// change the path "/opt/yoda/include/yoda/event/" // relatively to the install yoda directory #include </opt/yoda/include/yoda/event/PscuHeader.h> #include </opt/yoda/include/yoda/event/EventHeader.h> #include </opt/yoda/include/yoda/event/physics/tracker/TrackerEvent.h> #include </opt/yoda/include/utils/yodaUtility.h> // #include "TrkFunctions.cpp" #include <TPaveText.h> #include <TLatex.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <TObjString.h> #include <TGraph.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <TStyle.h> #include <TString.h> /** * TrkScanQlook.cpp * * autor: D.Fedele * version 1.0 * Parameters: * file - the path to the root file to analyse * outdir - total path of output file * event - the number of the single event to analyse * DSPprint - the number of a particular DSP to draw (0 don't draw) * */ void TrkScanQlook(TString file, TString outdir = "",Int_t event = 1,Int_t DSPprint=0){ gROOT->Reset(); // // obtain information about the data file and select the output file const string filepath=file.Data(); Int_t dwpos = filepath.find("DW_"); Int_t dwpos1 = filepath.find(".root"); TString fpath=(filepath.c_str()); TString base,ffile ; stringcopy(ffile,fpath,dwpos,dwpos1); stringcopy(base,fpath,0,dwpos); TString out; if(outdir.Length()==0){ out = base; }else{ out = outdir; } // Define variables Int_t nevents = otr->GetEntries(); if ( nevents <= 0 ) { trackerFile->Close(); printf("The file is empty, exiting...\n"); return; } pamela::tracker::TrackerEvent *trk=0; pamela::EventHeader *eh=0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph=0; // open files TFile *trackerFile = new TFile(file); if ( !trackerFile ){ trackerFile->Close(); printf("No tracker file! \n"); return; } //Takes the tree and branches TTree *otr = (TTree*)trackerFile->Get("Physics"); cout << "\n Number of Entries: " << nevents << endl; cout<<"Scan of Entry "<<event-1<<"\n"<<endl; otr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eh); otr->SetBranchAddress("Tracker", &trk); otr->GetEntry(event-1); //============================================================================ gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.06,"x"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.06,"y"); gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.08); gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(10); gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.1); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(-1,"Y"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // draw display area Int_t canvasx=1200; Int_t canvasy=900; stringstream figsav; figsav.str(""); figsav<<out<<ffile<<"_TrkScanQlook_ev"<<event+1; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(figsav.str().c_str(),"TrkQLookSCAN",canvasx,canvasy); c1->SetFillColor(10); c1->Range(0,0,1,1); stringstream fromfile; fromfile<<"TrkScanQlook File: "<<ffile<<" ----> Entry "<<event-1; TLatex *t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->SetTextSize(0.02); t->DrawLatex(0.02,0.98,fromfile.str().c_str()); // draw pads TPad *trkpad[12]; //pad for histos TPaveText *trkpadtext[12]; //pad for header TH1F *histomax[12]; //histos of max signals TH1F *histocomp[12]; //histos of compressed data TH1F *histofull[12]; //histos of full data Double_t posy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads Double_t hpad = 0.15; // pad height Double_t posx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column Double_t posx2=0; // right x-coord - pad olumn Double_t posx0=0; // x-coord - column division Double_t wrel = 0.6; // relative x size of first sub-column Double_t marg = 0.004; // margin among pads stringstream title; stringstream hid; for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++){ if ( (n+1)%2 ) { if(n>1)posy = posy-(marg*2+hpad); posx1 = marg; posx2 = 0.5 - marg; posx0 = 0.5*wrel; } else { posx1 = posx1 + 0.5; posx2 = posx2 + 0.5; posx0 = posx0 + 0.5; }; /* -----------> pad for histograms */ trkpad[n] = new TPad("pad"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0-marg,posy,18,0,0); trkpad[n]->SetFillColor(19); trkpad[n]->SetFrameFillColor(10); /* -----------> pad for header dump */ trkpadtext[n] = new TPaveText((posx0+marg),(posy-hpad),posx2,posy); /* -----------> HISTOGRAMS */ title<<"DSP "<<n+1; hid<<"h"<<n; histomax[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3072,0.5,3072.5); hid<<"hh"<<n; histocomp[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3072,0.5,3072.5); hid<<"hhh"<<n; histofull[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3072,0.5,3072.5); title.str(""); hid.str(""); } //end loop on views // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // create header dump retrieving event info // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Int_t ndsp=0; stringstream message; Double_t whistomax[3072]; Double_t whisto[3072]; Double_t whistocomp[3072]; Double_t whistofull[3072]; //============================================= // transmitted words Int_t word = 0; Int_t iword = 0; Int_t TOTDATAlength_check = 0; Int_t ii=0,ifull[12],icomp[12],imax[12],nn=0; trkword thisword; Int_t address,ladder,adcvalue; for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++){ ndsp = trk->DSPnumber[n]; nn = ndsp-1; ifull[nn]=0; icomp[nn]=0; imax[nn]=0; /*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* * * Write event LEVEL0 report * *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*/ trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextFont(40); trkpadtext[nn]->SetFillColor(33); trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextSize(0.012); trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextAlign(13); trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(" "); message<<"DAQ mode --------> "<<trk->DAQmode[n]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); message<<"Event number --------> "<<trk->eventn[n]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); message<<"13-bit words --------> "<<trk->DATAlength[n]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); if (!(nn%2)&&trk->signcluster[n][0]!=0) message<<"L1 add: "<<trk->addrcluster[n][0]<<" - sign: "<<1024-(trk->signcluster[n][0]); else message<<"L1 add: "<<trk->addrcluster[n][0]<<" - sign: "<<(trk->signcluster[n][0]); trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); if (!(nn%2)&&trk->signcluster[n][1]!=0) message<<"L2 add: "<<trk->addrcluster[n][1]<<" - sign: "<<1024-(trk->signcluster[n][1]); else message<<"L2 add: "<<trk->addrcluster[n][1]<<" - sign: "<<trk->signcluster[n][1]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); if (!(nn%2)&&trk->signcluster[n][2]!=0) message<<"L3 add: "<<trk->addrcluster[n][2]<<" - sign: "<<1024-(trk->signcluster[n][2]); else message<<"L3 add: "<<trk->addrcluster[n][2]<<" - sign: "<<trk->signcluster[n][2]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); message<<"NCLUST "<<trk->nclust[n]<<" CUTC "<<trk->cutc[n]<<" CUTCL "<<trk->cutcl[n]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); message<<"Comp. time "<<trk->compressiontime[n]<<" x 0.051ms = "<<0.051*trk->compressiontime[n]<<" ms"; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(" "); message<<"FL1-6 --> "<<trk->fl1[n]<<" "<<trk->fl2[n]<<" "<<trk->fl3[n]<<" "<<trk->fl4[n]<<" "<<trk->fl5[n]<<" "<<trk->fl6[n]<<" FC "<<trk->fc[n]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(" "); trkpadtext[nn]->AddLine(0,0,0,0); message<<"PNum "<<trk->pnum[n]<<" - BId "<<trk->bid[n]<<" ALARM "<<trk->alarm[n]; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); message<<"Cmd "<<trk->cmdnum[n]<<" --- Answer length "<<trk->aswr[n]<<" byte"; trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str()); message.str(""); trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(" "); TOTDATAlength_check = TOTDATAlength_check + trk->DATAlength[n]; /*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* * * Plot event LEVEL0 histo * *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*/ //============================================= for(Int_t i = 0; i< 3072; i++){ whistomax[i] = -200; whistocomp[i] = -200; whistofull[i] = -200; whisto[i] = -200; } // =============== // trasmitted data // =============== address = 0; ladder = 1; for(Int_t i = 0; i < trk->DATAlength[n] ; i++){ word = trk->TrackerData.At(iword); thisword = datadecode(word); iword++; switch (thisword.type){ case 0: //ADC value whisto[address] = thisword.decode; address++; // cout << " adr " << address << "\n"; break; case 1: //address address = 1024*(ladder-1) + thisword.decode; // cout << " adr " << address << "\n"; break; case 2: //end-of-ladder ladder = thisword.decode; // cout << "Ladder " << ladder << "\n"; if(ladder==3){ // end of compressed data - FILL HISTO //cout << ">>> COMPRESSED data" << "\n"; for(ii = 0; ii < 3072; ii++){ whistocomp[ii]=whisto[ii]; whisto[ii] = -200; } address = 0; ladder = 1; }else if(ladder==6){ // end of full data - FILL HISTO //cout << ">>> FULL data" << "\n"; for(ii = 0; ii < 3072; ii++){ whistofull[ii]=whisto[ii]; whisto[ii] = -200; } address = 0; ladder = 1; }else{ if(ladder>3) ladder=ladder-3; address= ladder*1024; ladder = ladder + 1; } } } // =============== // maximum signals // =============== if(trk->signcluster[nn][0]!=0) whistomax[ 0+(int)trk->addrcluster[nn][0]] = whistocomp[ 0+(int)trk->addrcluster[nn][0]]; if(trk->signcluster[nn][1]!=0) whistomax[1024+(int)trk->addrcluster[nn][1]] = whistocomp[1024+(int)trk->addrcluster[nn][1]]; if(trk->signcluster[nn][2]!=0) whistomax[2048+(int)trk->addrcluster[nn][2]] = whistocomp[2048+(int)trk->addrcluster[nn][2]]; for(Int_t i = 0; i < 3072; i++){ if(whistomax[i]>-200) imax[nn]=1; if(whistocomp[i]>-200) icomp[nn]=1; if(whistofull[i]>-200) ifull[nn]=1; histomax[nn]->Fill((Float_t)i,whistomax[i]); histocomp[nn]->Fill((Float_t)i,whistocomp[i]); histofull[nn]->Fill((Float_t)i,whistofull[i]); } c1->cd(); trkpadtext[nn]->Draw(); trkpad[nn]->Draw(); trkpad[nn]->cd(); histocomp[nn]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-500,4500); histocomp[nn]->SetLineStyle(1); histocomp[nn]->SetLineColor(38); histocomp[nn]->SetFillColor(38); histocomp[nn]->SetLineWidth(1); if(icomp[nn]==1) histocomp[nn]->Draw("9b"); histofull[nn]->SetLineColor(40); histofull[nn]->SetFillColor(40); histofull[nn]->SetLineWidth(1); histofull[nn]->SetLineStyle(2); if(ifull[nn]==1) histofull[nn]->Draw("9bsame]["); histomax[nn]->SetLineColor(2); histomax[nn]->SetLineWidth(1); histomax[nn]->SetLineStyle(3); if(imax[nn]==1) histomax[nn]->Draw("same]["); c1->Update(); }//end loop on views if(DSPprint!=0){ if(DSPprint<=12){ stringstream figsav; figsav.str(""); figsav<<out<<ffile<<"_TrkScanQlook_ev"<<event+1<<"-DSP"<<DSPprint; TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(figsav.str().c_str(),"TrkQLookSCAN DSP",canvasx,canvasy); c2->SetFillColor(10); c2->Range(0,0,1,1); stringstream fromfile; fromfile<<"TrkScanQlook File: "<<ffile<<" ----> Entry "<<event<<" ------> DSP "<<DSPprint; TLatex *t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->SetTextSize(0.02); t->DrawLatex(0.02,0.98,fromfile.str().c_str()); c2->cd(); gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.022); histocomp[DSPprint-1]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015); histocomp[DSPprint-1]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.015); if(icomp[DSPprint-1]==1) histocomp[DSPprint-1]->Draw("9b"); if(ifull[DSPprint-1]==1) histofull[DSPprint-1]->Draw("9bsame]["); if(imax[DSPprint-1]==1) histomax[DSPprint-1]->Draw("same]["); c2->Update(); } else if(DSPprint>12) printf("The DSP number has to be between 1 and 12\n"); } return; }