/[PAMELA software]/tof/flight/ToFNuclei/src/ToFNuclei.cpp
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Contents of /tof/flight/ToFNuclei/src/ToFNuclei.cpp

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Apr 16 13:43:40 2009 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by pamelats
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +8 -3 lines
small bug found in the calculation of the PMT-charge, result is not influenced

1 //*****************************************************
2 //24-feb-2009: introduced "beta_in" and "Set_Beta":
3 // beta_in is set to 100 by default. If it is not overwritten
4 // by "Set_Beta" (ToFNuclei.h), the code is used as before.
5 // If beta_in was set by the user using "Set_Beta", this beta
6 // is taken for the calculations.
7 //
8 //26-feb-2009: Inserted S115B calibrations from Lucia
9 //
10 //02-apr-2009: bug found in some "if" statements for the
11 // "Layercharge" definition, but only important if ADC=4095
12 //
13 //15-apr-2009: small bug found in the calculation of the PMT
14 // charge, the charge for the PMTs 1,9,28.. was calculated
15 // twice, but the final result was OK
16 //
17 //*****************************************************
18 #include <ToFNuclei.h>
20 //--------------------------------------
21 /**
22 * Default constructor
23 */
24 ToFNuclei::ToFNuclei(){
25 Clear();
26 };
28 ToFNuclei::ToFNuclei(PamLevel2 *l2p){
29 //
30 Clear();
31 //
32 L2 = l2p;
33 //
34 beta_in = 100.;
35 //
36 if ( !L2->IsORB() ) printf(" WARNING: OrbitalInfo Tree is needed, the plugin could not work properly without it \n");
37 //
38 OBT = 0;
39 PKT = 0;
40 atime = 0;
41 //
42 sntr = 0;
43 debug = false;
44 //
45 };
47 void ToFNuclei::Clear(){
48 //
49 ncount_trk = 0.;
50 charge_trk = 0.;
51 memset (charge_layer_trk,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
52 memset (charge_PMT_trk,0,48*sizeof(Float_t)); //
53 memset (layerinfo_trk,0,6*sizeof(Int_t)); //
54 ncount_std = 0.;
55 charge_std = 0.;
56 memset (charge_layer_std,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
57 memset (charge_PMT_std,0,48*sizeof(Float_t)); //
58 memset (layerinfo_std,0,6*sizeof(Int_t)); //
59 };
61 void ToFNuclei::Print(){
62 //
63 Process();
64 //
65 printf("========================================================================\n");
66 printf(" OBT: %u PKT: %u ATIME: %u Track %i \n",OBT,PKT,atime,tr);
67 printf(" std : charge %f ncount %d layers %f %f %f %f %f %f \n",charge_std,ncount_std,charge_layer_std[0],charge_layer_std[1],charge_layer_std[2],charge_layer_std[3],charge_layer_std[4],charge_layer_std[5]);
68 printf(" std : layerinfo %d %d %d %d %d %d \n",layerinfo_std[0],layerinfo_std[1],layerinfo_std[2],layerinfo_std[3],layerinfo_std[4],layerinfo_std[5]);
70 printf(" trk : charge %f ncount %d layers %f %f %f %f %f %f \n",charge_trk,ncount_trk,charge_layer_trk[0],charge_layer_trk[1],charge_layer_trk[2],charge_layer_trk[3],charge_layer_trk[4],charge_layer_trk[5]);
71 printf(" trk : layerinfo %d %d %d %d %d %d \n",layerinfo_trk[0],layerinfo_trk[1],layerinfo_trk[2],layerinfo_trk[3],layerinfo_trk[4],layerinfo_trk[5]);
72 printf("========================================================================\n");
73 //
74 };
76 void ToFNuclei::Delete(){
77 Clear();
78 };
81 void ToFNuclei::Process(){
82 Process(0);
83 };
85 void ToFNuclei::Process(Int_t ntr){
86 //
87 if ( !L2 ){
88 printf(" ERROR: cannot find PamLevel2 object, use the correct constructor or check your program!\n");
89 printf(" ERROR: CaloExample variables not filled \n");
90 return;
91 };
92 //
93 Bool_t newentry = false;
94 //
95 if ( L2->IsORB() ){
96 if ( L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num != PKT || L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->OBT != OBT || L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime != atime || ntr != sntr ){
97 newentry = true;
98 OBT = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->OBT;
99 PKT = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num;
100 atime = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime;
101 sntr = ntr;
102 };
103 } else {
104 newentry = true;
105 };
106 //
107 if ( !newentry ) {
108 return;
109 }
110 //
111 tr = ntr;
112 //
113 if ( debug ) printf(" Processing event at OBT %u PKT %u time %u \n",OBT,PKT,atime);
114 //
115 // charge_trk = 0.;
116 // memset (charge_layer_trk,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
117 // charge_std = 0.;
118 // memset (charge_layer_std,0,6*sizeof(Float_t)); //
120 Clear();
122 // cout<<"beta_in = "<<beta_in<<endl;
125 Double_t time = L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime;
127 //=======================================================================
128 //============== Siegen version 1 ====================
129 //============== track dependent dEdx and beta ====================
130 //=======================================================================
132 //if (L2->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks()!=1) return;
133 if (L2->GetTrkLevel2()->GetNTracks()==1) {
135 /*
136 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
137 3162.14, 3165.48, 3153.85, 3085.73, 3089.65, 3107.64, 3097.52, 3078.37, 3130.05, 3087.07, 3112.22,
138 3102.92, 3080.58, 3092.55, 3087.94, 3125.03, 3094.09, 3143.16,
139 3125.51, 3181.27, 3092.09, 3124.98, 3069.3, 3095.53, 3097.11, 3133.53, 3114.73, 3113.01, 3091.19,
140 3097.99, 3033.84, 3134.98, 3081.37, 3111.04, 3066.77, 3108.17,
141 3133, 3111.06, 3052.52, 3140.66, 3106.33, 3094.85, 3150.85, 3118.8, 3096.24, 3118.47,3111.36, 3117.11
142 };
143 */
145 // new values from Napoli dec 2008
146 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
147 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
148 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
149 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
150 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
151 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
152 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
154 for (Int_t i=0; i<48;i++) PMTsat[i] = PMTsat[i] - 5.; // safety margin
157 Float_t C0t[48][9] = {
158 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
159 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
160 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
161 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
162 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
163 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
164 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
165 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
166 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
167 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
168 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
169 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
170 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
171 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
172 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
173 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
174 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
175 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
176 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
177 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
178 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
179 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
180 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
181 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
182 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
183 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
184 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
185 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
186 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
187 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
188 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
189 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
190 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
191 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
192 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
193 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
194 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
195 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
196 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
197 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
198 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
199 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
200 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
201 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
202 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
203 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
204 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
205 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92} ;
208 Float_t A0t[48][9] = {
209 0, 0.90472, 5.19581, 7.99982, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
210 0, 0.7774, 5.15121, 7.99976, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
211 0, 1.18414, 5.1952, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000,
212 0, 1.0189, 5.61869, 8, 11, 13.0006, 15.9998, 18.0014, 2000,
213 0, 1.08725, 4.4728, 7.99979, 11, 13.0002, 16, 18, 2000,
214 0, 0.946462, 4.69554, 7.99994, 11, 13.0001, 16, 18, 2000,
215 0, 1.13176, 4.57483, 7.99999, 11, 13.0002, 15.9999, 18.0002, 2000,
216 0, 1.00872, 4.99316, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
217 0, 1.19891, 5.01355, 8, 11, 13.0003, 16, 18, 2000,
218 0, 0.5, 2.284, 3.12, 8.795, 6.257, 7.841, 6.1743, 2000,
219 0, 1.16961, 4.59028, 8, 11, 13.0001, 16, 18, 2000,
220 0, 0.989643, 5.21958, 7.99998, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000,
221 0, 0.952029, 5.19598, 7.99998, 11, 13.0005, 16.0005, 18, 2000,
222 0, 0.736833, 4.95596, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
223 0, 1.34007, 3.74275, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
224 0, 1.47101, 4.31154, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
225 0, 1.3754, 4.83141, 8.00002, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
226 0, 1.47712, 5.79783, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
227 0, 1.19127, 5.35796, 7.99996, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
228 0, 1.25745, 5.98391, 8, 11, 13.0004, 16.0001, 18.0001, 2000,
229 0, 1.18024, 5.40107, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000,
230 0, 0.961883, 5.10846, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
231 0, 1.23192, 6.21098, 8, 11, 13.0005, 16, 18.0003, 2000,
232 0, 1.15846, 5.23573, 7.99995, 11, 13, 16, 18.0002, 2000,
233 0, 1.26163, 5.5425, 8.00001, 11, 13.0002, 16.0006, 18, 2000,
234 0, 1.12754, 5.57064, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18.0002, 2000,
235 0, 1.22768, 6.06283, 8, 11, 13.0002, 16, 18, 2000,
236 0, 1.83569, 5.87584, 8.00006, 11, 13.0005, 16, 18, 2000,
237 0, 1.61434, 5.56634, 7, 7.99999, 8.99999, 14.999, 16, 2000,
238 0, 1.61287, 5.46416, 7.99989, 10, 12, 14.9997, 16, 2000,
239 0, 1.49053, 6.21581, 9.00001, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000,
240 0, 1.64579, 5.08498, 7.99989, 10, 12, 15, 16, 2000,
241 0, 1.83474, 6.29746, 9.00001, 12, 14.0001, 16.0001, 22, 2000,
242 0, 1.80066, 6.19725, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000,
243 0, 1.9025, 5.83736, 8, 10, 12, 14.9999, 16, 2000,
244 0, 1.90163, 5.62801, 7.99999, 10, 12, 15, 16, 2000,
245 0, 2.5518, 5.97325, 9.00012, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
246 0, 2.53476, 5.75312, 9.00007, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
247 0, 2.67784, 6.9232, 9.00005, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
248 0, 2.62769, 7.22552, 9.00003, 12.0001, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
249 0, 2.58088, 6.30413, 9.0001, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
250 0, 2.48219, 7.06085, 9.00005, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
251 0, 3.23157, 5.20668, 9.00007, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
252 0, 3.38244, 6.45172, 9.00006, 12.0001, 15, 18.0001, 22, 2000,
253 0, 3.14595, 5.29036, 9.00008, 12, 15, 18, 22.0001, 2000,
254 0, 3.34692, 6.17283, 9.00041, 12, 15, 18.0001, 22, 2000,
255 0, 3.16915, 4.25973, 9.00015, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000,
256 0, 3.25809, 5.58971, 9.00068, 12, 15, 18, 22.0001, 2000} ;
259 Float_t A1t[48][9] = {
260 0, -0.148721, -3.39495, -4.31459, -0.929148, 3.54132, -0.781274, 1.31968, 0,
261 0, 0.300986, -2.80331, -4.23227, 0.298916, 4.10416, -5.18516, 7.03041, 0,
262 0, -0.590177, -3.12529, -0.44614, 0.620419, 5.19609, 9.88925, 14.9819, 0,
263 0, -0.173358, -3.98938, -0.616916, 0.405404, 6.25045, 10.5087, 24.7055, 0,
264 0, -0.32707, -1.1686, -3.46701, -0.284242, 4.09514, -0.561233, -0.166844, 0,
265 0, 0.0440221, -1.5147, -2.67239, -1.08848, 5.05632, 3.92546, -0.0525454, 0,
266 0, -0.331836, -1.25371, -1.59317, 0.654738, 4.41673, 5.99879, 14.9057, 0,
267 0, 0.00587183, -2.17841, -1.48496, 0.477997, 6.24062, 6.19841, 11.4798, 0,
268 0, -0.515989, -2.1195, -1.44376, 0.145546, 5.41926, 5.03587, 10.7126, 0,
269 0, 0, 0.0682, 3.2814, -6.1989, 8.05589, 9.75967, 23.797, 0,
270 0, -0.554732, -1.6306, -1.54677, 0.687092, 3.97612, 4.05449, 3.44324, 0,
271 0, -0.0314164, -2.83515, -1.29946, 2.31597, 7.15645, 6.95353, 12.8573, 0,
272 0, -0.218413, -3.04095, -1.50327, 0.291698, 5.27119, 9.06051, 18.4417, 0,
273 0, 0.410005, -2.45452, -0.851601, 0.206665, 6.44906, 7.53132, 10.5636, 0,
274 0, -1.29063, 0.463767, -0.720394, 1.27269, 3.66394, 4.52102, 7.33444, 0,
275 0, -1.54073, -1.60146, -1.91721, -0.640132, 3.58881, 0.561348, 7.33444, 0,
276 0, -0.558527, -2.43481, -1.64492, 1.51694, 6.05449, 4.67951, 5.40004, 0,
277 0, -1.44736, -5.265, -1.28878, -0.238869, 4.13668, 4.58264, 3.28758, 0,
278 0, -0.596315, -3.35555, -2.03624, -0.148223, 6.16332, 4.71164, 15.6531, 0,
279 0, -0.740826, -4.79843, 0.345734, -0.210722, 6.32702, 9.76698, 19.9151, 0,
280 0, -0.541817, -3.30557, -1.76057, -0.216039, 5.79923, 8.00931, 16.4061, 0,
281 0, -0.0503124, -2.66635, -1.70196, -1.07446, 3.46058, 1.45824, -2.21932, 0,
282 0, -0.495955, -5.78012, -0.174017, 0.675206, 6.30264, 8.30058, 20.3899, 0,
283 0, -0.315843, -2.8796, -3.04323, -0.681945, 5.49248, 7.42757, 17.1667, 0,
284 0, -0.643179, -3.5364, -0.245549, 0.694213, 5.79727, 10.2911, 9.61651, 0,
285 0, -0.315433, -3.56856, -1.25894, 2.05501, 6.85829, 8.74895, 14.9955, 0,
286 0, -0.478207, -4.82517, 0.688668, 1.40183, 6.78743, 8.02806, 2.65821, 0,
287 0, -1.63072, -5.05269, -0.582789, 1.22014, 6.80023, 8.8931, 5.15517, 0,
288 0, -1.50826, -3.68958, 0.420744, 3.25124, 4.28046, -16.9712, -12, 0,
289 0, -1.52021, -3.37459, -2.41086, 0.547517, -0.56013, -8.59935, -3, 0,
290 0, -0.998702, -4.7187, -2.33974, -0.0974348, 3.10138, 2.3293, -5.71135, 0,
291 0, -1.66188, -2.39145, -2.55052, 0.29005, -0.16697, -3.97018, -1.5, 0,
292 0, -2.04431, -4.95214, -1.51889, 1.92081, 5.92476, 8.94417, -0.172422, 0,
293 0, -1.94155, -4.95644, -2.47063, 0.0233995, 2.57015, 4.84173, -0.555407, 0,
294 0, -2.22045, -4.21875, -1.23892, 0.911188, -0.705415, -11.5648, -7, 0,
295 0, -2.25418, -3.71067, -1.87307, 0.560423, 0.206679, -4.27293, -3, 0,
296 0, -3.90179, -5.14354, -4.08454, -3.13545, -3.57868, -5.13198, -1.0019, 0,
297 0, -3.78789, -4.50313, -5.24307, -3.24931, -0.319336, -1.407, -3.77821, 0,
298 0, -4.16337, -7.12861, -2.29639, -0.786276, 2.58494, 4.16162, 7.22747, 0,
299 0, -4.04189, -7.82707, -1.34893, -1.05519, 4.33166, 4.87264, 12.3328, 0,
300 0, -3.85946, -5.71064, -4.43564, -1.53025, 1.42505, -0.0695653, 4.33418, 0,
301 0, -3.65794, -8.19828, -3.32738, -1.25785, -1.13124, -6.79745, -8.37113, 0,
302 0, -5.571, -2.49596, -2.8623, -2.74219, -1.43215, -0.359863, 0.25062, 0,
303 0, -6.00932, -5.60393, -2.33967, -1.53792, 3.67721, 5.49137, 8.34507, 0,
304 0, -5.36442, -3.19657, -2.9975, -1.73078, 0.0558693, -0.179221, 9.45231, 0,
305 0, -5.91858, -5.04606, -2.88549, -0.953526, 1.17816, 5.43427, 0.871257, 0,
306 0, -5.53832, -0.498886, -3.85789, -2.61557, -2.45863, -1.44554, -7.21927, 0,
307 0, -5.70059, -3.94476, -3.23927, 0.15573, 1.85295, 3.96162, 8.70362, 0 };
310 Float_t A2t[48][9] = {
311 0, 0.447567, 2.19777, 4.56362, 2.7416, 2.05411, 10.11, 19.0312, 0,
312 0, 0.11417, 1.62292, 5.00684, 3, 3.00006, 17.3401, 17.8502, 0,
313 0, 0.613665, 1.84729, 0.717669, 3, 2.53701, 1.23897, 10.2529, 0,
314 0, 0.318447, 2.30647, 0.936633, 3, 3, 2.95973, 3, 0,
315 0, 0.398201, 0.701095, 3.91236, 3, 3, 11.5693, 17.9749, 0,
316 0, 0.202853, 0.806934, 3.11779, 3.57657, 1.59933, 6.71492, 23.6721, 0,
317 0, 0.378081, 0.60131, 1.91722, 1.97014, 3, 5.08036, 9.64776, 0,
318 0, 0.185602, 1.13243, 1.95726, 2.25608, 1.31382, 6.06097, 15.9104, 0,
319 0, 0.519026, 1.16139, 1.92471, 3, 3, 6.24901, 15.0465, 0,
320 0, 0, 0, -1.972, 4.7828, -3.1154, -2.11319, -4.7497, 0,
321 0, 0.584808, 1.01299, 1.55521, 1.3038, 3, 7.23646, 20.977, 0,
322 0, 0.252569, 1.60163, 1.83587, 0.630466, 0.777058, 6.0142, 15.4738, 0,
323 0, 0.434331, 1.84922, 1.83168, 3, 3, 3, 6.44375, 0,
324 0, 0.0330463, 1.50249, 1.15961, 3, 0.810556, 4.20175, 16.0172, 0,
325 0, 1.15272, -0.461141, 0.6358, 0.566375, 3.20343, 5.26698, 14.6336, 0,
326 0, 1.24677, 1.12736, 1.76074, 3, 3.77723, 10.7814, 14.6336, 0,
327 0, 0.551726, 1.59633, 1.18411, 0.119382, 0.843864, 6.67491, 20.4289, 0,
328 0, 1.17008, 3.53223, 1.7298, 3, 3.51043, 7.10543, 22.3253, 0,
329 0, 0.612142, 1.96606, 2.64693, 3.25016, 1.25888, 7.04821, 11.7283, 0,
330 0, 0.69148, 2.84536, 0.249509, 4.29848, 3, 3.58229, 9.01681, 0,
331 0, 0.565678, 1.96366, 2.32387, 3.15843, 1.66386, 3.07223, 7.67847, 0,
332 0, 0.286252, 1.61749, 2.08437, 3.96745, 3.46972, 9.29207, 23.9444, 0,
333 0, 0.427677, 3.58328, 0.303785, 3, 3, 4.66547, 6.77271, 0,
334 0, 0.367136, 1.62323, 3.53394, 3.22174, 1.19152, 2.67962, 7.37085, 0,
335 0, 0.571177, 2.03267, 0.714761, 2.31548, 3, 3, 23.2035, 0,
336 0, 0.410871, 2.02075, 2.01824, 1.2684, 1.18522, 3.21976, 12.8378, 0,
337 0, 0.463877, 2.86112, 0.170916, 3, 3, 5.97413, 28.4085, 0,
338 0, 1.30088, 3.26557, 2, 3, 3, 4.77584, 22.8794, 0,
339 0, 1.02941, 2.12558, 0.872765, 2.23727, 4.7981, 24.6338, 24.6338, 0,
340 0, 1.05783, 1.89525, 2.85289, 3.0898, 7.83407, 17.8466, 20, 0,
341 0, 0.87851, 2.49044, 1.91387, 2.41541, 3.8418, 9.41288, 24.0375, 0,
342 0, 1.18188, 1.273, 2.9275, 3.06704, 7.12642, 12.7629, 15, 0,
343 0, 1.53682, 2.57011, 1.06205, 0.506326, 1.68314, 3.58498, 23.1595, 0,
344 0, 1.46302, 2.68515, 1.99381, 2.17816, 4.41356, 6.53634, 20.7136, 0,
345 0, 1.4731, 2.3654, 1.53025, 2.96327, 8.70277, 21.6253, 25, 0,
346 0, 1.53808, 2.07089, 2.22662, 3.14766, 7.57131, 14.2471, 20, 0,
347 0, 2.54185, 2.94079, 2.66362, 3.52374, 6.80629, 11.3325, 14.5186, 0,
348 0, 2.43664, 2.49436, 4.17446, 3.77162, 3.31898, 7.43896, 18.2548, 0,
349 0, 2.66465, 3.9858, 1.0855, 1.91916, 1.82719, 3.62289, 11.3872, 0,
350 0, 2.59071, 4.39003, 0.0757547, 3, 0.158868, 3.55454, 5.71387, 0,
351 0, 2.48014, 3.16071, 3.1975, 1.7259, 1.53532, 6.33812, 11.2325, 0,
352 0, 2.35236, 4.94998, 1.78836, 1.9115, 4.74233, 13.6973, 21.965, 0,
353 0, 3.52215, 0.812087, 1.1768, 2.95239, 4.3202, 6.04614, 13.6556, 0,
354 0, 3.79446, 2.80606, 0.88371, 3, 0.614106, 2.52782, 12.4441, 0,
355 0, 3.41363, 1.57296, 1.59021, 2.47593, 3.41146, 6.76304, 5.59471, 0,
356 0, 3.72529, 2.50889, 2, 3, 4.06815, 2.78676, 19.6427, 0,
357 0, 3.54713, -0.296079, 2.10851, 2.42037, 5.37573, 6.78065, 22.298, 0,
358 0, 3.61517, 1.96909, 2, 0.249865, 2.46639, 3.42483, 8.1652, 0} ;
361 // S115B failure: 1158700000 // 2006-09-19 21:06:40 UTC
363 if (time < 1158700000.) { // first workaround: just use calibration of PMT S115A
364 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
365 A0t[9][jj] = A0t[8][jj] ;
366 A1t[9][jj] = A1t[8][jj] ;
367 A2t[9][jj] = A2t[8][jj] ;
368 }
369 } // if time...
371 //============================================================================
373 // 2nd-order correction
374 Float_t corr_a[6][4] = { 0.977261, 0.353729, -0.83314, 0.452883, 1.27649, 3.53459,
375 -5.41948, 2.67854, 2.21926, 4.32797, -7.24001, 3.77247, 2.4202, 7.99552,
376 -12.4371, 6.08982, 2.04984, 13.3375, -19.178, 8.86101, 2.63322, 14.8072, -20.911,
377 9.57905 };
379 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
381 Float_t xv[6],yv[6];
382 Int_t iz;
383 Float_t x1[9],y1[9];
384 Int_t n1 = 9;
386 Float_t Layercharge[6] = {1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005. };
388 Int_t Layerinfo[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
390 Float_t adc[48],adc_c[48],PMTcharge_arr[48];
392 //------------------------------------------------------------------
394 PamTrack *track = L2->GetTrack(0);
396 Float_t beta_mean = fabs(track->GetToFTrack()->beta[12]);
398 // New!! If "beta_in" != 100. then overwrite beta_mean with beta_in
399 if (beta_in != 100.) beta_mean=beta_in;
401 Float_t def = track->GetTrkTrack()->al[4];
402 Float_t rig = 1./def;
404 Int_t ncount=0;
405 Float_t charge_chi=1000.;
407 //-------------------------------------------------------------
408 //------------------ ToF Charge ------------------------------
409 //-------------------------------------------------------------
411 // fill adc and tdc
413 Int_t ich,jj,kk;
415 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc[ich] = 4095.;
416 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc_c[ich] = 1000.;
417 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) PMTcharge_arr[ich] = 1000.;
421 if ((beta_mean < 0.05) || (beta_mean > 2.0)) {
422 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_trk[jj] = 1001.;
423 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_trk[jj] = 1001.;
424 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_trk[jj] = 1001.;
425 charge_trk = 1001.;
426 ncount_trk = 0;
427 }
430 if ((beta_mean > 0.05) && (beta_mean < 2.0)) {
432 Float_t betahelp = pow(beta_mean, 1.2);
434 //=======================================================================
436 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<L2->GetToFLevel2()->npmt() ; ipmt++){
437 ToFPMT *tofpmt = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetToFPMT(ipmt);
438 Int_t pmt_id = tofpmt->pmt_id;
439 adc[pmt_id] = tofpmt->adc ;
440 }
442 //=======================================================================
443 Float_t yl, yh, ym, m, b, chelp, charge;
445 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<track->GetToFTrack()->npmtadc; ipmt++){
446 Float_t dEdx = track->GetToFTrack()->dedx[ipmt];
447 ym = dEdx*betahelp;
448 Int_t pmtadc = track->GetToFTrack()->pmtadc[ipmt];
449 Int_t adcflag = track->GetToFTrack()->adcflag[ipmt];
450 L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPMTIndex(pmtadc,jj,kk);
451 if (adcflag==0) adc_c[pmtadc] = dEdx;
454 if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) adc_c[pmtadc] = 0.;
455 if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = 0.;
457 if ((adc[pmtadc]>PMTsat[pmtadc]) && (adc[pmtadc]<4095)) adc_c[pmtadc] = 1000.;
459 if (adc[pmtadc] < PMTsat[pmtadc]) {
460 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
461 if ((pmtadc!=1) && (pmtadc!=9) && (pmtadc!=28) && (pmtadc!=29) && (pmtadc!=34)) {
463 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
464 x1[jj] = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
465 y1[jj] = C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj] ;
466 }
468 TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(n1,x1,y1);
469 TSpline3 *spl2 = new TSpline3("grs",gr2); // use a cubic spline
470 chelp = spl2->Eval(ym);
471 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
472 charge = TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
473 gr2->Delete();
474 spl2->Delete();
475 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
476 } // pmtadc != ...
478 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 if ((pmtadc==1) || (pmtadc==9) || (pmtadc==28) || (pmtadc==29) || (pmtadc==34)) {
481 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<8; jj++ ){
482 yl = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
483 yh = A0t[pmtadc][jj+1]+A1t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
484 if ((yl<ym)&&(ym<yh)){
485 m = (C0t[pmtadc][jj+1]*C0t[pmtadc][jj+1] - C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) / (yh - yl);
486 b = (C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) - m*yl;
487 chelp = m*ym + b;
488 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
489 charge= TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
490 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
491 }
492 } // jj=0..8
493 } // if pmtadc ==....
494 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 } // adc < sat
497 } // ipmt...
499 //====================================================================
500 //================ Find out the hitted ToF paddles ===============
501 //====================================================================
503 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6; jj++){
504 xv[jj]=track->GetToFTrack()->xtr_tof[jj];
505 yv[jj]=track->GetToFTrack()->ytr_tof[jj];
506 }
508 Int_t PaddleIdOfTrack[6];
510 PaddleIdOfTrack[0] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[0], yv[0], 0, 0.) ;
511 PaddleIdOfTrack[1] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[1], yv[1], 1, 0.) ;
512 PaddleIdOfTrack[2] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[2], yv[2], 2, 0.) ;
513 PaddleIdOfTrack[3] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[3], yv[3], 3, 0.) ;
514 PaddleIdOfTrack[4] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[4], yv[4], 4, 0.) ;
515 PaddleIdOfTrack[5] = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xv[5], yv[5], 5, 0.) ;
517 //==============================================================
520 Int_t ihelp_a[6] = {0,16,28,32,36,42};
522 for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) {
523 Int_t jj = PaddleIdOfTrack[ilay] ;
524 //Float_t xhelp = 1000.;
525 Float_t xhelp = 1005.;
527 if (jj == -1) Layerinfo[ilay] = -1;
529 if (jj != -1) {
530 Int_t ih = ihelp_a[ilay] + 2*jj;
532 // New WM
533 Int_t igood1=0;
534 Int_t igood2=0;
535 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih] > 0.)) igood1=1;
536 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] > 0.)) igood2=1;
538 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==0.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==0.)) xhelp = 0.;
539 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==1)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
540 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih];
541 if ((igood2==1)&&(igood1==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1];
544 /*
545 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
546 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih] ;
547 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] ;
548 */
549 if (adc[ih] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
550 if (adc[ih+1] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
551 if ((adc[ih] > PMTsat[ih]) && (adc[ih] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
552 if ((adc[ih+1] > PMTsat[ih+1]) && (adc[ih+1] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
553 }
554 Layercharge[ilay] = xhelp;
555 } // ilay ...
559 //==========================================================================
560 //========================= 2nd-order correction =======================
561 //==========================================================================
563 Float_t xb = beta_mean;
565 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
566 Int_t ic = 0;
567 Float_t corr[4] = {1., 0., 0., 0.};
568 for (Int_t iii=1; iii<9; iii++) if (fabs(Layercharge[ii] - iii)<0.50) ic = iii;
569 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[ic-1][iii];
570 if (ic >5) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[5][iii];
572 Float_t c_corr = corr[0]+corr[1]*xb+corr[2]*xb*xb+corr[3]*xb*xb*xb;
574 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) c_corr = c_corr/(1.*ic) ;
575 if (ic>5) c_corr = c_corr/6. ;
577 Layercharge[ii] = Layercharge[ii]/c_corr;
579 }
581 //==========================================================================
582 //==========================================================================
585 Int_t icount=0;
586 Float_t charge_mean = 0.;
587 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
588 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_mean = charge_mean + Layercharge[ii] ;
589 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) icount++;
590 }
591 if (icount>0) charge_mean = charge_mean/(1.*icount) ;
593 if (icount>0) {
595 //for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<" ";
596 //cout<<endl;
599 vector<float> charge_v;
600 Float_t charge_median = 0.;
602 //////// get the median charge ////////////
603 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<6;ii++) {
604 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_v.push_back(Layercharge[ii]);
605 }
607 std::sort(charge_v.begin(),charge_v.end());
608 charge_median = charge_v[(int)(charge_v.size()/2+charge_v.size()%2)-1];
610 //cout<<charge_mean<<" "<<charge_median<<endl;
612 charge_mean = charge_median;
614 } // icount>0
617 //--- Calculate charge for the second time, use residuals of the single
618 //--- measurements to get a chi2 value
620 Float_t w_i_arr[8] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.45, 0.50};
622 icount=0;
623 Float_t sw=0.;
624 Float_t sxw=0.;
625 Float_t w_i = 1./0.5;
626 Float_t resmax= 3.0;
628 iz=1;
629 if ((0.0<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<1.5)) iz=1;
630 if ((1.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<2.5)) iz=2;
631 if ((2.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<3.5)) iz=3;
632 if ((3.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<4.5)) iz=4;
633 if ((4.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<5.5)) iz=5;
634 if ((5.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<6.5)) iz=6;
635 if ((6.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<7.5)) iz=7;
636 if ((7.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<90.)) iz=8;
638 w_i = 1./w_i_arr[iz-1];
640 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++){
641 if (Layercharge[jj] < 1000) {
642 Float_t res = charge_mean - Layercharge[jj] ;
643 if (fabs(res*w_i)<resmax) {
644 icount= icount+1;
645 sxw=sxw + Layercharge[jj]*w_i*w_i ;
646 sw =sw + w_i*w_i ;
647 }
648 }
649 }
652 ncount = icount;
653 if (icount>0) charge_chi=sxw/sw;
655 // cout<<" => "<<icount<<" "<<charge_chi<<endl;
657 //=============================================================
658 // changed 30-01-2009 WM
660 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_trk[jj] = PMTcharge_arr[jj];
661 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_trk[jj] = Layercharge[jj];
662 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_trk[jj] = Layerinfo[jj];
663 charge_trk = charge_chi;
664 ncount_trk = ncount;
666 } // 0.05 < beta < 2.0
668 } // if ntrk == 1
670 //================================================================
671 //============== Siegen version 1 =============
672 //============== standalone dEdx and beta =============
673 //================================================================
675 // ToF track
676 ToFTrkVar *track = L2->GetToFStoredTrack(-1);
677 // if(!track)return;
678 if(track) {
680 /*
681 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
682 3162.14, 3165.48, 3153.85, 3085.73, 3089.65, 3107.64, 3097.52, 3078.37, 3130.05, 3087.07, 3112.22,
683 3102.92, 3080.58, 3092.55, 3087.94, 3125.03, 3094.09, 3143.16,
684 3125.51, 3181.27, 3092.09, 3124.98, 3069.3, 3095.53, 3097.11, 3133.53, 3114.73, 3113.01, 3091.19,
685 3097.99, 3033.84, 3134.98, 3081.37, 3111.04, 3066.77, 3108.17,
686 3133, 3111.06, 3052.52, 3140.66, 3106.33, 3094.85, 3150.85, 3118.8, 3096.24, 3118.47,3111.36, 3117.11
687 };
688 */
690 // new values from Napoli dec 2008
691 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
692 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
693 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
694 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
695 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
696 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
697 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
699 for (Int_t i=0; i<48;i++) PMTsat[i] = PMTsat[i] - 5.; // safety margin
702 Float_t C0t[48][9] = {
703 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
704 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
705 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
706 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
707 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
708 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
709 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
710 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
711 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
712 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
713 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
714 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
715 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
716 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
717 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92,
718 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 92 };
721 Float_t A0t[48][9] = {
722 0, 0.707632, 5.09223, 7.99994, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000, 0, 0.636707, 6.37524, 8, 11, 13.0002,
723 16.0001, 18, 2000, 0, 0.952117, 6.04188, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000, 0, 0.880805, 5.80883,
724 8.00003, 11.0001, 13.0005, 16.0011, 18.0027, 2000, 0, 0.834937, 5.12617, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9998,
725 2000, 0, 0.772954, 5.17221, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18.0006, 2000, 0, 0.911496, 5.04755, 8, 11, 13, 16,
726 18, 2000, 0, 0.86523, 5.55215, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000, 0, 1.06061, 5.49757, 12, 15, 20,
727 25, 25, 2000, 0, 0.5, 1.8, 3, 3.8, 6.49999, 7.99996, 8.99998, 2000, 0, 1.06974, 4.86153,
728 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000, 0, 1.0465, 6.00778, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000, 0, 1.18132,
729 5.48741, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000, 0, 1.10823, 5.43611, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000, 0,
730 1.19621, 5.27647, 7.99994, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000, 0, 1.72505, 5.14873, 8.00006, 11, 13, 16,
731 17.9999, 2000, 0, 1.48515, 6.07123, 8.00006, 11, 13.0003, 16, 17.9999, 2000, 0, 1.17628,
732 6.63392, 8.00011, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999, 2000, 0, 1.11301, 5.94317, 7.99999, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000,
733 0, 1.04361, 6.40789, 8.00002, 11.0002, 13.0015, 16, 17.9996, 2000, 0, 1.12658, 5.69828, 8, 11,
734 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000, 0, 0.840188, 5.44945, 8.00005, 11, 13, 16, 18, 2000, 0, 1.16985, 6.21385,
735 8.00012, 11, 13.0002, 16, 17.9999, 2000, 0, 0.977696, 5.70252, 8.00004, 11, 13, 16, 17.9999,
736 2000, 0, 1.26298, 6.03137, 8.00003, 11, 13, 16.0009, 17.9998, 2000, 0, 0.988707, 5.98453, 8, 11,
737 13, 16, 18.0001, 2000, 0, 1.22109, 6.76385, 8.00002, 11, 13.0005, 16.0001, 18.0006, 2000, 0,
738 1.65541, 6.01998, 8.00006, 11.0057, 13, 16, 18, 2000, 0, 1.59779, 6.00152, 7.00005, 7.99997,
739 8.99997, 14.9991, 18, 2000, 0, 1.6515, 5.95297, 7.99999, 10, 12, 14.9995, 18, 2000, 0, 1.70339,
740 6.43684, 9, 12, 14, 16, 21.9999, 2000, 0, 1.64867, 5.6503, 8, 10, 12, 14.9999, 18, 2000, 0,
741 1.83955, 6.64378, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000, 0, 1.71975, 6.42585, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 2000, 0,
742 1.88735, 6.12987, 8, 10, 12, 15.0001, 18, 2000, 0, 1.86719, 5.94227, 8, 10, 12, 14.9999, 20,
743 2000, 0, 2.55127, 5.83621, 8.99997, 12, 15, 17.9999, 21.9998, 2000, 0, 2.59328, 5.90275,
744 8.99999, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000, 0, 2.63523, 6.56428, 9.00004, 12, 15.0003, 18.001, 22.0029, 2000,
745 0, 2.63114, 6.77412, 8.99995, 11.9998, 14.9997, 17.9996, 21.9998, 2000, 0, 2.48986, 6.43372,
746 8.99996, 11.9998, 14.9995, 17.9997, 21.9995, 2000, 0, 2.43724, 6.51911, 9.00012, 12, 15, 18,
747 21.9999, 2000, 0, 3.21403, 5.7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000, 0, 3.3517, 6.30461, 8.99997, 12, 15,
748 18, 22, 2000, 0, 3.0843, 5.90189, 8.99993, 12, 15, 18, 22, 2000, 0, 3.35806, 6.20792, 8.99998,
749 12.0001, 15, 18, 22, 2000, 0, 3.13525, 5.60432, 8.99997, 12, 15.0001, 18, 22, 2000, 0, 3.26271,
750 6.38934, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22.0001, 2000 };
752 Float_t A1t[48][9] = {
753 0, 0.182202, -3.48762, -4.67241, -5.61872, 2.35336, -2.4112, -0.7861, 0, 0, 0.528581, -6.33244,
754 0.176685, -3.3272, 5.47434, 7.62771, 18.9223, 0, 0, -0.148985, -5.31035, -3.1044, -1.84685,
755 -0.678725, -0.00713058, 11.2127, 0, 0, 0.01113, -4.6759, -0.669811, 1.69435, 7.44019, 12.2231,
756 26.9653, 0, 0, 0.0567585, -3.05564, -2.57264, -0.0868904, 4.88938, 2.64699, -10, 0, 0, 0.331112,
757 -3.06987, -0.451796, -0.660912, 4.49088, 6.43095, 16.7904, 0, 0, 0.0779621, -2.64271, -2.29896,
758 -1.95824, 1.8888, 1.02257, 10.5746, 0, 0, 0.257346, -3.93191, 0.564894, 2.04068, 4.12823,
759 5.87416, 16.2268, 0, 0, -0.332593, -3.65149, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.5, 0, -6.80247,
760 -9.43463, -8.44329, 0, 0, -0.25099, -2.53532, -2.43846, -2.94008, -1.01258, -1.10502, 5.16068,
761 0, 0, -0.101144, -4.98664, -0.369916, 2.2648, 4.2727, 3.1653, 19.8617, 0, 0, -0.5074, -3.98429,
762 -0.306633, 0.562595, 5.05787, 4.70127, 14.2399, 0, 0, -0.326603, -3.83632, -1.75409, -1.86815,
763 0.84194, 1.32718, 14.4304, 0, 0, -0.597543, -3.82759, -6.9094, -2.88583, 5.50573, 4.30943,
764 18.0664, 0, 0, -1.86862, -3.80777, -2.69084, -4.09258, 1.59904, 4.61543, 13.8186, 0, 0,
765 -0.932447, -6.02195, -0.891975, 0.870346, 7.22131, 6.03928, 20.5102, 0, 0, -0.439221, -7.66335,
766 -2.7363, -3.29581, 3.74263, 3.2571, 15.8539, 0, 0, -0.487944, -5.05733, -2.61662, -2.86336,
767 2.65017, -0.919043, 7.10535, 0, 0, -0.0329559, -6.07396, -0.0044396, 2.75593, 8.87808, 14.9627,
768 28.8783, 0, 0, -0.573054, -4.15302, -2.15074, -1.83499, 0.969726, 1.36361, 17.6185, 0, 0,
769 0.238198, -3.75628, -1.02674, 1.12711, 3.06917, 2.61956, 11.2723, 0, 0, -0.473325, -5.88165,
770 -2.10476, -0.508963, 4.24835, 6.41943, 14.9346, 0, 0, 0.0585487, -4.40372, -1.45949, 1.31992,
771 4.7115, 5.03433, 11.968, 0, 0, -0.836615, -5.05945, -0.644868, 2.3894, 9.40413, 11.4195,
772 25.3239, 0, 0, 0.026064, -4.78872, -0.819969, -0.57223, 1.84866, 0.29272, 15.1362, 0, 0,
773 -0.659228, -6.61715, 0.371846, 4.36719, 10.657, 17.8551, 29.3359, 0, 0, -1.27483, -4.52966,
774 -1.85458, -0.9634, 3.65819, 2.89211, 13.508, 0, 0, -1.49858, -5.08299, 0.103222, 3.84545,
775 3.46523, -13.6535, -20, 0, 0, -1.70043, -4.92192, -2.46523, -0.681845, -2.80632, -8.55159, -20,
776 0, 0, -1.85437, -5.65787, -1.56314, 0.372468, 4.54151, 2.97956, -7.90681, 0, 0, -1.78092,
777 -4.19601, -1.84397, -0.175657, -2.0339, -5.64021, -20, 0, 0, -2.08786, -6.05197, -1.81875,
778 -0.423923, 5.86772, 7.50042, 4.22714, 0, 0, -1.78679, -5.6835, -1.22858, -0.764359, 2.71007,
779 4.16034, 4.49981, 0, 0, -2.21623, -5.39176, -0.174751, 0.19786, -1.93316, -7.45927, -20, 0, 0,
780 -2.2076, -4.93708, -1.49415, 0.576195, 0.552502, -5.02466, -18, 0, 0, -3.95472, -4.97236,
781 -5.73642, -7.17611, -8.40014, -10.7071, -13.5198, 0, 0, -3.98713, -4.90269, -4.51467, -4.74549,
782 -5.13124, -6.02539, -4.36386, 0, 0, -4.09193, -6.36148, -1.92129, 0.535293, 4.36379, 8.09335,
783 21.4513, 0, 0, -4.09301, -6.86077, -8.51634, -10.7671, -15.4194, -19.8748, -18.2532, 0, 0,
784 -3.66083, -6.39249, -8.20002, -12.5867, -18.523, -21.1403, -22.5493, 0, 0, -3.66449, -6.84751,
785 -3.49245, -4.82854, 0.21682, 0.54105, -16.1417, 0, 0, -5.55283, -4.22, -4.20093, -2.0392,
786 -1.493, 0.481244, 6.28662, 0, 0, -5.93701, -5.45729, -6.95403, -6.68625, -5.13187, -5.10613,
787 -2.64945, 0, 0, -5.25381, -4.94071, -7.72978, -4.67849, -4.74316, -3.91651, 1.17451, 0, 0,
788 -6.01523, -5.33454, -6.26672, -5.88745, -8.91118, -11.1342, -7.91073, 0, 0, -5.53583, -4.3686,
789 -8.88023, -6.36106, -4.70941, -3.2139, -0.381882, 0, 0, -5.7646, -6.25807, -5.12981, -1.5055,
790 -1.11425, -0.388791, 8.42188, 0 } ;
792 Float_t A2t[48][9] = {
793 0, 0.317852, 2.46394, 4.35287, 6.69993, 1.37704, 9.38636, 22.3426, 0, 0, 0.0270999, 4.03858,
794 0.614142, 7.64715, 3, 4.55046, 9.46688, 0, 0, 0.422802, 3.25444, 2.83067, 3.78916, 7.15528,
795 9.61404, 9.53181, 0, 0, 0.27719, 2.81849, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0.257138, 1.96682, 2.66388,
796 2.02686, 0.981737, 7.07876, 32, 0, 0, 0.0777448, 1.95238, 0.591915, 3.36314, 1.71777, 3.1121, 3,
797 0, 0, 0.201297, 1.54333, 2.06343, 3.81529, 3.47056, 7.66122, 10.2165, 0, 0, 0.090275, 2.35456,
798 0.150419, 1.48979, 4.43331, 6.09798, 9.59925, 0, 0, 0.472466, 2.2568, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
799 0, 0, 5.8114, 8.76464, 11.718, 0, 0, 0.369669, 1.66502, 2.21937, 4.8545, 6.71778, 9.52608,
800 13.5645, 0, 0, 0.278447, 3.03196, 0.562358, 0.978803, 4.19387, 9.26949, 4.33973, 0, 0, 0.488781,
801 2.52383, 0.674871, 2.54554, 2.33603, 6.75428, 10.7769, 0, 0, 0.396462, 2.42949, 1.33035, 3.9579,
802 4.98889, 7.41728, 8.78462, 0, 0, 0.616543, 2.39152, 7.13157, 4.52173, 0.795959, 5.05895,
803 3.58876, 0, 0, 1.3407, 2.54098, 2, 7.35567, 6.08494, 6.47321, 6.60084, 0, 0, 0.855061, 3.97328,
804 2, 3, 3, 10.1946, 7.06782, 0, 0, 0.492265, 5.11681, 2, 2.24085, 0.00142742, 3.12852, 1.94308, 0,
805 0, 0.594536, 3.10529, 2.07652, 4.86122, 2.7748, 10.0368, 14.8149, 0, 0, 0.220041, 3.69287, 2, 3,
806 3, 0.0668348, 0.124322, 0, 0, 0.652342, 2.52474, 1.92129, 3.97957, 5.4076, 8.66393, 5.53485, 0,
807 0, 0.109911, 2.37426, 2, 2.09403, 4.25338, 7.64627, 8.96803, 0, 0, 0.503317, 3.66579, 2, 3, 3,
808 3.95553, 7.79201, 0, 0, 0.18358, 2.71524, 2, 1.64493, 2.67235, 6.00813, 13.3661, 0, 0, 0.762639,
809 3.10968, 2, 1.79493, 0.0228019, 3, 6.68329, 0, 0, 0.218363, 2.87712, 0.218535, 3, 4.57375,
810 9.68986, 4.89219, 0, 0, 0.675406, 4.00709, 2, 1.07325, 3, 0.182969, 8.20433, 0, 0, 0.991549,
811 2.68269, 2, 3.876, 2.94015, 6.72011, 7.03988, 0, 0, 1.02743, 3.12518, 2, 2.20294, 6.63646,
812 22.0153, 35, 0, 0, 1.18885, 3.01461, 2.30242, 3.46316, 8.98077, 16.6101, 35, 0, 0, 1.47119,
813 3.24004, 1.07333, 2.31147, 2.98418, 9.99881, 28.0778, 0, 0, 1.28408, 2.55246, 1.49292, 3.01143,
814 8.45419, 13.2062, 35, 0, 0, 1.56497, 3.35834, 0.73553, 3, 2.13162, 5.84836, 18.6428, 0, 0,
815 1.39782, 3.19843, 0.593735, 3.34643, 4.22204, 6.78619, 12.8529, 0, 0, 1.46182, 3.30186,
816 0.0348858, 3.87061, 9.87769, 16.8741, 35, 0, 0, 1.50597, 3.03838, 1.62411, 2.96043, 7.1428,
817 15.4035, 35, 0, 0, 2.6053, 2.92019, 3.8816, 7.13833, 9.84022, 13.4445, 22.2018, 0, 0, 2.58901,
818 2.74623, 2.66245, 5.37385, 8.40354, 11.6502, 17.4423, 0, 0, 2.65151, 3.592, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0,
819 2.65586, 3.87903, 6.12175, 9.92231, 16.1427, 21.4766, 21.4604, 0, 0, 2.38768, 3.77375, 5.67703,
820 11.8596, 18.8674, 20.8655, 24.5083, 0, 0, 2.40258, 4.1273, 2, 5.81564, 2.29756, 4.40615,
821 32.3639, 0, 0, 3.54156, 2.13, 2.79762, 2.76993, 4.67104, 5.20053, 8.36394, 0, 0, 3.76292,
822 2.83393, 5.30926, 6.67988, 7.35393, 9.46522, 14.8599, 0, 0, 3.37723, 2.74166, 6.71253, 5.63259,
823 8.42885, 9.99872, 14.8742, 0, 0, 3.83378, 2.79501, 4.78642, 5.94201, 11.4635, 14.7442, 16.5806,
824 0, 0, 3.59181, 2.3773, 7.14813, 5.60101, 6.47122, 6.64957, 14.2374, 0, 0, 3.68523, 3.54382,
825 3.92867, 2.18506, 5.56025, 7.75895, 7.448, 0 } ;
828 // S115B failure: 1158700000 // 2006-09-19 21:06:40 UTC
830 if (time < 1158700000.) { // first workaround: just use calibration of PMT S115A
831 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
832 A0t[9][jj] = A0t[8][jj] ;
833 A1t[9][jj] = A1t[8][jj] ;
834 A2t[9][jj] = A2t[8][jj] ;
835 }
836 } // if time...
839 // 2nd-order correction
840 Float_t corr_a[6][4] = {
841 0.551894 , 2.24353 , -3.35885 , 1.51401 , 0.915691 , 4.83967 , -6.85389 , 3.13679 ,
842 1.84338 , 5.63517 , -8.41577 , 4.04055 , 1.51216 , 11.3233 , -16.2119 , 7.45008 ,
843 1.50481 , 15.2538 , -21.2003 , 9.51127 , 1.82038 , 17.5336 , -23.5512 , 10.3036 };
845 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
847 Float_t xv[6],yv[6];
848 Int_t iz;
850 Float_t x1[9],y1[9];
851 Int_t n1 = 9;
853 Float_t Layercharge[6] = {1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005., 1005. };
855 Int_t Layerinfo[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
857 Float_t adc[48],adc_c[48],PMTcharge_arr[48];
859 Float_t beta_mean = fabs(track->beta[12]);
861 // New!! If "beta_in" != 100. then overwrite beta_mean with beta_in
862 if (beta_in != 100.) beta_mean=beta_in;
864 Int_t ncount=0;
865 Float_t charge_chi=1000.;
868 //-------------------------------------------------------------
870 // fill adc and tdc
872 Int_t ich,jj,kk;
874 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc[ich] = 4095.;
875 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) adc_c[ich] = 1000.;
876 for (ich=0; ich<48; ich++) PMTcharge_arr[ich] = 1000.;
879 if ((beta_mean < 0.05) || (beta_mean > 2.0)) {
880 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_std[jj] = 1001.;
881 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_std[jj] = 1001.;
882 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_std[jj] = 1001.;
883 charge_std = 1001.;
884 ncount_std = 0;
885 }
888 if ((beta_mean > 0.05) && (beta_mean < 2.0)) {
890 Float_t betahelp = pow(beta_mean, 1.2);
892 //=======================================================================
894 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<L2->GetToFLevel2()->npmt() ; ipmt++){
895 ToFPMT *tofpmt = L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetToFPMT(ipmt);
896 Int_t pmt_id = tofpmt->pmt_id;
897 adc[pmt_id] = tofpmt->adc ;
898 }
900 //=======================================================================
902 Float_t yl, yh, ym, m, b, chelp, charge;
905 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<track->npmtadc; ipmt++){
906 Float_t dEdx = track->dedx[ipmt];
907 ym = dEdx*betahelp;
908 Int_t pmtadc = track->pmtadc[ipmt];
909 Int_t adcflag = track->adcflag[ipmt];
910 L2->GetToFLevel2()->GetPMTIndex(pmtadc,jj,kk);
911 if (adcflag==0) adc_c[pmtadc] = dEdx;
913 if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) adc_c[pmtadc] = 0.;
914 if (adc[pmtadc] == 4095) PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = 0.;
916 if ((adc[pmtadc]>PMTsat[pmtadc]) && (adc[pmtadc]<4095)) adc_c[pmtadc] = 1000.;
918 if (adc[pmtadc] < PMTsat[pmtadc]) {
920 if ((pmtadc!=4) && (pmtadc!=8) && (pmtadc!=28) && (pmtadc!=31) && (pmtadc!=34) && (pmtadc!=39) && (pmtadc!=41) && (pmtadc!=46)) {
922 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<9; jj++ ){
923 x1[jj] = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
924 y1[jj] = C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj] ;
925 // cout<<x1[jj]<<" "<<y1[jj]<<" ";
926 }
927 // cout<<endl;
930 TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(n1,x1,y1);
931 TSpline3 *spl2 = new TSpline3("grs",gr2); // use a cubic spline
932 chelp = spl2->Eval(ym);
933 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
934 charge = TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
936 gr2->Delete();
937 spl2->Delete();
938 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
939 } // pmtadc != ...
941 if ((pmtadc==4) && (pmtadc==8) || (pmtadc==28) || (pmtadc==31) || (pmtadc==34) || (pmtadc==39) && (pmtadc==41) || (pmtadc==46)) {
942 for ( Int_t jj=0; jj<8; jj++ ){
943 yl = A0t[pmtadc][jj]+A1t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
944 yh = A0t[pmtadc][jj+1]+A1t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean+A2t[pmtadc][jj+1]*beta_mean*beta_mean;
945 if ((yl<ym)&&(ym<yh)){
946 m = (C0t[pmtadc][jj+1]*C0t[pmtadc][jj+1] - C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) / (yh - yl);
947 b = (C0t[pmtadc][jj]*C0t[pmtadc][jj]) - m*yl;
948 chelp = m*ym + b;
949 if (chelp<0.) chelp=0.0001; //WM new
950 charge= TMath::Sqrt(chelp);
951 PMTcharge_arr[pmtadc] = charge;
952 }
953 } // jj=0..8
954 } // if pmtadc ==....
956 } // adc < sat
957 } // ipmt...
960 //====================================================================
961 //============= Check ToF standalone using HitPaddle ===================
962 //====================================================================
964 Int_t PaddleIdOfTrack[6] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};;
966 for(jj=0; jj<8; jj++){
967 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(0,jj);
968 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[0] = jj;
969 }
970 for(jj=0; jj<6; jj++){
971 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(1,jj);
972 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[1] = jj;
973 }
976 for(jj=0; jj<2; jj++){
977 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(2,jj);
978 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[2] = jj;
979 }
980 for(jj=0; jj<2; jj++){
981 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(3,jj);
982 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[3] = jj;
983 }
985 for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++){
986 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(4,jj);
987 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[4] = jj;
988 }
989 for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++){
990 Int_t HitPad = L2->GetToFLevel2()->HitPaddle(5,jj);
991 if (HitPad==1) PaddleIdOfTrack[5] = jj;
992 }
994 //==============================================================
997 Int_t ihelp_a[6] = {0,16,28,32,36,42};
999 for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) {
1000 Int_t jj = PaddleIdOfTrack[ilay] ;
1001 //Float_t xhelp = 1000.;
1002 Float_t xhelp = 1005.;
1004 if (jj == -1) Layerinfo[ilay] = -1;
1006 if (jj != -1) {
1007 Int_t ih = ihelp_a[ilay] + 2*jj;
1009 // New WM
1010 Int_t igood1=0;
1011 Int_t igood2=0;
1012 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih] > 0.)) igood1=1;
1013 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] > 0.)) igood2=1;
1015 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==0.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==0.)) xhelp = 0.;
1016 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==1)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
1017 if ((igood1==1)&&(igood2==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih];
1018 if ((igood2==1)&&(igood1==0)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1];
1021 /*
1022 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = 0.5*(PMTcharge_arr[ih]+PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]) ;
1023 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih] < 1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1]==1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih] ;
1024 if ((PMTcharge_arr[ih]==1000.) && (PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] < 1000.)) xhelp = PMTcharge_arr[ih+1] ;
1025 */
1027 if (adc[ih] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
1028 if (adc[ih+1] == 4095) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 1;
1029 if ((adc[ih] > PMTsat[ih]) && (adc[ih] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
1030 if ((adc[ih+1] > PMTsat[ih+1]) && (adc[ih+1] < 4095)) Layerinfo[ilay] = Layerinfo[ilay] + 10;
1033 }
1034 Layercharge[ilay] = xhelp;
1035 } // ilay ...
1038 //cout<<"Std: ";
1039 //for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) cout<<Layercharge[ilay]<<" ";
1041 //==========================================================================
1042 //========================= 2nd-order correction =======================
1043 //==========================================================================
1045 Float_t xb = beta_mean;
1047 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
1048 Int_t ic = 0;
1049 Float_t corr[4] = {1., 0., 0., 0.};
1050 //for (Int_t iii=1; iii<9; iii++) if (fabs(Layercharge[ii] - iii)<0.50) ic = iii;
1051 for (Int_t iii=1; iii<10; iii++) if (fabs(Layercharge[ii] - iii)<0.50) ic = iii;
1052 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[ic-1][iii];
1053 if (ic >5) for (Int_t iii=0; iii<4; iii++) corr[iii] = corr_a[5][iii];
1055 Float_t c_corr = corr[0]+corr[1]*xb+corr[2]*xb*xb+corr[3]*xb*xb*xb;
1057 if ((ic>0)&&(ic<=5)) c_corr = c_corr/(1.*ic) ;
1058 if (ic>5) c_corr = c_corr/6. ;
1060 //cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<" "<<ic<<" "<<c_corr<<" => ";
1061 Layercharge[ii] = Layercharge[ii]/c_corr;
1062 //cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<endl;
1064 }
1067 //==========================================================================
1068 //cout<<"In ToFNuclei Std: ";
1069 //for (Int_t ilay=0; ilay<6; ilay ++) cout<<Layercharge[ilay]<<" ";
1070 //cout<<endl;
1071 //==========================================================================
1074 Int_t icount=0;
1075 Float_t charge_mean = 0.;
1076 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {
1077 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_mean = charge_mean + Layercharge[ii] ;
1078 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) icount++;
1079 }
1080 if (icount>0) charge_mean = charge_mean/(1.*icount) ;
1082 if (icount>0) {
1084 //for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) cout<<Layercharge[ii]<<" ";
1085 //cout<<endl;
1088 vector<float> charge_v;
1089 Float_t charge_median = 0.;
1091 //////// get the median charge ////////////
1092 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<6;ii++) {
1093 if (Layercharge[ii] < 1000) charge_v.push_back(Layercharge[ii]);
1094 }
1096 std::sort(charge_v.begin(),charge_v.end());
1097 charge_median = charge_v[(int)(charge_v.size()/2+charge_v.size()%2)-1];
1099 //cout<<charge_mean<<" "<<charge_median<<endl;
1101 charge_mean = charge_median;
1103 } // icount>0
1105 //--- Calculate charge for the second time, use residuals of the single
1106 //--- measurements to get a chi2 value
1108 // Float_t w_i_arr[8] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.45, 0.50};
1109 Float_t w_i_arr[8] = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.40, 0.50, 0.55};
1111 icount=0;
1112 Float_t sw=0.;
1113 Float_t sxw=0.;
1114 Float_t w_i = 1./0.5;
1115 Float_t resmax= 3.0;
1117 iz=1;
1118 if ((0.0<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<1.5)) iz=1;
1119 if ((1.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<2.5)) iz=2;
1120 if ((2.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<3.5)) iz=3;
1121 if ((3.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<4.5)) iz=4;
1122 if ((4.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<5.5)) iz=5;
1123 if ((5.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<6.5)) iz=6;
1124 if ((6.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<7.5)) iz=7;
1125 if ((7.5<charge_mean) & (charge_mean<90.)) iz=8;
1127 w_i = 1./w_i_arr[iz-1];
1130 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++){
1131 if (Layercharge[jj] < 1000) {
1132 Float_t res = charge_mean - Layercharge[jj] ;
1133 if (fabs(res*w_i)<resmax) {;
1134 icount= icount+1;
1135 sxw=sxw + Layercharge[jj]*w_i*w_i ;
1136 sw =sw + w_i*w_i ;
1137 }
1138 }
1139 }
1141 if (icount>0) charge_chi=sxw/sw;
1143 ncount = icount;
1145 //cout<<" => "<<icount<<" "<<charge_chi<<endl;
1148 // charge_tof = charge_chi;
1150 // changed 30-01-2009 WM
1152 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<48;jj++) charge_PMT_std[jj] = PMTcharge_arr[jj];
1153 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) charge_layer_std[jj] = Layercharge[jj];
1154 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) layerinfo_std[jj] = Layerinfo[jj];
1155 charge_std = charge_chi;
1156 ncount_std = ncount;
1158 } // 0.05 < fabs( beta) < 2.0
1161 } // standalone track found
1163 }

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