/[PAMELA software]/tof/ground/trk_level2.f
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Contents of /tof/ground/trk_level2.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Mar 9 12:31:47 2006 UTC (19 years ago) by pam-de
Branch: v_tag, MAIN
CVS Tags: r_tag, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Initial Release

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Common level2.f
4 *
5 * contains LEVEL2 ntuple variables definitions
6 *
7 *
8 *************************************************************************
10 PARAMETER (NTRKMAX=50) !ncloyz_max*ncloxz_max)
12 c EVENT block:
13 * -----------------------------------------------------------
14 logical good2 !flag to mark good or noise events
15 integer nev2 !level2 event number
16 common/level2/good2,nev2
18 c CPU block (only for ground data):
19 * -----------------------------------------------------------
20 integer pkt_type !CPU packet type identifier. see http://people.roma2.infn.it/~cpu/HB_list.txt
21 c 0x12 --> calibration board 0
22 c 0x13 --> calibration board 1
23 c 0x10 --> event
24 c 0x30 --> full event for calib special
25 c 0x83 --> tracker ALARM (control register)
26 integer pkt_num !CPU packet number
27 integer obt !CPU on-board time
28 integer which_calib !calibration file identifier. see DW_DATE_NUM_calib.txt file
29 common/level2_cpu/pkt_type,pkt_num,obt,which_calib
32 * -----------------------------------------------------------
33 * Common to store TRACK info
34 * All the variables have a dimention equal to the number of
35 * found tracks
36 * -----------------------------------------------------------
38 integer ntrk !# identified tracks
39 integer image !flag to tag track-images
40 real al !track state vector
41 integer xgood !mask of used planes
42 integer ygood !*
43 real xm !me asured points
44 real ym !*
45 real zm !*
46 real resx !spatial resolution
47 real resy !*
48 real chi2 !chi2
49 real xv !calculated points
50 real yv !*
51 real zv !*
52 real axv !calculated angles (deg)
53 real ayv !*
54 real dedxp
55 common/level2_tracks/
56 $ ntrk
57 $ ,image(NTRKMAX)
58 $ ,xm(6,NTRKMAX)
59 $ ,ym(6,NTRKMAX)
60 $ ,zm(6,NTRKMAX)
61 $ ,resx(6,NTRKMAX)
62 $ ,resy(6,NTRKMAX)
63 $ ,al(5,NTRKMAX)
64 $ ,chi2(NTRKMAX)
65 $ ,xgood(6,NTRKMAX)
66 $ ,ygood(6,NTRKMAX)
67 $ ,xv(6,NTRKMAX)
68 $ ,yv(6,NTRKMAX)
69 $ ,zv(6,NTRKMAX)
70 $ ,axv(6,NTRKMAX)
71 $ ,ayv(6,NTRKMAX)
72 $ ,dedxp(6,NTRKMAX)
73 * -----------------------------------------------------------
74 * Common to store SINGLET info
75 * (clusters not associated with any track)
76 * -----------------------------------------------------------
77 integer nclsx !# unassociated clusters per plane X views
78 integer nclsy ! " " " " Y views
79 common/level2_singlets/
80 $ nclsx(6),nclsy(6)

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