/[PAMELA software]/tof/flight/ToFNuclei/src/ToFNuclei.cpp
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Contents of /tof/flight/ToFNuclei/src/ToFNuclei.cpp

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Revision 1.8 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Jan 17 15:12:38 2014 UTC (11 years, 1 month ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +14 -12 lines
Compilation warnings using GCC4.7 fixed

1 //*****************************************************
2 //24-feb-2009: introduced "beta_in" and "Set_Beta":
3 // beta_in is set to 100 by default. If it is not overwritten
4 // by "Set_Beta" (ToFNuclei.h), the code is used as before.
5 // If beta_in was set by the user using "Set_Beta", this beta
6 // is taken for the calculations.
7 //
8 //26-feb-2009: Inserted S115B calibrations from Lucia
9 //
10 //02-apr-2009: bug found in some "if" statements for the
11 // "Layercharge" definition, but only important if ADC=4095
12 //
13 //15-apr-2009: small bug found in the calculation of the PMT
14 // charge, the charge for the PMTs 1,9,28.. was calculated
15 // twice, but the final result was OK
16 //
17 //05-may-2009: bug found in the calculation of the PMT
18 // charge for standalone ToF due to changes made for rev 1.4:
19 // For PMTs 4,8,39,41 (counting 0..47) no charge was calculated
20 // calibration arrays now including correct brackets to avoid
21 // compiler warnings
22 //06-aug-2009: charge_layer_trk_raw and charge_layer_std_raw
23 // added: These are the "raw" values before doing the 2nd-order
24 // correction
25 //*****************************************************
26 #include <ToFNuclei.h>
28 //--------------------------------------
29 /**
30 * Default constructor
31 */
32 ToFNuclei::ToFNuclei(){
33 Clear();
34 };
36 ToFNuclei::ToFNuclei(PamLevel2 *l2p){
37 //
38 Clear();
39 //
40 L2 = l2p;
41 //
42 beta_in = 100.;
43 //
44 if ( !L2->IsORB() ) printf(" WARNING: OrbitalInfo Tree is needed, the plugin could not work properly without it \n");
45 //
46 OBT = 0;
47 PKT = 0;
48 atime = 0;
49 //
50 sntr = 0;
51 debug = false;
52 //
53 };
55 void ToFNuclei::Clear(){
56 //
57 ncount_trk = 0;
58 charge_trk = 0.;
59 memset (charge_layer_trk,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
60 memset (charge_layer_trk_raw,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
61 memset (charge_PMT_trk,0,48*sizeof(Float_t)); //
62 memset (layerinfo_trk,0,6*sizeof(Int_t)); //
63 ncount_std = 0;
64 charge_std = 0.;
65 memset (charge_layer_std,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
66 memset (charge_layer_std_raw,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
67 memset (charge_PMT_std,0,48*sizeof(Float_t)); //
68 memset (layerinfo_std,0,6*sizeof(Int_t)); //
69 };
71 void ToFNuclei::Print(){
72 //
73 Process();
74 //
75 printf("========================================================================\n");
76 printf(" OBT: %u PKT: %u ATIME: %u Track %i \n",OBT,PKT,atime,tr);
77 printf(" std : charge %f ncount %d layers %f %f %f %f %f %f \n",charge_std,ncount_std,charge_layer_std[0],charge_layer_std[1],charge_layer_std[2],charge_layer_std[3],charge_layer_std[4],charge_layer_std[5]);
78 printf(" std : layerinfo %d %d %d %d %d %d \n",layerinfo_std[0],layerinfo_std[1],layerinfo_std[2],layerinfo_std[3],layerinfo_std[4],layerinfo_std[5]);
80 printf(" trk : charge %f ncount %d layers %f %f %f %f %f %f \n",charge_trk,ncount_trk,charge_layer_trk[0],charge_layer_trk[1],charge_layer_trk[2],charge_layer_trk[3],charge_layer_trk[4],charge_layer_trk[5]);
81 printf(" trk : layerinfo %d %d %d %d %d %d \n",layerinfo_trk[0],layerinfo_trk[1],layerinfo_trk[2],layerinfo_trk[3],layerinfo_trk[4],layerinfo_trk[5]);
82 printf("========================================================================\n");
83 //
84 };
86 void ToFNuclei::Delete(){
87 Clear();
88 };
91 void ToFNuclei::Process(){
92 Process(0);
93 };
95 void ToFNuclei::Process(Int_t ntr){
96 //
97 if ( !L2 ){
98 printf(" ERROR: cannot find PamLevel2 object, use the correct constructor or check your program!\n");
99 printf(" ERROR: CaloExample variables not filled \n");
100 return;
101 };
102 //
103 Bool_t newentry = false;
104 //
105 if ( L2->IsORB() ){
106 if ( L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num != PKT || L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->OBT != OBT || L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime != atime || ntr != sntr ){
107 newentry = true;
108 OBT = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->OBT;
109 PKT = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num;
110 atime = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime;
111 sntr = ntr;
112 };
113 } else {
114 newentry = true;
115 };
116 //
117 if ( !newentry ) {
118 return;
119 }
120 //
121 tr = ntr;
122 //
123 if ( debug ) printf(" Processing event at OBT %u PKT %u time %u \n",OBT,PKT,atime);
124 //
125 // charge_trk = 0.;
126 // memset (charge_layer_trk,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
127 // charge_std = 0.;
128 // memset (charge_layer_std,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
130 Clear();
132 // cout<<"beta_in = "<<beta_in<<endl;
135 Double_t time = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime;
137 //=======================================================================
138 //============== Siegen version 1 ====================
139 //============== track dependent dEdx and beta ====================
140 //=======================================================================
142 //if (L2->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks()!=1) return;
143 if (L2->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks()==1) {
145 /*
146 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
147 3162.14, 3165.48, 3153.85, 3085.73, 3089.65, 3107.64, 3097.52, 3078.37, 3130.05, 3087.07, 3112.22,
148 3102.92, 3080.58, 3092.55, 3087.94, 3125.03, 3094.09, 3143.16,
149 3125.51, 3181.27, 3092.09, 3124.98, 3069.3, 3095.53, 3097.11, 3133.53, 3114.73, 3113.01, 3091.19,
150 3097.99, 3033.84, 3134.98, 3081.37, 3111.04, 3066.77, 3108.17,
151 3133, 3111.06, 3052.52, 3140.66, 3106.33, 3094.85, 3150.85, 3118.8, 3096.24, 3118.47,3111.36, 3117.11
152 };
153 */
155 // new values from Napoli dec 2008
156 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
157 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
158 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
159 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
160 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
161 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
162 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
164 for (Int_t i=0; i<48;i++) PMTsat[i] = PMTsat[i] - 5.; // safety margin
167 Float_t C0t[48][9] = {
168 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
169 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
170 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
171 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
172 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
173 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
174 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
175 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
176 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
177 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
178 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
179 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
180 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
181 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
182 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
183 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
184 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
185 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
186 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
187 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
188 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
189 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
190 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
191 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
192 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
193 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
194 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
195 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
196 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
197 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
198 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
199 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
200 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
201 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
202 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
203 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
204 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
205 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
206 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
207 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
208 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
209 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
210 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
211 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
212 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
213 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
214 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
215 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92} } ;
219 Float_t A0t[48][9] = {
220 {0, 0.90472, 5.19581, 7.99982, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
221 {0, 0.7774, 5.15121, 7.99976, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
222 {0, 1.18414, 5.1952, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
223 {0, 1.0189, 5.61869, 8, 11, 13.0006, 15.9998, 18.0014, 2000},
224 {0, 1.08725, 4.4728, 7.99979, 11, 13.0002, 16, 18, 2000},
225 {0, 0.946462, 4.69554, 7.99994, 11, 13.0001, 16, 18, 2000},
226 {0, 1.13176, 4.57483, 7.99999, 11, 13.0002, 15.9999, 18.0002, 2000},
227 {0, 1.00872, 4.99316, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
228 {0, 1.19891, 5.01355, 8, 11, 13.0003, 16, 18, 2000},
229 {0, 0.5, 2.284, 3.12, 8.795, 6.257, 7.841, 6.1743, 2000},
230 {0, 1.16961, 4.59028, 8, 11, 13.0001, 16, 18, 2000},
231 {0, 0.989643, 5.21958, 7.99998, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
232 {0, 0.952029, 5.19598, 7.99998, 11, 13.0005, 16.0005, 18, 2000},
233 {0, 0.736833, 4.95596, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
234 {0, 1.34007, 3.74275, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
235 {0, 1.47101, 4.31154, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
236 {0, 1.3754, 4.83141, 8.00002, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
237 {0, 1.47712, 5.79783, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
238 {0, 1.19127, 5.35796, 7.99996, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
239 {0, 1.25745, 5.98391, 8, 11, 13.0004, 16.0001, 18.0001, 2000},
240 {0, 1.18024, 5.40107, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000},
241 {0, 0.961883, 5.10846, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
242 {0, 1.23192, 6.21098, 8, 11, 13.0005, 16, 18.0003, 2000},
243 {0, 1.15846, 5.23573, 7.99995, 11, 13, 16, 18.0002, 2000},
244 {0, 1.26163, 5.5425, 8.00001, 11, 13.0002, 16.0006, 18, 2000},
245 {0, 1.12754, 5.57064, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18.0002, 2000},
246 {0, 1.22768, 6.06283, 8, 11, 13.0002, 16, 18, 2000},
247 {0, 1.83569, 5.87584, 8.00006, 11, 13.0005, 16, 18, 2000},
248 {0, 1.61434, 5.56634, 7, 7.99999, 8.99999, 14.999, 16, 2000},
249 {0, 1.61287, 5.46416, 7.99989, 10, 12, 14.9997, 16, 2000},
250 {0, 1.49053, 6.21581, 9.00001, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000},
251 {0, 1.64579, 5.08498, 7.99989, 10, 12, 15, 16, 2000},
252 {0, 1.83474, 6.29746, 9.00001, 12, 14.0001, 16.0001, 22, 2000},
253 {0, 1.80066, 6.19725, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000},
254 {0, 1.9025, 5.83736, 8, 10, 12, 14.9999, 16, 2000},
255 {0, 1.90163, 5.62801, 7.99999, 10, 12, 15, 16, 2000},
256 {0, 2.5518, 5.97325, 9.00012, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
257 {0, 2.53476, 5.75312, 9.00007, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
258 {0, 2.67784, 6.9232, 9.00005, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
259 {0, 2.62769, 7.22552, 9.00003, 12.0001, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
260 {0, 2.58088, 6.30413, 9.0001, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
261 {0, 2.48219, 7.06085, 9.00005, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
262 {0, 3.23157, 5.20668, 9.00007, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
263 {0, 3.38244, 6.45172, 9.00006, 12.0001, 15, 18.0001, 22, 2000},
264 {0, 3.14595, 5.29036, 9.00008, 12, 15, 18, 22.0001, 2000},
265 {0, 3.34692, 6.17283, 9.00041, 12, 15, 18.0001, 22, 2000},
266 {0, 3.16915, 4.25973, 9.00015, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
267 {0, 3.25809, 5.58971, 9.00068, 12, 15, 18, 22.0001, 2000} } ;
270 Float_t A1t[48][9] = {
271 {0, -0.148721, -3.39495, -4.31459, -0.929148, 3.54132, -0.781274, 1.31968, 0},
272 {0, 0.300986, -2.80331, -4.23227, 0.298916, 4.10416, -5.18516, 7.03041, 0},
273 {0, -0.590177, -3.12529, -0.44614, 0.620419, 5.19609, 9.88925, 14.9819, 0},
274 {0, -0.173358, -3.98938, -0.616916, 0.405404, 6.25045, 10.5087, 24.7055, 0},
275 {0, -0.32707, -1.1686, -3.46701, -0.284242, 4.09514, -0.561233, -0.166844, 0},
276 {0, 0.0440221, -1.5147, -2.67239, -1.08848, 5.05632, 3.92546, -0.0525454, 0},
277 {0, -0.331836, -1.25371, -1.59317, 0.654738, 4.41673, 5.99879, 14.9057, 0},
278 {0, 0.00587183, -2.17841, -1.48496, 0.477997, 6.24062, 6.19841, 11.4798, 0},
279 {0, -0.515989, -2.1195, -1.44376, 0.145546, 5.41926, 5.03587, 10.7126, 0},
280 {0, 0, 0.0682, 3.2814, -6.1989, 8.05589, 9.75967, 23.797, 0},
281 {0, -0.554732, -1.6306, -1.54677, 0.687092, 3.97612, 4.05449, 3.44324, 0},
282 {0, -0.0314164, -2.83515, -1.29946, 2.31597, 7.15645, 6.95353, 12.8573, 0},
283 {0, -0.218413, -3.04095, -1.50327, 0.291698, 5.27119, 9.06051, 18.4417, 0},
284 {0, 0.410005, -2.45452, -0.851601, 0.206665, 6.44906, 7.53132, 10.5636, 0},
285 {0, -1.29063, 0.463767, -0.720394, 1.27269, 3.66394, 4.52102, 7.33444, 0},
286 {0, -1.54073, -1.60146, -1.91721, -0.640132, 3.58881, 0.561348, 7.33444, 0},
287 {0, -0.558527, -2.43481, -1.64492, 1.51694, 6.05449, 4.67951, 5.40004, 0},
288 {0, -1.44736, -5.265, -1.28878, -0.238869, 4.13668, 4.58264, 3.28758, 0},
289 {0, -0.596315, -3.35555, -2.03624, -0.148223, 6.16332, 4.71164, 15.6531, 0},
290 {0, -0.740826, -4.79843, 0.345734, -0.210722, 6.32702, 9.76698, 19.9151, 0},
291 {0, -0.541817, -3.30557, -1.76057, -0.216039, 5.79923, 8.00931, 16.4061, 0},
292 {0, -0.0503124, -2.66635, -1.70196, -1.07446, 3.46058, 1.45824, -2.21932, 0},
293 {0, -0.495955, -5.78012, -0.174017, 0.675206, 6.30264, 8.30058, 20.3899, 0},
294 {0, -0.315843, -2.8796, -3.04323, -0.681945, 5.49248, 7.42757, 17.1667, 0},
295 {0, -0.643179, -3.5364, -0.245549, 0.694213, 5.79727, 10.2911, 9.61651, 0},
296 {0, -0.315433, -3.56856, -1.25894, 2.05501, 6.85829, 8.74895, 14.9955, 0},
297 {0, -0.478207, -4.82517, 0.688668, 1.40183, 6.78743, 8.02806, 2.65821, 0},
298 {0, -1.63072, -5.05269, -0.582789, 1.22014, 6.80023, 8.8931, 5.15517, 0},
299 {0, -1.50826, -3.68958, 0.420744, 3.25124, 4.28046, -16.9712, -12, 0},
300 {0, -1.52021, -3.37459, -2.41086, 0.547517, -0.56013, -8.59935, -3, 0},
301 {0, -0.998702, -4.7187, -2.33974, -0.0974348, 3.10138, 2.3293, -5.71135, 0},
302 {0, -1.66188, -2.39145, -2.55052, 0.29005, -0.16697, -3.97018, -1.5, 0},
303 {0, -2.04431, -4.95214, -1.51889, 1.92081, 5.92476, 8.94417, -0.172422, 0},
304 {0, -1.94155, -4.95644, -2.47063, 0.0233995, 2.57015, 4.84173, -0.555407, 0},
305 {0, -2.22045, -4.21875, -1.23892, 0.911188, -0.705415, -11.5648, -7, 0},
306 {0, -2.25418, -3.71067, -1.87307, 0.560423, 0.206679, -4.27293, -3, 0},
307 {0, -3.90179, -5.14354, -4.08454, -3.13545, -3.57868, -5.13198, -1.0019, 0},
308 {0, -3.78789, -4.50313, -5.24307, -3.24931, -0.319336, -1.407, -3.77821, 0},
309 {0, -4.16337, -7.12861, -2.29639, -0.786276, 2.58494, 4.16162, 7.22747, 0},
310 {0, -4.04189, -7.82707, -1.34893, -1.05519, 4.33166, 4.87264, 12.3328, 0},
311 {0, -3.85946, -5.71064, -4.43564, -1.53025, 1.42505, -0.0695653, 4.33418, 0},
312 {0, -3.65794, -8.19828, -3.32738, -1.25785, -1.13124, -6.79745, -8.37113, 0},
313 {0, -5.571, -2.49596, -2.8623, -2.74219, -1.43215, -0.359863, 0.25062, 0},
314 {0, -6.00932, -5.60393, -2.33967, -1.53792, 3.67721, 5.49137, 8.34507, 0},
315 {0, -5.36442, -3.19657, -2.9975, -1.73078, 0.0558693, -0.179221, 9.45231, 0},
316 {0, -5.91858, -5.04606, -2.88549, -0.953526, 1.17816, 5.43427, 0.871257, 0},
317 {0, -5.53832, -0.498886, -3.85789, -2.61557, -2.45863, -1.44554, -7.21927, 0},
318 {0, -5.70059, -3.94476, -3.23927, 0.15573, 1.85295, 3.96162, 8.70362, 0} };
321 Float_t A2t[48][9] = {
322 {0, 0.447567, 2.19777, 4.56362, 2.7416, 2.05411, 10.11, 19.0312, 0},
323 {0, 0.11417, 1.62292, 5.00684, 3, 3.00006, 17.3401, 17.8502, 0},
324 {0, 0.613665, 1.84729, 0.717669, 3, 2.53701, 1.23897, 10.2529, 0},
325 {0, 0.318447, 2.30647, 0.936633, 3, 3, 2.95973, 3, 0},
326 {0, 0.398201, 0.701095, 3.91236, 3, 3, 11.5693, 17.9749, 0},
327 {0, 0.202853, 0.806934, 3.11779, 3.57657, 1.59933, 6.71492, 23.6721, 0},
328 {0, 0.378081, 0.60131, 1.91722, 1.97014, 3, 5.08036, 9.64776, 0},
329 {0, 0.185602, 1.13243, 1.95726, 2.25608, 1.31382, 6.06097, 15.9104, 0},
330 {0, 0.519026, 1.16139, 1.92471, 3, 3, 6.24901, 15.0465, 0},
331 {0, 0, 0, -1.972, 4.7828, -3.1154, -2.11319, -4.7497, 0},
332 {0, 0.584808, 1.01299, 1.55521, 1.3038, 3, 7.23646, 20.977, 0},
333 {0, 0.252569, 1.60163, 1.83587, 0.630466, 0.777058, 6.0142, 15.4738, 0},
334 {0, 0.434331, 1.84922, 1.83168, 3, 3, 3, 6.44375, 0},
335 {0, 0.0330463, 1.50249, 1.15961, 3, 0.810556, 4.20175, 16.0172, 0},
336 {0, 1.15272, -0.461141, 0.6358, 0.566375, 3.20343, 5.26698, 14.6336, 0},
337 {0, 1.24677, 1.12736, 1.76074, 3, 3.77723, 10.7814, 14.6336, 0},
338 {0, 0.551726, 1.59633, 1.18411, 0.119382, 0.843864, 6.67491, 20.4289, 0},
339 {0, 1.17008, 3.53223, 1.7298, 3, 3.51043, 7.10543, 22.3253, 0},
340 {0, 0.612142, 1.96606, 2.64693, 3.25016, 1.25888, 7.04821, 11.7283, 0},
341 {0, 0.69148, 2.84536, 0.249509, 4.29848, 3, 3.58229, 9.01681, 0},
342 {0, 0.565678, 1.96366, 2.32387, 3.15843, 1.66386, 3.07223, 7.67847, 0},
343 {0, 0.286252, 1.61749, 2.08437, 3.96745, 3.46972, 9.29207, 23.9444, 0},
344 {0, 0.427677, 3.58328, 0.303785, 3, 3, 4.66547, 6.77271, 0},
345 {0, 0.367136, 1.62323, 3.53394, 3.22174, 1.19152, 2.67962, 7.37085, 0},
346 {0, 0.571177, 2.03267, 0.714761, 2.31548, 3, 3, 23.2035, 0},
347 {0, 0.410871, 2.02075, 2.01824, 1.2684, 1.18522, 3.21976, 12.8378, 0},
348 {0, 0.463877, 2.86112, 0.170916, 3, 3, 5.97413, 28.4085, 0},
349 {0, 1.30088, 3.26557, 2, 3, 3, 4.77584, 22.8794, 0},
350 {0, 1.02941, 2.12558, 0.872765, 2.23727, 4.7981, 24.6338, 24.6338, 0},
351 {0, 1.05783, 1.89525, 2.85289, 3.0898, 7.83407, 17.8466, 20, 0},
352 {0, 0.87851, 2.49044, 1.91387, 2.41541, 3.8418, 9.41288, 24.0375, 0},
353 {0, 1.18188, 1.273, 2.9275, 3.06704, 7.12642, 12.7629, 15, 0},
354 {0, 1.53682, 2.57011, 1.06205, 0.506326, 1.68314, 3.58498, 23.1595, 0},
355 {0, 1.46302, 2.68515, 1.99381, 2.17816, 4.41356, 6.53634, 20.7136, 0},
356 {0, 1.4731, 2.3654, 1.53025, 2.96327, 8.70277, 21.6253, 25, 0},
357 {0, 1.53808, 2.07089, 2.22662, 3.14766, 7.57131, 14.2471, 20, 0},
358 {0, 2.54185, 2.94079, 2.66362, 3.52374, 6.80629, 11.3325, 14.5186, 0},
359 {0, 2.43664, 2.49436, 4.17446, 3.77162, 3.31898, 7.43896, 18.2548, 0},
360 {0, 2.66465, 3.9858, 1.0855, 1.91916, 1.82719, 3.62289, 11.3872, 0},
361 {0, 2.59071, 4.39003, 0.0757547, 3, 0.158868, 3.55454, 5.71387, 0},
362 {0, 2.48014, 3.16071, 3.1975, 1.7259, 1.53532, 6.33812, 11.2325, 0},
363 {0, 2.35236, 4.94998, 1.78836, 1.9115, 4.74233, 13.6973, 21.965, 0},
364 {0, 3.52215, 0.812087, 1.1768, 2.95239, 4.3202, 6.04614, 13.6556, 0},
365 {0, 3.79446, 2.80606, 0.88371, 3, 0.614106, 2.52782, 12.4441, 0},
366 {0, 3.41363, 1.57296, 1.59021, 2.47593, 3.41146, 6.76304, 5.59471, 0},
367 {0, 3.72529, 2.50889, 2, 3, 4.06815, 2.78676, 19.6427, 0},
368 {0, 3.54713, -0.296079, 2.10851, 2.42037, 5.37573, 6.78065, 22.298, 0},
369 {0, 3.61517, 1.96909, 2, 0.249865, 2.46639, 3.42483, 8.1652, 0} } ;
372 // S115B failure: 1158700000 // 2006-09-19 21:06:40 UTC
374 if (time < 1158700000.) { // first workaround: just use calibration of PMT S115A
375 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
376 A0t[9][jj] = A0t[8][jj] ;
377 A1t[9][jj] = A1t[8][jj] ;
378 A2t[9][jj] = A2t[8][jj] ;
379 }
380 } // if time...
382 //============================================================================
384 // 2nd-order correction
385 Float_t corr_a[6][4] = {
386 {0.977261, 0.353729, -0.83314, 0.452883},
387 {1.27649, 3.53459, -5.41948, 2.67854},
388 {2.21926, 4.32797, -7.24001, 3.77247},
389 {2.4202, 7.99552,-12.4371, 6.08982},
390 {2.04984, 13.3375, -19.178, 8.86101},
391 {2.63322, 14.8072, -20.911,9.57905} };
393 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
395 Float_t xv[6],yv[6];
396 Int_t iz;
397 Float_t x1[9],y1[9];
398 Int_t n1 = 9;
400 Float_t Layercharge[6] = {1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005. };
402 Int_t Layerinfo[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
404 //Float_t adc[48],adc_c[48],PMTcharge_arr[48];
405 Float_t adc[48],PMTcharge_arr[48];
407 //------------------------------------------------------------------
409 PamTrack *track = L2->GetTrack(0);
411 Float_t beta_mean = fabs(track->GetToFTrack()->beta[12]);
413 // New!! If "beta_in" != 100. then overwrite beta_mean with beta_in
414 if (beta_in != 100.) beta_mean=beta_in;
416 //Float_t def = track->GetTrkTrack()->al[4];
417 //Float_t rig = 1./def;
419 Int_t ncount=0;
420 Float_t charge_chi=1000.;
422 //-------------------------------------------------------------
423 //------------------ ToF Charge ------------------------------
424 //-------------------------------------------------------------
426 // fill adc and tdc
428 Int_t ich,jj,kk;
430 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc[ich] = 4095.;
431 // for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc_c[ich] = 1000.;
432 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) PMTcharge_arr[ich] = 1000.;
436 if ((beta_mean < 0.05) || (beta_mean > 2.0)) {
437 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_trk[jj] = 1001.;
438 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_trk[jj] = 1001.;
439 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_trk_raw[jj] = 1001.;
440 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_trk[jj] = 1001;
441 charge_trk = 1001.;
442 ncount_trk = 0;
443 }
446 if ((beta_mean > 0.05) && (beta_mean < 2.0)) {
448 Float_t betahelp = pow(beta_mean, 1.2);
450 //=======================================================================
452 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<L2->GetToFLevel2()->npmt() ; ipmt++){
453 ToFPMT *tofpmt = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetToFPMT(ipmt);
454 Int_t pmt_id = tofpmt->pmt_id;
455 adc[pmt_id] = tofpmt->adc ;
456 }
458 //=======================================================================
459 Float_t yl, yh, ym, m, b, chelp, charge;
461 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<track->GetToFTrack()->npmtadc; ipmt++){
462 Float_t dEdx = track->GetToFTrack()->dedx[ipmt];
463 ym = dEdx*betahelp;
464 Int_t pmtadc = track->GetToFTrack()->pmtadc[ipmt];
465 // Int_t adcflag = track->GetToFTrack()->adcflag[ipmt];
466 L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPMTIndex(pmtadc,jj,kk);
467 // if (adcflag==0) adc_c[pmtadc] = dEdx;
470 // if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) adc_c[pmtadc] = 0.;
471 if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = 0.;
473 // if ((adc[pmtadc]>PMTsat[pmtadc]) && (adc[pmtadc]<4095)) adc_c[pmtadc] = 1000.;
475 if (adc[pmtadc] < PMTsat[pmtadc]) {
476 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
477 if ((pmtadc!=1) && (pmtadc!=9) && (pmtadc!=28) && (pmtadc!=29) && (pmtadc!=34)) {
479 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
480 x1[jj] = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
481 y1[jj] = C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj] ;
482 }
484 TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(n1,x1,y1);
485 TSpline3 *spl2 = new TSpline3("grs",gr2); // use a cubic spline
486 chelp = spl2->Eval(ym);
487 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
488 charge = TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
489 gr2->Delete();
490 spl2->Delete();
491 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
492 } // pmtadc != ...
494 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 if ((pmtadc==1) || (pmtadc==9) || (pmtadc==28) || (pmtadc==29) || (pmtadc==34)) {
497 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<8; jj++ ){
498 yl = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
499 yh = A0t[pmtadc][jj+1]+A1t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
500 if ((yl<ym)&&(ym<yh)){
501 m = (C0t[pmtadc][jj+1]*C0t[pmtadc][jj+1] - C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) / (yh - yl);
502 b = (C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) - m*yl;
503 chelp = m*ym + b;
504 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
505 charge= TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
506 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
507 }
508 } // jj=0..8
509 } // if pmtadc ==....
510 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 } // adc < sat
513 } // ipmt...
515 //====================================================================
516 //================ Find out the hitted ToF paddles ===============
517 //====================================================================
519 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6; jj++){
520 xv[jj]=track->GetToFTrack()->xtr_tof[jj];
521 yv[jj]=track->GetToFTrack()->ytr_tof[jj];
522 }
524 Int_t PaddleIdOfTrack[6];
526 PaddleIdOfTrack[0] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[0], yv[0], 0, 0.) ;
527 PaddleIdOfTrack[1] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[1], yv[1], 1, 0.) ;
528 PaddleIdOfTrack[2] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[2], yv[2], 2, 0.) ;
529 PaddleIdOfTrack[3] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[3], yv[3], 3, 0.) ;
530 PaddleIdOfTrack[4] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[4], yv[4], 4, 0.) ;
531 PaddleIdOfTrack[5] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[5], yv[5], 5, 0.) ;
533 //==============================================================
536 Int_t ihelp_a[6] = {0,16,28,32,36,42};
538 for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) {
539 Int_t jj = PaddleIdOfTrack[ilay] ;
540 //Float_t xhelp = 1000.;
541 Float_t xhelp = 1005.;
543 if (jj == -1) Layerinfo[ilay] = -1;
545 if (jj != -1) {
546 Int_t ih = ihelp_a[ilay] + 2*jj;
548 // New WM
549 Int_t igood1=0;
550 Int_t igood2=0;
551 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih] > 0.)) igood1=1;
552 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] > 0.)) igood2=1;
554 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==0.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==0.)) xhelp = 0.;
555 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==1)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
556 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih];
557 if ((igood2==1)&&(igood1==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1];
560 /*
561 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
562 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih] ;
563 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] ;
564 */
565 if (adc[ih] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
566 if (adc[ih+1] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
567 if ((adc[ih] > PMTsat[ih]) && (adc[ih] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
568 if ((adc[ih+1] > PMTsat[ih+1]) && (adc[ih+1] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
569 }
570 Layercharge[ilay] = xhelp;
571 } // ilay ...
575 //==========================================================================
576 //============= Layercharge without 2nd-order correction =================
577 //==========================================================================
579 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_trk_raw[jj] = Layercharge[jj];
581 //==========================================================================
582 //========================= 2nd-order correction =======================
583 //==========================================================================
585 Float_t xb = beta_mean;
587 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
588 Int_t ic = 0;
589 Float_t corr[4] = {1., 0., 0., 0.};
590 for (Int_t iii=1; iii<9; iii++) if (fabs(Layercharge[ii] - iii)<0.50) ic = iii;
591 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[ic-1][iii];
592 if (ic >5) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[5][iii];
594 Float_t c_corr = corr[0]+corr[1]*xb+corr[2]*xb*xb+corr[3]*xb*xb*xb;
596 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) c_corr = c_corr/(1.*ic) ;
597 if (ic>5) c_corr = c_corr/6. ;
599 //cout<<"beta "<<xb<<" layer "<<ii<<" ic "<<ic<<" => "<<c_corr<<endl;
600 //cout<<xb<<" "<<ic<<" "<<c_corr<<endl;
602 Layercharge[ii] = Layercharge[ii]/c_corr;
604 }
606 //==========================================================================
607 //==========================================================================
610 Int_t icount=0;
611 Float_t charge_mean = 0.;
612 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
613 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_mean = charge_mean + Layercharge[ii] ;
614 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) icount++;
615 }
616 if (icount>0) charge_mean = charge_mean/(1.*icount) ;
618 if (icount>0) {
620 //for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<" ";
621 //cout<<endl;
624 vector<float> charge_v;
625 Float_t charge_median = 0.;
627 //////// get the median charge ////////////
628 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<6;ii++) {
629 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_v.push_back(Layercharge[ii]);
630 }
632 std::sort(charge_v.begin(),charge_v.end());
633 charge_median = charge_v[(int)(charge_v.size()/2+charge_v.size()%2)-1];
635 //cout<<charge_mean<<" "<<charge_median<<endl;
637 charge_mean = charge_median;
639 } // icount>0
642 //--- Calculate charge for the second time, use residuals of the single
643 //--- measurements to get a chi2 value
645 Float_t w_i_arr[8] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.45, 0.50};
647 icount=0;
648 Float_t sw=0.;
649 Float_t sxw=0.;
650 Float_t w_i = 1./0.5;
651 Float_t resmax= 3.0;
653 iz=1;
654 if ((0.0<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<1.5)) iz=1;
655 if ((1.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<2.5)) iz=2;
656 if ((2.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<3.5)) iz=3;
657 if ((3.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<4.5)) iz=4;
658 if ((4.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<5.5)) iz=5;
659 if ((5.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<6.5)) iz=6;
660 if ((6.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<7.5)) iz=7;
661 if ((7.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<90.)) iz=8;
663 w_i = 1./w_i_arr[iz-1];
665 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++){
666 if (Layercharge[jj] < 1000) {
667 Float_t res = charge_mean - Layercharge[jj] ;
668 if (fabs(res*w_i)<resmax) {
669 icount= icount+1;
670 sxw=sxw + Layercharge[jj]*w_i*w_i ;
671 sw =sw + w_i*w_i ;
672 }
673 }
674 }
677 ncount = icount;
678 if (icount>0) charge_chi=sxw/sw;
680 // cout<<" => "<<icount<<" "<<charge_chi<<endl;
682 //=============================================================
683 // changed 30-01-2009 WM
685 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_trk[jj] = PMTcharge_arr[jj];
686 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_trk[jj] = Layercharge[jj];
687 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_trk[jj] = Layerinfo[jj];
688 charge_trk = charge_chi;
689 ncount_trk = ncount;
691 } // 0.05 < beta < 2.0
693 } // if ntrk == 1
695 //================================================================
696 //============== Siegen version 1 =============
697 //============== standalone dEdx and beta =============
698 //================================================================
700 // ToF track
701 ToFTrkVar *track = L2->GetToFStoredTrack(-1);
702 // if(!track)return;
703 if(track) {
705 /*
706 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
707 3162.14, 3165.48, 3153.85, 3085.73, 3089.65, 3107.64, 3097.52, 3078.37, 3130.05, 3087.07, 3112.22,
708 3102.92, 3080.58, 3092.55, 3087.94, 3125.03, 3094.09, 3143.16,
709 3125.51, 3181.27, 3092.09, 3124.98, 3069.3, 3095.53, 3097.11, 3133.53, 3114.73, 3113.01, 3091.19,
710 3097.99, 3033.84, 3134.98, 3081.37, 3111.04, 3066.77, 3108.17,
711 3133, 3111.06, 3052.52, 3140.66, 3106.33, 3094.85, 3150.85, 3118.8, 3096.24, 3118.47,3111.36, 3117.11
712 };
713 */
715 // new values from Napoli dec 2008
716 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
717 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
718 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
719 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
720 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
721 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
722 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
724 for (Int_t i=0; i<48;i++) PMTsat[i] = PMTsat[i] - 5.; // safety margin
726 // calibration file "charge_fits_new_std_2.dat"
728 Float_t C0t[48][9] = {
729 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
730 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
731 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
732 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
733 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
734 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
735 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
736 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
737 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
738 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
739 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
740 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
741 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
742 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
743 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
744 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
745 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
746 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
747 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
748 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
749 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
750 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
751 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
752 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
753 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
754 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
755 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
756 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
757 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
758 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
759 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
760 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
761 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
762 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
763 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
764 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
765 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
766 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
767 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
768 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
769 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
770 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
771 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
772 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
773 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
774 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
775 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92},
776 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92} } ;
778 Float_t A0t[48][9] = {
779 {0, 0.707632, 5.09223, 7.99994, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
780 {0, 0.636707, 6.37524, 8, 11, 13.0002, 16.0001, 18, 2000},
781 {0, 0.952117, 6.04188, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
782 {0, 0.880805, 5.80883, 8.00003, 11.0001, 13.0005, 16.0011, 18.0027, 2000},
783 {0, 0.834937, 5.12617, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9998, 2000},
784 {0, 0.772954, 5.17221, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18.0006, 2000},
785 {0, 0.911496, 5.04755, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
786 {0, 0.86523, 5.55215, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
787 {0, 1.06061, 5.49757, 12, 15, 20, 25, 25, 2000},
788 {0, 0.5, 1.8, 3, 3.8, 6.49999, 7.99996, 8.99998, 2000},
789 {0, 1.06974, 4.86153, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
790 {0, 1.0465, 6.00778, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
791 {0, 1.18132, 5.48741, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
792 {0, 1.10823, 5.43611, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000},
793 {0, 1.19621, 5.27647, 7.99994, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
794 {0, 1.72505, 5.14873, 8.00006, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
795 {0, 1.48515, 6.07123, 8.00006, 11, 13.0003, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
796 {0, 1.17628, 6.63392, 8.00011, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
797 {0, 1.11301, 5.94317, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
798 {0, 1.04361, 6.40789, 8.00002, 11.0002, 13.0015, 16, 17.9996, 2000},
799 {0, 1.12658, 5.69828, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000},
800 {0, 0.840188, 5.44945, 8.00005, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
801 {0, 1.16985, 6.21385, 8.00012, 11, 13.0002, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
802 {0, 0.977696, 5.70252, 8.00004, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000},
803 {0, 1.26298, 6.03137, 8.00003, 11, 13, 16.0009, 17.9998, 2000},
804 {0, 0.988707, 5.98453, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000},
805 {0, 1.22109, 6.76385, 8.00002, 11, 13.0005, 16.0001, 18.0006, 2000},
806 {0, 1.65541, 6.01998, 8.00006, 11.0057, 13, 16, 18, 2000},
807 {0, 1.59779, 6.00152, 7.00005, 7.99997, 8.99997, 14.9991, 18, 2000},
808 {0, 1.6515, 5.95297, 7.99999, 10, 12, 14.9995, 18, 2000},
809 {0, 1.70339, 6.43684, 9, 12, 14, 16, 21.9999, 2000},
810 {0, 1.64867, 5.6503, 8, 10, 12, 14.9999, 18, 2000},
811 {0, 1.83955, 6.64378, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000},
812 {0, 1.71975, 6.42585, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000},
813 {0, 1.88735, 6.12987, 8, 10, 12, 15.0001, 18, 2000},
814 {0, 1.86719, 5.94227, 8, 10, 12, 14.9999, 20,2000},
815 {0, 2.55127, 5.83621, 8.99997, 12, 15, 17.9999, 21.9998, 2000},
816 {0, 2.59328, 5.90275, 8.99999, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
817 {0, 2.63523, 6.56428, 9.00004, 12, 15.0003, 18.001, 22.0029, 2000},
818 {0, 2.63114, 6.77412, 8.99995, 11.9998, 14.9997, 17.9996, 21.9998, 2000},
819 {0, 2.48986, 6.43372, 8.99996, 11.9998, 14.9995, 17.9997, 21.9995, 2000},
820 {0, 2.43724, 6.51911, 9.00012, 12, 15, 18, 21.9999, 2000},
821 {0, 3.21403, 5.7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
822 {0, 3.3517, 6.30461, 8.99997, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
823 {0, 3.0843, 5.90189, 8.99993, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
824 {0, 3.35806, 6.20792, 8.99998, 12.0001, 15, 18, 22, 2000},
825 {0, 3.13525, 5.60432, 8.99997, 12, 15.0001, 18, 22, 2000},
826 {0, 3.26271, 6.38934, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22.0001, 2000} };
829 Float_t A1t[48][9] = {
830 { 0, 0.182202, -3.48762, -4.67241, -5.61872, 2.35336, -2.4112, -0.7861, 0 },
831 { 0, 0.528581, -6.33244, 0.176685, -3.3272, 5.47434, 7.62771, 18.9223, 0 },
832 { 0, -0.148985, -5.31035, -3.1044, -1.84685, -0.678725, -0.00713058, 11.2127, 0 },
833 { 0, 0.01113, -4.6759, -0.669811, 1.69435, 7.44019, 12.2231, 26.9653, 0 },
834 { 0, 0.0567585, -3.05564, -2.57264, -0.0868904, 4.88938, 2.64699, -10, 0 },
835 { 0, 0.331112, -3.06987, -0.451796, -0.660912, 4.49088, 6.43095, 16.7904, 0 },
836 { 0, 0.0779621, -2.64271, -2.29896, -1.95824, 1.8888, 1.02257, 10.5746, 0 },
837 { 0, 0.257346, -3.93191, 0.564894, 2.04068, 4.12823, 5.87416, 16.2268, 0 },
838 { 0, -0.332593, -3.65149, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0 },
839 { 0, 0, 0, -0.5, 0, -6.80247, -9.43463, -8.44329, 0 },
840 { 0, -0.25099, -2.53532, -2.43846, -2.94008, -1.01258, -1.10502, 5.16068, 0 },
841 { 0, -0.101144, -4.98664, -0.369916, 2.2648, 4.2727, 3.1653, 19.8617, 0 },
842 { 0, -0.5074, -3.98429, -0.306633, 0.562595, 5.05787, 4.70127, 14.2399, 0 },
843 { 0, -0.326603, -3.83632, -1.75409, -1.86815, 0.84194, 1.32718, 14.4304, 0 },
844 { 0, -0.597543, -3.82759, -6.9094, -2.88583, 5.50573, 4.30943, 18.0664, 0 },
845 { 0, -1.86862, -3.80777, -2.69084, -4.09258, 1.59904, 4.61543, 13.8186, 0 },
846 { 0, -0.932447, -6.02195, -0.891975, 0.870346, 7.22131, 6.03928, 20.5102, 0 },
847 { 0, -0.439221, -7.66335, -2.7363, -3.29581, 3.74263, 3.2571, 15.8539, 0 },
848 { 0, -0.487944, -5.05733, -2.61662, -2.86336, 2.65017, -0.919043, 7.10535, 0 },
849 { 0, -0.0329559, -6.07396, -0.0044396, 2.75593, 8.87808, 14.9627, 28.8783, 0 },
850 { 0, -0.573054, -4.15302, -2.15074, -1.83499, 0.969726, 1.36361, 17.6185, 0 },
851 { 0, 0.238198, -3.75628, -1.02674, 1.12711, 3.06917, 2.61956, 11.2723, 0 },
852 { 0, -0.473325, -5.88165, -2.10476, -0.508963, 4.24835, 6.41943, 14.9346, 0 },
853 { 0, 0.0585487, -4.40372, -1.45949, 1.31992, 4.7115, 5.03433, 11.968, 0 },
854 { 0, -0.836615, -5.05945, -0.644868, 2.3894, 9.40413, 11.4195, 25.3239, 0 },
855 { 0, 0.026064, -4.78872, -0.819969, -0.57223, 1.84866, 0.29272, 15.1362, 0 },
856 { 0, -0.659228, -6.61715, 0.371846, 4.36719, 10.657, 17.8551, 29.3359, 0 },
857 { 0, -1.27483, -4.52966, -1.85458, -0.9634, 3.65819, 2.89211, 13.508, 0 },
858 { 0, -1.49858, -5.08299, 0.103222, 3.84545, 3.46523, -13.6535, -20, 0 },
859 { 0, -1.70043, -4.92192, -2.46523, -0.681845, -2.80632, -8.55159, -20, 0 },
860 { 0, -1.85437, -5.65787, -1.56314, 0.372468, 4.54151, 2.97956, -7.90681, 0 },
861 { 0, -1.78092, -4.19601, -1.84397, -0.175657, -2.0339, -5.64021, -20, 0 },
862 { 0, -2.08786, -6.05197, -1.81875, -0.423923, 5.86772, 7.50042, 4.22714, 0 },
863 { 0, -1.78679, -5.6835, -1.22858, -0.764359, 2.71007, 4.16034, 4.49981, 0 },
864 { 0, -2.21623, -5.39176, -0.174751, 0.19786, -1.93316, -7.45927, -20, 0 },
865 { 0, -2.2076, -4.93708, -1.49415, 0.576195, 0.552502, -5.02466, -18, 0 },
866 { 0, -3.95472, -4.97236, -5.73642, -7.17611, -8.40014, -10.7071, -13.5198, 0 },
867 { 0, -3.98713, -4.90269, -4.51467, -4.74549, -5.13124, -6.02539, -4.36386, 0 },
868 { 0, -4.09193, -6.36148, -1.92129, 0.535293, 4.36379, 8.09335, 21.4513, 0 },
869 { 0, -4.09301, -6.86077, -8.51634, -10.7671, -15.4194, -19.8748, -18.2532, 0 },
870 { 0, -3.66083, -6.39249, -8.20002, -12.5867, -18.523, -21.1403, -22.5493, 0 },
871 { 0, -3.66449, -6.84751, -3.49245, -4.82854, 0.21682, 0.54105, -16.1417, 0 },
872 { 0, -5.55283, -4.22, -4.20093, -2.0392, -1.493, 0.481244, 6.28662, 0 },
873 { 0, -5.93701, -5.45729, -6.95403, -6.68625, -5.13187, -5.10613, -2.64945, 0 },
874 { 0, -5.25381, -4.94071, -7.72978, -4.67849, -4.74316, -3.91651, 1.17451, 0 },
875 { 0, -6.01523, -5.33454, -6.26672, -5.88745, -8.91118, -11.1342, -7.91073, 0 },
876 { 0, -5.53583, -4.3686, -8.88023, -6.36106, -4.70941, -3.2139, -0.381882, 0 },
877 { 0, -5.7646, -6.25807, -5.12981, -1.5055, -1.11425, -0.388791, 8.42188, 0 } };
880 Float_t A2t[48][9] = {
881 { 0, 0.317852, 2.46394, 4.35287, 6.69993, 1.37704, 9.38636, 22.3426, 0 },
882 { 0, 0.0270999, 4.03858, 0.614142, 7.64715, 3, 4.55046, 9.46688, 0 },
883 { 0, 0.422802, 3.25444, 2.83067, 3.78916, 7.15528, 9.61404, 9.53181, 0 },
884 { 0, 0.27719, 2.81849, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0 },
885 { 0, 0.257138, 1.96682, 2.66388, 2.02686, 0.981737, 7.07876, 32, 0 },
886 { 0, 0.0777448, 1.95238, 0.591915, 3.36314, 1.71777, 3.1121, 3, 0 },
887 { 0, 0.201297, 1.54333, 2.06343, 3.81529, 3.47056, 7.66122, 10.2165, 0 },
888 { 0, 0.090275, 2.35456, 0.150419, 1.48979, 4.43331, 6.09798, 9.59925, 0 },
889 { 0, 0.472466, 2.2568, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
890 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.8114, 8.76464, 11.718, 0 },
891 { 0, 0.369669, 1.66502, 2.21937, 4.8545, 6.71778, 9.52608, 13.5645, 0 },
892 { 0, 0.278447, 3.03196, 0.562358, 0.978803, 4.19387, 9.26949, 4.33973, 0 },
893 { 0, 0.488781, 2.52383, 0.674871, 2.54554, 2.33603, 6.75428, 10.7769, 0 },
894 { 0, 0.396462, 2.42949, 1.33035, 3.9579, 4.98889, 7.41728, 8.78462, 0 },
895 { 0, 0.616543, 2.39152, 7.13157, 4.52173, 0.795959, 5.05895, 3.58876, 0 },
896 { 0, 1.3407, 2.54098, 2, 7.35567, 6.08494, 6.47321, 6.60084, 0 },
897 { 0, 0.855061, 3.97328, 2, 3, 3, 10.1946, 7.06782, 0 },
898 { 0, 0.492265, 5.11681, 2, 2.24085, 0.00142742, 3.12852, 1.94308, 0 },
899 { 0, 0.594536, 3.10529, 2.07652, 4.86122, 2.7748, 10.0368, 14.8149, 0 },
900 { 0, 0.220041, 3.69287, 2, 3, 3, 0.0668348, 0.124322, 0 },
901 { 0, 0.652342, 2.52474, 1.92129, 3.97957, 5.4076, 8.66393, 5.53485, 0 },
902 { 0, 0.109911, 2.37426, 2, 2.09403, 4.25338, 7.64627, 8.96803, 0 },
903 { 0, 0.503317, 3.66579, 2, 3, 3, 3.95553, 7.79201, 0 },
904 { 0, 0.18358, 2.71524, 2, 1.64493, 2.67235, 6.00813, 13.3661, 0 },
905 { 0, 0.762639, 3.10968, 2, 1.79493, 0.0228019, 3, 6.68329, 0 },
906 { 0, 0.218363, 2.87712, 0.218535, 3, 4.57375, 9.68986, 4.89219, 0 },
907 { 0, 0.675406, 4.00709, 2, 1.07325, 3, 0.182969, 8.20433, 0 },
908 { 0, 0.991549, 2.68269, 2, 3.876, 2.94015, 6.72011, 7.03988, 0 },
909 { 0, 1.02743, 3.12518, 2, 2.20294, 6.63646, 22.0153, 35, 0 },
910 { 0, 1.18885, 3.01461, 2.30242, 3.46316, 8.98077, 16.6101, 35, 0 },
911 { 0, 1.47119, 3.24004, 1.07333, 2.31147, 2.98418, 9.99881, 28.0778, 0 },
912 { 0, 1.28408, 2.55246, 1.49292, 3.01143, 8.45419, 13.2062, 35, 0 },
913 { 0, 1.56497, 3.35834, 0.73553, 3, 2.13162, 5.84836, 18.6428, 0 },
914 { 0, 1.39782, 3.19843, 0.593735, 3.34643, 4.22204, 6.78619, 12.8529, 0 },
915 { 0, 1.46182, 3.30186, 0.0348858, 3.87061, 9.87769, 16.8741, 35, 0 },
916 { 0, 1.50597, 3.03838, 1.62411, 2.96043, 7.1428, 15.4035, 35, 0 },
917 { 0, 2.6053, 2.92019, 3.8816, 7.13833, 9.84022, 13.4445, 22.2018, 0 },
918 { 0, 2.58901, 2.74623, 2.66245, 5.37385, 8.40354, 11.6502, 17.4423, 0 },
919 { 0, 2.65151, 3.592, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0 },
920 { 0, 2.65586, 3.87903, 6.12175, 9.92231, 16.1427, 21.4766, 21.4604, 0 },
921 { 0, 2.38768, 3.77375, 5.67703, 11.8596, 18.8674, 20.8655, 24.5083, 0 },
922 { 0, 2.40258, 4.1273, 2, 5.81564, 2.29756, 4.40615, 32.3639, 0 },
923 { 0, 3.54156, 2.13, 2.79762, 2.76993, 4.67104, 5.20053, 8.36394, 0 },
924 { 0, 3.76292, 2.83393, 5.30926, 6.67988, 7.35393, 9.46522, 14.8599, 0 },
925 { 0, 3.37723, 2.74166, 6.71253, 5.63259, 8.42885, 9.99872, 14.8742, 0 },
926 { 0, 3.83378, 2.79501, 4.78642, 5.94201, 11.4635, 14.7442, 16.5806, 0 },
927 { 0, 3.59181, 2.3773, 7.14813, 5.60101, 6.47122, 6.64957, 14.2374, 0 },
928 { 0, 3.68523, 3.54382, 3.92867, 2.18506, 5.56025, 7.75895, 7.448, 0 } };
931 // S115B failure: 1158700000 // 2006-09-19 21:06:40 UTC
933 if (time < 1158700000.) { // first workaround: just use calibration of PMT S115A
934 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
935 A0t[9][jj] = A0t[8][jj] ;
936 A1t[9][jj] = A1t[8][jj] ;
937 A2t[9][jj] = A2t[8][jj] ;
938 }
939 } // if time...
942 // 2nd-order correction
943 Float_t corr_a[6][4] = {
944 {0.551894 , 2.24353 , -3.35885 , 1.51401} ,
945 {0.915691 , 4.83967 , -6.85389 , 3.13679} ,
946 {1.84338 , 5.63517 , -8.41577 , 4.04055} ,
947 {1.51216 , 11.3233 , -16.2119 , 7.45008} ,
948 {1.50481 , 15.2538 , -21.2003 , 9.51127} ,
949 {1.82038 , 17.5336 , -23.5512 , 10.3036} };
951 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
953 //Float_t xv[6],yv[6];
954 Int_t iz;
956 Float_t x1[9],y1[9];
957 Int_t n1 = 9;
959 Float_t Layercharge[6] = {1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005. };
961 Int_t Layerinfo[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
963 //Float_t adc[48],adc_c[48],PMTcharge_arr[48];
964 Float_t adc[48],PMTcharge_arr[48];
966 Float_t beta_mean = fabs(track->beta[12]);
968 // New!! If "beta_in" != 100. then overwrite beta_mean with beta_in
969 if (beta_in != 100.) beta_mean=beta_in;
971 Int_t ncount=0;
972 Float_t charge_chi=1000.;
975 //-------------------------------------------------------------
977 // fill adc and tdc
979 Int_t ich,jj,kk;
981 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc[ich] = 4095.;
982 // for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc_c[ich] = 1000.;
983 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) PMTcharge_arr[ich] = 1000.;
986 if ((beta_mean < 0.05) || (beta_mean > 2.0)) {
987 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_std[jj] = 1001.;
988 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_std[jj] = 1001.;
989 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_std_raw[jj] = 1001.;
990 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_std[jj] = 1001;
991 charge_std = 1001.;
992 ncount_std = 0;
993 }
996 if ((beta_mean > 0.05) && (beta_mean < 2.0)) {
998 Float_t betahelp = pow(beta_mean, 1.2);
1000 //=======================================================================
1002 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<L2->GetToFLevel2()->npmt() ; ipmt++){
1003 ToFPMT *tofpmt = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetToFPMT(ipmt);
1004 Int_t pmt_id = tofpmt->pmt_id;
1005 adc[pmt_id] = tofpmt->adc ;
1006 }
1008 //=======================================================================
1010 Float_t yl, yh, ym, m, b, chelp, charge;
1013 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<track->npmtadc; ipmt++){
1014 Float_t dEdx = track->dedx[ipmt];
1015 ym = dEdx*betahelp;
1016 Int_t pmtadc = track->pmtadc[ipmt];
1017 // Int_t adcflag = track->adcflag[ipmt];
1018 L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPMTIndex(pmtadc,jj,kk);
1019 // if (adcflag==0) adc_c[pmtadc] = dEdx;
1021 // if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) adc_c[pmtadc] = 0.;
1022 if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = 0.;
1024 // if ((adc[pmtadc]>PMTsat[pmtadc]) && (adc[pmtadc]<4095)) adc_c[pmtadc] = 1000.;
1026 if (adc[pmtadc] < PMTsat[pmtadc]) {
1028 if ((pmtadc!=4) && (pmtadc!=8) && (pmtadc!=28) && (pmtadc!=31) && (pmtadc!=34) && (pmtadc!=39) && (pmtadc!=41) && (pmtadc!=46)) {
1030 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
1031 x1[jj] = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
1032 y1[jj] = C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj] ;
1033 // cout<<x1[jj]<<" "<<y1[jj]<<" ";
1034 }
1035 // cout<<endl;
1038 TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(n1,x1,y1);
1039 TSpline3 *spl2 = new TSpline3("grs",gr2); // use a cubic spline
1040 chelp = spl2->Eval(ym);
1041 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
1042 charge = TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
1044 gr2->Delete();
1045 spl2->Delete();
1046 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
1047 } // pmtadc != ...
1049 if ((pmtadc==4) || (pmtadc==8) || (pmtadc==28) || (pmtadc==31) || (pmtadc==34) || (pmtadc==39) || (pmtadc==41) || (pmtadc==46)) {
1050 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<8; jj++ ){
1051 yl = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
1052 yh = A0t[pmtadc][jj+1]+A1t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
1053 if ((yl<ym)&&(ym<yh)){
1054 m = (C0t[pmtadc][jj+1]*C0t[pmtadc][jj+1] - C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) / (yh - yl);
1055 b = (C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) - m*yl;
1056 chelp = m*ym + b;
1057 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
1058 charge= TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
1059 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
1060 }
1061 } // jj=0..8
1062 } // if pmtadc ==....
1064 } // adc < sat
1065 } // ipmt...
1068 //====================================================================
1069 //============= Check ToF standalone using HitPaddle ===================
1070 //====================================================================
1072 Int_t PaddleIdOfTrack[6] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};;
1074 for(jj=0; jj<8; jj++){
1075 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(0,jj);
1076 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[0] = jj;
1077 }
1078 for(jj=0; jj<6; jj++){
1079 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(1,jj);
1080 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[1] = jj;
1081 }
1084 for(jj=0; jj<2; jj++){
1085 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(2,jj);
1086 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[2] = jj;
1087 }
1088 for(jj=0; jj<2; jj++){
1089 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(3,jj);
1090 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[3] = jj;
1091 }
1093 for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++){
1094 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(4,jj);
1095 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[4] = jj;
1096 }
1097 for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++){
1098 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(5,jj);
1099 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[5] = jj;
1100 }
1102 //==============================================================
1105 Int_t ihelp_a[6] = {0,16,28,32,36,42};
1107 for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) {
1108 Int_t jj = PaddleIdOfTrack[ilay] ;
1109 //Float_t xhelp = 1000.;
1110 Float_t xhelp = 1005.;
1112 if (jj == -1) Layerinfo[ilay] = -1;
1114 if (jj != -1) {
1115 Int_t ih = ihelp_a[ilay] + 2*jj;
1117 // New WM
1118 Int_t igood1=0;
1119 Int_t igood2=0;
1120 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih] > 0.)) igood1=1;
1121 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] > 0.)) igood2=1;
1123 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==0.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==0.)) xhelp = 0.;
1124 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==1)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
1125 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih];
1126 if ((igood2==1)&&(igood1==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1];
1129 /*
1130 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
1131 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih] ;
1132 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] ;
1133 */
1135 if (adc[ih] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
1136 if (adc[ih+1] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
1137 if ((adc[ih] > PMTsat[ih]) && (adc[ih] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
1138 if ((adc[ih+1] > PMTsat[ih+1]) && (adc[ih+1] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
1141 }
1142 Layercharge[ilay] = xhelp;
1143 } // ilay ...
1146 //cout<<"Std: ";
1147 //for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) cout<<Layercharge[ilay]<<" ";
1149 //==========================================================================
1150 //============= Layercharge without 2nd-order correction =================
1151 //==========================================================================
1153 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_std_raw[jj] = Layercharge[jj];
1155 //==========================================================================
1156 //========================= 2nd-order correction =======================
1157 //==========================================================================
1159 Float_t xb = beta_mean;
1161 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
1162 Int_t ic = 0;
1163 Float_t corr[4] = {1., 0., 0., 0.};
1164 //for (Int_t iii=1; iii<9; iii++) if (fabs(Layercharge[ii] - iii)<0.50) ic = iii;
1165 for (Int_t iii=1; iii<10; iii++) if (fabs(Layercharge[ii] - iii)<0.50) ic = iii;
1166 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[ic-1][iii];
1167 if (ic >5) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[5][iii];
1169 Float_t c_corr = corr[0]+corr[1]*xb+corr[2]*xb*xb+corr[3]*xb*xb*xb;
1171 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) c_corr = c_corr/(1.*ic) ;
1172 if (ic>5) c_corr = c_corr/6. ;
1174 //cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<" "<<ic<<" "<<c_corr<<" => ";
1175 Layercharge[ii] = Layercharge[ii]/c_corr;
1176 //cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<endl;
1178 }
1181 //==========================================================================
1182 //cout<<"In ToFNuclei Std: ";
1183 //for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) cout<<Layercharge[ilay]<<" ";
1184 //cout<<endl;
1185 //==========================================================================
1188 Int_t icount=0;
1189 Float_t charge_mean = 0.;
1190 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
1191 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_mean = charge_mean + Layercharge[ii] ;
1192 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) icount++;
1193 }
1194 if (icount>0) charge_mean = charge_mean/(1.*icount) ;
1196 if (icount>0) {
1198 //for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<" ";
1199 //cout<<endl;
1202 vector<float> charge_v;
1203 Float_t charge_median = 0.;
1205 //////// get the median charge ////////////
1206 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<6;ii++) {
1207 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_v.push_back(Layercharge[ii]);
1208 }
1210 std::sort(charge_v.begin(),charge_v.end());
1211 charge_median = charge_v[(int)(charge_v.size()/2+charge_v.size()%2)-1];
1213 //cout<<charge_mean<<" "<<charge_median<<endl;
1215 charge_mean = charge_median;
1217 } // icount>0
1219 //--- Calculate charge for the second time, use residuals of the single
1220 //--- measurements to get a chi2 value
1222 // Float_t w_i_arr[8] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.45, 0.50};
1223 Float_t w_i_arr[8] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.40, 0.50, 0.55};
1225 icount=0;
1226 Float_t sw=0.;
1227 Float_t sxw=0.;
1228 Float_t w_i = 1./0.5;
1229 Float_t resmax= 3.0;
1231 iz=1;
1232 if ((0.0<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<1.5)) iz=1;
1233 if ((1.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<2.5)) iz=2;
1234 if ((2.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<3.5)) iz=3;
1235 if ((3.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<4.5)) iz=4;
1236 if ((4.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<5.5)) iz=5;
1237 if ((5.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<6.5)) iz=6;
1238 if ((6.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<7.5)) iz=7;
1239 if ((7.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<90.)) iz=8;
1241 w_i = 1./w_i_arr[iz-1];
1244 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++){
1245 if (Layercharge[jj] < 1000) {
1246 Float_t res = charge_mean - Layercharge[jj] ;
1247 if (fabs(res*w_i)<resmax) {;
1248 icount= icount+1;
1249 sxw=sxw + Layercharge[jj]*w_i*w_i ;
1250 sw =sw + w_i*w_i ;
1251 }
1252 }
1253 }
1255 if (icount>0) charge_chi=sxw/sw;
1257 ncount = icount;
1259 //cout<<" => "<<icount<<" "<<charge_chi<<endl;
1262 // charge_tof = charge_chi;
1264 // changed 30-01-2009 WM
1266 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_std[jj] = PMTcharge_arr[jj];
1267 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_std[jj] = Layercharge[jj];
1268 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_std[jj] = Layerinfo[jj];
1269 charge_std = charge_chi;
1270 ncount_std = ncount;
1272 } // 0.05 < fabs( beta) < 2.0
1275 } // standalone track found
1277 }

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