# Fortran flags FC=g77 FFLAGS=-fvxt -fno-automatic -Wall -Wno-globals -fbounds-check # C flags CC=gcc CFLAGS=-Wall -O2 CFLADJ=-c # used libraries #LIBS=-L/cern/pro/lib -lkernlib -lpacklib -lgraflib -lmathlib -lnsl LIBS= `cernlib kernlib packlib graflib mathlib` template.exe: template-static # this directive links static libraries template-static: template.f trk_level2.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) template.f -o template.exe $(TRK_GRND)/lib/libtrk.a $(LIBS) # the next directive link dinamyc library (.so) # NB! in order to link dynamically it must be added the library path to # LD_LIBRARY_PATH (in the ./bashrc) template-dynamic: template.f trk_level2.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o template.exe template.f $(LIBS) -L$(TRK_GRND)/lib -ltrk toftrack: toftrack.f trk_level2.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) toftrack.f -o toftrack.exe $(TRK_GRND)/lib/libtrk.a $(LIBS) clean: rm -f *.o rm -f *.exe rm -f *~