs->SetLineColor(2); zero->SetLineStyle(0); zero->SetLineWidth(1); zero->SetLineColor(0); } // void GTrkCluster::Draw(){ sgnl->Draw(); sat->Draw("same"); cut->Draw("same"); seed->Draw("same"); maxs->Draw(); } // void GTrkCluster::Delete(){ if(sgnl) sgnl->Delete(); if(cut) cut->Delete(); if(seed) seed->Delete(); if(sat) sat->Delete(); if(maxs) maxs->Delete(); if(zero) zero->Delete(); } //=============================================================== // // //=============================================================== GTrkHough::GTrkHough(){ TrackCandidates = new TClonesArray("GTrkTrack"); } /** * Constructor */ GTrkHough::GTrkHough(TrkHough *lh){ // cout << "Tracker: n.track-candidates "<GetNCandidates()<GetNCandidates(); it++){ TrkTrack *tk = lh->GetCandidate(it); new(gt[it]) GTrkTrack(tk); } } void GTrkHough::SetHough(TrkHough* lh){ if(!lh)return; trip = new TMultiGraph(); doub = new TMultiGraph(); // cout << "Tracker: n.doublets "<ndblt<ndblt; id++){ // cout << "**Y** "<alfayz1[id]<<" "<alfayz2[id]<db_cloud[id]<SetPoint(id+1,lh->alfayz1[id],lh->alfayz2[id]); } doub->Add(gdoub[ndblt],"p"); ndblt++; // CLOUDS -------------------------------------------------- // cout << "Tracker: n.triplets "<ntrpt<ntrpt; id++){ // cout << "**X** "<alfaxz1[id]<<" "<alfaxz2[id]<tr_cloud[id]<SetPoint(id+1,lh->alfaxz1[id],lh->alfaxz2[id]); } trip->Add(gtrip[ntrpt],"p"); ntrpt++; // cout << "done"<GetEntries(); it++){ ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionX()->SetLineStyle(2); ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionX()->SetLineColor(TCCOL); for(int ip=0; ip<6; ip++) if( ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionX_Points(ip) ) ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionX_Points(ip)->SetMarkerColor(TCCOL); ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->DrawProjectionX(); }; // TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(); // trip->Draw("ap"); }; void GTrkHough::DrawProjectionY(){ if(!TrackCandidates)return; TClonesArray &t = *(TrackCandidates); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionY()->SetLineStyle(2); ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionY()->SetLineColor(TCCOL); for(int ip=0; ip<6; ip++)if(((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionY_Points(ip))((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionY_Points(ip)->SetMarkerColor(TCCOL); ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->DrawProjectionY(); }; // TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(); // doub->Draw("ap"); }; void GTrkHough::DrawProjectionT(){ if(!TrackCandidates)return; TClonesArray &t = *(TrackCandidates); for(Int_t it=0; itGetEntries(); it++){ ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionT()->SetLineStyle(2); ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionT()->SetLineColor(TCCOL); for(int ip=0; ip<6; ip++)if(((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionT_Points(ip))((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->GetProjectionT_Points(ip)->SetMarkerColor(TCCOL); ((GTrkTrack*)t[it])->DrawProjectionT(); }; }; void GTrkHough::Delete(){ // for(int i=0; i<100; i++)cout << gtrip[i] << endl; // for(int i=0; i<100; i++)cout << gdoub[i] << endl; // for(int i=0; i<100; i++)if(gtrip[i])trip->Delete(); // if(trip)trip->Delete(); // for(int i=0; i<100; i++)if(gdoub[i])doub->Delete(); // if(doub)doub->Delete(); TrackCandidates->Delete(); } GTrkHough::~GTrkHough(){ // cout << "distruttore"<Delete(); // if(trip)trip->Delete(); // for(int i=0; i<100; i++)if(gdoub[i])doub->Delete(); // if(doub)doub->Delete(); TrackCandidates->Delete(); } void GTrkHough::Clear(){ TrackCandidates->Clear("C"); } ClassImp(GTrkVolume); ClassImp(GTrkTrack); ClassImp(GTrkLevel2); ClassImp(GTrkHit); ClassImp(GTrkCluster); ClassImp(GTrkHough);