2 |
* FTrkQLook_EXPERT.cxx |
* FTrkQLook_EXPERT.cxx |
3 |
* |
* |
4 |
* autor: D.Fedele |
* autor: D.Fedele |
5 |
* version v1r04 |
* version v1r11 |
6 |
* Parameters: |
* Parameters: |
7 |
* file - the data file to analyze |
* file - the data file to analyze |
8 |
* fromevent - first event to analyze |
* fromevent - first event to analyze |
30 |
#include <TrkAlarmEvent.h> |
#include <TrkAlarmEvent.h> |
31 |
#include <tsbt/TsbTRecord.h> |
#include <tsbt/TsbTRecord.h> |
32 |
#include <tsbt/TsbTEvent.h> |
#include <tsbt/TsbTEvent.h> |
33 |
#include <tsbb/TsbBRecord.h> |
34 |
#include <tsbb/TsbBEvent.h> |
35 |
#include <EventCounter.h> |
#include <EventCounter.h> |
36 |
#include <PacketType.h> |
#include <PacketType.h> |
37 |
// |
// |
41 |
{ |
{ |
42 |
// |
// |
43 |
// obtain information about the data file and select the output dir |
// obtain information about the data file and select the output dir |
const string filepath=file.Data(); |
44 |
Int_t dwpos = file.Last('/'); |
Int_t dwpos = file.Last('/'); |
45 |
Int_t dwpos1 = file.Last('.'); |
Int_t dwpos1 = file.Last('.'); |
46 |
TString base,ffile ; |
TString base,ffile ; |
59 |
// inizialise the variables and open the file |
// inizialise the variables and open the file |
60 |
pamela::TsbTEvent *event = 0; |
pamela::TsbTEvent *event = 0; |
61 |
pamela::TsbTRecord *record = 0; |
pamela::TsbTRecord *record = 0; |
62 |
pamela::TsbBEvent *Bevent = 0; |
63 |
pamela::TsbBRecord *Brecord = 0; |
64 |
pamela::tracker::TrackerEvent *te=0; |
pamela::tracker::TrackerEvent *te=0; |
65 |
pamela::EventHeader *eh=0,*aleh=0,*eH=0,*eT=0; |
pamela::EventHeader *eh=0,*aleh=0,*eH=0,*eT=0,*eB=0; |
66 |
pamela::PscuHeader *ph=0,*pH=0; |
pamela::PscuHeader *ph=0,*pH=0; |
67 |
pamela::TrkAlarmEvent *al=0; |
pamela::TrkAlarmEvent *al=0; |
68 |
pamela::RunHeaderEvent *reh=0; |
pamela::RunHeaderEvent *reh=0; |
80 |
tree->SetBranchAddress("TsbT",&event); |
tree->SetBranchAddress("TsbT",&event); |
81 |
tree->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eT); |
tree->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eT); |
82 |
83 |
TTree *Btree = (TTree*)datafile->Get("TsbB"); |
84 |
Btree->SetBranchAddress("TsbB",&Bevent); |
85 |
Btree->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eB); |
86 |
87 |
TTree *altr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("TrkAlarm"); |
TTree *altr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("TrkAlarm"); |
88 |
altr->SetBranchAddress("TrkAlarm",&al); |
altr->SetBranchAddress("TrkAlarm",&al); |
89 |
altr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&aleh); |
altr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&aleh); |
99 |
Long64_t nevent = tr->GetEntries(); |
Long64_t nevent = tr->GetEntries(); |
100 |
Long64_t neventH = otr->GetEntries(); |
Long64_t neventH = otr->GetEntries(); |
101 |
Long64_t tnevent = tree->GetEntries(); |
Long64_t tnevent = tree->GetEntries(); |
102 |
Long64_t bnevent = Btree->GetEntries(); |
103 |
Long64_t alnevent = altr->GetEntries(); |
Long64_t alnevent = altr->GetEntries(); |
104 |
Int_t minevent=0; |
Int_t minevent=0; |
105 |
Int_t maxevent=0; |
Int_t maxevent=0; |
107 |
printf("Number of total events: %lld\n",nevent); |
printf("Number of total events: %lld\n",nevent); |
108 |
printf("Number of header events: %lld\n",neventH); |
printf("Number of header events: %lld\n",neventH); |
109 |
printf("Number of TsbT events: %lld\n",tnevent); |
printf("Number of TsbT events: %lld\n",tnevent); |
110 |
printf("Number of TsbB events: %lld\n",bnevent); |
111 |
printf("Number of TrkAlarm packet events: %lld\n",alnevent); |
printf("Number of TrkAlarm packet events: %lld\n",alnevent); |
112 |
113 |
if (nevent<=0){ |
if (nevent<=0){ |
145 |
// information about the RunHeader |
// information about the RunHeader |
146 |
ULong64_t HOBT[neventH]; |
ULong64_t HOBT[neventH]; |
147 |
Int_t trk_cal_us[neventH]; |
Int_t trk_cal_us[neventH]; |
148 |
Int_t countnboot=1; |
149 |
for (Int_t vi=0; vi<neventH;vi++){ |
for (Int_t vi=0; vi<neventH;vi++){ |
150 |
HOBT[vi]=0; |
HOBT[vi]=0; |
151 |
trk_cal_us[vi]=0; |
trk_cal_us[vi]=0; |
155 |
pH = eH->GetPscuHeader(); |
pH = eH->GetPscuHeader(); |
156 |
HOBT[ev]= pH->GetOrbitalTime(); |
HOBT[ev]= pH->GetOrbitalTime(); |
157 |
trk_cal_us[ev]=reh->TRK_CALIB_USED; |
trk_cal_us[ev]=reh->TRK_CALIB_USED; |
158 |
if((HOBT[ev]<HOBT[ev-1]) && ev>0) |
159 |
countnboot+=1; |
160 |
} |
} |
161 |
countnboot+=(Int_t)(2*nevent/MAXSTORAGE); |
162 |
// printf("\ncountnboot=%d\n",countnboot); |
163 |
164 |
165 |
// |
// |
166 |
// other variables definitions |
// other variables definitions |
177 |
maxsize+=tmpSize; |
maxsize+=tmpSize; |
178 |
} |
} |
179 |
const Int_t tsize=maxsize; |
const Int_t tsize=maxsize; |
180 |
Int_t tempt[tsize][5],xt[tsize], tempt_tmp[tsize]; |
Int_t tempt[tsize][5]; |
181 |
Int_t countnboot=1; |
ULong64_t xt[tsize]; |
182 |
183 |
Int_t cntpgtemp=1,cntpgdat=0,cntpgmag=0; |
184 |
// |
// |
185 |
// information about the temperatures |
// information about the temperatures |
186 |
for (Int_t ev=0; ev<tnevent; ev++){ |
for (Int_t ev=0; ev<tnevent; ev++){ |
190 |
record = (pamela::TsbTRecord*)event->Records->At(j); |
record = (pamela::TsbTRecord*)event->Records->At(j); |
191 |
xt[siztmp]=record->RECORD_OBT; |
xt[siztmp]=record->RECORD_OBT; |
192 |
if((xt[siztmp]<xt[siztmp-1]) && siztmp>0) |
if((xt[siztmp]<xt[siztmp-1]) && siztmp>0) |
193 |
countnboot+=1; |
cntpgtemp+=1; |
194 |
195 |
for (Int_t z = 0; z < 5; z++){ |
for (Int_t z = 0; z < 5; z++){ |
196 |
tempt[siztmp][z] = record->TEMPERATURES[z+1]; |
tempt[siztmp][z] = record->TEMPERATURES[z+1]; |
198 |
siztmp++; |
siztmp++; |
199 |
} |
} |
200 |
} |
} |
201 |
countnboot+=2*(Int_t)nevent/MAXSTORAGE; |
202 |
// printf("\ncountnboot=%d\n",countnboot); |
// |
203 |
// information about the entries for the magnetic field |
204 |
if(bnevent>0) cntpgmag=1; |
205 |
maxsize=0; |
206 |
for (Int_t ev=0; ev<bnevent; ev++){ |
207 |
Btree->GetEntry(ev); |
208 |
tmpSize = Bevent->Records->GetEntries(); |
209 |
maxsize+=tmpSize; |
210 |
} |
211 |
const Int_t bsize=maxsize; |
212 |
Int_t magt[bsize][5]; |
213 |
ULong64_t xb[bsize]; |
214 |
siztmp=0; |
215 |
// |
216 |
// information about the magnetic field |
217 |
for (Int_t ev=0; ev<bnevent; ev++){ |
218 |
Btree->GetEntry(ev); |
219 |
tmpSize = Bevent->Records->GetEntries(); |
220 |
for (Int_t j = 0; j < tmpSize; j++){ |
221 |
Brecord = (pamela::TsbBRecord*)Bevent->Records->At(j); |
222 |
xb[siztmp]=Brecord->RECORD_OBT; |
223 |
if((xb[siztmp]<xb[siztmp-1]) && siztmp>0) |
224 |
cntpgmag+=1; |
225 |
for (Int_t z = 0; z < 5; z++){ |
226 |
magt[siztmp][z] = Brecord->B_FIELD[z+1]; |
227 |
} |
228 |
siztmp++; |
229 |
} |
230 |
} |
231 |
232 |
// |
// |
233 |
// open the output text files for the alarms |
// open the output text files for the alarms |
263 |
alarm1 << "================================================="<< endl<<endl; |
alarm1 << "================================================="<< endl<<endl; |
264 |
265 |
alarm1 << "Alarm variables (range 0-1)"<<endl; |
alarm1 << "Alarm variables (range 0-1)"<<endl; |
266 |
alarm1 << " ALARM[1]= 0x"<< hex << (Int_t)al->ALARM[1]<<endl; |
alarm1 << " ALARM[1]= 0x"<< hex << (Int_t)al->ALARM[0]<<endl; |
267 |
alarm1 << " ALARM[2]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->ALARM[2]<<endl; |
alarm1 << " ALARM[2]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->ALARM[1]<<endl; |
268 |
alarm1 << " CmdDuringTrig= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->CmdDuringTrig<<endl; |
alarm1 << " CmdDuringTrig= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->CmdDuringTrig<<endl; |
269 |
alarm1 << " FinalCheck= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FinalCheck<<endl; |
alarm1 << " FinalCheck= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FinalCheck<<endl; |
270 |
alarm1 << " FlashData= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FlashData<<endl; |
alarm1 << " FlashData= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FlashData<<endl; |
322 |
323 |
// |
// |
324 |
// Define output canvas, histos and graphs |
// Define output canvas, histos and graphs |
325 |
TCanvas *CompTimeCanv[countnboot],*EventNumCanv[countnboot],*TempCanv[countnboot]; |
TCanvas *CompTimeCanv[countnboot],*EventNumCanv[countnboot],*TempCanv[cntpgtemp],*BfieldCanv[cntpgmag]; |
326 |
TCanvas *IlluminaCanv,*LandauCanv1,*LandauCanv2,*LandauCanv3; |
TCanvas *IlluminaCanv,*LandauCanv1,*LandauCanv2,*LandauCanv3; |
327 |
328 |
TH1F *landau1[12],*landau2[12],*landau3[12],*illuminazione[12]; |
TH1F *landau1[12],*landau2[12],*landau3[12],*illuminazione[12]; |
329 |
TGraph *comprtime[12][countnboot],*temp[5][countnboot],*eventnumb[countnboot]; |
TGraph *comprtime[12][countnboot],*temp[5][cntpgtemp],*tempw[5][cntpgtemp],*eventnumb[countnboot],*mag[5][cntpgmag]; |
330 |
TPad *pad1[12],*pad2[12],*pad3[12],*pad4[12],*pad5[12],*pad6[5]; |
TPad *pad1[12],*pad2[12],*pad3[12],*pad4[12],*pad5[12],*pad6[5],*pad7[5]; |
331 |
332 |
for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++) { |
for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++) { |
333 |
365 |
TLatex *t=new TLatex(); |
TLatex *t=new TLatex(); |
366 |
TLatex *t1=new TLatex(); |
TLatex *t1=new TLatex(); |
367 |
368 |
Int_t cntpgtemp=0,cntpgdat=0; |
369 |
Int_t minev=minevent,maxev=maxevent,countTEMP=0; |
Int_t minev=minevent,maxev=maxevent,countTEMP=0,countMAG=0; |
370 |
371 |
// |
// |
372 |
// Fill temperature graphs |
// Fill temperature graphs |
373 |
for(Int_t ii=0; ii<countnboot;ii++){ |
for(Int_t ii=0; ii<cntpgtemp;ii++){ |
374 |
//**************************************************************************************** |
//**************************************************************************************** |
375 |
//Temperature Output Pages |
//Temperature Output Pages |
376 |
//**************************************************************************************** |
//**************************************************************************************** |
392 |
t1->SetTextSize(0.02); |
t1->SetTextSize(0.02); |
393 |
t1->DrawLatex(78.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str()); |
t1->DrawLatex(78.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str()); |
394 |
isfile.str(""); |
isfile.str(""); |
395 |
t1->SetTextSize(0.025); |
396 |
t1->SetTextColor(196); |
397 |
isfile<<"--> Values at 28.5^{o}C (if presents) correspond"; |
398 |
t1->DrawLatex(50.,22.,isfile.str().c_str()); |
399 |
isfile.str(""); |
400 |
isfile<<" to wrong readings ( > 100^{o}C) of the Tsb"; |
401 |
t1->DrawLatex(50.,19.,isfile.str().c_str()); |
402 |
isfile.str(""); |
403 |
isfile<<"--> Values at 25.5^{o}C (if presents) correspond"; |
404 |
t1->DrawLatex(50.,12.,isfile.str().c_str()); |
405 |
isfile.str(""); |
406 |
isfile<<" to wrong readings ( < 0^{o}C) of the Tsb"; |
407 |
t1->DrawLatex(50.,9.,isfile.str().c_str()); |
408 |
isfile.str(""); |
409 |
410 |
Float_t tposy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads |
Float_t tposy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads |
411 |
Float_t thpad = 0; // pad height |
Float_t thpad = 0; // pad height |
431 |
/* -----------> pad for histograms */ |
/* -----------> pad for histograms */ |
432 |
pad6[i] = new TPad("pad6"," ",tposx1,tposy-thpad,tposx0,tposy,18,0,0); |
pad6[i] = new TPad("pad6"," ",tposx1,tposy-thpad,tposx0,tposy,18,0,0); |
433 |
434 |
Int_t v=0,xt_tmp[tsize]; |
Int_t v=0,vv=0; |
435 |
Double_t xt_tmp[tsize], tempt_tmp[tsize]; |
436 |
Double_t xt_tmpw[tsize], tempt_tmpw[tsize]; |
437 |
for (Int_t ev=countTEMP; ev<tsize; ev++){ |
for (Int_t ev=countTEMP; ev<tsize; ev++){ |
438 |
439 |
if(ev==tsize-1 && i==4) countTEMP=tsize-1; |
if(ev==tsize-1 && i==4 && ii==cntpgtemp-1) countTEMP=tsize-1; |
440 |
if(xt[ev]<xt[ev-1] && ev>countTEMP){ |
if(xt[ev]<xt[ev-1] && ev>countTEMP){ |
441 |
if(i==4) countTEMP=ev; |
if(i==4) countTEMP=ev; |
442 |
break; |
break; |
443 |
} |
} |
444 |
else{ |
else{ |
445 |
if(tempt[ev][i]!=65535){ |
tempt_tmp[v]=(Double_t)((Int_t)(((3.3*tempt[ev][i]/4096)-0.586)/0.0231)); |
446 |
tempt_tmp[v]=(Int_t)(((3.3*tempt[ev][i]/4096)-0.586)/0.0231); |
if(tempt_tmp[v]>100) { |
447 |
if(tempt_tmp[v]>0) xt_tmp[v++]=xt[ev]; |
tempt_tmp[v]=28.5; |
448 |
} |
tempt_tmpw[vv]=28.5; |
449 |
xt_tmpw[vv++]=(Double_t)xt[ev]; |
450 |
} |
451 |
else if(tempt_tmp[v]<0){ |
452 |
tempt_tmp[v]=25.5; |
453 |
tempt_tmpw[vv]=25.5; |
454 |
xt_tmpw[vv++]=(Double_t)xt[ev]; |
455 |
} |
456 |
xt_tmp[v++]=(Double_t)xt[ev]; |
457 |
} |
} |
458 |
} |
} |
459 |
TempCanv[ii]->cd(); |
TempCanv[ii]->cd(); |
463 |
pad6[i]->cd(); |
pad6[i]->cd(); |
464 |
temp[i][ii]= new TGraph(v,xt_tmp,tempt_tmp); |
temp[i][ii]= new TGraph(v,xt_tmp,tempt_tmp); |
465 |
temp[i][ii]->SetTitle(tit.str().c_str()); |
temp[i][ii]->SetTitle(tit.str().c_str()); |
466 |
if(v==1) temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(502,kTRUE); |
467 |
temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
468 |
temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04); |
temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04); |
469 |
temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)"); |
temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)"); |
479 |
temp[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.2); |
temp[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.2); |
480 |
temp[i][ii]->Draw("ap"); |
temp[i][ii]->Draw("ap"); |
481 |
tit.str(""); |
tit.str(""); |
482 |
if(vv>0){ |
483 |
tempw[i][ii]= new TGraph(vv,xt_tmpw,tempt_tmpw); |
484 |
tempw[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21); |
485 |
tempw[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.2); |
486 |
tempw[i][ii]->SetMarkerColor(196); |
487 |
tempw[i][ii]->Draw("samep"); |
488 |
} |
489 |
TempCanv[ii]->Update(); |
TempCanv[ii]->Update(); |
490 |
491 |
492 |
} |
} |
493 |
if(countTEMP==tsize-1){ |
if(countTEMP==tsize-1 && ii==cntpgtemp-1){ |
cntpgtemp=ii+1; |
494 |
break; |
break; |
495 |
} |
} |
496 |
} |
} |
497 |
498 |
// |
499 |
// Fill magnetic field graphs |
500 |
for(Int_t ii=0; ii<cntpgmag;ii++){ |
501 |
//**************************************************************************************** |
502 |
//Magnetic Field Output Pages |
503 |
//**************************************************************************************** |
504 |
fromfile.str(""); |
505 |
fromfile<<"FTrkQLook_EXPERT File: "<<ffile; |
506 |
isfile<<"Magnetic Axial Field vs OBT pag"<<ii+1; |
507 |
BfieldCanv[ii]=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200); |
508 |
BfieldCanv[ii]->SetFillColor(10); |
509 |
BfieldCanv[ii]->Range(0,0,100,100); |
510 |
511 |
t->SetTextFont(32); |
512 |
t->SetTextColor(1); |
513 |
t->SetTextAlign(12); |
514 |
t->SetTextSize(0.02); |
515 |
t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str()); |
516 |
t1->SetTextFont(32); |
517 |
t1->SetTextColor(1); |
518 |
t1->SetTextAlign(12); |
519 |
t1->SetTextSize(0.02); |
520 |
t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str()); |
521 |
isfile.str(""); |
522 |
523 |
TLine li; |
524 |
li.SetLineStyle(1); |
525 |
li.SetLineWidth(1); |
526 |
li.SetLineColor(190); |
527 |
t1->SetTextColor(190); |
528 |
t1->SetTextSize(0.04); |
529 |
530 |
Float_t tposy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads |
531 |
Float_t thpad = 0; // pad height |
532 |
Float_t tposx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column |
533 |
Float_t tposx0=0; // x-coord - column division |
534 |
Float_t twrel = 0; // relative x size of first sub-column |
535 |
Float_t tmarg = 0.004; // margin among pads |
536 |
537 |
thpad = (tposy-tmarg*5)/3; |
538 |
twrel = (1-tmarg*4)/2; |
539 |
540 |
for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++){ |
541 |
if ( (i+1)%2==1 ) { |
542 |
if(i>1) tposy = tposy-(tmarg*2+thpad); |
543 |
tposx1 = tmarg; |
544 |
tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel; |
545 |
} |
546 |
else { |
547 |
tposx1 = tposx0 + 2*tmarg; |
548 |
tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel; |
549 |
} |
550 |
551 |
/* -----------> pad for histograms */ |
552 |
pad7[i] = new TPad("pad7"," ",tposx1,tposy-thpad,tposx0,tposy,18,0,0); |
553 |
554 |
Int_t v=0; |
555 |
Double_t xb_tmp[bsize], magt_tmp[bsize]; |
556 |
for (Int_t ev=countMAG; ev<bsize; ev++){ |
557 |
558 |
if(ev==bsize-1 && i==4 && ii==cntpgmag-1) countMAG=bsize-1; |
559 |
if(xb[ev]<xb[ev-1] && ev>countMAG){ |
560 |
if(i==4) countMAG=ev; |
561 |
break; |
562 |
} |
563 |
else{ |
564 |
magt_tmp[v]=(Double_t)magt[ev][i]; |
565 |
xb_tmp[v++]=(Double_t)xb[ev]; |
566 |
} |
567 |
} |
568 |
BfieldCanv[ii]->cd(); |
569 |
tit<<"B"<<i+5<<" (magnetic module "<<i+1<<")"; |
570 |
pad7[i]->SetFillColor(10); |
571 |
pad7[i]->Draw(); |
572 |
pad7[i]->cd(); |
573 |
mag[i][ii]= new TGraph(v,xb_tmp,magt_tmp); |
574 |
mag[i][ii]->SetTitle(tit.str().c_str()); |
575 |
mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(502,kTRUE); |
576 |
mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); |
577 |
mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04); |
578 |
mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)"); |
579 |
mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
580 |
mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85); |
581 |
if(i!=4) mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2047,2058); |
582 |
else mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2060,2067); |
583 |
mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); |
584 |
mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.001); |
585 |
mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); |
586 |
mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04); |
587 |
mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Magnetic Field (au)"); |
588 |
mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
589 |
mag[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21); |
590 |
mag[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.4); |
591 |
mag[i][ii]->Draw("ap"); |
592 |
Double_t min=0.,max=0,xlat=0.; |
593 |
min=mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); |
594 |
max=mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); |
595 |
xlat=min+(max-min)/2; |
596 |
stringstream mi,ma; |
597 |
mi<<"minimum recorded value"; |
598 |
ma<<"maximum recorded value"; |
599 |
t->SetTextSize(0.1); |
600 |
switch(i){ |
601 |
case 0: |
602 |
li.DrawLine(min,2054.,max,2054.); |
603 |
li.DrawLine(min,2048.,max,2048.); |
604 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2054.3,ma.str().c_str()); |
605 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2047.7,mi.str().c_str()); |
606 |
break; |
607 |
608 |
case 1: |
609 |
li.DrawLine(min,2055.,max,2055.); |
610 |
li.DrawLine(min,2050.,max,2050.); |
611 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2055.3,ma.str().c_str()); |
612 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2049.7,mi.str().c_str()); |
613 |
break; |
614 |
615 |
case 2: |
616 |
li.DrawLine(min,2056.,max,2056.); |
617 |
li.DrawLine(min,2051.,max,2051.); |
618 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2056.3,ma.str().c_str()); |
619 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2050.7,mi.str().c_str()); |
620 |
break; |
621 |
622 |
case 3: |
623 |
li.DrawLine(min,2057.,max,2057.); |
624 |
li.DrawLine(min,2052.,max,2052.); |
625 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2057.3,ma.str().c_str()); |
626 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2051.7,mi.str().c_str()); |
627 |
break; |
628 |
629 |
case 4: |
630 |
li.DrawLine(min,2066.,max,2066.); |
631 |
li.DrawLine(min,2061.,max,2061.); |
632 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2066.15,ma.str().c_str()); |
633 |
t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2060.85,mi.str().c_str()); |
634 |
break; |
635 |
636 |
} |
637 |
BfieldCanv[ii]->Update(); |
638 |
tit.str(""); |
639 |
} |
640 |
if(countMAG==bsize-1 && ii==cntpgmag-1){ |
641 |
break; |
642 |
} |
643 |
} |
644 |
645 |
646 |
// |
// |
647 |
// Fill compressiontime and eventnumber graphs and DSP warnings |
// Fill compressiontime and eventnumber graphs and DSP warnings |
724 |
// and fill graphs and histos |
// and fill graphs and histos |
725 |
726 |
Int_t al=0; |
Int_t al=0; |
727 |
Float_t x[MAXSTORAGE]; |
Double_t x[MAXSTORAGE]; |
728 |
Float_t yc[MAXSTORAGE][12]; |
Float_t yc[MAXSTORAGE][12]; |
729 |
Float_t eventint[MAXSTORAGE]; |
Double_t eventint[MAXSTORAGE]; |
730 |
Int_t eventn[12]; |
731 |
732 |
for (Int_t ev=minev; ev<maxevent; ev++){ |
for (Int_t ev=minev; ev<maxevent; ev++){ |
733 |
tr->GetEntry(ev); |
tr->GetEntry(ev); |
734 |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
735 |
cod = eh->GetCounter(); |
cod = eh->GetCounter(); |
736 |
737 |
738 |
if(ev==maxevent-1) maxev=maxevent-1; |
if(ev==maxevent-1) maxev=maxevent-1; |
739 |
740 |
if((ph->GetOrbitalTime()<x[ev-minev-1] && ev-minev!=0) || ev-minev==MAXSTORAGE){ |
if((ph->GetOrbitalTime()<x[ev-minev-1] && ev-minev!=0) || ev-minev==MAXSTORAGE){ |
747 |
748 |
Int_t dsp=0; |
Int_t dsp=0; |
749 |
for(Int_t i=0; i<12; i++){ |
for(Int_t i=0; i<12; i++){ |
750 |
if(te->DSPnumber[i]<1 || te->DSPnumber[i]>12) { |
751 |
ALARM=1; |
752 |
break; |
753 |
} |
754 |
755 |
dsp=te->DSPnumber[i]-1; |
dsp=te->DSPnumber[i]-1; |
756 |
yc[(ev-minev)][dsp]= 0.051*te->compressiontime[i]; |
yc[(ev-minev)][dsp]= 0.051*te->compressiontime[i]; |
757 |
758 |
// |
// |
759 |
// Fill Cluster Signal and Lighting of the view histos |
// Fill Cluster Signal and Lighting of the view histos |
760 |
for(Int_t j=0;j<3;j++){ |
for(Int_t j=0;j<3;j++){ |
780 |
WARNING[i]=0; |
WARNING[i]=0; |
781 |
if(te->fc[i]!=0 || te->fl1[i]!=0 || te->fl2[i]!=0 || te->fl3[i]!=0 || te->fl4[i]!=0 || te->fl5[i]!=0 || te->fl6[i]!=0){ |
if(te->fc[i]!=0 || te->fl1[i]!=0 || te->fl2[i]!=0 || te->fl3[i]!=0 || te->fl4[i]!=0 || te->fl5[i]!=0 || te->fl6[i]!=0){ |
782 |
ALARM = 1; //general alarm |
ALARM = 1; //general alarm |
al=1; |
783 |
WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning |
WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning |
784 |
}; |
}; |
785 |
786 |
if(te->alarm[i]!=0){ // hardware alarm |
if(te->alarm[i]!=0){ // hardware alarm |
787 |
ALARM = 1; |
ALARM = 1; |
al=1; |
788 |
}; |
}; |
789 |
790 |
//************************************************************************************** |
//************************************************************************************** |
791 |
// warning for internal number |
// warning for internal number |
792 |
//************************************************************************************** |
//************************************************************************************** |
793 |
if(i<=10 && te->eventn[i]!=te->eventn[i+1]) ALARM=1; |
if(i<=10 && te->eventn[i]!=te->eventn[i+1]) ALARM=1; |
794 |
if((ev-minev)>=1 && eventn[i]+1!=te->eventn[i] && te->eventn[i]!=1) ALARM=1; |
795 |
} |
} |
796 |
eventint[(ev-minev)]=te->eventn[0]; |
eventint[(ev-minev)]=te->eventn[0]; |
797 |
if((ev-minev)>=1 && eventint[(ev-minev)]!=eventint[(ev-minev)-1]+1 && eventint[(ev-minev)]!=1) |
ALARM=1; |
798 |
//******************************************************************************************** |
//******************************************************************************************** |
799 |
// file DSP warning |
// file DSP warning |
800 |
//******************************************************************************************** |
//******************************************************************************************** |
801 |
802 |
if(ALARM==1) { |
if(ALARM==1) { |
803 |
al=1; |
804 |
alarm <<endl<< "================================================="<< endl; |
alarm <<endl<< "================================================="<< endl; |
805 |
alarm << "PSCU-Pkt N. "<< ph->GetCounter() ; |
alarm << "PSCU-Pkt N. "<< ph->GetCounter() ; |
806 |
alarm << " - OBT "<< ph->GetOrbitalTime() << " ms"<<endl; |
alarm << " - OBT "<< ph->GetOrbitalTime() << " ms"<<endl; |
824 |
for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ |
for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ |
825 |
alarm.width(5); alarm << te->DSPnumber[i]; |
alarm.width(5); alarm << te->DSPnumber[i]; |
826 |
alarm.width(8); alarm << te->eventn[i]; |
alarm.width(8); alarm << te->eventn[i]; |
827 |
alarm.width(8); alarm << eventint[(ev-minev)-1]; |
alarm.width(8); alarm << eventn[i]; |
828 |
alarm.width(6); alarm << te->DATAlength[i]; |
alarm.width(6); alarm << te->DATAlength[i]; |
829 |
alarm.width(4); alarm << te->crc[i]; |
alarm.width(4); alarm << te->crc[i]; |
830 |
alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fc[i]; |
alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fc[i]; |
839 |
alarm << endl; |
alarm << endl; |
840 |
} |
} |
841 |
} |
} |
842 |
for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++) |
843 |
eventn[i]=te->eventn[i]; |
844 |
} |
} |
845 |
} |
} |
846 |
if(al==0) alarm << endl<< "Page "<<ii+1<< ": ------> NO ALARM!!! <-------"<<endl; |
if(al==0) alarm << endl<< "Page "<<ii+1<< ": ------> NO ALARM!!! <-------"<<endl; |
848 |
// |
// |
849 |
// Draw the graphs |
// Draw the graphs |
850 |
for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ |
for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ |
851 |
Float_t yyc[maxev-minev]; |
Double_t yyc[maxev-minev]; |
852 |
for (Int_t v=0; v<maxev-minev; v++){ |
for (Int_t v=0; v<maxev-minev; v++){ |
853 |
yyc[v]=yc[v][i]; |
yyc[v]=yc[v][i]; |
854 |
} |
} |
865 |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
866 |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("compressiontime (ms)"); |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("compressiontime (ms)"); |
867 |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); |
868 |
comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,3); |
// comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,3); |
869 |
comprtime[i][ii]->Draw("ap"); |
comprtime[i][ii]->Draw("ap"); |
870 |
oss1.str(""); |
oss1.str(""); |
871 |
CompTimeCanv[ii]->Update(); |
CompTimeCanv[ii]->Update(); |
896 |
eventnumb[ii]->Draw("ap"); |
eventnumb[ii]->Draw("ap"); |
897 |
EventNumCanv[ii]->Update(); |
EventNumCanv[ii]->Update(); |
898 |
899 |
minev=maxev; |
minev=maxev; |
900 |
if(maxev==maxevent-1) { |
if(maxev==maxevent-1) { |
901 |
cntpgdat=ii+1; |
cntpgdat=ii+1; |
902 |
break; |
break; |
903 |
} |
} |
904 |
905 |
} |
} |
906 |
907 |
908 |
alarm.close(); |
alarm.close(); |
909 |
910 |
//**************************************************************************************** |
//**************************************************************************************** |
997 |
for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ |
for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ |
998 |
999 |
TBox b; |
TBox b; |
b.SetFillColor(6); |
b.SetFillStyle(3945); |
1000 |
1001 |
Float_t maxhist=0; |
Float_t maxhist=0; |
1002 |
LandauCanv1->cd(); |
LandauCanv1->cd(); |
1040 |
illuminazione[i]->Draw(""); |
illuminazione[i]->Draw(""); |
1041 |
if(i==1){ |
if(i==1){ |
1042 |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
1043 |
b.DrawBox(2816.,0.,3060.,maxhist); |
b.SetFillColor(6); |
1044 |
b.SetFillStyle(3945); |
1045 |
b.DrawBox(2944.,0.,3060.,maxhist); |
1046 |
1047 |
b.SetFillColor(107); |
1048 |
b.SetFillStyle(3954); |
1049 |
b.DrawBox(2816.,0.,2944.,maxhist); |
1050 |
b.DrawBox(2048.,0.,2176.,maxhist); |
1051 |
} |
1052 |
else if(i==4){ |
1053 |
maxhist=illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
1054 |
b.SetFillColor(107); |
1055 |
b.SetFillStyle(3954); |
1056 |
b.DrawBox(384.,0.,512.,maxhist); |
1057 |
} |
} |
1058 |
else if(i==6){ |
else if(i==6){ |
1059 |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
1060 |
b.SetFillColor(6); |
1061 |
b.SetFillStyle(3945); |
1062 |
b.DrawBox(2560.,0.,2816.,maxhist); |
b.DrawBox(2560.,0.,2816.,maxhist); |
1063 |
b.DrawBox(1024.,0.,1535.,maxhist); |
1064 |
1065 |
b.SetFillColor(107); |
1066 |
b.SetFillStyle(3954); |
1067 |
b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist); |
1068 |
b.DrawBox(1536.,0.,1792.,maxhist); |
1069 |
} |
1070 |
else if(i==7){ |
1071 |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
1072 |
b.SetFillColor(107); |
1073 |
b.SetFillStyle(3954); |
1074 |
b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist); |
b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist); |
b.DrawBox(1024.,0.,1792.,maxhist); |
1075 |
} |
} |
1076 |
else if(i==11){ |
else if(i==11){ |
1077 |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum(); |
1078 |
b.SetFillColor(6); |
1079 |
b.SetFillStyle(3945); |
1080 |
b.DrawBox(768.,0.,1024.,maxhist); |
b.DrawBox(768.,0.,1024.,maxhist); |
1081 |
1082 |
b.SetFillColor(107); |
1083 |
b.SetFillStyle(3954); |
1084 |
b.DrawBox(0.,0.,512.,maxhist); |
1085 |
b.DrawBox(1920.,0.,2048.,maxhist); |
1086 |
} |
} |
1087 |
IlluminaCanv->Update(); |
IlluminaCanv->Update(); |
1088 |
} |
} |
1111 |
CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1112 |
EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1113 |
TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1114 |
BfieldCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1115 |
LandauCanv1->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
LandauCanv1->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1116 |
LandauCanv2->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
LandauCanv2->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1117 |
LandauCanv3->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
LandauCanv3->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1121 |
if(fl==0) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
if(fl==0) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1122 |
if(fl>0 && fl<cntpgdat) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
if(fl>0 && fl<cntpgdat) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1123 |
if(fl<cntpgdat) EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
if(fl<cntpgdat) EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1124 |
if(fl<cntpgmag) BfieldCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1125 |
if(fl<cntpgtemp) TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
if(fl<cntpgtemp) TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1126 |
if(fl==totpg-1){ |
if(fl==totpg-1){ |
1127 |
LandauCanv1->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
LandauCanv1->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); |
1136 |
out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-CompTime-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data(); |
out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-CompTime-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data(); |
1137 |
if(fl<cntpgdat) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str()); |
if(fl<cntpgdat) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str()); |
1138 |
out1.str(""); |
out1.str(""); |
1139 |
out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-BField-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data(); |
1140 |
if(fl<cntpgmag) BfieldCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str()); |
1141 |
out1.str(""); |
1142 |
out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-Temp-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data(); |
out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-Temp-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data(); |
1143 |
if(fl<cntpgtemp) TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str()); |
if(fl<cntpgtemp) TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str()); |
1144 |
out1.str(""); |
out1.str(""); |