/[PAMELA software]/root2paw/install.sh
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Contents of /root2paw/install.sh

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Mon Dec 5 16:17:37 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: GroundDataConvert, MAIN
CVS Tags: start, v3r00, v4r00, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
File MIME type: application/x-sh
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1 #!/bin/bash --norc
2 THISDIR=`pwd`
3 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
4 I=1
5 NOENV=""
6 INDIR=""
7 YODA=""
8 while [ $I -le $# ]; do
9 if [ $I -eq 1 ]; then
10 INPUT=$1
11 fi
12 if [ $I -eq 2 ]; then
13 INPUT=$2
14 fi
15 if [ $I -eq 3 ]; then
16 INPUT=$3
17 fi
18 if [ $I -eq 4 ]; then
19 INPUT=$4
20 fi
21 if [ $I -eq 5 ]; then
22 INPUT=$5
23 fi
24 if [ $INPUT == "--clean" ]; then
25 echo ""
26 echo ""
27 echo "============= MAKE DISTCLEAN =================="
28 echo ""
29 make distclean
30 cd $THISDIR &>/dev/null
31 exit 0;
32 fi
33 if [ $INPUT == "--no-env" ]; then
34 NOENV="1"
35 fi
36 if [ $INPUT == "--help" ] || [ $INPUT == "-h" ]; then
37 echo ""
38 echo " Usage: ./install.sh [options] "
39 echo ""
40 echo " Options: "
41 echo ""
42 echo " --no-env : compile and install without PAMELA environmental setup. "
43 echo " In this case only standalone program will work and it will"
44 echo " not possible to use the ROOT macros (they will NOT be "
45 echo " installed). Notice that the executables will statically "
46 echo " search for the calibration files in the given path."
47 echo " If this option is set it is mandatory to give also"
48 echo " the --install-dir and --with-yoda options."
49 echo ""
50 echo " --install-dir=[directory] : the directory were to install programs."
51 echo " If not existing the following subdirectories will be created:"
52 echo " lib/ include/ calib/ doc/ bin/"
53 echo " To be able to use the compiled program you will need to add"
54 echo " the [directory]/lib/ directory to your ld.so.conf file or to"
55 echo " the LD_CONFIG_PATH environmental variable."
56 echo ""
57 echo " --with-yoda=[directory] : path to the YODA source. To compile"
58 echo " programs you need the YODA header files that must be found in"
59 echo " [directory]/include/yoda/ and the YODA library that must be in"
60 echo " [directory]/lib/ ."
61 echo ""
62 echo " To compile and install using the PAMELA environmental setup you do not"
63 echo " need any option and, if given, they will not be considered."
64 echo ""
65 echo ""
66 exit 0
67 fi
68 TEST=`echo $INPUT | sed 's/--install-dir=//g'`
69 if [ $TEST != $INPUT ]; then
71 fi
72 TEST=`echo $INPUT | sed 's/--with-yoda=//g'`
73 if [ $TEST != $INPUT ]; then
75 fi
76 let I=$I+1
77 done
78 if [ $NOENV ]; then
79 if [ $YODA ]; then
80 if [ $INDIR ]; then
81 echo ""
82 echo " Compiling and installing software _WITHOUT_ environmental setup "
83 echo ""
84 echo " WARNING: only standalone programs will work "
85 echo ""
86 echo ""
87 rm -rf ${THISDIR}/target
88 mkdir ${THISDIR}/target
89 mkdir ${THISDIR}/target/macros
90 unset PAM_CCO
91 export PAM_CCO=1
92 unset PAM_MACROS
93 export PAM_MACROS=${THISDIR}/target/macros
94 unset PAM_YODA
95 export PAM_YODA=$INDIR
96 if [ $YODA ]; then
97 unset PAM_YODA
98 export PAM_YODA=$YODA
99 fi;
100 if [ ! -d $INDIR ]; then
101 mkdir $INDIR
102 fi
103 if [ ! -d $INDIR/bin/ ]; then
104 mkdir $INDIR/bin/
105 fi
106 unset PAM_BIN
107 export PAM_BIN=$INDIR/bin/
108 if [ ! -d $INDIR/lib/ ]; then
109 mkdir $INDIR/lib/
110 fi
111 unset PAM_LIB
112 export PAM_LIB=$INDIR/lib/
113 if [ ! -d $INDIR/include/ ]; then
114 mkdir $INDIR/include/
115 fi
116 unset PAM_INC
117 export PAM_INC=$INDIR/include/
118 if [ ! -d $INDIR/calib/ ]; then
119 mkdir $INDIR/calib/
120 fi
121 unset PAM_CALIB
122 export PAM_CALIB=$INDIR/calib/
123 if [ ! -d $INDIR/doc/ ]; then
124 mkdir $INDIR/doc/
125 fi
126 unset PAM_DOC
127 export PAM_DOC=$INDIR/doc/
128 fi
129 fi;
130 else
131 echo ""
132 echo " Compiling and installing software _USING_ the environmental setup "
133 fi;
134 else
135 echo ""
136 echo " Compiling and installing software _USING_ the environmental setup "
137 fi;
138 echo ""
139 echo " WARNING: you will need to add ${PAM_LIB} "
140 echo " to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or to the /etc/ld.so.conf file"
141 echo " You may also want to add ${PAM_BIN} to your PATH "
142 echo ""
143 sleep 5
144 #
145 unset ARCH
146 export ARCH=`uname`
147 export THISDIR=`pwd`
149 echo ""
150 echo ""
151 echo "============= COMPILING AND INSTALLING THE ROOT2PAW PACKAGE ================="
152 echo ""
153 make distclean all upgrade
154 cd $THISDIR &>/dev/null
155 #
156 rm -rf ${THISDIR}/target

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