/[PAMELA software]/tof/flight/ToFReprocessing/ToFreproc.cpp
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Contents of /tof/flight/ToFReprocessing/ToFreproc.cpp

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Fri Nov 28 14:58:50 2008 UTC (16 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: ToFReprocessing
CVS Tags: start, v1r00
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Imported sources

1 #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
4 #include <fstream>
5 #include <sstream>
6 #include <string>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <TTree.h>
10 #include <TClassEdit.h>
11 #include <TObject.h>
12 #include <TList.h>
13 #include <TSystem.h>
14 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
15 #include <TString.h>
16 #include <TFile.h>
17 #include <TClass.h>
18 #include <TCanvas.h>
19 #include <TH1.h>
20 #include <TH1F.h>
21 #include <TH2D.h>
22 #include <TLatex.h>
23 #include <TPad.h>
24 #include <TPaveLabel.h>
25 #include <TChain.h>
26 #include <TGraph.h>
27 #include <TMultiGraph.h>
28 #include <TLine.h>
29 #include <TStyle.h>
30 #include <TF1.h>
31 #include <TH1F.h>
32 #include <TTree.h>
33 #include <TCanvas.h>
34 #include <PamLevel2.h>
35 #include <iomanip>
36 //
37 #include <ToFCore.h>
38 //
39 // Declaration of the core fortran routines
40 //
41 #define tofl2com tofl2com_
42 extern "C" int tofl2com();
43 #define toftrk toftrk_
44 extern "C" int toftrk();
45 ///extern "C" int toftrk(float);
46 #define rdtofcal rdtofcal_
47 extern "C" int rdtofcal(char [], int *);
49 using namespace std;
51 #endif
53 //===================================
54 // global variables
55 //===================================
56 TString DIR;
57 TString OUTF;
58 TString LIST;
59 TString OPTIONS;
61 PamLevel2 *pam_event = NULL;
63 //==========================================
64 //000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
65 //==========================================
66 Int_t Loop(TString ddir,TString list, TString options){
67 //
68 //
69 extern struct ToFInput tofinput_;
70 extern struct ToFOutput tofoutput_;
71 // --------------------
72 // read input file/list
73 // --------------------
74 pam_event = new PamLevel2(ddir,list,options);
75 TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(1000*Long64_t(2000000000));
76 //
77 TString outfile_t =0;
78 outfile_t = OUTF;
79 outfile_t.Append("b.root");
80 TFile *outft = (TFile*)gROOT->FindObject(outfile_t);
81 if (outft) outft->Close();
82 outft = new TFile(outfile_t,"RECREATE");
83 if(outft->IsZombie()){
84 cout << "Output file could not be created\n";
85 return 1;
86 };
87 cout << "Created output file: "<<outft->GetName()<<endl;
88 //
89 outft->cd();
90 ToFLevel2 *tof = new ToFLevel2();
91 TTree *toft = new TTree("ToF","PAMELA Level2 ToF data");
92 toft->SetAutoSave(900000000000000LL);
93 tof->Set();//ELENA **TEMPORANEO?**
94 toft->Branch("ToFLevel2","ToFLevel2",&tof);
95 //
96 pam_event->CreateCloneTrees(outft);
97 //
98 Int_t ntrkentry = 0;
99 Int_t npmtentry = 0;
100 //
101 ULong64_t nevents = pam_event->GetEntries();
102 printf("\n\n Running on %llu events \n\n",nevents);
103 //
104 TFile *tfile = TFile::Open(list.Data(),"READ");
105 TTree *toftr = (TTree*)tfile->Get("ToF");
106 ToFLevel2 *tofl2 = new ToFLevel2();
107 toftr->SetBranchAddress("ToFLevel2", &tofl2);
108 ULong64_t ntofev = toftr->GetEntries();
109 printf(" ToF events are %llu \n",ntofev);
110 //
111 //
112 GL_PARAM *glparam = new GL_PARAM();
113 TrkLevel2 *trk = new TrkLevel2();
114 //
115 TString host;
116 TString user;
117 TString psw;
118 const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
119 const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
120 const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
121 if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = "";
122 if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = "";
123 if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = "";
124 if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost;
125 if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser;
126 if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw;
127 //
128 //
129 TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
130 if ( !dbc->IsConnected() ) return 1;
131 stringstream myquery;
132 myquery.str("");
133 myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'";
134 dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
135 glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(1,1,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
136 trk->LoadField(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME);
137 //
138 Long64_t myrun = 0;
139 Long64_t mysrun = -1;
140 Int_t adc[4][12];
141 Int_t tdc[4][12];
142 Float_t tdcc[4][12];
143 //
144 Bool_t defcal = true;
145 for(ULong64_t iev=0; iev<nevents; iev++){
148 //==================================================================
151 // for(ULong64_t iev=0; iev<50; iev++){
152 //
153 if ( !(iev%1000) ) printf(" %iK \n",(int)iev/1000);
154 pam_event->Clear();
155 //
156 if( pam_event->GetEntry(iev) ){
157 //
158 pam_event->FillCloneTrees();
159 toftr->GetEntry(iev);
160 //
161 // variable to save information about the tof calibration used
162 //
163 //
164 myrun=pam_event->GetRunInfo()->ID;
165 if ( myrun != mysrun ){
166 // printf(" rhtime %u myrun %i mysrun %i \n",pam_event->GetRunInfo()->RUNHEADER_TIME,(int)myrun,(int)mysrun);
167 mysrun = myrun;
168 //
169 Int_t error=glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(pam_event->GetRunInfo()->RUNHEADER_TIME,201,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
170 if ( error<0 ) {
171 return(1);
172 };
173 //
174 printf(" Reading ToF parameter file: %s \n",(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data());
175 //
176 if ( (UInt_t)glparam->TO_TIME != (UInt_t)4294967295UL ) defcal = false;
177 //
178 Int_t nlen = (Int_t)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Length();
179 rdtofcal((char *)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data(),&nlen);
180 //
181 };
182 //
185 //================================================================
186 //==================================================================
187 //--- Define absolute time
188 Float_t tabs=pam_event->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime;
190 //==================================================================
191 Float_t dedx_corr_m[2000][48],dedx_corr[48];
192 Double_t mtime[2000],t1,t2,tm;
193 Float_t yhelp1,yhelp2,slope,inter,thelp1,thelp2;
194 Float_t xmean1,xwidth1;
196 Int_t ical,ii,j,jj;
198 if (iev==0) {
200 ical=0; // counter set to zero if first-time reading
202 //-----------------------------------------------------------
203 // Here I read the dEdx_korr parameters
204 //-----------------------------------------------------------
206 jj=0;
208 ifstream fin("adcmonitor.7th.100k.cut.dat");
210 while (! fin.eof()) {
211 fin>>t1>>tm>>t2;
212 //cout<<jj<<" "<<tm<<endl;
213 cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << tm << endl;
214 mtime[jj]=tm;
215 for (ii=0; ii<48;ii++) {
216 fin>>j>>xmean1>>xwidth1;
217 dedx_corr_m[jj][ii]=xmean1;
218 }
219 jj=jj+1;
220 }
222 fin.close();
225 while (tabs > mtime[ical]) {
226 ical = ical+1;
227 }
228 ical = ical-1;
229 cout<<"abs time "<<tabs<<" limit low "<<mtime[ical]<<" limit up "<<mtime[ical+1]<<" ical "<<ical<<endl;
230 } // if iev==0...
232 //==================================================================
233 //== End of first time reading & filling the array
234 //==================================================================
236 //==================================================================
237 //== if time is outside time limits:
238 //==================================================================
240 if (tabs<mtime[ical] || tabs>mtime[ical+1]) {
241 cout<<"Checking Time Limits!"<<endl;
242 ical=0;
243 while (tabs > mtime[ical]) {
244 ical = ical+1;
245 }
246 ical = ical-1;
247 cout<<"abs time "<<tabs<<" limit low "<<mtime[ical]<<" limit up "<<mtime[ical+1]<<" ical "<<ical<<endl;
248 };
250 //==================================================================
251 //== interpolate betwen time limits
252 //==================================================================
254 thelp1 = mtime[ical];
255 thelp2 = mtime[ical+1];
257 for (ii=0; ii<48;ii++) {
258 yhelp1 = dedx_corr_m[ical][ii];
259 yhelp2 = dedx_corr_m[ical+1][ii];
260 slope = (yhelp2-yhelp1)/(thelp2-thelp1);
261 inter = yhelp1 - slope*thelp1;
262 dedx_corr[ii] = slope*tabs + inter;
263 // if (ii==0) cout<<thelp1<<" "<<thelp2<<" "<<tabs<<" "<<yhelp1<<" "<<yhelp2<<" "<<dedx_corr[0]<<endl;
264 }
266 //================================================================
267 //================================================================
270 // process tof data
271 //
272 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
273 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
274 adc[kk][hh] = 4095;
275 tdc[kk][hh] = 4095;
276 tdcc[kk][hh] = 4095.;
277 tofinput_.adc[hh][kk] = 4095;
278 tofinput_.tdc[hh][kk] = 4095;
279 };
280 };
281 // memset(adc, 0, 12*4*sizeof(Int_t));
282 // memset(tdc, 0, 12*4*sizeof(Int_t));
283 Int_t gg = 0;
284 Int_t hh = 0;
285 Int_t adcf[48];
286 memset(adcf, 0, 48*sizeof(Int_t));
287 Int_t tdcf[48];
288 memset(tdcf, 0, 48*sizeof(Int_t));
289 for (Int_t pm=0; pm < tofl2->ntrk() ; pm++){
290 ToFTrkVar *ttf = tofl2->GetToFTrkVar(pm);
291 for ( Int_t nc=0; nc < ttf->npmttdc; nc++){
292 if ( (ttf->tdcflag).At(nc) != 0 ) tdcf[(ttf->pmttdc).At(nc)] = 1;
293 };
294 for ( Int_t nc=0; nc < ttf->npmtadc; nc++){
295 if ( (ttf->adcflag).At(nc) != 0 ) adcf[(ttf->pmtadc).At(nc)] = 1;
296 };
297 };
298 //
299 for (Int_t pm=0; pm < tofl2->npmt() ; pm++){
300 ToFPMT *pmt = tofl2->GetToFPMT(pm);
301 tofl2->GetPMTIndex(pmt->pmt_id, gg, hh);
302 if ( adcf[pmt->pmt_id] == 0 ){
303 tofinput_.adc[gg][hh] = (int)pmt->adc;
304 adc[hh][gg] = (int)pmt->adc;
305 };
306 if ( tdcf[pmt->pmt_id] == 0 ){
307 tofinput_.tdc[gg][hh] = (int)pmt->tdc;
308 tdc[hh][gg] = (int)pmt->tdc;
309 };
310 tdcc[hh][gg] = (float)pmt->tdc_tw;
311 // Int_t pppid = tof->GetPMTid(hh,gg);
312 // printf(" pm %i pmt_id %i pppid %i hh %i gg %i tdcc %f tdc %f adc %f \n",pm,pmt->pmt_id,pppid,hh,gg,pmt->tdc_tw,pmt->tdc,pmt->adc);
313 };
316 // for (Int_t pm=0; pm <48 ; pm++){
317 // tof->GetPMTIndex(pm, gg, hh);
318 // tofinput_.tdc[hh][gg] = (int)500.;
319 // tofinput_.adc[hh][gg] = (int)500.;
320 // tdc[hh][gg] = (int)500.;
321 // adc[hh][gg] = (int)500.;
322 // // printf(" hh %i gg %i tdc %f adc %f \n",hh,gg,pmt->tdc,pmt->adc);
323 // };
324 //
325 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<5;hh++){
326 tofinput_.patterntrig[hh]=pam_event->GetTrigLevel2()->patterntrig[hh];
327 };
328 //
329 tof->Clear();
330 Int_t pmt_id = 0;
331 ToFPMT *t_pmt = new ToFPMT();
332 if(!(tof->PMT))tof->PMT = new TClonesArray("ToFPMT",12); //ELENA
333 TClonesArray &tpmt = *tof->PMT;
334 ToFTrkVar *t_tof = new ToFTrkVar();
335 if(!(tof->ToFTrk))tof->ToFTrk = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar",2); //ELENA
336 TClonesArray &t = *tof->ToFTrk;
337 //
338 //
339 // Here we have calibrated data, ready to be passed to the FORTRAN routine which will extract common and track-related variables.
340 //
341 npmtentry = 0;
342 //
343 ntrkentry = 0;
344 //
345 // Calculate tracks informations from ToF alone
346 //
347 tofl2com();
348 //
349 memcpy(tof->tof_j_flag,tofoutput_.tof_j_flag,6*sizeof(Int_t));
350 //
351 t_tof->trkseqno = -1;
352 //
353 // and now we must copy from the output structure to the level2 class:
354 //
355 t_tof->npmttdc = 0;
356 //
357 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
358 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
359 if ( tofoutput_.tofmask[hh][kk] != 0 ){
360 pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
361 t_tof->pmttdc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmttdc);
362 t_tof->tdcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.tdcflagtof[hh][kk],t_tof->npmttdc); // gf: Jan 09/07
363 t_tof->npmttdc++;
364 };
365 };
366 };
367 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){
368 t_tof->beta[kk] = tofoutput_.betatof_a[kk];
369 }
370 //
371 t_tof->npmtadc = 0;
372 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
373 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
374 if ( tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk] < 1000 ){
375 // t_tof->dedx.AddAt(tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); // EMILIANO
376 pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
377 t_tof->dedx.AddAt((tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk]*4./dedx_corr[pmt_id]),t_tof->npmtadc); // EMILIANO
378 t_tof->pmtadc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmtadc);
379 t_tof->adcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.adcflagtof[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); // gf: Jan 09/07
380 t_tof->npmtadc++;
381 };
382 };
383 };
384 //
385 memcpy(t_tof->xtofpos,tofoutput_.xtofpos,sizeof(t_tof->xtofpos));
386 memcpy(t_tof->ytofpos,tofoutput_.ytofpos,sizeof(t_tof->ytofpos));
387 memcpy(t_tof->xtr_tof,tofoutput_.xtr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->xtr_tof));
388 memcpy(t_tof->ytr_tof,tofoutput_.ytr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->ytr_tof));
389 //
390 new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof);
391 ntrkentry++;
392 t_tof->Clear();
393 //
394 //
395 //
396 t_pmt->Clear();
397 //
398 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
399 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
400 // new WM
401 // if ( tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk] < 4095 || adc[kk][hh] < 4095 || tdc[kk][hh] < 4095 ){
402 if ( tdcc[kk][hh] < 4095. || adc[kk][hh] < 4095 || tdc[kk][hh] < 4095 ){
403 //
404 t_pmt->pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
405 t_pmt->tdc_tw = tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk];
406 t_pmt->adc = (Float_t)adc[kk][hh];
407 t_pmt->tdc = (Float_t)tdc[kk][hh];
408 //
409 new(tpmt[npmtentry]) ToFPMT(*t_pmt);
410 npmtentry++;
411 t_pmt->Clear();
412 };
413 };
414 };
415 //
416 // Calculate track-related variables
417 //
418 if ( pam_event->GetTrkLevel2()->ntrk() > 0 ){
419 //
420 // We have at least one track
421 //
422 //
423 // Run over tracks
424 //
425 for(Int_t nt=0; nt < pam_event->GetTrkLevel2()->ntrk(); nt++){
426 //
427 TrkTrack *ptt = pam_event->GetTrkLevel2()->GetStoredTrack(nt);
428 //
429 // Copy the alpha vector in the input structure
430 //
431 for (Int_t e = 0; e < 5 ; e++){
432 tofinput_.al_pp[e] = ptt->al[e];
433 };
434 //
435 // Get tracker related variables for this track
436 //
437 toftrk();
438 // toftrk(thelp);
439 //
440 // Copy values in the class from the structure (we need to use a temporary class to store variables).
441 //
442 t_tof->npmttdc = 0;
443 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
444 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
445 if ( tofoutput_.tofmask[hh][kk] != 0 ){
446 pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
447 t_tof->pmttdc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmttdc);
448 t_tof->tdcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.tdcflag[hh][kk],t_tof->npmttdc); // gf: Jan 09/07
449 t_tof->npmttdc++;
450 };
451 };
452 };
453 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){
454 t_tof->beta[kk] = tofoutput_.beta_a[kk];
455 };
456 //
457 t_tof->npmtadc = 0;
458 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
459 for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
460 if ( tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk] < 1000 ){
461 // t_tof->dedx.AddAt(tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); // EMILIANO
462 pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
463 t_tof->dedx.AddAt((tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk]*4./dedx_corr[pmt_id]),t_tof->npmtadc); // EMILIANO
464 t_tof->pmtadc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmtadc);
465 t_tof->adcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.adcflag[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); // gf: Jan 09/07
466 t_tof->npmtadc++;
467 };
468 };
469 };
470 //
471 memcpy(t_tof->xtofpos,tofoutput_.xtofpos,sizeof(t_tof->xtofpos));
472 memcpy(t_tof->ytofpos,tofoutput_.ytofpos,sizeof(t_tof->ytofpos));
473 memcpy(t_tof->xtr_tof,tofoutput_.xtr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->xtr_tof));
474 memcpy(t_tof->ytr_tof,tofoutput_.ytr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->ytr_tof));
475 //
476 // Store the tracker track number in order to be sure to have shyncronized data during analysis
477 //
478 t_tof->trkseqno = nt;
479 //
480 // create a new object for this event with track-related variables
481 //
482 new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof);
483 ntrkentry++;
484 t_tof->Clear();
485 //
486 }; // loop on all the tracks
487 };
488 //
489 tof->unpackError = tofl2->unpackError;
490 if ( defcal ){
491 tof->default_calib = 1;
492 } else {
493 tof->default_calib = 0;
494 };
495 //
496 // Fill the rootple
497 //
498 toft->Fill();
499 //
500 // toft->Show();
501 // toftr->Show();
502 //
503 delete t_tof;
504 //
505 //
506 };
507 //
508 };
509 //
510 pam_event->Clear();
511 //
512 outft->cd();
513 pam_event->WriteCloneTrees();
514 toftr->Delete();
516 toft->Write();
517 outft->Close();
518 //
519 return 0;
520 //
521 }
523 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
525 #if !defined(__CINT__)
527 void usage(){
529 cout << "------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
530 cout << "Loop over events (on one or more Level2-files), applying some selection cuts (defined in My-Selection.cpp), \n";
531 cout << "creating output histograms (defined in My-Histos.cpp) and/or trees with selected events. \n \n ";
532 cout << "USAGE:"<<endl;
533 cout << "-processDir DIR - Level2 data directory \n";
534 cout << "-processList LIST - list of files (.txt) or single file (.root) to be analysed \n";
535 cout << "-outputFile PATH - name of the output file \n";
536 cout << "-NumEvents XXX - number of events to be analysed \n";
537 cout << "--debug, -g - debug mode \n";
538 cout << "--help, -h - print this help \n";
539 cout << "-options [ options ] - options: \n";
540 cout << " fillHistos --> create an output file with histograms \n";
541 cout << " fillTree --> create an output file with trees storing the selected events \n ";
542 cout << " +(-)ALL --> inlcude(exclude) all trees and branches \n " ;
543 cout << " +(-)TRK1 +(-)TRK2 +(-)CAL1 +(-)CAL2 +(-)TOF +(-)TRG +(-)ND +(-)S4 +(-)ORB --> inlcude(exclude) trees and branches \n" ;
544 cout << "------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
545 }
546 //
547 int HandleInputPar(int argc, char **argv){
549 if(argc>1){
551 if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help") ){
552 usage();
553 return(1);
554 };
555 // -----------------------
556 // Read input parameters
557 // -----------------------
558 DIR = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
559 LIST = "";
560 OUTF = "myfile";
563 for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
564 // -----------------------------------------------------//
565 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-processDir")){
566 if (++i >= argc) throw -1;
567 DIR = argv[i];
568 cout << "processDir "<<DIR<<endl;
569 continue;
570 }
571 // -----------------------------------------------------//
572 else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-processList")){
573 if (++i >= argc) throw -1;
574 LIST = argv[i];
575 cout << "processList "<<LIST<<endl;
576 continue;
577 }
578 // -----------------------------------------------------//
579 else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-outputFile")){
580 if (++i >= argc) throw -1;
581 OUTF = argv[i];
582 cout << "outputFile "<<OUTF<<endl;
583 continue;
584 }
585 // -----------------------------------------------------//
586 else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-options")){
587 if (++i >= argc) throw -1;
588 OPTIONS = argv[i];
589 if( OPTIONS.Contains("[") ){
590 do{
591 if (++i >= argc) throw -1;
592 OPTIONS.Append(argv[i]);
593 }while(!OPTIONS.Contains("]"));
594 }else cout << "wrong option format --> ignoring " << endl;
595 }
596 else{
597 cout << "Unidentified input parameter. Ignored."<< endl;
598 };
599 };
600 }else{
601 usage();
602 return(1);
603 };
604 // -----------------------
605 // Check input parameters
606 // -----------------------
609 return(0);
611 };
612 //
614 int main(int argc, char **argv)
615 {
617 if( HandleInputPar(argc,argv) )return(1);
619 cout << "OPTIONS "<<OPTIONS<<endl;
622 cout << "Back to main - end"<<endl;
624 return 0;
626 };
628 #endif

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