/[PAMELA software]/quicklook/tracker/flight/macros/FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT.cxx
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Contents of /quicklook/tracker/flight/macros/FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT.cxx

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Revision 1.16 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Oct 12 16:58:34 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r15
Changes since 1.15: +26 -25 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 /**
2 * FTrkCalibQLookExpert.cxx
3 *
4 * autor: D.Fedele
5 * version v1r14
6 * Parameters:
7 * file - the data file to analyze
8 * step - select =1 in order to analyze one event at time
9 * fromevent - first event to analyze
10 * toevent - last event to analyze
11 * outdir - total path of output file
12 * outfile - extension of output file (pdf,ps,gif,jpg)
13 *
14 */
15 //
16 #include <iostream>
17 //
18 #include <TPaveText.h>
19 #include <TLatex.h>
20 #include <TCanvas.h>
21 #include <TFile.h>
22 #include <TTree.h>
23 #include <TGraph.h>
24 #include <TStyle.h>
25 #include <TString.h>
26 //
27 #include <PscuHeader.h>
28 #include <EventHeader.h>
29 #include <CalibTrk1Event.h>
30 #include <CalibTrk2Event.h>
31 //
33 typedef struct caltrk_def{
34 Int_t good0[2];
35 Int_t daqmode[12];
36 Int_t dspnum[12];
37 Int_t calibnum[12];
38 Int_t ncalev[12];
39 Int_t calfl[12];
40 Int_t ped1[12];
41 Int_t ped2[12];
42 Int_t ped3[12];
43 Int_t sig1[12];
44 Int_t sig2[12];
45 Int_t sig3[12];
46 Int_t nbad1[12];
47 Int_t nbad2[12];
48 Int_t nbad3[12];
49 Float_t dspped[12][3702];
50 Float_t dspsig[12][3702];
51 Float_t dspbad[12][3702];
52 Int_t crc_c[12][3];
53 Int_t crc_hc[12];
54 };
57 void FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT(TString file,Int_t step,Int_t fromevent, Int_t toevent,TString outdir,TString outfile)
58 {
59 //
60 // obtain information about the data file and select the output dir
61 Int_t dwpos = file.Last('/');
62 Int_t dwpos1 = file.Last('.');
63 TString base,ffile ;
64 ffile=file(dwpos+1,dwpos1-(dwpos+1));
65 if(dwpos>0) base=file(0,dwpos);
67 TString out;
68 if(outdir.Length()==0){
69 out = base;
70 }else{
71 out = outdir;
72 }
73 if(out.Last('/')+1<out.Length()) out+="/";
75 //
76 // inizialise the variables and open the file
77 Int_t nevents=0;
78 Int_t minevent = 0;
79 Int_t maxevent = 0;
80 ULong64_t FOBT[2];
82 FOBT[0]=0;
83 FOBT[1]=0;
85 struct caltrk_def ctrk;
86 ctrk.good0[0]=0;
87 ctrk.good0[1]=0;
88 for(Int_t i=0;i<12;i++){
89 ctrk.daqmode[i]=0;
90 ctrk.dspnum[i]=100;
91 ctrk.calibnum[i]=0;
92 ctrk.ncalev[i]=0;
93 ctrk.calfl[i]=0;
94 ctrk.ped1[i]=0;
95 ctrk.ped2[i]=0;
96 ctrk.ped3[i]=0;
97 ctrk.sig1[i]=0;
98 ctrk.sig2[i]=0;
99 ctrk.sig3[i]=0;
100 ctrk.nbad1[i]=0;
101 ctrk.nbad2[i]=0;
102 ctrk.nbad3[i]=0;
103 ctrk.crc_c[i][0]=0;
104 ctrk.crc_c[i][1]=0;
105 ctrk.crc_c[i][2]=0;
106 ctrk.crc_hc[i]=0;
107 for(Int_t iii=0;iii<3072;iii++){
108 ctrk.dspped[i][iii]=0;
109 ctrk.dspsig[i][iii]=0;
110 ctrk.dspbad[i][iii]=0;
111 };
113 };
115 TFile *calibFile = new TFile(file);
116 if ( !calibFile ){
117 printf("No data file, exiting...\n");
118 return;
119 };
120 TTree *otr1,*otr2,*hotr,*totr;
121 pamela::EventHeader *eh1=0,*eh2=0,*eh4=0,*eh3=0;
122 pamela::PscuHeader *ph=0;
123 pamela::CalibTrk1Event *trk1 = 0;
124 pamela::CalibTrk2Event *trk2 = 0;
125 pamela::EventCounter *cod=0;
127 pamela::PacketType *pctp=0;
129 hotr = (TTree*)calibFile->Get("CalibHeader");
130 hotr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh4);
132 totr = (TTree*)calibFile->Get("CalibTrailer");
133 totr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh3);
135 otr1 = (TTree*)calibFile->Get("CalibTrk1");
136 otr1->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1", &trk1);
137 otr1->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eh1);
138 otr2 = (TTree*)calibFile->Get("CalibTrk2");
139 otr2->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2", &trk2);
140 otr2->SetBranchAddress("Header",&eh2);
142 if(otr1->GetEntries()==otr2->GetEntries())
143 nevents = otr1->GetEntries();
144 else{
145 printf("WARNING: CalibTrk1 entries is different from CalibTrk2 entries");
146 return;}
147 if (nevents<=0) {
148 calibFile->Close();
149 printf("No calibration packets found, exiting...\n");
150 return;
151 };
153 printf("Number of calibration packets: %i\n",nevents);
155 if ( fromevent > toevent && toevent ){
156 printf("It must be fromevent < toevent \n");
157 return;
158 };
160 if ( fromevent > nevents || fromevent < 0 ) {
161 printf("You can choose fromevent between 0 (all) and %i \n",nevents);
162 return;
163 };
165 if ( toevent > nevents || toevent < 0 ) {
166 printf("You can choose toevent between 0 (all) and %i \n",nevents);
167 return;
168 };
169 if ( fromevent == 0 ) {
170 minevent = 0;
171 maxevent = nevents;
172 } else {
173 minevent = fromevent - 1;
174 if ( toevent > 0 ){
175 maxevent = toevent;
176 } else if (toevent > nevents) {
177 maxevent = nevents;
178 } else {
179 maxevent = nevents;
180 };
181 };
183 //**********************************************************************
184 //
186 //
187 //**********************************************************************
189 Int_t hcevent=hotr->GetEntries();
190 Int_t tcevent=totr->GetEntries();
191 ULong64_t HOBT[hcevent], TOBT[tcevent];
192 for (Int_t i = 0; i < hcevent; i++){
193 hotr->GetEntry(i);
194 ph = eh4->GetPscuHeader();
195 HOBT[i]= ph->GetOrbitalTime();
196 }
197 for (Int_t i = 0; i < tcevent; i++){
198 totr->GetEntry(i);
199 ph = eh3->GetPscuHeader();
200 TOBT[i]= ph->GetOrbitalTime();
201 }
203 printf("\n Scan of calibration packets from %i to %i ... \n\n",minevent+1,maxevent);
204 for (Int_t i = minevent; i < maxevent; i++){
206 otr1->GetEntry(i);
207 otr2->GetEntry(i);
209 ctrk.good0[0]=trk1->good0;
210 ctrk.good0[1]=trk2->good0;
211 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 6; m++){
212 ph = eh1->GetPscuHeader();
213 cod = eh1->GetCounter();
214 FOBT[0]= ph->GetOrbitalTime();
215 if(trk1->DSPnumber[m]>0){
216 if(trk1->DSPnumber[m]<13){
217 ctrk.daqmode[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->DAQmode[m];
218 ctrk.dspnum[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->DSPnumber[m];
219 ctrk.calibnum[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->calibnumber[m];
220 ctrk.ncalev[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->ncalib_event[m];
221 ctrk.ped1[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->ped_l1[m];
222 ctrk.ped2[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->ped_l2[m];
223 ctrk.ped3[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->ped_l3[m];
224 ctrk.sig1[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->sig_l1[m];
225 ctrk.sig2[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->sig_l2[m];
226 ctrk.sig3[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->sig_l3[m];
227 ctrk.nbad1[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->nbad_l1[m];
228 ctrk.nbad2[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->nbad_l2[m];
229 ctrk.nbad3[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->nbad_l3[m];
230 ctrk.calfl[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->cal_flag[m];
231 ctrk.crc_c[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][0]=trk1->crc_cal[m][0];
232 ctrk.crc_c[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][1]=trk1->crc_cal[m][1];
233 ctrk.crc_c[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][2]=trk1->crc_cal[m][2];
234 ctrk.crc_hc[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk1->crc_hcal[m];
235 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3072; j++){
236 ctrk.dspped[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][j]=trk1->DSPped_par[m][j];
237 ctrk.dspsig[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][j]=trk1->DSPsig_par[m][j];
238 ctrk.dspbad[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][j]=trk1->DSPbad_par[m][j];
239 };
240 }
241 }
242 ph = eh2->GetPscuHeader();
243 FOBT[1]= ph->GetOrbitalTime();
244 if(trk2->DSPnumber[m]>0){
245 if(trk2->DSPnumber[m]<13){
246 ctrk.daqmode[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->DAQmode[m];
247 ctrk.dspnum[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->DSPnumber[m];
248 ctrk.calibnum[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->calibnumber[m];
249 ctrk.ncalev[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->ncalib_event[m];
250 ctrk.ped1[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->ped_l1[m];
251 ctrk.ped2[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->ped_l2[m];
252 ctrk.ped3[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->ped_l3[m];
253 ctrk.sig1[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->sig_l1[m];
254 ctrk.sig2[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->sig_l2[m];
255 ctrk.sig3[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->sig_l3[m];
256 ctrk.nbad1[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->nbad_l1[m];
257 ctrk.nbad2[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->nbad_l2[m];
258 ctrk.nbad3[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->nbad_l3[m];
259 ctrk.calfl[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->cal_flag[m];
260 ctrk.crc_c[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][0]=trk2->crc_cal[m][0];
261 ctrk.crc_c[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][1]=trk2->crc_cal[m][1];
262 ctrk.crc_c[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1][2]=trk2->crc_cal[m][2];
263 ctrk.crc_hc[trk1->DSPnumber[m]-1]=trk2->crc_hcal[m];
264 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3072; j++){
265 ctrk.dspped[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1][j]=trk2->DSPped_par[m][j];
266 ctrk.dspsig[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1][j]=trk2->DSPsig_par[m][j];
267 ctrk.dspbad[trk2->DSPnumber[m]-1][j]=trk2->DSPbad_par[m][j];
268 }
269 }
270 }
271 }
274 //
275 // other variables definitions
276 Int_t risposta=0;
277 stringstream fromfile;
279 fromfile<<"FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT File: "<<ffile<<" -- CalibHeader OBT= "<<HOBT[(cod->Get(pctp->CalibHeader))-1]<<" -- Calib pkt OBT= "<<FOBT[0]<<" -- CalibTrailer OBT= "<<TOBT[(cod->Get(pctp->CalibTrailer))]<<" --";
281 gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.07,"x");
282 gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.07,"y");
283 gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(10);
284 gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.08);
285 gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.8,"y");
286 gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.9,"x");
287 gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.06,"y");
288 gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.06,"x");
289 gStyle->SetOptStat(101110);
290 gStyle->SetStatX(0.9);
291 gStyle->SetStatW(0.4);
292 gStyle->SetStatColor(10);
293 gStyle->SetStatFontSize(0.1);
295 //
296 // draw display area
298 TLatex *tzz=new TLatex();
299 tzz->SetTextFont(32);
300 tzz->SetTextColor(1);
301 tzz->SetTextAlign(12);
302 tzz->SetTextSize(0.019);
303 Int_t canvasx=1200;
304 Int_t canvasy=900;
305 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT_ped",canvasx,canvasy);
306 c1->SetFillColor(10);
307 tzz->DrawLatex(.01,0.98,fromfile.str().c_str());
308 tzz->DrawLatex(.90,0.98,"PEDESTAL");
309 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT_sig",canvasx,canvasy);
310 c2->SetFillColor(10);
311 tzz->DrawLatex(.01,0.98,fromfile.str().c_str());
312 tzz->DrawLatex(.90,0.98,"SIGMA");
315 TCanvas *sig=new TCanvas("sig","FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT_histosig",canvasx,canvasy);
316 sig->SetFillColor(10);
317 tzz->DrawLatex(.01,0.98,fromfile.str().c_str());
318 tzz->DrawLatex(.85,0.97,"Histograms of the sigmas");
322 // draw pads
323 TPad *trkpad1[12],*trkpad2[12],*trkpad3[36]; //pad for histos
324 TPaveText *trkpadtext[12]; //pad for header
325 TH1F *histosig[12]; //histos of sigma
326 TH1F *histoped[12]; //histos of pedestals
327 TH1F *histoasig[12]; //histos of sigma
328 TH1F *histoaped[12]; //histos of pedestals
330 TH1F *histosiglad[12][3]; //histos of sigma
331 stringstream title;
332 stringstream hid;
334 Float_t posy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads
335 Float_t hpad = 0.15; // pad height
336 Float_t posx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column
337 Float_t posx2=0; // right x-coord - pad olumn
338 Float_t posx0=0; // x-coord - column division
339 Float_t wrel = 0.6; // relative x size of first sub-column
340 Float_t marg = 0.004; // margin among pads
343 for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++){
344 if ( (n+1)%2 ) {
345 if(n>1)posy = posy-(marg*2+hpad);
346 posx1 = marg;
347 posx2 = 0.5 - marg;
348 posx0 = 0.5*wrel;
350 } else {
351 posx1 = posx1 + 0.5;
352 posx2 = posx2 + 0.5;
353 posx0 = posx0 + 0.5;
355 };
356 /* -----------> pad for histograms */
357 trkpad1[n] = new TPad("pad1"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0-marg,posy,18,0,0);
358 trkpad2[n] = new TPad("pad2"," ",posx1,posy-hpad,posx0-marg,posy,18,0,0);
359 /* -----------> pad for header dump */
360 trkpadtext[n] = new TPaveText((posx0+marg),(posy-hpad),posx2,posy);
361 /* -----------> HISTOGRAMS */
362 /* calibration parameters */
363 title<<"DSP "<<n+1;
364 hid<<"h"<<n<<"i"<<i;
365 histosig[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3072,0.5,3072.5);
366 hid.str("");
367 hid<<"hh"<<n<<"i"<<i;
368 histoped[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3072,0.5,3072.5);
369 hid.str("");
370 hid<<"hhh"<<n<<"i"<<i;
371 hid.str("");
372 /* AVERAGE calibration parameters */
373 hid<<"ah"<<n<<"i"<<i;
374 histoasig[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3,0.5,3072.5);
375 hid.str("");
376 hid<<"ahh"<<n<<"i"<<i;
377 histoaped[n] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),3,0.5,3072.5);
378 hid.str("");
379 for(int ii=0;ii<3;ii++){
380 title.str("");
381 title<<"DSP "<<n+1<<" / Lad "<<ii+1;
382 hid<<"hhhh"<<n<<"i"<<i<<"ii"<<ii;
383 histosiglad[n][ii] = new TH1F(hid.str().c_str(),title.str().c_str(),32,-0.5,30.5);
384 hid.str("");
385 }
386 title.str("");
387 }; //end loop on views
389 Float_t tposy = 0.95; // up y-coord - top pads
390 Float_t thpad = 0.; // pad height
391 Float_t tposx1=0; // left x-coord - pad column
392 Float_t tposx0=0; // x-coord - column division
393 Float_t twrel = 0.; // relative x size of first sub-column
394 Float_t tmarg = 0.002; // margin among pads
395 thpad = (tposy-tmarg*11)/6;
396 twrel = (1-tmarg*12)/6;
398 for(Int_t n = 0; n<36; n++){
399 if ( (n+1)%6==1 ) {
400 if(n>1) tposy = tposy-(tmarg*2+thpad);
401 tposx1 = tmarg;
402 tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel;
403 } else {
404 tposx1 = tposx0 + 2*tmarg;
405 tposx0 = tposx1 + twrel;
406 }
407 trkpad3[n]= new TPad("pad3"," ",tposx1,tposy-thpad,tposx0,tposy,18,0,0);
408 }
411 stringstream message;
413 //--------------------------------
414 //CHECK CALIBRATION procedure
415 //--------------------------------
416 Int_t nn=0;
417 Int_t calok = 0;//BAD
418 for(Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++){
419 if(ctrk.ncalev[n]==0 && ctrk.calfl[n]==0)calok = 1;//GOOD
421 if(ctrk.dspnum[n]>13)
422 continue;
424 nn=ctrk.dspnum[n]-1;
425 /*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
426 *
427 * Write event LEVEL0 report
428 *
429 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*/
430 trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextFont(40);
431 trkpadtext[nn]->SetFillColor(33);
432 if(calok==0)trkpadtext[nn]->SetFillColor(2);
433 trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextSize(0.013);
434 trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextAlign(13);
435 trkpadtext[nn]->SetTextColor(1);
437 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(" ");
438 message<<"DSP num --------> "<<ctrk.dspnum[n];
439 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
440 message.str("");
441 message<<"DAQ mode -------> "<<ctrk.daqmode[n];
442 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
443 message.str("");
444 message<<"Calibnumber ----> "<<ctrk.calibnum[n];
445 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
446 message.str("");
447 message<<"ncalib_event ---> "<<ctrk.ncalev[n];
448 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
449 message.str("");
450 message<<"Cal_flag -------> "<<ctrk.calfl[n];
451 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
452 message.str("");
453 message<<"crc_hcal -------> "<<ctrk.crc_hc[n];
454 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
455 message.str("");
456 message<<"crc_cal: l1- ";message.width(5);message<< ctrk.crc_c[n][0];
457 message<<" l2- ";message.width(5);message<< ctrk.crc_c[n][1];
458 message<<" l3- ";message.width(5);message<< ctrk.crc_c[n][2];
459 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
460 message.str("");
461 message<<"<PED>: l1- "; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.ped1[n];
462 message<<" l2-"; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.ped2[n];
463 message<<" l3-"; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.ped3[n];
464 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
465 message.str("");
466 message<<"<SIG>: l1- "; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.sig1[n];
467 message<<" l2-"; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.sig2[n];
468 message<<" l3-"; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.sig3[n];
469 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
470 message.str("");
471 message<<"n.BAD: l1- "; message.width(5);message<<ctrk.nbad1[n];
472 message<<" l2-"; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.nbad2[n];
473 message<<" l3-"; message.width(5);message<< ctrk.nbad3[n];
474 trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
475 message.str("");
477 if(calok==0){
479 message.str("*** FAILED ***");
480 TText *t=trkpadtext[nn]->AddText(message.str().c_str());
481 t->SetTextSize(0.02);
482 t->SetTextAlign(23);
483 t->SetTextColor(5);
484 };
486 /*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
487 *
488 * Plot histo
489 *
490 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*/
493 /******************************************************/
494 /* fill histos */
495 for(Int_t j = 0; j < 3072; j++){
496 histosig[nn]->Fill(j,ctrk.dspsig[n][j]);
497 histoped[nn]->Fill(j,ctrk.dspped[n][j]);
498 if(j<1024) histosiglad[nn][0]->Fill(ctrk.dspsig[n][j]);
499 if(j>=1024 && j<2048) histosiglad[nn][1]->Fill(ctrk.dspsig[n][j]);
500 if(j>=2048 && j<3072) histosiglad[nn][2]->Fill(ctrk.dspsig[n][j]);
501 };
502 histoasig[nn]->Fill(1,ctrk.sig1[n]);
503 histoasig[nn]->Fill(1025,ctrk.sig2[n]);
504 histoasig[nn]->Fill(2049,ctrk.sig3[n]);
505 histoaped[nn]->Fill(1,ctrk.ped1[nn]);
506 histoaped[nn]->Fill(1025,ctrk.ped2[n]);
507 histoaped[nn]->Fill(2049,ctrk.ped3[n]);
508 /******************************************************/
510 TLine li;
511 li.SetLineColor(38);
512 li.SetLineStyle(3);
513 li.SetLineWidth(2);
515 Float_t maxhist=0;
516 TBox b;
517 /* plot PEDESTAL */
518 c1->cd();
519 trkpadtext[nn]->Draw();
520 trkpad1[nn]->Draw();
521 trkpad1[nn]->cd();
522 trkpad1[nn]->SetFillColor(10);
523 trkpad1[nn]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
524 histoped[nn]->SetStats(kFALSE);
525 histoped[nn]->SetLineColor(1);
526 histoped[nn]->SetFillColor(12);
527 histoped[nn]->SetLineWidth(1);
528 histoped[nn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("PED (ADC channels)");
529 histoped[nn]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
530 if((nn+1)%2==1) histoped[nn]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2200,3200);
531 if((nn+1)%2==0) histoped[nn]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(700,1700);
532 histoaped[nn]->SetLineColor(5);
533 histoaped[nn]->SetLineWidth(1);
534 // if(ctrk.good0[0]==1 && ctrk.good0[1]==1){
535 histoped[nn]->Draw("b");
536 if(nn==1){
537 maxhist=histoped[nn]->GetMaximum();
538 b.SetFillColor(6);
539 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
540 b.DrawBox(2944.,700.,3060.,maxhist);
542 b.SetFillColor(107);
543 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
544 b.DrawBox(2816.,700.,2944.,maxhist);
545 b.DrawBox(2048.,700.,2176.,maxhist);
546 }
547 else if(nn==4){
548 maxhist=histoped[nn]->GetMaximum();
549 b.SetFillColor(107);
550 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
551 b.DrawBox(384.,2200.,512.,maxhist);
552 }
553 else if(nn==6){
554 maxhist=histoped[nn]->GetMaximum();
555 b.SetFillColor(6);
556 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
557 b.DrawBox(2560.,2200.,2816.,maxhist);
558 b.DrawBox(1024.,2200.,1535.,maxhist);
560 b.SetFillColor(107);
561 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
562 b.DrawBox(512.,2200.,768.,maxhist);
563 b.DrawBox(1536.,2200.,1792.,maxhist);
564 }
565 else if(nn==7){
566 maxhist=histoped[nn]->GetMaximum();
567 b.SetFillColor(107);
568 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
569 b.DrawBox(512.,700.,768.,maxhist);
570 }
571 else if(nn==9){
572 maxhist=histoped[nn]->GetMaximum();
573 b.SetFillColor(107);
574 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
575 b.DrawBox(256.,700.,384.,maxhist);
576 }
577 else if(nn==11){
578 maxhist=histoped[nn]->GetMaximum();
579 b.SetFillColor(6);
580 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
581 b.DrawBox(768.,700.,1024.,maxhist);
583 b.SetFillColor(107);
584 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
585 b.DrawBox(0.,700.,512.,maxhist);
586 b.DrawBox(1920.,700.,2560.,maxhist);
587 }
588 // }
589 // else histoped[nn]->Draw("axis");
590 histoaped[nn]->Draw("same");
591 if((nn+1)%2==1) {
592 li.DrawLine(1024.5,2200,1024.5,3200);
593 li.DrawLine(2048.5,2200,2048.5,3200);
594 }
595 if((nn+1)%2==0) {
596 li.DrawLine(1024.5,700,1024.5,1700);
597 li.DrawLine(2048.5,700,2048.5,1700);
598 }
599 c1->Update();//draw pads in canvas
603 /* plot SIGMA */
604 Float_t max=500.;
605 c2->cd();
606 trkpadtext[nn]->Draw();
607 trkpad2[nn]->SetLogy();
608 trkpad2[nn]->Draw();
609 trkpad2[nn]->cd();
610 trkpad2[nn]->SetFillColor(10);
611 trkpad2[nn]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
612 histosig[nn]->SetStats(kFALSE);
613 histosig[nn]->SetLineColor(1);
614 histosig[nn]->SetFillColor(12);
615 histosig[nn]->SetLineWidth(1);
616 histosig[nn]->SetMaximum(max);
617 histosig[nn]->SetMinimum(0.5);
618 histosig[nn]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("SIG (ADC channels)");
619 histosig[nn]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
620 histoasig[nn]->SetLineColor(5);
621 histoasig[nn]->SetLineWidth(1);
622 // if(ctrk.good0[0]==1 && ctrk.good0[1]==1){
623 histosig[nn]->Draw("b");
624 if(nn==1){
625 maxhist=histosig[nn]->GetMaximum();
626 b.SetFillColor(6);
627 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
628 b.DrawBox(2944.,0.,3060.,maxhist);
630 b.SetFillColor(107);
631 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
632 b.DrawBox(2816.,0.,2944.,maxhist);
633 b.DrawBox(2048.,0.,2176.,maxhist);
634 }
635 else if(nn==4){
636 maxhist=histosig[nn]->GetMaximum();
637 b.SetFillColor(107);
638 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
639 b.DrawBox(384.,0.,512.,maxhist);
640 }
641 else if(nn==6){
642 maxhist=histosig[nn]->GetMaximum();
643 b.SetFillColor(6);
644 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
645 b.DrawBox(2560.,0.,2816.,maxhist);
646 b.DrawBox(1024.,0.,1535.,maxhist);
648 b.SetFillColor(107);
649 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
650 b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist);
651 b.DrawBox(1536.,0.,1792.,maxhist);
652 }
653 else if(nn==7){
654 maxhist=histosig[nn]->GetMaximum();
655 b.SetFillColor(107);
656 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
657 b.DrawBox(512.,0.,768.,maxhist);
658 }
659 else if(nn==9){
660 maxhist=histosig[nn]->GetMaximum();
661 b.SetFillColor(107);
662 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
663 b.DrawBox(256.,0.,384.,maxhist);
664 }
665 else if(nn==11){
666 maxhist=histosig[nn]->GetMaximum();
667 b.SetFillColor(6);
668 b.SetFillStyle(3945);
669 b.DrawBox(768.,0.,1024.,maxhist);
671 b.SetFillColor(107);
672 b.SetFillStyle(3954);
673 b.DrawBox(0.,0.,512.,maxhist);
674 b.DrawBox(1920.,0.,2560.,maxhist);
675 }
676 // }
677 // else histosig[nn]->Draw("axis");
678 histoasig[nn]->Draw("same");
679 li.DrawLine(1024.5,0,1024.5,max);
680 li.DrawLine(2048.5,0,2048.5,max);
682 for(int ii=0;ii<3;ii++){
683 sig->cd();
684 trkpad3[nn*3+ii]->Draw();
685 trkpad3[nn*3+ii]->cd();
686 trkpad3[nn*3+ii]->SetFillColor(10);
687 trkpad3[nn*3+ii]->SetFrameFillColor(10);
688 trkpad3[nn*3+ii]->SetLogy();
689 histosiglad[nn][ii]->SetLineColor(1);
690 histosiglad[nn][ii]->SetFillColor(1);
691 histosiglad[nn][ii]->SetLineWidth(1);
692 histosiglad[nn][ii]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("SIG (ADC channels)");
693 histosiglad[nn][ii]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
694 histosiglad[nn][ii]->Draw("");
695 }
697 };//end loop on views
698 c1->Update();//draw pads in canvas
699 c2->Update();//draw pads in canvas
700 sig->Update();//draw pads in canvas
702 stringstream nom1,nom2,nom3;
704 if(!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"ps")||!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"pdf")){
705 nom1.str("");
706 nom2.str("");
707 nom3.str("");
708 nom1<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-pkt"<<i+1<<".ps(";
709 nom2<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-pkt"<<i+1<<".ps";
710 nom3<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-pkt"<<i+1<<".ps)";
711 c1->Print(nom1.str().c_str(),"Landscape");
712 c2->Print(nom2.str().c_str(),"Landscape");
713 sig->Print(nom3.str().c_str(),"Landscape");
715 if(!strcmp(outfile.Data(),"pdf")){
716 stringstream com;
717 com<<"ps2pdf13 "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-pkt"<<i+1<<".ps "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQlook_EXPERT-pkt"<<i+1<<".pdf";
718 system(com.str().c_str());
719 printf("\n---> ps file converted in pdf format!\n");
720 com.str("");
721 com<<"rm -f "<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-pkt"<<i+1<<".ps";
722 system(com.str().c_str());
723 printf("---> ps file removed!\n\n");
724 com.str("");
725 }
726 }
727 else{
728 nom1.str("");
729 nom2.str("");
730 nom3.str("");
731 nom1<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-ped-pkt"<<i+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
732 nom2<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-sig-pkt"<<i+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
733 nom3<<out<<ffile<<"_FTrkCalibQLook_EXPERT-histosig-pkt"<<i+1<<"."<<outfile.Data();
734 c1->Print(nom1.str().c_str());
735 c2->Print(nom2.str().c_str());
736 sig->Print(nom3.str().c_str());
737 }
739 if(step==1 && i!=maxevent-1 ){
740 printf("\n Press 1<enter> to continue, 2<enter> to quit.\n");
741 cin>>risposta;
742 if ( i != maxevent-1 ) {
743 if ( risposta == 2 ) {
744 gROOT->Reset();
745 printf("Exiting...\n");
746 return;
747 }
748 }
749 }
750 };//end loop on events
752 gROOT->Reset();
753 printf("... end of packets. \n");
754 return;
755 }

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