/[PAMELA software]/tof/flight/ToFPatch/GoodParam/tofcalib_8_atten.dat
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Contents of /tof/flight/ToFPatch/GoodParam/tofcalib_8_atten.dat

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Aug 30 17:11:33 2018 UTC (6 years, 3 months ago) by mayorov
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10REDr01, HEAD
ToF patch from Wolfgang. Duplicates the simple method of the 8th reduction to calculate the ToF dEdx

1 1 159.735992 -0.0811197013 159.735992 -0.0811197013
2 2 132.895996 0.0881962031 132.895996 0.0881962031
3 3 100.690002 -0.0891738981 100.690002 -0.0891738981
4 4 142.037994 0.0854965001 142.037994 0.0854965001
5 5 248.427002 -0.0584710985 248.427002 -0.0584710985
6 6 155.106995 0.0629604012 155.106995 0.0629604012
7 7 152.186996 -0.0919893011 152.186996 -0.0919893011
8 8 67.4860992 0.0883423984 67.4860992 0.0883423984
9 9 187.410995 -0.0858518034 187.410995 -0.0858518034
10 10 3.91620994 -0.0129233999 7.23453999 0.102039002
11 11 208.104996 -0.0880497023 208.104996 -0.0880497023
12 12 103.603996 0.0823931023 103.603996 0.0823931023
13 13 170.298004 -0.0792402998 170.298004 -0.0792402998
14 14 144.270996 0.0869230032 144.270996 0.0869230032
15 15 87.6287003 -0.0848940983 87.6287003 -0.0848940983
16 16 25.5153008 0.152976006 25.5153008 0.152976006
17 17 100.763 -0.0772475973 -7.84002018 -0.0771469995
18 18 40.5280991 0.00637754006 118.153999 0.117202997
19 19 55.4765015 -0.062135499 55.4765015 -0.062135499
20 20 44.0632019 0.0785102993 44.0632019 0.0785102993
21 21 131.199005 -0.0516641997 131.199005 -0.0516641997
22 22 171.889999 0.0440177992 171.889999 0.0440177992
23 23 47.1894989 -0.0984395966 47.1894989 -0.0984395966
24 24 65.4251022 0.0560635999 65.4251022 0.0560635999
25 25 118.053001 -0.0660286993 118.053001 -0.0660286993
26 26 117.000999 0.064893499 117.000999 0.064893499
27 27 88.0258026 -0.0556018017 88.0258026 -0.0556018017
28 28 38.5861015 0.0535405986 38.5861015 0.0535405986
29 29 1.80495 -0.468499988 426.139008 -0.0159028992
30 30 5.40312004 -0.222146004 352.041992 0.0289753992
31 31 197.895004 -0.0158230998 1.47396004 -0.395190001
32 32 3.31444001 0.380273998 317.071014 0.0184630007
33 33 -1.99681997 -0.0831480026 183.979004 -0.0832038969
34 34 0.411029011 -0.501509011 168.882004 0.091411002
35 35 0.0826125965 -0.877638996 382.740997 -0.0232427996
36 36 38.2388 -0.108484998 278.256012 0.0500660986
37 37 368.209015 -0.157499999 30.2761993 -0.160563007
38 38 596.007996 0.104812004 -233.858994 0.0398814008
39 39 572.481018 -0.147213995 -243.488998 -0.110115997
40 40 1171.96997 0.125101 -844.625 0.104254998
41 41 1403.09998 -0.119188003 -1139.01001 -0.108255997
42 42 1695.76001 0.0930263996 -1043.92004 0.0521697998
43 43 1425.76001 -0.0468071997 -1076.65002 -0.0256875008
44 44 1646.18994 0.154568002 -1321.64001 0.154434994
45 45 1693.54004 -0.160410002 -1407.05005 -0.160254002
46 46 1766.69995 0.114235997 -1413.06995 0.105324
47 47 1911.09998 -0.0700208023 -1517.59998 -0.0554437004
48 48 1969.08997 0.116756998 -1667.07996 0.111014999

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