/[PAMELA software]/tof/ground/README
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Contents of /tof/ground/README

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Mar 9 12:31:47 2006 UTC (19 years ago) by pam-de
Branch: v_tag, MAIN
CVS Tags: r_tag, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Initial Release

2 1) The ToF software uses the Tracking software V2.00
3 It is assumed that you have created all the directories and the compiling
4 of the three executables "level0.exe", "level1.exe" and "level2.exe"
5 was succesful.
7 2) Copy the file toftrack.tar to the "utilities/template" directory (where
8 the program template.f is located), untar the file toftrack.tar.
10 The following files will be extracted:
11 Makefile (the old Makefile will be overwritten)
12 run-test.sh
13 tofcalib.rz
14 toftrack.f
15 common_tof.f
16 tofroutine.f
17 trk_level2.f (the old trk_level2.f was not correct)
18 common_tofroutine.f
20 3)Create the executable toftrack.exe doing
21 # make toftrack
23 4) The "level*.exe" programs in your working directory were run by doing
25 #./run-test.sh some_filename.txt level0/1/2 &
27 Copy the new "run-test.sh" from the template directory to the working
28 directory. Copy toftrack.exe to the working directory
29 After you have done step 5 (see below) you can run the toftrack software
30 analogue to the command for the level0/1/2 software:
32 #./run-test.sh some_filename.txt toftrack &
34 In the file good_files.tar.gz there is a list of good files from the Roma
35 tests.
37 5) Untar the file tofcalib.tar in your rz-data directory (where the level2
38 and tof rz-files are located). This will create a standard "tofcalib.rz"
39 file plus the calibration files for the Roma data
40 "DW_******_***_tofcalib.rz"
43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 "tracktof" will read the appropriate level2, tof, and tofcalib file. If
46 there is no tofcalib file for this data run, the standard calibration is
47 used (There will be a message saying "Could not find.... Will use the
48 standard calibration")
51 "tracktof" will create a new rz file DW_******_**_toftrack.rz" combining
52 the level2 data, the (raw) tof data, plus the variables calculated in the
53 tofroutine.
55 The structure looks like this:
58 ******************************************************************
59 * Ntuple ID = 2 Entries = 1185 TOF
60 ******************************************************************
61 * Var numb * Type * Packing * Range * Block * Name *
62 ******************************************************************
63 * 1 * L*4 * 1 * * EVENT * GOOD
64 * 2 * I*4 * * * EVENT * NEV_TRK
65 * 1 * I*4 * * * CPU * PKT_TYPE
66 * 2 * I*4 * * * CPU * PKT_NUM
67 * 3 * I*4 * * * CPU * OBT
68 * 4 * I*4 * * * CPU * WHICH_CALIB
69 * 1 * I*4 * * * TOF * TDCID(12)
70 * 2 * I*4 * * * TOF * EVCOUNT(12)
71 * 3 * I*4 * * * TOF * TDCMASK(12)
72 * 4 * I*4 * * * TOF * ADC(4,12)
73 * 5 * I*4 * * * TOF * TDC(4,12)
74 * 6 * I*4 * * * TOF * TEMP1(12)
75 * 7 * I*4 * * * TOF * TEMP2(12)
76 * 8 * R*4 * * * TOF * BETA(5)
77 * 9 * R*4 * * * TOF * XTOF(3)
78 * 10 * R*4 * * * TOF * YTOF(3)
79 * 11 * R*4 * * * TOF * ADC_C(4,12)
80 * 12 * I*4 * * * TOF * IFLAG(6)
81 * 13 * I*4 * * * TOF * JFLAG(6)
82 * 14 * R*4 * * * TOF * XOUT(3)
83 * 15 * R*4 * * * TOF * YOUT(3)
84 * 1 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * TRIG_EVCOUNT
85 * 2 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * PMTPL(3)
86 * 3 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * TRIGRATE(6)
87 * 4 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * DLTIME(2)
88 * 5 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * S4CALCOUNT(2)
89 * 6 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * PMTCOUNT1(24)
90 * 7 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * PMTCOUNT2(24)
91 * 8 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * PATTERNBUSY(3)
92 * 9 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * PATTERNTRIG(6)
93 * 10 * I*4 * * * TRIGGER * TRIGCONF
94 * 1 * I*4 * * [0,50] * TRACKS * NTRK
95 * 2 * U*4 * 6 * [0,50] * TRACKS * IMAGE(NTRK)
96 * 3 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * XM(6,NTRK)
97 * 4 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * YM(6,NTRK)
98 * 5 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * ZM(6,NTRK)
99 * 6 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * RESX(6,NTRK)
100 * 7 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * RESY(6,NTRK)
101 * 8 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * AL(5,NTRK)
102 * 9 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * COVAL(5,5,NTRK)
103 * 10 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * CHI2(NTRK)
104 * 11 * U*4 * 1 * [0,1] * TRACKS * XGOOD(6,NTRK)
105 * 12 * U*4 * 1 * [0,1] * TRACKS * YGOOD(6,NTRK)
106 * 13 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * XV(6,NTRK)
107 * 14 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * YV(6,NTRK)
108 * 15 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * ZV(6,NTRK)
109 * 16 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * AXV(6,NTRK)
110 * 17 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * AYV(6,NTRK)
111 * 18 * R*4 * * * TRACKS * DEDXP(6,NTRK)
112 * 1 * I*4 * * * SINGLETS * NCLSX(6)
113 * 2 * I*4 * * * SINGLETS * NCLSY(6)
114 ******************************************************************
115 * Block * Entries * Unpacked * Packed * Packing Factor *
116 ******************************************************************
117 * EVENT * 1185 * 8 * 5 * 1.600 *
118 * CPU * 1185 * 16 * 16 * 1.000 *
119 * TOF * 1185 * 932 * 932 * 1.000 *
120 * TRIGGER * 1185 * 288 * 288 * 1.000 *
121 * TRACKS * 1185 * 22004 * Var. * Variable *
122 * SINGLETS * 1185 * 48 * 48 * 1.000 *
123 * Total * --- * 23296 * Var. * Variable *
124 ******************************************************************
125 * Blocks = 6 Variables = 51 Max. Columns = 5824 *
126 ******************************************************************
130 The variables calculated in "TOFROUTINE" are the last ones in the block
131 "TOF":
134 BETA(5): four values (1-4) for beta from S11-S31, S12-S32, S21-S31
135 and S22-S32.
136 if there is no valid signal beta is set to "100".
137 if there are four values for beta, the weighted mean is
138 calculated and put into beta(5). So it is possible for
139 the user to calculate his own mean value by using the
140 single values.
142 XTOF(3): The x-position in the 3 different layers using the ToF
143 timing (So, for the x-coordinate we use S12, S21,S32).
144 If we cannot find a valid timing the value is set to "1000"
146 YTOF(3): The same for y-position using S11, S22,S31
148 ADC_C(4,12): normalized ADC values, the value in the middle of the
149 paddle is set to "1", using the (sometimes poor) attenuation
150 fit curves. The ADC_C matrix is analog to the ADC matrix
151 for the raw data, so one can use the same channel map.
153 IFLAG(6): 6 values for the six layers:
154 "0" if no hit in this layer
155 "-1" if more than one hit
156 otherwise the number of the hitted paddle ("hit" = good
157 TDC values on both sides)
159 JFLAG(6): 6 values for the six layers: coded value to see which
160 strips have valid hits:
161 for i=1 to (number of strips) do
162 if (paddle "i" = hit) then jflag = jflag + 2**(i-1)

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