# Flight quick look - FQLOOK # SOFTWARE VERSION VER= v1r01 # An almost general purpouse Makefile for PAMELA repository # Let's start with some usefull definition for colorize the echo RED='\E[1;31;40m' GREEN='\E[1;32;40m' YELLOW='\E[1;33;40m' BLUE='\E[1;34;40m' WHITE='\E[1;37;40m' VIOLET='\E[1;35;40m' CYAN='\E[1;36;40m' # Here the echo definition to use them EVIOLET=echo -e ${VIOLET} ECYAN=echo -e ${CYAN} ERED=echo -e ${RED} EGREEN=echo -e ${GREEN} EYELLOW=echo -e ${YELLOW} EBLUE=echo -e ${BLUE} EWHITE=echo -e ${WHITE} # Reset the terminal RESET=tput sgr0 # Here the variables used to override the standard make flags # C++ CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS=-Wall ${PAM_BIT} # Here the variables definig the local directories DIRTOP=${shell pwd} DIRLIB=lib DIRBIN=bin DIRSRC=src DIRDOC=doc DIRMACROS=macros # Here the PAMELA environmental variables to be checked PAM_ENV= PAM_BIN_env PAM_LIB_env PAM_INC_env PAM_DOC_env PAM_YODA_env # Here the local variables used to build the targets CXXEXESRCS=${DIRSRC}/TofScan.cpp CXXEXELIBS=$(CXXEXESRCS:${DIRSRC}/%.cpp=%) EXESRCS= ${DIRBIN}/TofScan DOCFILES= # Here the Variables used for info target PACKAGE=ToF flight quick look software EXECUTABLES= LIBS= ${FLIBS} ${FOBJS} ${CLIBS} ${COBJS} ${CXXEXEOBJS} DOCS= SRCS= ${FSRCS} ${CRSCS} ${CXXEXESRCS} MACROS= ${MACROSSRCS} NROOTINC=${shell root-config --incdir} # TOBEDEL = # Let's start all : test mkbindir mklibdir ${CXXEXELIBS} all: @echo -e ${GREEN} "" @(${EGREEN} " Finished, now you can install the package \n (use: make install or make upgrade or make forceinstall) "; ${RESET}) @echo -e ${GREEN} "" @${RESET} # Here some general rules to produce objects in our local dir ${CXXEXELIBS}: ${CXXEXESRCS} @(${EGREEN} "Creating exec file: "${WHITE} "$@"; ${RESET}) ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c ${DIRSRC}/$@.cpp -o ${DIRLIB}/$@.o -I${PAM_INC} -I${PAM_YODA}/include/yoda/ -I${NROOTINC}; ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -o ${DIRBIN}/$@ ${DIRLIB}/$@.o -I${PAM_INC} -I${PAM_YODA}/include/yoda/ ${PAM_YODA}/lib/libyoda.so `root-config --cflags --glibs`; # A small target to check environmental variables %_env: @${test_env} .PHONY: install installexe .PHONY: clean depclean info mklibdir testcern testpamenv test mkbindir: ${DIRBIN} ${DIRBIN}: @${test_and_mk} mklibdir: ${DIRLIB} ${DIRLIB}: @${test_and_mk} # Here what has to be deleted in clean target clean: TOBEDEL= ${DIRBIN} clean: @${test_and_rm} distclean: clean distclean: TOBEDEL= ${DIRBIN} ${DIRLIB} distclean: @${test_and_rm} forceinstall: FORCE=-f forceinstall: install upgrade: FORCE=-u upgrade: install install: installexe installexe: TOBEMOVED= $(EXESRCS:${DIRBIN}/%=${PAM_BIN}/%) installexe: ORIGIN=${DIRBIN} installexe: @${test_and_cp} installdoc: TOBEMOVED= $(DOCFILES:${DIRDOC}/%=${PAM_DOC}/%) installdoc: ORIGIN=${DIRDOC} installdoc: @${test_and_cp} info: @echo " " @${EGREEN} "Infos for package :" ${WHITE} ${PACKAGE} @${EGREEN} " VERSION :" ${WHITE} ${VER} @${EGREEN} " EXECUTABLES :" ${WHITE} ${EXECUTABLES} @${EGREEN} " LIBS :" ${WHITE} ${LIBS} @${EGREEN} " DOCS :" ${WHITE} ${DOCS} @${EGREEN} " SRCS :" ${WHITE} ${SRCS} @${EGREEN} " MACROS :" ${WHITE} ${MACROS} @echo " " @${RESET} test: testpamenv testpamenv: ${PAM_ENV} root-config: OPT=--cflags root-config: @${test_cmd} # Here follows some usefull macros define test_and_cp wd=`pwd`;\ for i in ${TOBEMOVED} ; do \ wv=$${i##/*/}; \ dest=$${i/$${wv}/}; \ ${EGREEN} "Testing for :" ${WHITE} "$${i}" ; ${RESET}; \ if [ ! "${FORCE}" ] ; then \ if [ ! -f $${i} ]; then \ ${EGREEN} "Copying : "${WHITE} ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} ;\ ${EGREEN} " to: "${WHITE} $${i} ; ${RESET}; \ cp ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} $${i}; \ else \ ${ERED} "File already exist !!!! Please delete it " ${WHITE}; ${RESET}; \ fi;\ else \ if [ "${FORCE}" == "-u" ] ; then \ if [ "`basename $${i}`" != "`basename $${i} _${VER}.so`" ]; then \ ${EYELLOW} "Removing: "${WHITE} ${PAM_LIB}/`basename $${i} _${VER}.so`_v*r*.so; ${RESET}; \ rm -f ${PAM_LIB}/`basename $${i} _${VER}.so`_v*r*.so ; \ ${EGREEN} "Copying : "${WHITE} ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} ;\ ${EGREEN} " to: "${WHITE} $${i} ; ${RESET}; \ cp ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} $${i}; \ else \ ${EYELLOW} " Forcing copy: "${WHITE} ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} ;\ ${EYELLOW} " to: "${WHITE} $${i} ; ${RESET}; \ cp -f ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} $${i}; \ fi; \ else \ ${EYELLOW} " Forcing copy: "${WHITE} ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} ;\ ${EYELLOW} " to: "${WHITE} $${i} ; ${RESET}; \ cp ${FORCE} ${ORIGIN}/$${i##/*/} $${i}; \ fi;\ fi ;\ if [ ! -z ${LINK} ] ; then \ ${EGREEN} "Creating symlink from : "${WHITE} $${wv/_${VER}/} ;\ ${EGREEN} " to : "${WHITE} $${i##/*/} ; ${RESET}; \ cd $${dest}; \ ln -sf $${wv} $${wv/_${VER}/}; \ cd $${wd}; \ fi \ done endef define test_and_mk ${EGREEN} "Testing for :" ${WHITE} "$@"; ${RESET} test -d "$@" || \ (${EGREEN} "Creating : "${WHITE} "$@"; ${RESET}; mkdir -p $@) endef define test_env ${EGREEN} "Testing for env:" ${WHITE} $(patsubst %_env,%,$@); ${RESET} printenv $(patsubst %_env,%,$@) 1>/dev/null || \ (${ERED} "ERROR, variable : "${WHITE} $(patsubst %_env,%,$@) \ ${RED} "not defined !!! Check your env. settings"; \ ${RESET}; exit 1) ${EGREEN} " Defined:" ${WHITE} $${$(patsubst %_env,%,$@)}; ${RESET} endef define test_cmd ${EGREEN} "Testing for cmd:" ${WHITE} $@ ${OPT}; ${RESET} $@ ${OPT} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || \ (${ERED} "ERROR, command : "${WHITE} $@ ${OPT}\ ${RED} "not found !!! Check your installation"; \ ${RESET}; exit 1) ${EGREEN} " Present:" ${WHITE} $@ ${OPT}; ${RESET} endef define test_and_rm for i in ${TOBEDEL}; do \ test -d $${i} || (${ERED} "Removing file :"${WHITE} $${i}; ${RESET}; \ rm -f $${i} ); \ test ! -d $${i} || (${ERED} "Removing dir :"${WHITE} $${i}; ${RESET}; \ rm -rf $${i} ); \ done endef