/[PAMELA software]/quicklook/tracker/flight/macros/FTrkQLook_EXPERT.cxx
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Contents of /quicklook/tracker/flight/macros/FTrkQLook_EXPERT.cxx

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Revision 1.24 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Dec 6 10:06:27 2006 UTC (18 years, 3 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r20
Changes since 1.23: +5 -2 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 /**
2 * FTrkQLook_EXPERT.cxx
3 *
4 * autor: D.Fedele
5 * version v1r18
6 * Parameters:
7 * file - the data file to analyze
8 * fromevent - first event to analyze
9 * toevent - last event to analyze
10 * outdir - total path of output file
11 * outfile - extension of output file (pdf,ps,gif,jpg)
12 *
13 *
14 */
15 //
16 #include <fstream>
17 //
18 #include <TPaveText.h>
19 #include <TLatex.h>
20 #include <TCanvas.h>
21 #include <TGraph.h>
22 #include <TFile.h>
23 #include <TTree.h>
24 #include <TStyle.h>
25 //
26 #include <physics/tracker/TrackerEvent.h>
27 #include <PscuHeader.h>
28 #include <EventHeader.h>
29 #include <RunHeaderEvent.h>
30 #include <TrkAlarmEvent.h>
31 #include <tsbt/TsbTRecord.h>
32 #include <tsbt/TsbTEvent.h>
33 #include <tsbb/TsbBRecord.h>
34 #include <tsbb/TsbBEvent.h>
35 #include <EventCounter.h>
36 #include <PacketType.h>
37 //
38 #define MAXSTORAGE 50000
40 void FTrkQLook_EXPERT(TString file,Int_t fromevent,Int_t toevent, TString outdir, TString outfile)
41 {
42 //
43 // obtain information about the data file and select the output dir
44 Int_t dwpos = file.Last('/');
45 Int_t dwpos1 = file.Last('.');
46 TString base,ffile ;
47 ffile=file(dwpos+1,dwpos1-(dwpos+1));
48 if(dwpos>0) base=file(0,dwpos);
50 TString out;
51 if(outdir.Length()==0){
52 out = base;
53 }else{
54 out = outdir;
55 }
56 if(out.Last('/')+1<out.Length()) out+="/";
58 //
59 // inizialise the variables and open the file
60 pamela::TsbTEvent *event = 0;
61 pamela::TsbTRecord *record = 0;
62 pamela::TsbBEvent *Bevent = 0;
63 pamela::TsbBRecord *Brecord = 0;
64 pamela::tracker::TrackerEvent *te=0;
65 pamela::EventHeader *eh=0,*aleh=0,*eH=0,*eT=0,*eB=0;
66 pamela::PscuHeader *ph=0,*pH=0;
67 pamela::TrkAlarmEvent *al=0;
68 pamela::RunHeaderEvent *reh=0;
69 pamela::EventCounter *cod=0;
71 pamela::PacketType *pctp=0;
73 TFile *datafile = new TFile(file);
74 if ( !datafile ){
75 printf("No data file, exiting...\n");
76 return;
77 }
79 TTree *tree = (TTree*)datafile->Get("TsbT");
80 tree->SetBranchAddress("TsbT",&event);
81 tree->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eT);
83 TTree *Btree = (TTree*)datafile->Get("TsbB");
84 Btree->SetBranchAddress("TsbB",&Bevent);
85 Btree->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eB);
87 TTree *altr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("TrkAlarm");
88 altr->SetBranchAddress("TrkAlarm",&al);
89 altr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&aleh);
91 TTree *tr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("Physics");
92 tr->SetBranchAddress("Tracker",&te);
93 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eh);
95 TTree *otr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("RunHeader");
96 otr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eH);
97 otr->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader",&reh);
99 Long64_t nevent = tr->GetEntries();
100 Long64_t neventH = otr->GetEntries();
101 Long64_t tnevent = tree->GetEntries();
102 Long64_t bnevent = Btree->GetEntries();
103 Long64_t alnevent = altr->GetEntries();
104 Int_t minevent=0;
105 Int_t maxevent=0;
107 printf("Number of total events: %lld\n",nevent);
108 printf("Number of header events: %lld\n",neventH);
109 printf("Number of TsbT events: %lld\n",tnevent);
110 printf("Number of TsbB events: %lld\n",bnevent);
111 printf("Number of TrkAlarm packet events: %lld\n",alnevent);
113 if (nevent<=0){
114 datafile->Close();
115 return;
116 }
117 if ( fromevent > toevent && toevent>0 ){
118 printf("It must be fromevent < toevent \n");
119 return;
120 }
121 if ( fromevent > nevent || fromevent < 0 ) {
122 printf("You can choose fromevent between 0 (all) and %lld \n",nevent);
123 return;
124 }
125 if ( toevent > nevent || toevent < 0 ) {
126 printf("You can choose toevent between 0 (all) and %lld \n",nevent);
127 return;
128 }
129 if ( fromevent == 0 ) {
130 minevent = 0;
131 maxevent = nevent;
132 } else {
133 minevent = fromevent;
134 if ( toevent > 0 ){
135 maxevent = toevent+1;
136 } else if (toevent > nevent) {
137 maxevent = nevent;
138 } else {
139 maxevent = nevent;
140 }
141 nevent=maxevent-minevent ;
142 }
144 //
145 // information about the RunHeader
146 ULong64_t HOBT[neventH];
147 Int_t trk_cal_us[neventH];
148 ULong_t acq_info[neventH];
149 Int_t countnboot=1;
150 for (Int_t vi=0; vi<neventH;vi++){
151 HOBT[vi]=0;
152 trk_cal_us[vi]=0;
153 acq_info[vi]=0;
154 }
155 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<neventH; ev++){
156 otr->GetEntry(ev);
157 pH = eH->GetPscuHeader();
158 HOBT[ev]= pH->GetOrbitalTime();
159 trk_cal_us[ev]=reh->TRK_CALIB_USED;
160 acq_info[ev]=reh->ACQ_BUILD_INFO;
161 if((HOBT[ev]<HOBT[ev-1]) && ev>0)
162 countnboot+=1;
163 }
164 countnboot+=(Int_t)(2*nevent/MAXSTORAGE);
165 // printf("\ncountnboot=%d\n",countnboot);
167 //
168 // other variables definitions
169 stringstream oss1,oss2,oss3,oss4,fromfile,isfile,tit;
170 Int_t ALARM=0;
171 Int_t WARNING[12];
173 //
174 // information about the entries for the temperatures
175 Int_t tmpSize=0,siztmp=0,maxsize=0;
176 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<tnevent; ev++){
177 tree->GetEntry(ev);
178 tmpSize = event->Records->GetEntries();
179 maxsize+=tmpSize;
180 }
181 const Int_t tsize=maxsize;
182 Int_t tempt[tsize][5];
183 ULong64_t xt[tsize];
185 Int_t cntpgtemp=1,cntpgdat=0,cntpgmag=0;
186 //
187 // information about the temperatures
188 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<tnevent; ev++){
189 tree->GetEntry(ev);
190 tmpSize = event->Records->GetEntries();
191 for (Int_t j = 0; j < tmpSize; j++){
192 record = (pamela::TsbTRecord*)event->Records->At(j);
193 xt[siztmp]=record->RECORD_OBT;
194 if((xt[siztmp]<xt[siztmp-1]) && siztmp>0)
195 cntpgtemp+=1;
197 for (Int_t z = 0; z < 5; z++){
198 tempt[siztmp][z] = record->TEMPERATURES[z+1];
199 }
200 siztmp++;
201 }
202 }
204 //
205 // information about the entries for the magnetic field
206 if(bnevent>0) cntpgmag=1;
207 maxsize=0;
208 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<bnevent; ev++){
209 Btree->GetEntry(ev);
210 tmpSize = Bevent->Records->GetEntries();
211 maxsize+=tmpSize;
212 }
213 const Int_t bsize=maxsize;
214 Int_t magt[bsize][5];
215 ULong64_t xb[bsize];
216 siztmp=0;
217 //
218 // information about the magnetic field
219 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<bnevent; ev++){
220 Btree->GetEntry(ev);
221 tmpSize = Bevent->Records->GetEntries();
222 for (Int_t j = 0; j < tmpSize; j++){
223 Brecord = (pamela::TsbBRecord*)Bevent->Records->At(j);
224 xb[siztmp]=Brecord->RECORD_OBT;
225 if((xb[siztmp]<xb[siztmp-1]) && siztmp>0)
226 cntpgmag+=1;
227 for (Int_t z = 0; z < 5; z++){
228 magt[siztmp][z] = Brecord->B_FIELD[z+1];
229 }
230 siztmp++;
231 }
232 }
234 //
235 // open the output text files for the alarms
236 TString fname1 = out+ffile;
237 TString fname = out+ffile;
238 int slen=fname.Length();
239 int last=fname.Last('_');
240 if(last<(slen-1))fname.Append('_');
241 fname.Append("FTrk-DSP-report.txt");
242 ofstream alarm(fname,ios::out);
243 alarm << "TRACKER DSP REPORT - Downlink " << ffile<< endl;
244 fname1.Append("_FTrkAlarm-pkt-report.txt");
245 ofstream alarm1(fname1,ios::out);
246 alarm1 << "TrkAlarm pkt REPORT - Downlink " << ffile<< endl;
248 //
249 // write the file for the TrkAlarm packet
250 if(alnevent==0) alarm1 <<endl<< "------> NO ALARM!!! <-------"<< endl;
251 else{
252 Long64_t obt=0;
253 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<alnevent; ev++){
254 altr->GetEntry(ev);
255 ph = aleh->GetPscuHeader();
257 if(ph->GetOrbitalTime()<obt && ev>0)
258 alarm1<<endl<<"NEW CPU BOOT"<<endl;
259 obt=ph->GetOrbitalTime();
261 alarm1 << "================================================="<< endl;
262 alarm1 << "PSCU-Pkt N. "<< ph->GetCounter() ;
263 alarm1 << " - OBT "<< ph->GetOrbitalTime() << " ms"<<endl;
264 alarm1 << "(ROOT-tree entry "<<ev<<")"<<endl;
265 alarm1 << "================================================="<< endl<<endl;
267 alarm1 << "Alarm variables (range 0-1)"<<endl;
268 alarm1 << " ALARM[1]= 0x"<< hex << (Int_t)al->ALARM[0]<<endl;
269 alarm1 << " ALARM[2]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->ALARM[1]<<endl;
270 alarm1 << " CmdDuringTrig= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->CmdDuringTrig<<endl;
271 alarm1 << " FinalCheck= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FinalCheck<<endl;
272 alarm1 << " FlashData= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FlashData<<endl;
273 alarm1 << " FlashShutdown= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FlashShutdown<<endl;
274 alarm1 << " FlashUpset= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FlashUpset<<endl;
275 alarm1 << " InterCheck= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->InterCheck<<endl;
276 alarm1 << " UnknownCmd= 0x"<<(Int_t)al->UnknownCmd<<endl<<endl;
278 alarm1 << "Alarm variables (range 0-3F)"<<endl;
279 alarm1 << " CmdIDMA= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->CmdIDMA<<endl;
280 alarm1 << " DSPSoft= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->DSPSoft<<endl;
281 alarm1 << " TrigIDMA= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->TrigIDMA<<endl<<endl;
283 alarm1 << "Control variables (range 0-3F)"<<endl;
284 alarm1 << " DSPBusy= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->DSPBusy<<endl;
285 alarm1 << " DSPMask= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->DSPMask<<endl<<endl;
287 alarm1 << "Control variables (range 0-1)"<<endl;
288 alarm1 << " FlashOn= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->FlashOn<<endl<<endl;
290 alarm1 << "Control variables (range 0-3)"<<endl;
291 alarm1 << " TrigMask= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->TrigMask<<endl<<endl;
293 alarm1 << "Control bits fixed"<<endl;
294 alarm1 << " Aswr= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->Aswr<<endl;
295 alarm1 << " BID[1]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[0]<<endl;
296 alarm1 << " BID[2]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[1]<<endl;
297 alarm1 << " BID[3]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[2]<<endl;
298 alarm1 << " BID[4]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[3]<<endl;
299 alarm1 << " BID[5]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[4]<<endl;
300 alarm1 << " BID[6]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[5]<<endl;
301 alarm1 << " BID[7]= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->BID[6]<<endl;
302 alarm1 << " CmdNum= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->CmdNum<<endl;
303 alarm1 << " PNum= 0x"<< (Int_t)al->PNum<< dec <<endl;
305 alarm1 << "================================================="<< endl<<endl;
307 }
308 }
310 //
311 // Set Style options
312 gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"x");
313 gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.06,"y");
314 gStyle->SetStatFontSize(0.075);
315 gStyle->SetOptStat(1110);
316 gStyle->SetFillColor(10);
317 gStyle->SetStatColor(10);
318 gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(10);
319 gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.1);
320 gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.8,"y");
321 gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.9,"x");
322 gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.06,"y");
323 gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.055,"x");
325 //
326 // Define output canvas, histos and graphs
327 TCanvas *CompTimeCanv[countnboot],*EventNumCanv[countnboot],*TempCanv[cntpgtemp],*BfieldCanv[cntpgmag];
328 TCanvas *IlluminaCanv,*LandauCanv1,*LandauCanv2,*LandauCanv3;
330 TH1F *landau1[12],*landau2[12],*landau3[12],*illuminazione[12];
331 TGraph *comprtime[12][countnboot],*temp[5][cntpgtemp],*tempw[5][cntpgtemp],*eventnumb[countnboot],*mag[5][cntpgmag];
332 TPad *pad1[12],*pad2[12],*pad3[12],*pad4[12],*pad5[12],*pad6[5],*pad7[5];
334 for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++) {
336 /* -----------> HISTOGRAMS */
338 tit<<"DSP "<<n+1;
339 oss1<<"DSP "<<n+1;
340 oss2<<"DSPh "<<n+1;
341 oss3<<"DSP h "<<n+1;
342 oss4<<"DSP h"<<n+1;
344 landau1[n]= new TH1F(oss1.str().c_str(),tit.str().c_str(),401,-0.5,1200.5);
345 landau2[n]= new TH1F(oss2.str().c_str(),tit.str().c_str(),401,-0.5,1200.5);
346 landau3[n]= new TH1F(oss3.str().c_str(),tit.str().c_str(),401,-0.5,1200.5);
348 illuminazione[n]= new TH1F(oss4.str().c_str(),tit.str().c_str(),3073,-0.5,3072.5);
350 tit.str("");
351 oss1.str("");
352 oss2.str("");
353 oss3.str("");
354 oss4.str("");
355 };
358 //***************************************************************************************
359 // LOOP on each event
360 //***************************************************************************************
362 if (fromevent!=0)
363 printf("\n Scan of events from %i to %i ... \n",minevent,maxevent-1);
364 else
365 printf("\n Scan of events from %i to %i ... \n",minevent+1,maxevent);
367 TLatex *t=new TLatex();
368 TLatex *t1=new TLatex();
370 TLine li,liva1;
372 Int_t minev=minevent,maxev=maxevent,countTEMP=0,countMAG=0;
373 ULong_t countALARMx=0,countALARMy=0,countFC[12],countFL1[12],countFL2[12],countFL3[12],countFL4[12],countFL5[12],countFL6[12];
375 for(int i=0; i<12; i++){
376 countFC[i]=0;
377 countFL1[i]=0;
378 countFL2[i]=0;
379 countFL3[i]=0;
380 countFL4[i]=0;
381 countFL5[i]=0;
382 countFL6[i]=0;
383 }
385 //
386 // Fill temperature graphs
387 for(Int_t ii=0; ii<cntpgtemp;ii++){
388 //****************************************************************************************
389 //Temperature Output Pages
390 //****************************************************************************************
391 fromfile.str("");
392 fromfile<<"FTrkQLook_EXPERT File: "<<ffile;
393 isfile<<"Temperatures vs OBT pag"<<ii+1;
394 TempCanv[ii]=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
395 TempCanv[ii]->SetFillColor(10);
396 TempCanv[ii]->Range(0,0,100,100);
398 t->SetTextFont(32);
399 t->SetTextColor(1);
400 t->SetTextAlign(12);
401 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
402 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
403 t1->SetTextFont(32);
404 t1->SetTextColor(1);
405 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
406 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
407 t1->DrawLatex(78.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
408 isfile.str("");
409 t1->SetTextSize(0.025);
410 t1->SetTextColor(196);
411 isfile<<"--> Values at 28.5^{o}C (if presents) correspond";
412 t1->DrawLatex(50.,22.,isfile.str().c_str());
413 isfile.str("");
414 isfile<<" to wrong readings ( > 100^{o}C) of the Tsb";
415 t1->DrawLatex(50.,19.,isfile.str().c_str());
416 isfile.str("");
417 isfile<<"--> Values at 25.5^{o}C (if presents) correspond";
418 t1->DrawLatex(50.,12.,isfile.str().c_str());
419 isfile.str("");
420 isfile<<" to wrong readings ( < 0^{o}C) of the Tsb";
421 t1->DrawLatex(50.,9.,isfile.str().c_str());
422 isfile.str("");
424 Float_t tposy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads
425 Float_t thpad = 0; // pad height
426 Float_t tposx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column
427 Float_t tposx0=0; // x-coord - column division
428 Float_t twrel = 0; // relative x size of first sub-column
429 Float_t tmarg = 0.004; // margin among pads
431 thpad = (tposy-tmarg*5)/3;
432 twrel = (1-tmarg*4)/2;
434 for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++){
435 if ( (i+1)%2==1 ) {
436 if(i>1) tposy = tposy-(tmarg*2+thpad);
437 tposx1 = tmarg;
438 tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel;
439 }
440 else {
441 tposx1 = tposx0 + 2*tmarg;
442 tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel;
443 }
445 /* -----------> pad for histograms */
446 pad6[i] = new TPad("pad6"," ",tposx1,tposy-thpad,tposx0,tposy,18,0,0);
448 Int_t v=0,vv=0;
449 Double_t xt_tmp[tsize], tempt_tmp[tsize];
450 Double_t xt_tmpw[tsize], tempt_tmpw[tsize];
451 for (Int_t ev=countTEMP; ev<tsize; ev++){
453 if(ev==tsize-1 && i==4 && ii==cntpgtemp-1) countTEMP=tsize-1;
454 if(xt[ev]<xt[ev-1] && ev>countTEMP){
455 if(i==4) countTEMP=ev;
456 break;
457 }
458 else{
459 tempt_tmp[v]=(Double_t)((Int_t)(((3.3*tempt[ev][i]/4096)-0.586)/0.0231));
460 if(tempt_tmp[v]>100) {
461 tempt_tmp[v]=28.5;
462 tempt_tmpw[vv]=28.5;
463 xt_tmpw[vv++]=(Double_t)xt[ev];
464 }
465 else if(tempt_tmp[v]<0){
466 tempt_tmp[v]=25.5;
467 tempt_tmpw[vv]=25.5;
468 xt_tmpw[vv++]=(Double_t)xt[ev];
469 }
470 xt_tmp[v++]=(Double_t)xt[ev];
471 }
472 }
473 TempCanv[ii]->cd();
474 tit<<"T"<<i+5<<" (magnetic module "<<i+1<<")";
475 pad6[i]->SetFillColor(10);
476 pad6[i]->Draw();
477 pad6[i]->cd();
478 temp[i][ii]= new TGraph(v,xt_tmp,tempt_tmp);
479 temp[i][ii]->SetTitle(tit.str().c_str());
480 if(v==1) temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(-501);
481 temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
482 temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
483 temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)");
484 temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
485 temp[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85);
486 temp[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
487 temp[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.001);
488 temp[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
489 temp[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
490 temp[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Temperatures ( ^{o}C)");
491 temp[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
492 temp[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
493 temp[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.2);
494 temp[i][ii]->Draw("ap");
495 tit.str("");
496 if(vv>0){
497 tempw[i][ii]= new TGraph(vv,xt_tmpw,tempt_tmpw);
498 tempw[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
499 tempw[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.2);
500 tempw[i][ii]->SetMarkerColor(196);
501 tempw[i][ii]->Draw("samep");
502 }
503 TempCanv[ii]->Update();
506 }
507 if(countTEMP==tsize-1 && ii==cntpgtemp-1){
508 break;
509 }
510 }
512 //
513 // Fill magnetic field graphs
514 for(Int_t ii=0; ii<cntpgmag;ii++){
515 //****************************************************************************************
516 //Magnetic Field Output Pages
517 //****************************************************************************************
518 fromfile.str("");
519 fromfile<<"FTrkQLook_EXPERT File: "<<ffile;
520 isfile<<"Magnetic Axial Field vs OBT pag"<<ii+1;
521 BfieldCanv[ii]=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
522 BfieldCanv[ii]->SetFillColor(10);
523 BfieldCanv[ii]->Range(0,0,100,100);
525 t->SetTextFont(32);
526 t->SetTextColor(1);
527 t->SetTextAlign(12);
528 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
529 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
530 t1->SetTextFont(32);
531 t1->SetTextColor(1);
532 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
533 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
534 t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
535 isfile.str("");
537 li.SetLineStyle(1);
538 li.SetLineWidth(1);
539 li.SetLineColor(190);
540 t1->SetTextColor(190);
541 t1->SetTextSize(0.04);
543 Float_t tposy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads
544 Float_t thpad = 0; // pad height
545 Float_t tposx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column
546 Float_t tposx0=0; // x-coord - column division
547 Float_t twrel = 0; // relative x size of first sub-column
548 Float_t tmarg = 0.004; // margin among pads
550 thpad = (tposy-tmarg*5)/3;
551 twrel = (1-tmarg*4)/2;
553 for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++){
554 if ( (i+1)%2==1 ) {
555 if(i>1) tposy = tposy-(tmarg*2+thpad);
556 tposx1 = tmarg;
557 tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel;
558 }
559 else {
560 tposx1 = tposx0 + 2*tmarg;
561 tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel;
562 }
564 /* -----------> pad for histograms */
565 pad7[i] = new TPad("pad7"," ",tposx1,tposy-thpad,tposx0,tposy,18,0,0);
567 Int_t v=0;
568 Double_t xb_tmp[bsize], magt_tmp[bsize];
569 for (Int_t ev=countMAG; ev<bsize; ev++){
571 if(ev==bsize-1 && i==4 && ii==cntpgmag-1) countMAG=bsize-1;
572 if(xb[ev]<xb[ev-1] && ev>countMAG){
573 if(i==4) countMAG=ev;
574 break;
575 }
576 else{
577 magt_tmp[v]=(Double_t)magt[ev][i];
578 xb_tmp[v++]=(Double_t)xb[ev];
579 }
580 }
581 BfieldCanv[ii]->cd();
582 tit<<"B"<<i+5<<" (magnetic module "<<i+1<<")";
583 pad7[i]->SetFillColor(10);
584 pad7[i]->Draw();
585 pad7[i]->cd();
586 mag[i][ii]= new TGraph(v,xb_tmp,magt_tmp);
587 mag[i][ii]->SetTitle(tit.str().c_str());
588 if(v==1) mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(-501);
589 mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
590 mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
591 mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)");
592 mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
593 mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85);
594 if(i!=4) mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2047,2058);
595 else mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2059,2067);
596 mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
597 mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.001);
598 mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
599 mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04);
600 mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Magnetic Field (au)");
601 mag[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
602 mag[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
603 mag[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
604 mag[i][ii]->Draw("ap");
605 Double_t min=0.,max=0,xlat=0.;
606 min=mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
607 max=mag[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
608 xlat=min+(max-min)/2;
609 stringstream mi,ma;
610 mi<<"minimum recorded value";
611 ma<<"maximum recorded value";
612 t->SetTextSize(0.1);
613 switch(i){
614 case 0:
615 li.DrawLine(min,2054.,max,2054.);
616 li.DrawLine(min,2048.,max,2048.);
617 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2054.3,ma.str().c_str());
618 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2047.7,mi.str().c_str());
619 break;
621 case 1:
622 li.DrawLine(min,2055.,max,2055.);
623 li.DrawLine(min,2050.,max,2050.);
624 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2055.3,ma.str().c_str());
625 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2049.7,mi.str().c_str());
626 break;
628 case 2:
629 li.DrawLine(min,2056.,max,2056.);
630 li.DrawLine(min,2051.,max,2051.);
631 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2056.3,ma.str().c_str());
632 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2050.7,mi.str().c_str());
633 break;
635 case 3:
636 li.DrawLine(min,2057.,max,2057.);
637 li.DrawLine(min,2052.,max,2052.);
638 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2057.3,ma.str().c_str());
639 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2051.7,mi.str().c_str());
640 break;
642 case 4:
643 li.DrawLine(min,2066.,max,2066.);
644 li.DrawLine(min,2060.,max,2060.);
645 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2066.15,ma.str().c_str());
646 t1->DrawLatex(xlat,2059.85,mi.str().c_str());
647 break;
649 }
650 BfieldCanv[ii]->Update();
651 tit.str("");
652 }
653 if(countMAG==bsize-1 && ii==cntpgmag-1){
654 break;
655 }
656 }
659 //
660 // Fill compressiontime and eventnumber graphs and DSP warnings
661 for(Int_t ii=0; ii<countnboot;ii++){
662 TPad *pt; //pad for histos
664 //****************************************************************************************
665 //COMPRESSIONTIME vs. OBT Output Pages
666 //****************************************************************************************
667 fromfile.str("");
668 fromfile<<"FTrkQLook_EXPERT File: "<<ffile;
669 isfile<<"COMPRESSIONTIME vs. OBT pag"<<ii+1;
670 CompTimeCanv[ii]=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
671 CompTimeCanv[ii]->SetFillColor(10);
672 CompTimeCanv[ii]->Range(0,0,100,100);
673 t->SetTextFont(32);
674 t->SetTextColor(1);
675 t->SetTextAlign(12);
676 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
677 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
678 t1->SetTextFont(32);
679 t1->SetTextColor(1);
680 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
681 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
682 t1->DrawLatex(62.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
683 isfile.str("");
685 //****************************************************************************************
686 //DSP EVENT NUMBER Output Pages
687 //****************************************************************************************
689 isfile<<"DSP EVENT NUMBER vs. OBT pag"<<ii+1;
690 EventNumCanv[ii]=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
691 EventNumCanv[ii]->SetFillColor(10);
692 EventNumCanv[ii]->Range(0,0,100,100);
693 t->SetTextFont(32);
694 t->SetTextColor(1);
695 t->SetTextAlign(12);
696 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
697 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
698 t1->SetTextFont(32);
699 t1->SetTextColor(1);
700 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
701 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
702 t1->DrawLatex(62.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
703 isfile.str("");
705 Float_t posy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads
706 Float_t hpad = 0; // pad height
707 Float_t posx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column
708 Float_t posx0=0; // x-coord - column division
709 Float_t wrel = 0; // relative x size of first sub-column
710 Float_t marg = 0.004; // margin among pads
712 hpad = (posy-marg*11)/6;
713 wrel = (1-marg*4)/2;
715 for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++) {
717 if ( (n+1)%2==1 ) {
718 if(n>1) posy = posy-(marg*2+hpad);
719 posx1 = marg;
720 posx0 = posx1 + wrel;
721 }
722 else {
723 posx1 = posx0 + 2*marg;
724 posx0 = posx1 + wrel;
725 }
727 /* -----------> pad for histograms */
728 pad1[n] = new TPad("pad1"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0,posy,18,0,0);
729 pad2[n] = new TPad("pad2"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0,posy,18,0,0);
730 pad3[n] = new TPad("pad3"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0,posy,18,0,0);
731 pad4[n] = new TPad("pad4"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0,posy,18,0,0);
732 pad5[n] = new TPad("pad5"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0,posy,18,0,0);
733 }
735 //
736 // Obtain information about the tracker data
737 // and fill graphs and histos
739 Int_t al=0;
740 Double_t x[MAXSTORAGE];
741 Float_t yc[MAXSTORAGE][12];
742 Double_t eventint[MAXSTORAGE];
743 Int_t eventn[12];
745 for (Int_t ev=minev; ev<maxevent; ev++){
746 tr->GetEntry(ev);
747 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
748 cod = eh->GetCounter();
751 if(ev==maxevent-1) maxev=maxevent-1;
753 if((ph->GetOrbitalTime()<x[ev-minev-1] && ev-minev!=0) || ev-minev==MAXSTORAGE){
754 maxev=ev;
755 break;
756 }
757 else{
758 x[(ev-minev)]= ph->GetOrbitalTime();
759 ALARM=0;
760 Int_t dsp=0;
761 Int_t noacq=0;
762 Int_t acq_dsp[12];
763 ULong_t acq_info_tmp=0;
764 if(cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader)>0) acq_info_tmp=acq_info[cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader)-1];
765 else acq_info_tmp=acq_info[cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader)];
766 for(Int_t io=0;io<12;io++){
767 acq_dsp[dsp]=(acq_info_tmp>>(12+io))&(~(~0<<1));
768 if(((acq_info_tmp>>(12+io))&(~(~0<<1)))==0)
769 noacq+=1;
770 WARNING[io]=0;
771 }
773 for(Int_t i=0; i<12; i++){
775 if(i<12-noacq){
776 if(te->DSPnumber[i]<1 || te->DSPnumber[i]>12) {
777 ALARM=1;
778 break;
779 }
781 dsp=te->DSPnumber[i]-1;
782 yc[(ev-minev)][dsp]= 0.051*te->compressiontime[i];
784 //
785 // Fill Cluster Signal and Lighting of the view histos
786 for(Int_t j=0;j<3;j++){
787 if(te->signcluster[i][j]!=0){
788 if((te->addrcluster[i][j]>6 && te->addrcluster[i][j]<505) ||(te->addrcluster[i][j]>518 && te->addrcluster[i][j]<1018)){
789 illuminazione[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)((j*1024.)+te->addrcluster[i][j]));
790 }
791 }
792 }
793 if(trk_cal_us[cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader)]!=104){
794 if(!(dsp%2)){
795 if(te->signcluster[i][0]!=0) landau1[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)(1024.-te->signcluster[i][0]));
796 if(te->signcluster[i][1]!=0) landau2[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)(1024.-te->signcluster[i][1]));
797 if(te->signcluster[i][2]!=0) landau3[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)(1024.-te->signcluster[i][2]));
798 }
799 else{
800 if(te->signcluster[i][0]!=0) landau1[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)te->signcluster[i][0]);
801 if(te->signcluster[i][1]!=0) landau2[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)te->signcluster[i][1]);
802 if(te->signcluster[i][2]!=0) landau3[dsp]->Fill((Float_t)te->signcluster[i][2]);
803 }
804 }
806 WARNING[i]=0;
807 if(te->fc[i]!=0){
808 if(countFC[dsp]==0){
809 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
810 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
811 }
812 countFC[dsp]+=1;
813 };
815 if(te->fl1[i]!=0){
816 if(countFL1[dsp]==0){
817 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
818 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
819 }
820 countFL1[dsp]+=1;
821 };
823 if(te->fl2[i]!=0){
824 if(countFL2[dsp]==0){
825 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
826 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
827 }
828 countFL2[dsp]+=1;
829 };
831 if(te->fl3[i]!=0){
832 if(countFL3[dsp]==0){
833 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
834 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
835 }
836 countFL3[dsp]+=1;
837 };
839 if(te->fl4[i]!=0){
840 if(countFL4[dsp]==0){
841 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
842 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
843 }
844 countFL4[dsp]+=1;
845 };
847 if(te->fl5[i]!=0){
848 if(countFL5[dsp]==0){
849 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
850 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
851 }
852 countFL5[dsp]+=1;
853 };
855 if(te->fl6[i]!=0){
856 if(countFL6[dsp]==0){
857 ALARM = 1; //general alarm
858 WARNING[i] = 1; // DSP warning
859 }
860 countFL6[dsp]+=1;
861 };
863 if(dsp%2==0 && te->alarm[i]!=0){ // hardware alarm
864 if(countALARMy==0)
865 ALARM = 1;
866 countALARMy+=1;
867 };
869 if(dsp%2==1 && te->alarm[i]!=0){ // hardware alarm
870 if(countALARMx==0)
871 ALARM = 1;
872 countALARMx+=1;
873 };
875 //**************************************************************************************
876 // warning for internal number
877 //**************************************************************************************
878 if(ev==minev && i<=10 && te->eventn[i]!=te->eventn[i+1]) ALARM=1;
879 if((ev-minev)>=1 && eventn[i]+1!=te->eventn[i] && te->eventn[i]!=1) ALARM=1;
880 }
881 }
882 eventint[(ev-minev)]=te->eventn[0];
884 //********************************************************************************************
885 // file DSP warning
886 //********************************************************************************************
888 if(ALARM==1) {
889 al=1;
890 alarm <<endl<< "================================================="<< endl;
891 alarm << "PSCU-Pkt N. "<< ph->GetCounter() ;
892 alarm << " - OBT "<< ph->GetOrbitalTime() << " ms"<<endl;
893 alarm << "Total events "<<nevent<<endl;
894 alarm << "(ROOT-tree entry "<<ev<<" in page "<<ii+1<<" )"<<endl;
895 alarm << "================================================="<< endl;
897 alarm << " DSPn";
898 alarm << " Counter";
899 alarm << " previous";
900 alarm << " Words";
901 alarm << " crc";
902 alarm << " FC";
903 alarm << " FL1";
904 alarm << " FL2";
905 alarm << " FL3";
906 alarm << " FL4";
907 alarm << " FL5";
908 alarm << " FL6" << endl;
910 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
911 alarm.width(5); alarm << te->DSPnumber[i];
912 alarm.width(8); alarm << te->eventn[i];
913 alarm.width(8); alarm << eventn[i];
914 alarm.width(6); alarm << te->DATAlength[i];
915 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->crc[i];
916 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fc[i];
917 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fl1[i];
918 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fl2[i];
919 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fl3[i];
920 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fl4[i];
921 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fl5[i];
922 alarm.width(4); alarm << te->fl6[i];
923 if(te->alarm[i]!=0)alarm<<" >> ALARM ";
924 if(WARNING[i]!=0)alarm<<" (DSP warning) ";
925 alarm << endl;
926 }
927 }
928 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++)
929 eventn[i]=te->eventn[i];
930 }
931 }
932 if(al==0) alarm << endl<< "Page "<<ii+1<< ": ------> NO ALARM!!! <-------"<<endl;
933 if(maxev==maxevent-1) {
934 if(countALARMy!=0){
935 if(countALARMy%6!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countALARMy/6+1 <<" events with hardware alarm in Y-view *****"<<endl;
936 else alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countALARMy/6 <<" events with hardware alarm in Y-view *****"<<endl;
937 }
938 if(countALARMx!=0){
939 if(countALARMx%6!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countALARMx/6+1 <<" events with hardware alarm in X-view *****"<<endl;
940 else alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countALARMx/6 <<" events with hardware alarm in X-view *****"<<endl;
941 }
942 for(int p=0; p<12; p++){
943 if(countFC[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFC[p] <<" events with fc!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
944 if(countFL1[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFL1[p] <<" events with fl1!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
945 if(countFL2[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFL2[p] <<" events with fl2!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
946 if(countFL3[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFL3[p] <<" events with fl3!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
947 if(countFL4[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFL4[p] <<" events with fl4!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
948 if(countFL5[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFL5[p] <<" events with fl5!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
949 if(countFL6[p]!=0) alarm << endl<<endl<< "***** "<<countFL6[p] <<" events with fl6!=0 in DSP "<<p+1<<" *****"<<endl;
950 }
951 }
953 //
954 // Draw the graphs
955 for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
956 Double_t yyc[maxev-minev];
957 for (Int_t v=0; v<maxev-minev; v++){
958 yyc[v]=yc[v][i];
959 }
961 CompTimeCanv[ii]->cd();
962 pad3[i]->SetFillColor(10);
963 pad3[i]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
964 pad3[i]->Draw();
965 pad3[i]->cd();
966 comprtime[i][ii]= new TGraph(maxev-minev,x,yyc);
967 oss1<<"DSP "<<i+1;
968 comprtime[i][ii]->SetTitle(oss1.str().c_str());
969 comprtime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)");
970 comprtime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
971 comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("compressiontime (ms)");
972 comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
973 // comprtime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,3);
974 comprtime[i][ii]->Draw("ap");
975 oss1.str("");
976 CompTimeCanv[ii]->Update();
977 }
980 EventNumCanv[ii]->cd();
981 pt = new TPad("pt"," ",0.02,0.01,1.,0.98,18,0,0);
982 pt->SetFillColor(10);
983 pt->SetFrameFillColor(10);
984 pt->Draw();
985 pt->cd();
986 eventnumb[ii]=new TGraph(maxev-minev,x,eventint);
987 eventnumb[ii]->SetTitle("");
988 eventnumb[ii]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
989 eventnumb[ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.03);
990 eventnumb[ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)");
991 eventnumb[ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
992 eventnumb[ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0.01);
993 eventnumb[ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);
994 eventnumb[ii]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
995 eventnumb[ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.03);
996 eventnumb[ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("DSP event-number");
997 eventnumb[ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
998 eventnumb[ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.);
999 eventnumb[ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1000 eventnumb[ii]->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
1001 eventnumb[ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.2);
1002 oss1.str("");
1003 oss1<<"number of events in this graph: "<<maxev-minev;
1004 t->SetTextColor(kBlue);
1005 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
1006 double xtex=0,ytex=0;
1007 xtex=x[maxev-minev-1]-(x[maxev-minev-1]-x[0])/3;
1008 ytex=1000.+eventnumb[ii]->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
1009 t->DrawLatex(xtex,ytex,oss1.str().c_str());
1010 oss1.str("");
1011 eventnumb[ii]->Draw("ap");
1012 EventNumCanv[ii]->Update();
1014 minev=maxev;
1015 if(maxev==maxevent-1) {
1016 cntpgdat=ii+1;
1017 break;
1018 }
1020 }
1022 alarm.close();
1024 //****************************************************************************************
1025 //Cluster Signal ladder1 Output Pages
1026 //****************************************************************************************
1028 fromfile.str("");
1029 fromfile<<"FTrkQLook_EXPERT File: "<<ffile;
1030 isfile<<"Cluster Signal ladder1";
1031 LandauCanv1=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
1032 LandauCanv1->SetFillColor(10);
1033 LandauCanv1->Range(0,0,100,100);
1035 t->SetTextFont(32);
1036 t->SetTextColor(1);
1037 t->SetTextAlign(12);
1038 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
1039 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
1040 t1->SetTextFont(32);
1041 t1->SetTextColor(1);
1042 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
1043 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
1044 t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
1045 isfile.str("");
1047 //****************************************************************************************
1048 //Cluster Signal ladder2 Output Pages
1049 //****************************************************************************************
1051 isfile<<"Cluster Signal ladder2";
1052 LandauCanv2=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
1053 LandauCanv2->SetFillColor(10);
1054 LandauCanv2->Range(0,0,100,100);
1056 t->SetTextFont(32);
1057 t->SetTextColor(1);
1058 t->SetTextAlign(12);
1059 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
1060 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
1061 t1->SetTextFont(32);
1062 t1->SetTextColor(1);
1063 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
1064 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
1065 t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
1066 isfile.str("");
1068 //****************************************************************************************
1069 //Cluster Signal ladder3 Output Pages
1070 //****************************************************************************************
1072 isfile<<"Cluster Signal ladder3";
1073 LandauCanv3=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
1074 LandauCanv3->SetFillColor(10);
1075 LandauCanv3->Range(0,0,100,100);
1077 t->SetTextFont(32);
1078 t->SetTextColor(1);
1079 t->SetTextAlign(12);
1080 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
1081 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
1082 t1->SetTextFont(32);
1083 t1->SetTextColor(1);
1084 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
1085 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
1086 t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
1087 isfile.str("");
1089 //****************************************************************************************
1090 //Lighting of the views Output Pages
1091 //****************************************************************************************
1093 isfile<<"lighting of the views";
1094 IlluminaCanv=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
1095 IlluminaCanv->SetFillColor(10);
1096 IlluminaCanv->Range(0,0,100,100);
1097 t->SetTextFont(32);
1098 t->SetTextColor(1);
1099 t->SetTextAlign(12);
1100 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
1101 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
1102 t1->SetTextFont(32);
1103 t1->SetTextColor(1);
1104 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
1105 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
1106 t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
1107 isfile.str("");
1109 //
1110 // Draw the histos
1111 for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
1113 TBox b;
1115 Float_t maxhist=0,va1x=0;
1116 LandauCanv1->cd();
1117 pad1[i]->SetFillColor(10);
1118 pad1[i]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
1119 pad1[i]->Draw();
1120 pad1[i]->cd();
1121 landau1[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max signal");
1122 landau1[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
1123 landau1[i]->Draw("");
1124 LandauCanv1->Update();
1126 LandauCanv2->cd();
1127 pad4[i]->SetFillColor(10);
1128 pad4[i]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
1129 pad4[i]->Draw();
1130 pad4[i]->cd();
1131 landau2[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max signal");
1132 landau2[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
1133 landau2[i]->Draw("");
1134 LandauCanv2->Update();
1136 LandauCanv3->cd();
1137 pad5[i]->SetFillColor(10);
1138 pad5[i]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
1139 pad5[i]->Draw();
1140 pad5[i]->cd();
1141 landau3[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("max signal");
1142 landau3[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
1143 landau3[i]->Draw("");
1144 LandauCanv3->Update();
1147 li.SetLineColor(38);
1148 li.SetLineStyle(4);
1149 li.SetLineWidth(2);
1150 liva1.SetLineColor(42);
1151 liva1.SetLineStyle(3);
1152 liva1.SetLineWidth(1);
1154 IlluminaCanv->cd();
1155 pad2[i]->SetFillColor(10);
1156 pad2[i]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
1157 pad2[i]->SetLogy();
1158 pad2[i]->Draw();
1159 pad2[i]->cd();
1160 illuminazione[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("strip with max signal");
1161 illuminazione[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
1162 illuminazione[i]->Draw("");
1163 maxhist= illuminazione[i]->GetMaximum();
1164 if(i==0){
1165 b.SetFillColor(107);
1166 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1167 b.DrawBox(768.,0.,2047.,maxhist);
1168 }
1169 else if(i==1){
1170 b.SetFillColor(6);
1171 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
1172 b.DrawBox(2944.,0.,3070.,maxhist);
1174 b.SetFillColor(107);
1175 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1176 //b.DrawBox(384.,0.,512.,maxhist);
1177 b.DrawBox(2816.,0.,2944.,maxhist);
1178 b.DrawBox(2048.,0.,2176.,maxhist);
1179 }
1180 else if(i==4){
1181 b.SetFillColor(107);
1182 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1183 b.DrawBox(384.,0.,512.,maxhist);
1184 }
1185 else if(i==6){
1186 b.SetFillColor(6);
1187 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
1188 b.DrawBox(2560.,0.,2816.,maxhist);
1189 b.DrawBox(1024.,0.,1535.,maxhist);
1191 b.SetFillColor(107);
1192 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1193 b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist);
1194 b.DrawBox(1536.,0.,1792.,maxhist);
1195 }
1196 else if(i==7){
1197 b.SetFillColor(107);
1198 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1199 b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist);
1200 }
1201 else if(i==8){
1202 b.SetFillColor(107);
1203 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1204 b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist);
1205 }
1206 else if(i==9){
1207 b.SetFillColor(107);
1208 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1209 b.DrawBox(256.,0.,384.,maxhist);
1210 //b.DrawBox(1280.,0.,1408.,maxhist);
1211 //b.DrawBox(1792.,0.,1920.,maxhist);
1212 }
1213 else if(i==10){
1214 b.SetFillColor(107);
1215 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1216 b.DrawBox(2048.,0.,3070.,maxhist);
1217 }
1218 else if(i==11){
1219 b.SetFillColor(6);
1220 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
1221 b.DrawBox(768.,0.,1024.,maxhist);
1223 b.SetFillColor(107);
1224 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
1225 b.DrawBox(0.,0.,512.,maxhist);
1226 b.DrawBox(1920.,0.,2560.,maxhist);
1227 }
1228 for(int va=1; va<24; va++){
1229 va1x=128*va;
1230 liva1.DrawLine(va1x,0.,va1x,maxhist);
1231 }
1232 li.DrawLine(1024.5,0,1024.5,maxhist);
1233 li.DrawLine(2048.5,0,2048.5,maxhist);
1234 IlluminaCanv->Update();
1235 }
1237 printf("... end of packets. \n");
1239 //*************************************************************************
1240 // Save output Files
1241 //*************************************************************************
1242 stringstream out1,out2,out3,command;
1243 Int_t totpg=0;
1244 if(cntpgtemp>cntpgdat) totpg=cntpgtemp;
1245 else if(cntpgtemp<=cntpgdat) totpg=cntpgdat;
1247 for(Int_t fl=0;fl<totpg;fl++){
1249 if(!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"ps")||!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"pdf")){
1250 out1.str("");
1251 out2.str("");
1252 out3.str("");
1254 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT.ps(";
1255 out2<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT.ps";
1256 out3<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT.ps)";
1258 if(totpg==1){
1259 CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1260 EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1261 TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1262 BfieldCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1263 LandauCanv1->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1264 LandauCanv2->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1265 LandauCanv3->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1266 IlluminaCanv->Print(out+out3.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1267 }
1268 else if(totpg>1){
1269 if(fl==0) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1270 if(fl>0 && fl<cntpgdat) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1271 if(fl<cntpgdat) EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1272 if(fl<cntpgmag) BfieldCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1273 if(fl<cntpgtemp) TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1274 if(fl==totpg-1){
1275 LandauCanv1->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1276 LandauCanv2->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1277 LandauCanv3->Print(out+out2.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1278 IlluminaCanv->Print(out+out3.str().c_str(),"Portrait");
1279 }
1280 }
1281 }
1282 else{
1283 out1.str("");
1284 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-CompTime-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
1285 if(fl<cntpgdat) CompTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1286 out1.str("");
1287 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-BField-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
1288 if(fl<cntpgmag) BfieldCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1289 out1.str("");
1290 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-Temp-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
1291 if(fl<cntpgtemp) TempCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1292 out1.str("");
1293 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-EvNum-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
1294 if(fl<cntpgdat) EventNumCanv[fl]->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1295 if(fl==totpg-1){
1296 out1.str("");
1297 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-LandauL1."<<outfile.Data();
1298 LandauCanv1->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1299 out1.str("");
1300 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-LandauL2."<<outfile.Data();
1301 LandauCanv2->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1302 out1.str("");
1303 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-LandauL3."<<outfile.Data();
1304 LandauCanv3->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1305 out1.str("");
1306 out1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT-Lighting."<<outfile.Data();
1307 IlluminaCanv->Print(out+out1.str().c_str());
1308 }
1309 }
1310 }
1312 //
1313 // Convert ps to pdf if required
1314 if(!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"pdf")){
1315 stringstream com;
1316 com<<"ps2pdf13 "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT.ps "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT.pdf";
1317 system(com.str().c_str());
1318 printf("\n---> ps file converted in pdf format!\n");
1319 com.str("");
1320 com<<"rm -f "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_EXPERT.ps ";
1321 system(com.str().c_str());
1322 printf("---> ps file removed!\n\n");
1323 com.str("");
1324 }
1326 gROOT->Reset();
1327 return;
1328 }

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