/[PAMELA software]/rawreader/src/Verify.cpp
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Contents of /rawreader/src/Verify.cpp

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Dec 10 12:52:48 2006 UTC (18 years, 2 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r13
Changes since 1.2: +191 -132 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 ///////////////PAMELA PACKETS READER/////////////////////////////////
2 #include "descript.h"
3 #include "flag.h"
5 #include "CRC.h"
7 short int CRC_H(char [], char []);
8 extern char MYSQL[80];
9 extern char database[80];
10 extern float YODA_flag;
11 extern float transmit_flag;
12 extern int print_flag;
14 void verify(char fni[], char inf[], char log[], char pam[],
15 char fno[], char path[], char name_ini[], char name_in[], int packet_type[],
16 float IndexQ, int r_counter, int real_route[])
17 {
18 FILE *fo_log, *fo_inf, *fo_miss, *fo_row;
20 time_t seconds;
22 struct tm *timeinfo;
23 char time_year[5], time_month[5], time_day[5];
24 char data_time[80];
25 char cirquit_no[10], route_no[80], name_path[80], name_cln2[80];
26 char connection[80];
27 bool file_ready, file_deleted, file_archived, file_proces;
28 int flag_to_transmit=0;
29 int flag_sec_trans=0; /*Second transmission flag*/
30 int num_rows=0;
31 int current_route=0;
33 char str_route[10];
34 char str_file[80];
36 char ch, ttt[80];
37 char miss_file[80];
38 char Name_Buf[9]; /*Name buffer*/
39 char Name_Buf_add[9]; /*Header buffer*/
40 char buff[16];
41 char Name_Buf_old[9]; /*Old name buffer*/
42 char Name_Buf_add_old[9]; /*Old header buffer*/
44 short int CalcCheckSum=0;
45 int num_type=0; /*Packet type number*/
46 int num_type1=0;
47 int num_type2=0;
48 int stop=0;
49 int Hex[3];
50 int Byte_adr1[4]; /*Bytes for Packet begin packing*/
51 int Byte_adr2[4]; /*Bytes for Packet end packing*/
52 int packet_counter[NumberPack+1]; /*Counter for each packet type*/
53 int count_name_cor=0; /*Counter for packet with corrected name*/
54 int er_pack_CRC=0; /*CRC error packet counter*/
55 int er_pack_Len=0; /*Length error packet counter*/
56 int er_pack_count=0; /*Errors counter*/
57 int count_miss=0; /*Missed packet counter*/
58 int count_sec_miss=0;
59 int P_er=0; /*Number of packet with counter error*/
60 int flag_CRC_H[3]; /*Flag for CRC header error*/
61 int flag_pack[3]; /*Flag for error in packet counter*/
62 int flag_len[3]; /*Flag for PAMELA packet length error*/
63 int flag_len_weak[3]; /*Suspicion flag for PAMELA packet length error*/
64 int flag_name[3]; /*Flag for name error*/
65 int flag_type[3]; /*Flag for packet type error*/
66 int flag_time[3]; /*Flag for time error*/
67 int flag_CRC_cor[3]; /*Flag for CRC error correction*/
68 int CRC_bad_pack[3]; /*Current header CRC bad packet number*/
69 int CRC_Header[3]; /*CRC in header for previous packets*/
70 int Mis_group=0; /*Number of missed packet group*/
71 short int flags=0; /*Number for all errors*/
72 long int tmpP=0; /*Temporary PAMELA packet number*/
73 long long int icount=0; /*Number of bytes in identified packets*/
74 long long int icount_total=0; /*Total number of bytes*/
75 long int icount_int=0; /*Entire part of total file size in Kbytes*/
76 long int icount_frac=0; /*Fractional part of total file size*/
77 long int N1=0; /*Number of identified PAMELA packets*/
78 long int numP[3]; /*Packet numbers for previous packets*/
79 long int LenP[3]; /*Packet length for previous packets*/
80 unsigned long int time_p[3]; /*Packet time*/
81 unsigned long int time_max=0;
82 unsigned long int time_min=0;
83 long int pack_length=0; /*PAMELA packet length*/
84 long long int adr_first[3]; /*Start displacement from file begin*/
85 long long int adr_last[3]; /*Finish displacement from file begin*/
86 long int temp[2];
87 char *buffer=new char[Nmax]; /*Buffer for PAMELA current packet*/
88 int FLAG_BIG=0; /*Flag for large packet*/
89 unsigned long int k=0, j=0;
90 int i;
91 //initialization , all =0
92 float ratioCln1Cln2;
93 int output;
94 char str[80];
96 stringstream oss, oss1;
98 strcpy(connection,MYSQL);
99 strcat(connection,database);
100 TSQLServer *sqlServer = TSQLServer::Connect(connection, "pamelaprod", "rawprod");
102 oss.str("");
103 oss<<"select * from FILES1";
104 TSQLResult *res1=sqlServer->Query(oss.str().c_str());
105 num_rows=res1->GetRowCount();
106 if (num_rows>0)
107 {
108 oss.str("");
109 oss<<"select max(my_route) from FILES1";
110 TSQLResult *res2=sqlServer->Query(oss.str().c_str());
111 TSQLRow *row=res2->Next();
112 strcpy(str_route,row->GetField(0));
114 strcpy(str_file,inf);
115 str_file[strlen(inf)-9]='\0';
116 strcat(str_file,"_tmp.dat");
117 fo_row=fopen(str_file,"w+");
118 fprintf(fo_row,"%s",str_route);
119 fseek(fo_row,0,0);
120 fscanf(fo_row,"%i",&current_route);
121 current_route+=1;
122 fclose(fo_row);
123 remove(str_file);
124 }
125 else
126 {
127 current_route=1;
128 }
130 for (i=0; i<NumberPack+1; i++) packet_counter[i]=0;
131 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
132 {numP[i]=0; time_p[i]=0; CRC_Header[i]=0; CRC_bad_pack[i]=0;
133 flag_CRC_H[i]=0; flag_len[i]=0; flag_len_weak[i]=0; flag_pack[i]=0; flag_CRC_cor[i]=0;
134 flag_name[i]=0; flag_type[i]=0; flag_time[i]=0;
135 LenP[i]=0;
136 adr_first[i]=0; adr_last[i]=0;
137 Hex[i]=0;}
138 for (i=0; i<4; i++) {Byte_adr1[i]=0; Byte_adr2[i]=0;}
139 for (i=0; i<2; i++) temp[i]=0;
141 ifstream fin;
142 ofstream fo_pam, fo_work;
143 /**********************OPEN NECESSARY FILES************************/
144 /******************************************************************/
145 fin.open(fni, ios::binary); // open input file "nnnnn_mmm_xxx_cln1.pam"
146 if(fin.good()==0) {cerr<<"can not open input file "<<fni<<"\n"; exit(1);}
148 fo_work.open(fno, ios::out); //open output help file "work.dat"
149 if(!fo_work) {cerr<<"can not open outputfile"; exit(1);}
151 fo_log=fopen(log, "wb"); //open output file "xxx_mmm_nnnnn_cln2.log"
152 if(fo_log==NULL) {cerr<<"can not open log file"; exit(1);}
154 fo_pam.open(pam, ios::binary); //open output file "xxx_mmm_nnnnn_cln2.pam"
155 if(fo_pam.good()==0) {cerr<<"can not open pam file"; exit(1);}
157 fo_inf=fopen(inf, "wb"); //open output file "xxx_mmm_nnnnn_cln2.inf"
158 if(fo_inf==NULL) {cerr<<"can not open inf file"; exit(1);}
160 strcpy(miss_file,path);
161 strncat(miss_file,name_in,strlen(name_in)-8);
162 fo_miss=fopen(strcat(miss_file,"mis_cln2.dat"), "wb");
163 //open output file "xxx_mmm_nnnnn_mis_cln2.dat"
164 if(fo_miss==NULL) {cerr<<"can not open miss file"; exit(1);}
165 /******************************************************************/
166 /******************************************************************/
168 //Write proccessed filename in help file
169 fo_work<<"initial file name : "<<name_in<<"\n";
171 /******************************************************************/
172 /******************MAIN READING CYCLE BEGIN************************/
173 /******************************************************************/
175 while(fin.eof()==0)
176 {
177 num_type=0; num_type1=0; num_type2=0;
179 /**********************data reading********************************/
180 if ((N1==0)&&(icount_total==0)) {fin.read(Name_Buf,8); icount_total+=8;}
182 /*******************temporary packet number************************/
183 tmpP=(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[7])+
184 256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[6])+
185 256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[5]);
187 if (N1==0) numP[2]=tmpP-1; //initial packet identification
189 /******************packet type identification**********************/
190 for (i=0;i<NumberPack;i++)
191 {if (packet_type[i]==(int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[3]))
192 num_type1=i+1;
193 if (packet_type[i]==(int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[4]))
194 num_type2=i+1;}
195 if ((num_type1==num_type2)&&(num_type1!=0)) num_type=num_type1;
196 if ((num_type1==0)&&(num_type2!=0)) num_type=num_type2;
197 if ((num_type1!=0)&&(num_type2==0)) num_type=num_type1;
199 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
200 ////////////////// PAMELA PACKET IDENTIFICATION////////////////////
201 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
202 if (((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[0]==CODE_BYTE1&&
203 (tmpP==numP[2]+1)&&num_type!=0&&N1!=0)||
204 ((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[1]==CODE_BYTE2&&
205 (tmpP==numP[2]+1)&&num_type!=0&&N1!=0)||
206 ((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[2]==CODE_BYTE3&&
207 (tmpP==numP[2]+1)&&num_type!=0&&N1!=0)||
208 ((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[0]==CODE_BYTE1&&
209 (int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[1]==CODE_BYTE2&&
210 (int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[2]==CODE_BYTE3&&num_type1!=0&&num_type1==num_type2)||
211 ((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[0]==CODE_BYTE1&&
212 (int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[1]==CODE_BYTE2&&
213 (int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[2]==CODE_BYTE3&&
214 (tmpP==numP[2]+1)))
215 {if (N1==0) {for (i=0;i<8;i++) buffer[i]=Name_Buf[i]; }
216 N1+=1; FLAG_BIG=0;
217 if (N1==1) {icount+=8;}
218 packet_counter[num_type]+=1; //count packet number for each type
219 if ((print_flag>0) && (fmod((float)(tmpP),(float)(1000.))==0.)&&(tmpP!=0)) cout<<"verifying "<<tmpP<<"\n";
220 if (N1!=1)
221 {
222 /**************PAMELA PREVIOUS PACKET END DISPLACEMENT*************/
223 if ((icount-8-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16)<=Limit) {adr_last[2]=icount-8;} //end byte for previous packet
224 else if ((icount-8-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16)>Limit) {adr_last[2]=adr_first[2]+Limit;} //end byte for previous packet
225 /**************PAMELA PACKET LENGTH ERROR ANALYSIS*****************/
226 if ( (flag_CRC_H[2]==1)&&(GLOBAL_LEN_ER>0)&&
227 ( ((adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1)<(LenP[2]+16))||((adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16)>64) ) )
228 {flag_len[2]=1;
229 er_pack_Len+=1;
230 if (print_flag>0)
231 {cout<<"pack num "<<numP[2]<<" len="<<LenP[2]<<" true len="<<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]-16<<" Type="<<num_type<<"\n";}
232 fo_work<<"Length error : packet number="<<numP[2]<<" : length in header="<<LenP[2]<<
233 " : length till next header="<<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]-16<<" : packet type="<<hex<<
234 packet_type[num_type]<<dec<<"\n";
235 }
236 if ( (flag_CRC_H[2]==0)&&(GLOBAL_LEN_ER>0)&&
237 ( ((adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1)<(LenP[2]+16))||((adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16)>64) ) )
238 {flag_len_weak[2]=1;
239 if (print_flag>0)
240 {cout<<"weak length error; pack num "<<numP[2]<<" len="<<LenP[2]<<" true len="<<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]-16
241 <<" Type="<<num_type<<"\n";}
242 fo_work<<"Weak length error : packet number="<<numP[2]<<" : length in header="<<LenP[2]<<
243 " : length till next header="<<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]-16<<" : packet type="<<num_type<<"\n";
244 }
246 if ((GLOBAL_LEN_ER>0)&&(flag_len[2]==1))
247 {
248 //Write data in file "nnnnn_mmm_xxx_cln2.pam"
249 for (i=0;i<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1;i++)
250 {fo_pam<< buffer[i];}
251 }
252 else if ((GLOBAL_LEN_ER>0)&&(flag_len[2]!=1)&&(flag_len_weak[2]!=1))
253 {
254 //Write data in file "nnnnn_mmm_xxx_cln2.pam"
255 for (i=0;i<LenP[2]+16;i++)
256 {fo_pam<< buffer[i];}
257 adr_last[2]=adr_first[2]+LenP[2]+15;
258 icount=adr_first[2]+15+LenP[2]+8;
259 }
260 else if ((GLOBAL_LEN_ER>0)&&(flag_len[2]!=1)&&(flag_len_weak[2]==1))
261 {
262 //Write data in file "nnnnn_mmm_xxx_cln2.pam"
263 for (i=0;i<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1;i++)
264 {fo_pam<< buffer[i];}
265 }
266 else if ((GLOBAL_LEN_ER==0)&&(adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16>=0))
267 {
268 for (i=0;i<LenP[2]+16;i++)
269 {fo_pam<< buffer[i];}
270 adr_last[2]=adr_first[2]+LenP[2]+15;
271 icount=adr_first[2]+15+LenP[2]+8;
272 }
273 delete [] buffer;
274 buffer=new char[Nmax];
275 for (i=0;i<8;i++) buffer[i]=Name_Buf[i];
277 temp[1]=adr_last[2];
278 for (i=0;i<4;i++) Byte_adr2[i]=0;
279 for (i=0;i<4;i++)
280 {if (temp[1]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i))>=1)
281 {Byte_adr2[3-i]=(int)(temp[1]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i)));
282 temp[1]=temp[1]-(long int)pow(256.,3-i)*
283 (int)(temp[1]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i)));}}
284 //Write previous packet end displacement in nnnnn_mmm_xxx_cln2.log file
285 for (i=0;i<4;i++) fprintf(fo_log,"%1c",char(Byte_adr2[i]));
286 }
287 /*********************reading remaining header********************/
288 fin.read(Name_Buf_add, 8);
289 if (fin.eof()) break;
290 icount+=8; icount_total+=8;
291 for (i=0;i<8;i++) buffer[i+8]=Name_Buf_add[i];
293 //packet length
294 pack_length=(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[6])+
295 256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[5])+
296 256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[4]);
297 /***********PACKET HEADER DATA ANALYSIS****************************/
298 switch (N1)
299 {
300 case 1:{
301 LenP[2]=pack_length;
302 numP[2]=(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[7])+
303 256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[6])+
304 256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[5]);
305 time_p[2]=(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[3])+
306 256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[2])+
307 256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[1])+
308 256*256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[0]);
309 time_max=time_p[2];
310 time_min=time_p[2];
312 CRC_Header[2]=(int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[7]);
313 adr_first[2]=icount-15;
314 CRC_bad_pack[2]=0;
315 flag_CRC_H[2]=0;
316 flag_pack[2]=0;
317 flag_name[2]=0;
318 flag_type[2]=0;
319 flag_time[2]=0;
320 flag_CRC_cor[2]=0;
321 for (i=0; i<2; i++)
322 {numP[i]=numP[2]; time_p[i]=time_p[2];
323 CRC_Header[i]=CRC_Header[2];
324 LenP[i]=LenP[2];
325 adr_first[i]=adr_first[2];
326 CRC_bad_pack[i]=CRC_bad_pack[2];
327 flag_CRC_H[i]=flag_CRC_H[2];
328 flag_pack[i]=flag_pack[2];
329 flag_name[i]=flag_name[2];
330 flag_type[i]=flag_type[2];
331 flag_time[i]=flag_time[2];
332 flag_CRC_cor[i]=flag_CRC_cor[2];}
333 break;
334 }
335 default:{
336 for (i=0; i<2; i++)
337 {numP[i]=numP[i+1];
338 time_p[i]=time_p[i+1];
339 CRC_Header[i]=CRC_Header[i+1];
340 CRC_bad_pack[i]=CRC_bad_pack[i+1];
341 LenP[i]=LenP[i+1];
342 adr_first[i]=adr_first[i+1];
343 adr_last[i]=adr_last[i+1];
344 flag_CRC_H[i]=flag_CRC_H[i+1];
345 flag_len[i]=flag_len[i+1];
346 flag_len_weak[i]=flag_len_weak[i+1];
347 flag_pack[i]=flag_pack[i+1];
348 flag_name[i]=flag_name[i+1];
349 flag_type[i]=flag_type[i+1];
350 flag_time[i]=flag_time[i+1];
351 flag_CRC_cor[i]=flag_CRC_cor[i+1];}
352 numP[2]=(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[7])+
353 256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[6])+
354 256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf[5]);
355 time_p[2]=(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[3])+
356 256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[2])+
357 256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[1])+
358 256*256*256*(long int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[0]);
360 CRC_Header[2]=(int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[7]);
361 CRC_bad_pack[2]=0;
362 adr_first[2]=icount-15;
363 flag_CRC_H[2]=0;
364 flag_len[2]=0;
365 flag_len_weak[2]=0;
366 flag_pack[2]=0;
367 flag_name[2]=0;
368 flag_type[2]=0;
369 flag_time[2]=0;
370 flag_CRC_cor[2]=0;
371 LenP[2]=pack_length;
372 }
373 }
374 /********packet header CRC error analysis**************************/
375 // CalcCheckSum=CRC_H(Name_Buf, Name_Buf_add);
377 for (i=0; i<8; i++)
378 {buff[i]=Name_Buf[i];
379 buff[i+8]=Name_Buf_add[i];}
381 CalcCheckSum=(short int)(unsigned char)CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (unsigned char*)&buff, 15);
382 if (CalcCheckSum!=(short int)(unsigned char)(Name_Buf_add[7]))
383 {er_pack_CRC+=1;
384 CRC_bad_pack[2]=numP[2];
385 flag_CRC_H[2]=1;
386 fo_work<<"CRC error : PAMELA packet="<<numP[2]<<" : real CRC="<<bitset<8>(CRC_Header[2])<<"("<<CRC_Header[2]<<
387 ") : calculated CRC="<<bitset<8>(CalcCheckSum)<<"("<<CalcCheckSum<<")\n";
388 }
389 if ((time_max<time_p[2])&&(flag_CRC_H[2]!=1)) time_max=time_p[2];
390 /*********packet counter error analysis****************************/
391 if ((numP[2]!=(numP[1]+1))&&(N1!=1)&&(flag_len[1]==0)&&(CRC_bad_pack[2]==numP[2]))
392 {
393 fo_work<<"Packet number error : packet="<<numP[2]<<" : previous="<<numP[1]<<" "<<numP[0]<<"\n";
394 flag_pack[2]=1;
395 }
397 if ((numP[1]!=(numP[0]+1))&&(numP[1]!=(numP[2]-1))&&(N1!=1)&&(CRC_bad_pack[1]==numP[1]))
398 {
399 fo_work<<"Packet number error : packet="<<numP[1]<<" : previous="<<numP[0]<<" : next="<<numP[2]<<"\n";
401 P_er=N1-1; flag_pack[1]=1;
403 //Correct error packet number//
404 tmpP=numP[0]+1;
405 for (i=0;i<3;i++) Hex[i]=0;
406 for (i=0;i<3;i++)
407 {if (tmpP/(long int) (pow(256.,2-i))>=1)
408 {Hex[2-i]=(int)(tmpP/(long int)(pow(256.,2-i)));
409 tmpP=tmpP-(long int)(pow(256.,2-i)*(int)(tmpP/(long int)(pow(256.,2-i)) ));
410 }
411 }
412 for (i=5;i<8;i++) (Name_Buf_old[i]=(char)(Hex[7-i]));
413 for (i=0; i<8; i++)
414 {buff[i]=Name_Buf_old[i];
415 buff[i+8]=Name_Buf_add_old[i];}
416 if (CRC_Header[1]==(short int)(unsigned char)CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (unsigned char*)&buff, 15))
417 {flag_CRC_cor[1]=1;}
418 //Correct error packet number//
419 tmpP=numP[2]-1;
420 for (i=0;i<3;i++) Hex[i]=0;
421 for (i=0;i<3;i++)
422 {if (tmpP/(long int)(pow(256.,2-i))>=1)
423 {Hex[2-i]=(int)(tmpP/(long int)(pow(256.,2-i)));
424 tmpP=tmpP-(long int)pow(256.,2-i)*(int)(tmpP/(long int)(pow(256.,2-i)));
425 }
426 }
427 for (i=5;i<8;i++) (Name_Buf_old[i]=(char)(Hex[7-i]));
428 for (i=0; i<8; i++)
429 {buff[i]=Name_Buf_old[i];
430 buff[i+8]=Name_Buf_add_old[i];}
431 if (CRC_Header[1]==(short int)(unsigned char)CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (unsigned char*)&buff, 15))
432 {flag_CRC_cor[1]=1;}
433 }
434 /*********************Missing packet analysis**********************/
435 /**packet numbers: 21 (22 17 18) 19 ******************************/
436 /***missed packets: 21 20 19 18 17 ******************************/
437 if ((numP[1]<numP[0])&&(numP[1]==numP[2]-1)&&(flag_pack[0]==0)&&(flag_pack[1]==0)&&(flag_pack[2]==0))
438 {Mis_group+=1;
439 count_sec_miss+=numP[0]-1-numP[1];
440 fprintf(fo_miss,"secondary transmitted packets may be %9i -%9i number of packets=%9i\n",
441 numP[1],numP[0],numP[0]-1-numP[1]);
442 }
443 /**packet numbers: 10 11 (12 15 19) 20 ****************************/
444 /***********missed packets: 16 17 18 ********************************/
445 else if ((numP[1]>numP[0]+1)&&(numP[1]<numP[2]-1)&&(flag_pack[0]==0)&&(flag_pack[1]==0)&&(flag_pack[2]==0))
446 {Mis_group+=1;
447 fprintf(fo_miss,"1) %9i%9i\n",numP[1]+1,numP[2]-1);
448 count_miss+=numP[2]-numP[1]-1;}
449 /**packet numbers: 10 (11 12 15) 19 20 ****************************/
450 /***********missed packets: 13 14 ***********************************/
451 else if ((numP[1]>=numP[0]+1)&&(numP[1]<numP[2]-1)&&(flag_pack[2]==0)&&(flag_pack[1]==0)&&(flag_pack[0]==0))
452 {Mis_group+=1;
453 fprintf(fo_miss,"2) %9i%9i\n",numP[0]+2,numP[2]-1);
454 count_miss+=numP[2]-numP[1]-1;}
455 /**packet numbers: 10 (11 20 15) 16 17 ****************************/
456 /********missed packets number =2 ***********************************/
457 else if ((numP[0]<numP[2]-2)&&(flag_pack[2]==0)&&(flag_pack[1]==1)&&(flag_pack[0]==0))
458 {Mis_group+=1;
459 fprintf(fo_miss,"3) %9i%9i\n",numP[0]+1, numP[2]-1);
460 count_miss+=numP[2]-numP[0]-2;}
462 /**************Time error******************************************/
463 if ((numP[2]>=numP[0]+2)&&(flag_pack[2]==0)&&(flag_pack[0]==0)&&
464 (flag_time[0]==0)&&(time_p[2]>time_p[0])&&
465 ((time_p[1]<time_p[0])||(time_p[1]>time_p[2])))
466 {flag_time[1]=1;
467 fo_work<<"Time error : PAMELA packet="<<numP[2]<<" : time="<<time_p[1]<<" : time previous="<<time_p[1]
468 <<" : time_next="<<time_p[2]<<"\n";
469 }
471 /**************Error number calculation****************************/
472 if (N1!=1)
473 {flags=(short int)((float)(flag_len_weak[1])+
474 pow((float)(2*flag_CRC_H[1]),1)+
475 pow((float)(2*flag_len[1]),2)+
476 pow((float)(2*flag_pack[1]),3)+
477 pow((float)(2*flag_name[1]),4)+
478 pow((float)(2*flag_type[1]),5)+
479 pow((float)(2*flag_time[1]),6)+
480 pow((float)(2*flag_CRC_cor[1]),7));
481 if (flags!=0) er_pack_count+=1;
482 //Write error number in log file
483 fprintf(fo_log,"%1c",char(flags));
484 //Write error number in work.dat file
485 if (flags!=0) fo_work<<"PAMELA packet="<<numP[1]<<" : error flag="<<flags<<"\n";
486 }
487 /***********************NAME ERROR*********************************/
488 if (((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[0]!=CODE_BYTE1)||
489 ((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[1]!=CODE_BYTE2)||
490 ((int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[2]!=CODE_BYTE3))
491 {
492 fo_work<<"Name error : packet number="<<numP[2]<<" : ";
493 fo_work<<hex<<(int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[0]<<" : "<<(int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[1]
494 <<" : "<<(int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[2]<<dec<<"\n";
495 Name_Buf[0]=(char)(CODE_BYTE1);
496 Name_Buf[1]=(char)(CODE_BYTE2);
497 Name_Buf[2]=(char)(CODE_BYTE3);
498 flag_name[2]=1;
500 for (i=0; i<8; i++)
501 {buff[i]=Name_Buf[i];
502 buff[i+8]=Name_Buf_add[i];}
503 if (CRC_Header[2]==(short int)(unsigned char)CM_Compute_CRC16(0, (unsigned char*)&buff, 15))
504 {
505 count_name_cor+=1;
506 buffer[0]=(char)(CODE_BYTE1);
507 buffer[1]=(char)(CODE_BYTE2);
508 buffer[2]=(char)(CODE_BYTE3);
509 flag_CRC_cor[2]=1;
510 }
511 }
513 /***********************PACKET TYPE ERROR**************************/
514 if ((num_type==0)||(num_type1==0)||(num_type2==0))
515 {
516 flag_type[2]=1;
517 fo_work<<"Packet type error : packet number="<<numP[2]<<" : packet type="<<hex<<packet_type[num_type]<<dec<<
518 " : "<<num_type<<" : "<<num_type1<<" : "<<num_type2<<"\n";
519 }
520 /******************PAMELA BEGIN PACKET DISPLACEMENT****************/
521 temp[0]=adr_first[2];
522 for (i=0;i<4;i++) Byte_adr1[i]=0;
523 for (i=0;i<4;i++)
524 {if (temp[0]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i))>=1)
525 {Byte_adr1[3-i]=(int)(temp[0]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i)));
526 temp[0]=temp[0]-(long int)pow(256.,3-i)*
527 (int)(temp[0]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i)));}
528 }
530 //Write packet type and begin displacement in log file
531 fprintf(fo_log,"%1c",char(num_type));
532 for (i=0;i<4;i++) fprintf(fo_log,"%1c",char(Byte_adr1[i]));
534 /**************PAMELA PACKET OLD BUFFER***************************/
535 for (i=0;i<8;i++)
536 {Name_Buf_old[i]=Name_Buf[i]; Name_Buf_add_old[i]=Name_Buf_add[i];}
538 /**********************data reading********************************/
539 fin.seekg(-1,ios::cur); icount-=1; icount_total-=1;
540 fin.read(Name_Buf,8);
541 if (fin.eof()) break;
542 icount+=8; icount_total+=8;
543 for (i=0;i<7;i++) buffer[i+16]=Name_Buf[i+1];
544 }
545 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
546 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
547 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
548 /**********************data reading********************************/
549 fin.get(ch);
550 if (fin.eof()) {break;}
551 icount_total+=1;
552 if ((print_flag>0) && fmod( double(icount_total), double(100000000.))==double(0.)) {cout<<"Mbytes="<<icount_total/1000000.<<"\n";}
553 if ((N1>0)&&(FLAG_BIG==0)) icount+=1;
554 for (i=0;i<7;i++) Name_Buf[i]=Name_Buf[i+1];
555 Name_Buf[7]=ch; /*for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf("%x",(int)(unsigned char)Name_Buf[i]); printf("\n");*/
556 if ((icount-adr_first[2]-1)<Nmax)
557 {buffer[icount-adr_first[2]]=ch;}
558 else
559 {flag_len[2]=1;
560 er_pack_Len+=1;
561 fo_work<<"Length error (too long packet) : packet number="<<numP[2]<<" : length in header="<<LenP[2]<<
562 " : length (> Nmax="<<Nmax<<")="<<icount-adr_first[2]<<" : packet type="<<hex<<
563 packet_type[num_type]<<dec<<"\n";
564 if (print_flag>0 && FLAG_BIG==0) {cout<<"too long packet "<<numP[2]<<"\n";}
565 FLAG_BIG=1;
566 }
567 }
568 /******************************************************************/
569 /********************MAIN READING CYCLE END************************/
570 /******************************************************************/
572 /*************PAMELA LAST PACKET END DISPLACEMENT******************/
573 if (FLAG_BIG==0) {adr_last[2]=icount;}
574 else {adr_last[2]=adr_first[2]+Limit;}
575 if ((adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16>64)||(adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1-LenP[2]-16<0))
576 {
577 flag_len[2]=1;
578 er_pack_Len+=1;
579 fo_work<<"Length error : packet number="<<numP[2]<<" : length in header="<<LenP[2]<<
580 " : length till next header="<<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]-16<<" : packet type="<<hex<<
581 packet_type[num_type]<<dec<<"\n";
582 }
583 if ( (flag_len[2]!=1)&&(flag_CRC_H[2]!=1) )
584 {adr_last[2]=adr_first[2]+LenP[2]+15;}
585 temp[1]=adr_last[2];
586 for (i=0;i<4;i++) Byte_adr2[i]=0;
587 for (i=0;i<4;i++)
588 {if (temp[1]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i))>=1)
589 {Byte_adr2[3-i]=(int)(temp[1]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i)));
590 temp[1]=temp[1]-(long int)pow(256.,3-i)*
591 (int)(temp[1]/(long int)(pow(256.,3-i)));}}
593 /*********PAMELA LAST PACKET LENGTH ERROR ANALYSIS*****************/
595 //Write last packet end displacement in log file
596 for (i=0;i<4;i++) fprintf(fo_log,"%1c",char(Byte_adr2[i]));
598 //Write error number in log and work.dat files
599 flags=(short int)(pow((float)(2*flag_CRC_H[2]),1)+
600 pow((float)(2*flag_len[2]),2)+
601 pow((float)(2*flag_pack[2]),3)+
602 pow((float)(2*flag_name[2]),4)+
603 pow((float)(2*flag_type[2]),5)+
604 pow((float)(2*flag_time[2]),6)+
605 pow((float)(2*flag_CRC_cor[2]),7));
606 if ((flags!=0)&&(N1>0)) er_pack_count+=1;
607 fprintf(fo_log,"%1c",char(flags));
608 //Write error number in work.dat file
609 if (flags!=0) fo_work<<"PAMELA packet="<<numP[2]<<" : error flag="<<flags<<"\n";
612 //Write inf file
613 fprintf(fo_inf,"%lli bytes in initial file %s\n", icount_total, name_in);
614 icount_int = (int)(icount_total/1024);
615 icount_frac= icount_total%1024;
616 fprintf(fo_inf,"file size= %i,%i kByte \n", icount_int, icount_frac);
617 strcpy(ttt,name_in);
618 ttt[17]='2';
619 fprintf(fo_inf,"%lli bytes in cln2 file %s\n", icount, ttt);
620 ratioCln1Cln2=(float)icount/icount_total;
621 fprintf(fo_inf,"ratio of sizes of Cln1 and Cln2 files %f\n", ratioCln1Cln2);
623 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of identified packets= %i\n", N1);
624 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of PAMELA missed packets= %i\n",count_miss);
625 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of PAMELA double transmitted packets = %i\n",count_sec_miss);
626 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of PAMELA packets with CRC error= %i\n",er_pack_CRC);
627 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of PAMELA packets with length error= %i\n",er_pack_Len);
628 fprintf(fo_inf,"Overall number of PAMELA packets with error= %i\n",er_pack_count);
629 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of PAMELA packets with corrected name= %i\n",count_name_cor);
630 fprintf(fo_inf,"number of PAMELA packets with non identified type =%i\n",packet_counter[0]);
632 for (i=1;i<NumberPack;i++)
633 {
634 fprintf(fo_inf,"Type %x number of PAMELA packets= %i\n",
635 packet_type[i-1], packet_counter[i]);
636 }
637 //Write data in file "nnnnn_mmm_xxx_cln2.pam"
638 for (i=0;i<adr_last[2]-adr_first[2]+1;i++)
639 {fo_pam<<buffer[i];}
641 time(&seconds);
642 timeinfo=localtime(&seconds);
643 strftime(time_year,5,"%Y",timeinfo);
644 strftime(time_month,5,"%m",timeinfo);
645 strftime(time_day,5,"%d",timeinfo);
646 strcat( strcat(strcat(strcat(strcpy(data_time,time_year),"-"),time_month),"-"),time_day);
648 for (i=strlen(pam)-22;i<=strlen(pam);i++)
649 {name_cln2[i-(strlen(pam)-22)]=pam[i];}
650 for (i=0;i<strlen(pam)-22;i++)
651 {name_path[i]=pam[i];}
652 name_path[strlen(pam)-22]='\0';
653 for (i=0;i<5;i++)
654 {cirquit_no[i]=name_cln2[i];}
655 cirquit_no[5]='\0';
656 for (i=6;i<9;i++)
657 {route_no[i-6]=name_cln2[i];}
658 route_no[3]='\0';
659 file_ready=1;
660 file_deleted=0;
661 file_archived=0;
662 file_proces=0;
663 if (IndexQ>YODA_flag) file_proces=1;
665 if (IndexQ>transmit_flag) {flag_to_transmit=1;}
666 else {flag_to_transmit=0;}
667 oss.str("");
668 oss << "INSERT INTO FILES (cirquit_n, route_n, counter, qual_index, ready, deleted, date,"
669 << " archived, path, cln2_name, proces_flag, transit_flag)"
670 << " VALUES ('"<< cirquit_no << "','"<< route_no << "','"<<r_counter<<"','"<< IndexQ << "','"
671 << file_ready << "','"<< file_deleted << "','"<< data_time << "','"<< file_archived << "','"
672 << name_path << "', '" << name_cln2 << "','"<< file_proces << "','"
673 << flag_to_transmit << "')";
674 if (print_flag>0) cout<<oss.str().c_str()<<" table FILES\n";
675 TSQLResult *res=sqlServer->Query(oss.str().c_str());
677 flag_sec_trans=0;
679 oss1.str("");
680 oss1 <<"INSERT INTO FILES1 (my_route, raw_filename, pam_size, ratioCln1Cln2, cirquit_n, route_n, route_real,"
681 <<" counter, board_time, Num_all, Num_macro, flag_twice, OBT_first, OBT_last)"
682 <<" VALUES ('"<<current_route<<"','"<<name_ini<<"','"<<icount<<"','"<<ratioCln1Cln2<<"','"<<cirquit_no<<"','"
683 <<route_no<<"','"<<real_route[r_counter]<<"','"<<r_counter
684 <<"','"<<time_p[2]<<"','"<<N1<<"','"<<packet_counter[28]<<"','"<<flag_sec_trans<<"','"<<time_min<<"','"<<time_max<<"')";
685 if (print_flag>0) cout<<oss1.str().c_str()<<" table FILES1\n";
686 TSQLResult *res3=sqlServer->Query(oss1.str().c_str());
688 // if (conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()) == 0)
689 // {
690 // printf("ERROR!!!");
691 // }
693 delete [] buffer;
695 /***************************************************************/
696 fin.close();
697 fo_work.close();
698 fclose(fo_log);
699 fclose(fo_inf);
700 fo_pam.close();
701 fclose(fo_miss);
702 }

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