/[PAMELA software]/quicklook/tracker/flight/macros/FTrkQLook_BASIC.cxx
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Contents of /quicklook/tracker/flight/macros/FTrkQLook_BASIC.cxx

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Revision 1.7 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jun 8 17:03:57 2006 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: R3v00
Changes since 1.6: +85 -76 lines
release R3v00

1 /**
2 * FTrkQLook_BASIC.cpp
3 *
4 * autor: D.Fedele
5 * version 3.0
6 * Parameters:
7 * file - the data file to analyze
8 * fromevent - first event to analyze
9 * toevent - last event to analyze
10 * outdir - total path of output file
11 * outfile - extension of output file (pdf,ps,gif,jpg)
12 *
13 */
14 //
15 #include <TPaveText.h>
16 #include <TLatex.h>
17 #include <TCanvas.h>
18 #include <TGraph.h>
19 #include <TStyle.h>
20 #include <TTree.h>
21 #include <TArrow.h>
22 //
23 #include <physics/tracker/TrackerEvent.h>
24 #include <PscuHeader.h>
25 #include <EventHeader.h>
26 #include <RunHeaderEvent.h>
27 #include <EventCounter.h>
28 #include <PacketType.h>
29 //
30 #define MAXSTORAGE 50000
32 void stringcopy(TString& s1, const TString& s2, Int_t from=0, Int_t to=0){
33 if ( to == 0 ){
34 Int_t t2length = s2.Length();
35 s1 = "";
36 to = t2length;
37 };
38 for (Int_t i = from; i<to; i++){
39 s1.Append(s2[i],1);
40 };
41 };
44 void FTrkQLook_BASIC(TString file,Int_t fromevent,Int_t toevent, TString outdir,TString outfile)
45 {
46 //
47 // obtain information about the data file and select the output dir
48 const string filepath=file.Data();
49 Int_t dwpos = filepath.rfind("/");
50 Int_t dwpos1 = filepath.find(".root");
51 TString fpath=(filepath.c_str());
52 TString base,ffile ;
53 stringcopy(ffile,fpath,dwpos+1,dwpos1);
54 stringcopy(base,fpath,0,dwpos);
55 if(dwpos>0) base+="/";
57 TString out;
58 if(outdir.Length()==0){
59 out = base;
60 }else{
61 out = outdir;
62 }
64 //
65 // inizialise the variables and open the file
66 pamela::tracker::TrackerEvent *te=0;
67 pamela::EventHeader *eh=0,*eH=0,*ceh=0;
68 pamela::RunHeaderEvent *reh=0;
69 pamela::PscuHeader *ph=0,*pH=0;
70 pamela::EventCounter *cod=0;
72 pamela::PacketType *pctp=0;
74 TFile *datafile = new TFile(file);
75 TTree *otr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("RunHeader");
76 otr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eH);
77 otr->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader",&reh);
78 TTree *tr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("Physics");
79 tr->SetBranchAddress("Tracker",&te);
80 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eh);
81 TTree *ctr = (TTree*)datafile->Get("CalibTrk1");
82 ctr->SetBranchAddress("Header",&ceh);
84 Long64_t neventC = ctr->GetEntries();
85 Long64_t nevent = tr->GetEntries();
86 Long64_t neventH = otr->GetEntries();
87 Int_t minevent=0;
88 Int_t maxevent=0;
90 printf("Number of total events: %lld\nNumber of total header events: %lld\n",nevent,neventH);
91 printf("Number of calibration events: %lld\n",neventC);
93 if (nevent<=0){
94 datafile->Close();
95 return;
96 }
97 if ( fromevent > toevent && toevent>0 ){
98 printf("It must be fromevent < toevent \n");
99 return;
100 }
101 if ( fromevent > nevent || fromevent < 0 ) {
102 printf("You can choose fromevent between 0 (all) and %lld \n",nevent);
103 return;
104 }
105 if ( toevent > nevent || toevent < 0 ) {
106 printf("You can choose toevent between 0 (all) and %lld \n",nevent);
107 return;
108 }
109 if ( fromevent == 0 ) {
110 minevent = 0;
111 maxevent = nevent;
112 } else {
113 minevent = fromevent;
114 if ( toevent > 0 ){
115 maxevent = toevent+1;
116 } else if (toevent > nevent) {
117 maxevent = nevent;
118 } else {
119 maxevent = toevent+1;
120 }
121 nevent=maxevent-minevent ;
122 }
124 //
125 // other variables definitions
126 stringstream oss,fromfile,isfile;
127 //
128 // information about the RunHeader
129 Int_t HOBT[neventH];
130 Int_t trk_cal_us[neventH];
131 for (Int_t vi=0; vi<neventH;vi++){
132 HOBT[vi]=0;
133 trk_cal_us[vi]=0;
134 }
136 //
137 // information about RunHeader
138 Int_t countnboot=1;
139 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<neventH; ev++){
140 otr->GetEntry(ev);
141 pH = eH->GetPscuHeader();
142 HOBT[ev]= pH->GetOrbitalTime();
143 trk_cal_us[ev]=reh->TRK_CALIB_USED;
144 if((HOBT[ev]<HOBT[ev-1]) && ev>0)
145 countnboot+=1;
146 }
147 countnboot+=2*(Int_t)nevent/MAXSTORAGE;
148 // printf("\ncountnboot=%d\n",countnboot);
150 //
151 // information about calibration OBT
152 Int_t COBT[neventC];
153 for (Int_t vi=0; vi<neventC;vi++){
154 COBT[vi]=0;
155 }
156 for (Int_t ev=0; ev<neventC; ev++){
157 ctr->GetEntry(ev);
158 pH = ceh->GetPscuHeader();
159 COBT[ev]= pH->GetOrbitalTime();
160 }
162 //
163 // Style options
164 gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.06,"x");
165 gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.06,"y");
166 gStyle->SetStatFontSize(0.075);
167 gStyle->SetOptStat(10);
168 gStyle->SetFillColor(10);
169 gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.1);
170 gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(10);
171 gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.8,"y");
172 gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.9,"x");
173 gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.06,"y");
174 gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.055,"x");
176 //***************************************************************************************
177 // LOOP on each event
178 //***************************************************************************************
180 if (fromevent!=0)
181 printf("\n Scan of events from %i to %i ... \n",minevent,maxevent-1);
182 else
183 printf("\n Scan of events from %i to %i ... \n",minevent+1,maxevent);
186 Int_t minev=minevent,maxev=maxevent,hin=0,hfin=0,cin=0,cfin=0;
187 TPad *pad[12][countnboot];
188 TGraph *dataletime[12][countnboot],*dataletime1[12][countnboot];
189 TCanvas *DataTimeCanv[countnboot];
190 for(Int_t ii=0; ii<countnboot;ii++){
191 fromfile<<"FTrkQLook_BASIC File: "<<ffile;
192 isfile<<"DATALENGTH vs. OBT pag"<<ii+1;
193 DataTimeCanv[ii]=new TCanvas(isfile.str().c_str(),isfile.str().c_str(),900,1200);
194 DataTimeCanv[ii]->SetFillColor(10);
195 DataTimeCanv[ii]->Range(0,0,100,100);
197 TLatex *t=new TLatex();
198 t->SetTextFont(32);
199 t->SetTextColor(1);
200 t->SetTextAlign(12);
201 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
202 t->DrawLatex(2.,98.7,fromfile.str().c_str());
203 TLatex *t1=new TLatex();
204 t1->SetTextFont(32);
205 t1->SetTextColor(1);
206 t1->SetTextAlign(12);
207 t1->SetTextSize(0.02);
208 t1->DrawLatex(70.,98.7,isfile.str().c_str());
209 fromfile.str("");
210 isfile.str("");
212 fromfile<<"D = Default Calibration";
213 isfile<<"O = OnLine Calibration";
214 t->SetTextColor(6);
215 t->SetTextSize(0.018);
216 t->DrawLatex(70.,97.,fromfile.str().c_str());
217 t->SetTextColor(3);
218 t->DrawLatex(70.,96.,isfile.str().c_str());
219 fromfile.str("");
220 isfile.str("");
222 fromfile<<"The green arrow (if present) points out the time of the online calibration";
223 t->DrawLatex(7.,96.,fromfile.str().c_str());
224 fromfile.str("");
226 //*************************************************************************************
227 //book pads and histos
228 //***************************************************************************************
231 Float_t posy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads
232 Float_t hpad = 0; // pad height
233 Float_t posx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column
234 Float_t posx0=0; // x-coord - column division
235 Float_t wrel = 0; // relative x size of first sub-column
236 Float_t marg = 0.004; // margin among pads
238 hpad = (posy-marg*11)/6;
239 wrel = (1-marg*4)/2;
240 stringstream title;
241 stringstream hid;
243 for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++) {
244 if ( (n+1)%2==1 ) {
245 if(n>1) posy = posy-(marg*2+hpad);
246 posx1 = marg;
247 posx0 = posx1 + wrel;
248 }
249 else {
250 posx1 = posx0 + 2*marg;
251 posx0 = posx1 + wrel;
252 }
254 /* -----------> pad for histograms */
255 oss<<"pad"<<n*100+ii;
256 pad[n][ii]=new TPad(oss.str().c_str()," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0,posy,18,0,0);
257 oss.str("");
258 };
260 TLine li;
261 li.SetLineColor(1);
262 li.SetLineStyle(1);
263 li.SetLineWidth(1);
265 TArrow ar;
266 ar.SetLineColor(3);
267 stringstream calus;
269 TLatex *t2=new TLatex();
270 t2->SetTextFont(32);
271 t2->SetTextColor(1);
272 t2->SetTextAlign(13);
273 t2->SetTextSize(0.08);
275 Int_t i=0;
276 Float_t x[MAXSTORAGE], xb[MAXSTORAGE];
277 Float_t yyd[MAXSTORAGE][12],yyb[MAXSTORAGE][12];
278 Int_t countbad[12];
279 Float_t perc=0,xMIN=0.,xMAX=0.;
280 for (Int_t n=0; n<12 ; n++)
281 countbad[n]=0;
283 //
284 // obtain values of the datalenght
285 for (Int_t ev=minev; ev<maxevent; ev++){
286 tr->GetEntry(ev);
287 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
288 cod = eh->GetCounter();
290 if(ev==minev){
291 if(cod->Get(pctp->CalibTrk1)>0) cin=cod->Get(pctp->CalibTrk1)-1;
292 else cin=cod->Get(pctp->CalibTrk1);
293 if(cin==cfin-1) cin+=1;
295 if(cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader)>0) hin=cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader)-1;
296 else hin=cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader);
297 if(hin==hfin-1) hin+=1;
298 }
300 if(ev==maxevent-1) maxev=maxevent-1;
302 if((ph->GetOrbitalTime()<x[ev-minev-1] && ev-minev!=0) || ev-minev==MAXSTORAGE){
303 maxev=ev;
304 break;
305 }
306 else{
307 cfin=cod->Get(pctp->CalibTrk1);
308 hfin=cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader);
309 x[(ev-minev)]= ph->GetOrbitalTime();
310 i=0;
312 for (Int_t n=0; n<12 ; n++){
313 yyb[countbad[n]][i]=0;
314 xb[countbad[n]]= 0;
316 i=te->DSPnumber[n]-1;
318 yyd[(ev-minev)][i]=te->DATAlength[n];
319 if(i==6){
320 if(yyd[(ev-minev)][i]>1500){
321 if(yyd[(ev-minev)][i]<3075){
322 yyb[countbad[i]][i]= yyd[(ev-minev)][i];
323 xb[countbad[i]]= x[(ev-minev)];
324 countbad[i]+=1;
325 }
326 }
327 }
328 else{
329 if(yyd[(ev-minev)][i]>750){
330 if(yyd[(ev-minev)][i]<3075){
331 yyb[countbad[i]][i]= yyd[(ev-minev)][i];
332 xb[countbad[i]]= x[(ev-minev)];
333 countbad[i]+=1;
334 }
335 }
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 }
341 //
342 // define limit for the Xaxis of the graphs
344 xMAX=x[maxev-minev-1]+(x[maxev-minev-1]-x[0])/10;
345 if(xMAX>1000000) xMIN=x[0]-(x[maxev-minev-1]-x[0])/10;
346 if(xMAX<1000000 || xMIN<0) xMIN=0.;
349 //
350 // Draw Histos
351 for (Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
353 Float_t y[maxev-minev],yb[maxev-minev];
354 for(Int_t v=0;v<maxev-minev;v++){
355 y[v]=yyd[v][i];
356 yb[v]=yyb[v][i];
357 }
359 if(xMAX<1000000){
360 x[maxev-minev-1]=0.;
361 y[maxev-minev-1]=0.;
362 }
364 if((maxev-minev)>1000){
365 perc=(countbad[i]*100)/(maxev-minev);
366 if(perc>10) pad[i][ii]->SetFillColor(2);
367 else pad[i][ii]->SetFillColor(10);
368 }
369 else{
370 if(countbad[i]>=100) pad[i][ii]->SetFillColor(2);
371 else pad[i][ii]->SetFillColor(10);
372 }
374 oss<<"DSP "<<i+1;
375 DataTimeCanv[ii]->cd();
376 pad[i][ii]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
377 pad[i][ii]->Draw();
378 pad[i][ii]->cd();
379 dataletime[i][ii]= new TGraph((maxev-minev),x,y);
380 dataletime[i][ii]->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str());
381 dataletime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)");
382 dataletime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
383 dataletime[i][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xMIN,xMAX);
384 dataletime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("datalength (Word 13 bit)");
385 dataletime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
386 if(i==6) dataletime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,4500);
387 else dataletime[i][ii]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,4000);
388 dataletime[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
389 if((maxev-minev)<50) dataletime[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
390 else dataletime[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.3);
391 dataletime[i][ii]->SetMarkerColor(4);
392 dataletime[i][ii]->Draw("ap");
395 if((maxev-minev)>1000 && perc>10){
396 dataletime1[i][ii]= new TGraph(countbad[i],xb,yb);
397 dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
398 if((maxev-minev)<50) dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
399 else dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.3);
400 dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerColor(2);
401 dataletime1[i][ii]->Draw("psame");
402 }
403 else if((maxev-minev)<1000 && countbad[i]>=100){
404 dataletime1[i][ii]= new TGraph(countbad[i],xb,yb);
405 dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
406 if((maxev-minev)<50) dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
407 else dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerSize(0.3);
408 dataletime1[i][ii]->SetMarkerColor(2);
409 dataletime1[i][ii]->Draw("psame");
410 }
411 li.SetLineColor(1);
412 li.SetLineStyle(1);
413 li.SetLineWidth(1);
414 if(i!=6) li.DrawLine(xMIN,750,xMAX,750);
415 else li.DrawLine(xMIN,1500,xMAX,1500);
416 li.DrawLine(xMIN,3075,xMAX,3075);
418 li.SetLineColor(12);
419 li.SetLineStyle(4);
420 li.SetLineWidth(1);
421 for(Int_t j=hin;j<hfin;j++){
422 if(i==6) li.DrawLine(HOBT[j],0.,HOBT[j],4500.);
423 else li.DrawLine(HOBT[j],0.,HOBT[j],4000.);
424 if(trk_cal_us[j]==104){
425 calus<<"D";
426 t2->SetTextColor(6);
427 if(i==6) t2->DrawLatex(HOBT[j],4350.,calus.str().c_str());
428 else t2->DrawLatex(HOBT[j],3850.,calus.str().c_str());
429 calus.str("");
430 }
431 else{
432 calus<<"O";
433 t2->SetTextColor(3);
434 if(i==6) t2->DrawLatex(HOBT[j],4350.,calus.str().c_str());
435 else t2->DrawLatex(HOBT[j],3850.,calus.str().c_str());
436 calus.str("");
437 }
438 }
439 for(Int_t j=cin;j<cfin;j++){
440 if(i==6) ar.DrawArrow(COBT[j],1700.,COBT[j],2700.,0.01,"<");
441 else ar.DrawArrow(COBT[j],1000.,COBT[j],2000.,0.01,"<");
442 }
444 oss.str("");
445 DataTimeCanv[ii]->Update();
446 }
448 minev=maxev;
449 if(maxev==maxevent-1) {
450 countnboot=ii+1;
451 break;
452 }
453 }
454 printf("... end of packets. \n");
456 //*************************************************************************
457 // Save output Files
458 //*************************************************************************
459 stringstream nom1,nom2,nom3;
461 for(Int_t fl=0;fl<countnboot;fl++){
462 if(countnboot==1){
463 nom1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC."<<outfile.Data();
464 DataTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+nom1.str().c_str());
465 nom1.str("");
466 }
468 if(countnboot>=2){
469 if(!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"ps") || !strcmp(outfile.Data(),"pdf")){
470 nom1.str("");
471 nom2.str("");
472 nom3.str("");
473 nom1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC.ps(";
474 nom2<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC.ps";
475 nom3<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC.ps)";
476 if(fl==0) DataTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+nom1.str().c_str(),"portrait");
477 else if(fl==countnboot-1) DataTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+nom3.str().c_str(),"portrait");
478 else DataTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+nom2.str().c_str(),"portrait");
480 }
481 else{
482 nom1.str("");
483 nom1<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC-pag"<<fl+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
484 DataTimeCanv[fl]->Print(out+nom1.str().c_str());
485 }
486 }
487 }
489 //
490 // Convert ps to pdf if required
491 if(!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"pdf") && countnboot>=2){
492 stringstream com;
493 com<<"ps2pdf13 "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC.ps "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC.pdf";
494 system(com.str().c_str());
495 printf("\n---> ps file converted in pdf format!\n");
496 com.str("");
497 com<<"rm -f "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkQLook_BASIC.ps";
498 system(com.str().c_str());
499 printf("---> ps file removed!\n\n");
500 com.str("");
501 }
503 datafile->Close();
504 gROOT->Reset();
505 return;
506 }

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